138 research outputs found


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    Resumen El análisis de sistemas de segundo orden dentro del campo de la ingeniería de control tiene una gran relevancia, ya que habitualmente la mayor parte de los sistemas pueden ser aproximados a un sistema de orden dos. Con la finalidad de contribuir al proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje se desarrolló una herramienta didáctica mediante el software GeoGebra, la cual proporciona un análisis de sistemas de este tipo y su respuesta. La herramienta desarrollada calcula y despliega de forma gráfica la respuesta temporal del sistema ante una entrada escalón unitario así como una serie de parámetros. Palabras Clave: Sistemas de segundo orden, Función de transferencia, Parámetros, GeoGebra. Abstract The analysis of second-order systems within the field of control engineering is of great importance, since usually most systems can be approximated to an order two system. In order to contribute to the teaching/learning process, a teaching tool was developed using the GeoGebra software, which provides an analysis of this type of system and its response. The developed tool calculates and displays graphically the temporal response of the system to a unitary step input as well as a series of parameters. Keywords: Second order systems, Transfer function, Parameters, GeoGebra

    Artificial Diets with Selective Restriction of Amino Acids and Very Low Levels of Lipids Induce Anticancer Activity in Mice with Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

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    Current treatments for patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) are generally ineffective. This manuscript shows for the first time that the survival of mice with metastatic TNBC can be markedly increased through dietary manipulation. Our study revealed that the survival of some mice with metastatic TNBC was increased by replacing their normal diet with artificial diets in which the levels of amino acids (AAs) are manipulated, and the levels of lipids are markedly reduced. The anticancer activity of this non-pharmacological strategy was higher than that of drugs currently used in the treatment of patients with metastatic TNBC. This anticancer strategy also increased the survival of mice with other types of metastatic cancers. Manipulation of AA and lipid levels with artificial diets may be a useful strategy to treat patients with metastatic TNBC and other types of disseminated cancer.Patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) need new therapies to improve the low survival rates achieved with standard treatments. In this work, we show for the first time that the survival of mice with metastatic TNBC can be markedly increased by replacing their normal diet with artificial diets in which the levels of amino acids (AAs) and lipids are strongly manipulated. After observing selective anticancer activity in vitro, we prepared five artificial diets and evaluated their anticancer activity in a challenging model of metastatic TNBC. The model was established by injecting 4T1 murine TNBC cells into the tail vein of immunocompetent BALB/cAnNRj mice. First-line drugs doxorubicin and capecitabine were also tested in this model. AA manipulation led to modest improvements in mice survival when the levels of lipids were normal. Reducing lipid levels to 1% markedly improved the activity of several diets with different AA content. Some mice fed the artificial diets as monotherapy lived much longer than mice treated with doxorubicin and capecitabine. An artificial diet without 10 non-essential AAs, with reduced levels of essential AAs, and with 1% lipids improved the survival not only of mice with TNBC but also of mice with other types of metastatic cancers.Junta de Andalucía 2017/CTS-657, 2019/CTS-657, 2021/CTS-657Universidad de Sevilla VIPPIT-2019-I.5, VIPPIT-2020-I.5, VIPPIT-2021-I.

    Artificial Diets with Altered Levels of Sulfur Amino Acids Induce Anticancer Activity in Mice with Metastatic Colon Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Sulfur-containing amino acids methionine (Met), cysteine (Cys) and taurine (Tau) are common dietary constituents with important cellular roles. Met restriction is already known to exert in vivo anticancer activity. However, since Met is a precursor of Cys and Cys produces Tau, the role of Cys and Tau in the anticancer activity of Met-restricted diets is poorly understood. In this work, we screened the in vivo anticancer activity of several Met-deficient artificial diets supplemented with Cys, Tau or both. Diet B1 (6% casein, 2.5% leucine, 0.2% Cys and 1% lipids) and diet B2B (6% casein, 5% glutamine, 2.5% leucine, 0.2% Tau and 1% lipids) showed the highest activity and were selected for further studies. Both diets induced marked anticancer activity in two animal models of metastatic colon cancer, which were established by injecting CT26.WT murine colon cancer cells in the tail vein or peritoneum of immunocompetent BALB/cAnNRj mice. Diets B1 and B2B also increased survival of mice with disseminated ovarian cancer (intraperitoneal ID8 Tp53−/− cells in C57BL/6JRj mice) and renal cell carcinoma (intraperitoneal Renca cells in BALB/cAnNRj mice). The high activity of diet B1 in mice with metastatic colon cancer may be useful in colon cancer therapy.Junta de Andalucía 2017/CTS-657, 2019/CTS-657, 2021/CTS657Universidad de Sevilla VIPPIT2019-I.5, VIPPIT-2020-I.5, VIPPIT-2021-I.5, VIPPIT-2020-II.

