22 research outputs found

    Insecticide Control of Vector-Borne Diseases: When Is Insecticide Resistance a Problem?

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    Many of the most dangerous human diseases are transmitted by insect vectors. After decades of repeated insecticide use, all of these vector species have demonstrated the capacity to evolve resistance to insecticides. Insecticide resistance is generally considered to undermine control of vector-transmitted diseases because it increases the number of vectors that survive the insecticide treatment. Disease control failure, however, need not follow from vector control failure. Here, we review evidence that insecticide resistance may have an impact on the quality of vectors and, specifically, on three key determinants of parasite transmission: vector longevity, competence, and behaviour. We argue that, in some instances, insecticide resistance is likely to result in a decrease in vector longevity, a decrease in infectiousness, or in a change in behaviour, all of which will reduce the vectorial capacity of the insect. If this effect is sufficiently large, the impact of insecticide resistance on disease management may not be as detrimental as previously thought. In other instances, however, insecticide resistance may have the opposite effect, increasing the insect's vectorial capacity, which may lead to a dramatic increase in the transmission of the disease and even to a higher prevalence than in the absence of insecticides. Either way—and there may be no simple generality—the consequence of the evolution of insecticide resistance for disease ecology deserves additional attention

    Insecticide resistance and malaria transmission by Culex pipiens mosquitoes

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    L'Ă©volution de la rĂ©sistance aux insecticides chez les moustiques responsables de la transmission de maladies infectieuses compromet notre capacitĂ© Ă  contrĂŽler ces populations de vecteurs et pose de graves problĂšmes de santĂ© publique. Mais les nombreuses modifications physiologiques associĂ©es au phĂ©nomĂšne de rĂ©sistance aux insecticides pourraient altĂ©rer l'Ă©pidĂ©miologie de ces maladies de maniĂšre plus indirecte en modifiant la capacitĂ© vectorielle des moustiques. Afin d'Ă©tudier cette question nous avons mis en place un nouveau systĂšme expĂ©rimental composĂ© du parasite aviaire Plasmodium relictum SGS1 et de son vecteur naturel le moustique Culex pipiens. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l'effet de diffĂ©rents allĂšles de rĂ©sistance aux insecticides (reprĂ©sentant deux mĂ©canismes principaux i.e. la rĂ©sistance mĂ©tabolique ou la modification de la cible) sur une sĂ©rie de traits d'histoire de vie du parasite et du moustique. L'impact de ces diffĂ©rents allĂšles a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© d'une part, dans les conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es de leur expression dans un mĂȘme fond gĂ©nĂ©tique (en utilisant plusieurs souches de moustiques isogĂ©niques), et d'autre part, dans les conditions plus rĂ©alistes de leur expression dans un fond gĂ©nĂ©tique hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne (utilisation de moustiques Ă©chantillonnĂ©s sur le terrain). Nous montrons que la rĂ©sistance aux insecticides a des effets pleĂŻotropes sur l'immunocompĂ©tence et les traits d'histoire de vie des moustiques. Son effet sur le dĂ©veloppement de Plasmodium semble en revanche limitĂ©. Nous discutons d'une part, de la nĂ©cessitĂ© de poursuivre une approche multifactorielle (impliquant la physiologie, l'immunitĂ© et le comportement des moustiques) afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la rĂ©sistance aux insecticides sur la transmission de Plasmodium, et d'autre part des perspectives intĂ©ressantes qu'offrent ce nouveau systĂšme expĂ©rimental pour l'Ă©tude de l'Ă©cologie Ă©volutive des maladies Ă  vecteurs.The evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes threatens our ability to control many-vector-transmitted diseases, thereby raising serious public health issues. Insecticide resistance entails numerous physiological changes in mosquitoes. This thesis investigates whether these physiological changes alter the quality of mosquitoes as vectors of malaria. To address this issue, we developed a new experimental system consisting in the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum SGS1 and its natural vector, the mosquito Culex pipiens. We investigated the impact of two insecticide resistance mechanisms (target site resistance and metabolic resistance) on several mosquito and parasite life history traits relevant for malaria transmission. The effect of different insecticide resistant genes was investigated using both isogenic laboratory mosquito strains (i.e. against a homogeneous genetic background) and sympatric field caught mosquitoes (i.e. under the more realistic, albeit noisier, conditions of a heterogeneous genetic background). We show that insecticide resistance has a pleiotropic effect on several mosquito traits (immunocompetence, longevity, fecundity), whereas it has only a limited effect on Plasmodium development. We discuss, on the one hand, the need to pursue such a multi-factorial approach (combining the mosquito physiology, immunity and behavior) to better understand the impact of insecticide resistance on malaria transmission and, on the other hand, the promising perspectives offered by this new experimental system for studying the evolutionary-ecology of infectious diseases

    The impact of insecticide resistance on Culex pipiens immunity

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    International audienceBecause of their role as vectors of diseases, the evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes has been intensively investigated. Insecticide resistance is associated to a wide range of pleiotropic effects on several key life-history traits of mosquitoes such as longevity and behavior. However, despite its potential implications in pathogen transmission, the effects of insecticide resistance on mosquito immunity have received little, if any, attention. Here, we investigate the impact of insecticide resistance in Culex pipiens, an epidemiologically important vector of a wide array of pathogens. Using both isogenic laboratory strains and field-caught mosquitoes, we investigate the impact of two main insecticide resistance mechanisms (metabolic detoxification and target site modification) on the relative transcription of several genes involved in the immune response to pathogens , at both their constitutive and inducible levels. Our results show a discrepancy between the isogenic laboratory lines and field-collected mosquitoes: While in the isogenic strains, insecticide-resistant mosquitoes show a drastic increase in immune gene expression, no such effect appears in the field. We speculate on the different mechanisms that may underlie this discrepancy and discuss the risks of making inferences on the pleiotropic effects of insecticide-resistant genes by using laboratory-selected insecticide-resistant lines

