107 research outputs found

    An analysis of different resources and programmes supporting at-risk families in Spain

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    The purpose of this research was to present an overview of the existing family support resources in Spain for at-risk families. We analysed 64 family support services from 16 agencies belong to 11 regions of Spain. In a second phase, 20 positive parenting programmes were analysed in depth to ascertain the extent to which they met evidence-based programme quality criteria. Our results suggest that services for at-risk families are delivered by public, local and social agencies. Most interventions were psycho-educational and aimed at parental training. The analysis of the positive parenting programmes ’ quality showed both strengths and weaknesses. Most programmes relied on a previous needs analysis and interventions were, to some extent, outlined in a manual. Nevertheless, few programmes have been evaluated according to evidence-based programme criteria. In light of these results, we discuss several practical implications for services and family support policies aimed at at-risk families.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España EDU2013-41441-

    El plan andaluz de atención a las altas capacidades intelectuales: panorama actual y perspectivas de futuro

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    En nuestro trabajo reconocemos la importancia de promulgar y desarrollar un Plan específico para detectar alumnos y alumnas de altas capacidades, de cara darles la respuesta educativa más adecuada. Analizamos las características del Plan promulgado y puesto en marcha por la Junta de Andalucía, tratando de ver de modo crítico y constructivo sus ventajas y limitaciones. Finalmente, se hacen algunas sugerencias para mejorar las limitaciones detectadas.In our work we recognize the importance of enacting and develop a specific plan to detect high ability students, facing them to the most appropriate educational response. We analyze the characteristics of the issued implemented by the Government of Andalusia, trying to see, in a critical and constructive way, its advantages and limitations. Finally, some suggestions are made to improve the identified limitations.peerReviewe

    Efecto de microesferas en las propiedades de laminados de PRFV

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    Bajo el marco de la tendencia a generar materiales de bajo peso para ser empleados en diversas industrias como son las del transporte, la construcción entre otras, se plantea el desarrollo y evaluación de laminados de PRFV (plástico reforzado con fibra de vidrio) incorporando microesferas de aluminio silicato, con la idea de reducir la densidad. Sin embargo, se evalúa el efecto de las microesferas en las diferentes propiedades del laminado y en su costo. Los resultados muestran efectos positivos en la reducción del peso, y el incremento de resistencia a la flama, pero reducen las propiedades mecánicas a flexión del laminado.Under the tendency for developing lightweight materials, which are being employed in several industries such as transportation or building, this work is focused on the development and evaluations of GFRP (glass fiber reinforcing plastic) using light weight micro bubbles based on aluminum silicate. However, in this work we carry out the effect of the micro bubbles in different properties of the laminate and the effect on its cost. The tests show positive results in weight and cost reduction, also micro bubbles increase flame resistance. Unfortunately mechanical properties to flexion are reduced

    Ruthenium Nanoparticles for the (Photo)catalytic Hydrogen-evolving reaction

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    Premi UAB de la Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS) als millors Treballs de Fi de Grau sobre desenvolupament sostenible i justícia global. 1a Edició, curs 2016/2017Hydrogen gas is regarded as the next generation green fuel. Nevertheless, its production presents several drawbacks such as CO2 emission from natural gas steam reforming, its actual main mode of generation. For that reason is critical to achieve an alternative and environmental friendly path for its mass production.Water splitting is meant to be the answer to the problem. It uses water, an inexhaustible raw material, for the generation of H2 and O2. The energy for the redox reaction can be supplied from manifold sources, although the object of study of the present report is to focus on photocatalytic water splitting since it uses sunlight as the ultimate source of energy. Photocatalytic water splitting uses a photosensitizer to convert solar energy into chemical energy, meaning that upon irradiation, electron excitation and transferral arise. In the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), also called proton reduction, the reduction semi-reaction of water splitting, the catalyst captures the electrons withdrawn from the photosensitizer, which are previously provided from the oxidation semi-reaction of water to dioxygen, to reduce protons into dihydrogen. It is of great interest to develop efficient (low onset overpotential), active (high TOF) and robust (high TON) non-toxic catalysts for both the water oxidation and the proton reduction reactions. The present report focus on the photocatalytic proton reduction semi-reaction by using a concrete set of ruthenium nanoparticles as catalysts and the posterior optimization of the photocatalytic system employed. The first photocatalytic studied system consists of a photosensitizer, an electron mediator, a catalyst (Ru NPs) and sacrificial electron species. Photocatalytic systems are highly complex. Additionally, one sole research group has been working with systems similar to those treated in the present report. In order to achieve measurable hydrogen responses these systems need a lot of optimization. The incapability of our systems to provide reasonable hydrogen signals was thought to lie in the poor interaction between the systems' components (low electron transfer rates). An alternative to the first photocatalytic system consists in ruthenium nanoparticles deposited onto graphene oxide quantum dots (GQDs) hybrid materials embedded onto the surface of a major photoactive N-TiO2 matrix forming a cake-like system (Ru@GQDs@N-TiO2), where the GQDs are acting as a linking-conductive-intermediate enhancing the interaction between components. For that purpose, ruthenium nanoparticles were impregnated and [Ru(cod)(cot)] decomposed onto graphene oxide quantum dots in order to obtain the hybrid material (Ru@GQDs)