    Utilización de escalas Clínicas para severidad de Covid 19

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    La neumonía es una importante causa de defunción en todo el mundo, el 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) enunció el estado de pandemia mundial por SARS-CoV-2, un virus de la familia Coronaviridae originado en diciembre de 2019 en Wuhan. Metodología: El trabajo se basa en una revisión integrada de la literatura obtenida de diferentes bases de datos como: Journal, Elsevier, Scopus y JAMA. Se incluyeron artículos originales disponibles en inglés y español, de los últimos cinco años. Resultados: se identificaron 29 artículos referentes al tema, para el análisis se eligieron 10 documentos a través de la lectura de los resúmenes donde se observa, la base científica, el objetivo y las principales manifestaciones. Conclusión: las escalas de severidad son importantes complementos para valorar el riesgo de enfermedad crítica y el riesgo de mortalidad por COVID-19, se recomienda la utilidad del score COVID-GRAM seguido de la CURB-65 con buenos resultados

    Screening for selective anticancer activity of 65 extracts of plants collected in Western Andalusia, Spain

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    Finding cytotoxic drugs with a high selectivity towards cancer cells is crucial to improve the low survival rates of patients diagnosed with metastatic cancers. Since plants are an important source of anticancer drugs, we have screened 65 extracts from 45 plants collected in several areas of Western Andalusia (Spain) for cytotoxic activity on lung cancer cells versus lung normal cells. An extract from the leaves of Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast. (Cupressaceae) showed a marked cytotoxicity (IC50 = 0.37 ± 0.03 µg/mL) and selectivity (selectivity index = 378.3) against the lung cancer cells; cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and an extract from the leaves of Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae) were less cytotoxic and selective. Extracts from Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold (Apocynaceae), Frangula alnus Mill. (Rhamnaceae), Iberis ciliata subsp. contracta (Pers.) Moreno (Brassicaceae), Juniperus macrocarpa Sm (Cupressaceae), and Pancratium maritimum L. (Amaryllidaceae) also showed selective cytotoxicity (selectivity index > 10). Active extracts were also tested against a panel of cancer cell lines from a variety tissues. The plants identified in this work are potential sources of natural compounds with selective toxicity towards cancer cells.Universidad de Sevilla VPPI-I.

    Multimorbidity Patterns and Their Association with Social Determinants, Mental and Physical Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The challenge posed by multimorbidity makes it necessary to look at new forms of prevention, a fact that has become heightened in the context of the pandemic. We designed a questionnaire to detect multimorbidity patterns in people over 50 and to associate these patterns with mental and physical health, COVID-19, and possible social inequalities. Methods: This was an observational study conducted through a telephone interview. The sample size was 1592 individuals with multimorbidity. We use Latent Class Analysis to detect patterns and SF-12 scale to measure mental and physical quality-of-life health. We introduced the two dimensions of health and other social determinants in a multinomial regression model. Results: We obtained a model with five patterns (entropy = 0.727): ‘Relative Healthy’, ‘Cardiometabolic’, ‘Musculoskeletal’, ‘Musculoskeletal and Mental’, and ‘Complex Multimorbidity’. We found some differences in mental and physical health among patterns and COVID-19 diagnoses, and some social determinants were significant in the multinomial regression. Conclusions: We identified that prevention requires the location of certain inequalities associated with the multimorbidity patterns and how physical and mental health have been affected not only by the patterns but also by COVID-19. These findings may be critical in future interventions by health services and governments17 página