    Diseño del instrumento de ayuda para la toma de decisiones: “alternativas de tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata: ¿qué opción prefiero?”

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    Purpose: To design a Decision-making Aid within the ‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia’ healthcare process modelling of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) for the therapeutic approach of early-stage disease. Methods: The Decision Aid design was conducted in four phases: 1) Explore the receptiveness of professionals in the mainstream of the SSPA Decision Aid “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” process; 2) Select a Decision Aid from international experiences; 3) Transcultural adaptation of above selected Decision Aid; 4) Decision Aid Validation in the SSPA. Results: The results of the validation of Decision Aid “Alternative treatment for prostate cancer: What option do I prefer?” have shown that the document is well taken by patients, their design is attractive and the quality of clinical information it contains is high. The instrument meets the concerns of patients (95%), the language is simple and suitable (92%) and summarizes the essential information to make the decision (92%). The Decision Aid offers relevant information that help the patient in the decision making process (lack of decisional confl ict: 88.93), generates a sense of support (92.82), concerning the decision (86.88) and a sense of availability of information (90.51). Conclusion: Patients and professionals agree to recommend the use of Decision Aid. To improve information and enhance the tranquillity of the patient, the Decision Aid facilitates communication doctor patient consultation and the involvement of patients during the decision-making process.Objetivo: Diseñar un Instrumento de Ayuda para la Toma de Decisiones (IATD) en el Proceso Asistencial Integrado ‘Hipertrofia benigna de próstata. Cáncer de próstata’ del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (SSPA) para el abordaje terapéutico de esta enfermedad en estadio inicial. Método: El diseño del IATD se realizó en cuatro fases: 1) Explorar la receptividad de los profesionales del SSPA sobre la incorporación de IATD en el proceso “Cáncer de próstata”. 2. Seleccionar un IATD entre las experiencias internacionales. 3. Adaptar transculturalmente del IATD seleccionado al entorno del SSPA. 4. Validar el IATD en el SSPA. Resultado: Los resultados de la validación del IATD “Alternativas de tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata: ¿Qué opción prefiero?” han mostrado que el documento es bien cogido por los pacientes, su diseño resulta atractivo y la calidad en la información clínica que contiene es elevada. El Instrumento resuelve las dudas de los pacientes (95%), el lenguaje resulta sencillo y asequible (92%) y resume la información esencial para tomar la decisión (92%). El IATD ofrece información relevante que prepara al paciente para la toma de decisiones (ausencia de conflicto decisional: 88,93), genera sentimiento de apoyo (92,82), seguridad en la decisión (86,88) y sensación de disponibilidad de información (90,51). Conclusiones: Pacientes y profesionales coinciden en recomendar la utilización del Instrumento. Al mejorar la información y aumentar la tranquilidad del paciente, el IATD facilita la comunicación médico-paciente en la consulta y la participación en la toma de decisiones

    Análisis bibliométrico de percepción de la calidad en el deporte en la basede datos Scopus

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    Scientometrics is the quantitative study of scientific production, one of its branches is bibliometrics; which specifically measures publications. The purpose of this research was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the perception of quality in sport. For this, Elsevier Scopus database has been selected since the documents stored here have quality indicators. A total of 29 articles published from the year 2005 were found. Of the 29 articles, 27 correspond to applied science and 2 to basic science, this being review research. It was in the years 2011 and 2019 where the highest number of articles published was observed with 4 each. The bibliometric analysis on the perception of quality in sport generates important information on this line of research, since it has been observed that it has been carried out on users, spectators and tourists, taking into account their perception of quality in the sports environment. We can conclude that in the identification of published studies they become important from 2005, since it is after this year that their identification begins.  La cienciometría es el estudio cuantitativo de la producción científica, una de sus ramas es la bibliometría; la cual mide específicamente las publicaciones. El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la percepción de la calidad en el deporte. Para esto se ha seleccionado la base de datos Scopus de Elsevier, ya que los documentos que se almacenan aquí cuentan con indicadores de calidad. Se encontraron un total de 29 artículos publicados a partir del año 2005. De los 29 artículos, 27 corresponden a ciencia aplicada y 2 a ciencia básica, esto por ser investigaciones de revisión. Fueron en los años 2011 y 2019 donde se observó la más alta cantidad de artículos publicados con 4 cada uno. El análisis bibliométrico sobre la percepción de la calidad en el deporte genera información importante sobre esta línea de investigación, ya que se ha observado que se ha realizado en usuarios, espectadores y turistas, teniendo en cuenta cuál es su percepción de la calidad en el entorno deportivo. Podemos concluir que en la identificación de los estudios publicados cobran importancia a partir del 2005, ya que es después de este año comienza la identificación de estos

    Prevalencia, causas y tratamiento de la depresión mayor

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    Resumen La depresión mayor representa un problema de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia. La etiología de la depresión es compleja, en ella intervienen factores psicosociales, genéticos, y biológicos. Entre los factores psicosociales, se ha observado que los primeros episodios depresivos aparecen después de algún evento estresante, y el estrés que acompaña al primer episodio produce cambios a largo plazo en la fisiología cerebral. Estos cambios de larga duración pueden producir variaciones a nivel estructural y en el funcionamiento de diferentes áreas cerebrales. Entre los factores genéticos que intervienen en la enfermedad depresiva, se ha reportado que alrededor de 200 genes están relacionados con el trastorno depresivo mayor. Dentro de los factores biológicos, existen evidencias de alteraciones a nivel de neurotransmisores, citosinas y hormonas, cuyas acciones inducen modificaciones estructurales y funcionales en el sistema nervioso central, en el sistema inmunológico y en el sistema endocrino, que incrementan el riesgo de padecer la depresión mayor. A pesar de años de estudio, las bases biológicas de la depresión mayor y el mecanismo preciso de la eficacia antidepresiva siguen siendo poco claras. Los objetivos de la presente revisión son el resumir las principales conclusiones de la literatura clínica y experimental en relación con la etiología del trastorno depresivo mayor. Palabras clave Depresión mayor, neurotransmisores, neuroplasticidad, serotonina, norepinefrina, sistema inmune.   Abstract Major depression represents a public health problem due to its high prevalence. The etiology of major depression is complex because involves psychosocial, genetic, and biological factors. Among psychosocial factors, different studies report that the first depressive episode appear after some stressful event and produces long-term changes in brain physiology. These long-lasting changes produce variations at the structural level and in the functioning of different brain areas. Among the genetic factors involved in depressive illness, it has been reported that about 200 genes are related to major depressive disorder. Within the biological factors, there is an evidence of alterations in the level of neurotransmitters, cytosine’s and hormones, whose actions induces structural and functional modifications in the central nervous system, the immune system and the endocrine system, which increases the risk of suffering major depression. Despite years of study, the biological basis of major depression and precise mechanisms of antidepressant efficacy remain unclear. The objective of the present review is to summarize the main conclusions of the clinical and experimental literature regarding to the etiology of major depressive disorder. Key words Major depression, neurotransmitters, neuroplasticity, serotonin, norepinephrine, immune system

    An open-source development based on photogrammetry for a real-time IORT treatment planning system

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    Purpose This study presents a treatment planning system for intraoperative low-energy photon radiotherapy based on photogrammetry from real images of the surgical site taken in the operating room. Material and methods The study population comprised 15 patients with soft-tissue sarcoma. The system obtains the images of the area to be irradiated with a smartphone or tablet, so that the absorbed doses in the tissue can be calculated from the reconstruction without the need for computed tomography. The system was commissioned using 3D printing of the reconstructions of the tumor beds. The absorbed doses at various points were verified using radiochromic films that were suitably calibrated for the corresponding energy and beam quality. Results The average reconstruction time of the 3D model from the video sequence in the 15 patients was 229,6±7,0 s. The entire procedure, including video capture, reconstruction, planning, and dose calculation was 520,6±39,9 s. Absorbed doses were measured on the 3D printed model with radiochromic film, the differences between these measurements and those calculated by the treatment planning system were 1.4% at the applicator surface, 2.6% at 1 cm, 3.9% at 2 cm and 6.2% at 3 cm. Conclusions The study shows a photogrammetry-based low-energy photon IORT planning system, capable of obtaining real-time images inside the operating room, immediately after removal of the tumor and immediately before irradiation. The system was commissioned with radiochromic films measurements in 3D-printed model