    Energetic cost of insecticide resistance in Culex pipiens mosquitoes

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    The extensive use of insecticides to control vector populations has lead to the widespread development of different mechanisms of insecticide resistance. Mutations that confer insecticide resistance are often associated to fitness costs that prevent them from spreading to fixation. In vectors, such fitness costs include reductions in preimaginal survival, adult size, longevity, and fecundity. The most commonly invoked explanation for the nature of such pleiotropic effects of insecticide resistance is the existence of resource-based trade-offs. According to this hypothesis, insecticide resistance would deplete the energetic stores of vectors, reducing the energy available for other biological functions and generating trade-offs between insecticide resistance and key life history traits. Here we test this hypothesis by quantifying the energetic resources (lipids, glycogen, and glucose) of larvae and adult females of the mosquito Culex pipiens L. resistant to insecticides through two different mechanisms: esterase overproduction and acetylcholinesterase modification. We find that, as expected from trade-off theory, insecticide resistant mosquitoes through the overproduction of esterases contain on average 30% less energetic reserves than their susceptible counterparts. Acetylcholinesterase-modified mosquitoes, however, also showed a significant reduction in energetic resources (20% less). We suggest that, in acetylcholinesterase-modified mosquitoes, resource depletion may not be the result of resource-based trade-offs but a consequence of the hyperactivation of the nervous system. We argue that these results not only provide a mechanistic explanation for the negative pleiotropic effects of insecticide resistance on mosquito life history traits but also can have a direct effect on the development of parasites that depend on the vector's energetic reserves to fulfil their own metabolic needs

    Data from: The impact of insecticide resistance on Culex pipiens immunity

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    Because of their role as vectors of diseases, the evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes has been intensively investigated. Insecticide resistance is associated to a wide range of pleiotropic effects on several key life history traits of mosquitoes such as longevity and behavior. However, despite its potential implications in pathogen transmission, the effects of insecticide resistance on mosquito immunity have received little, if any, attention. Here, we investigate the impact of insecticide resistance in Culex pipiens, an epidemiologically important vector of a wide array of pathogens. Using both isogenic laboratory strains and field-caught mosquitoes, we investigate the impact of two main insecticide resistance mechanisms (metabolic detoxification and target site modification) on the relative transcription of several genes involved in the immune response to pathogens, at both their constitutive and inducible levels. Our results show a discrepancy between the isogenic laboratory lines and field collected mosquitoes: while in the isogenic strains insecticide resistant mosquitoes show a drastic increase in immune gene expression, no such effect appears in the field. We speculate on the different mechanisms that may underlie this discrepancy, and discuss the risks of making inferences on the pleiotropic effects of insecticide resistant genes by using laboratory-selected insecticide resistant lines

    Insecticide resistance and malaria transmission : infection rate and oocyst burden in Culex pipiens mosquitoes infected with Plasmodium relictum

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    Background: The control of most vectors of malaria is threatened by the spread of insecticide resistance. One factor that has been hitherto largely overlooked is the potential effects of insecticide resistance on the ability of mosquitoes to transmit malaria: are insecticide-resistant mosquitoes as good vectors of Plasmodium as susceptible ones? The drastic physiological changes that accompany the evolution of insecticide resistance may indeed alter the ability of vectors to transmit diseases, a possibility that, if confirmed, could have major epidemiological consequences. Methods: Using a novel experimental system consisting of the avian malaria parasite (Plasmodium relictum) and its natural vector (the mosquito Culex pipiens), two of the most common mechanisms of insecticide resistance (esterase overproduction and acetylcholinesterase modification) were investigated for their effect on mosquito infection rate and parasite burden. For this purpose two types of experiments were carried out using (i) insecticideresistant and susceptible laboratory isogenic lines of Cx. pipiens and (ii) wild Cx. pipiens collected from a population where insecticide resistant and susceptible mosquitoes coexist in sympatry. Results: The isogenic line and wild-caught mosquito experiments were highly consistent in showing no effect of either esterase overproduction or of acetylcholinesterase modification on either the infection rate or on the oocyst burden of mosquitoes. The only determinant of these traits was blood meal size, which was similar across the different insecticide resistant categories in both experiments. Conclusions: Insecticide resistance was found to have no effect on Plasmodium development within the mosquito. This is the first time this question has been addressed using a natural mosquito-Plasmodium combination, while taking care to standardize the genetic background against which the insecticide resistance genes operate. Infection rate and oocyst burden are but two of the factors that determine the vectorial capacity of mosquitoes. Other key determinants of parasite transmission, such as mosquito longevity and behaviour, or the parasite's incubation time, need to be investigated before concluding on whether insecticide resistance influences the ability of mosquitoes to transmit malaria

    Insecticide resistance and malaria transmission: infection rate and oocyst burden in <it>Culex pipiens </it>mosquitoes infected with <it>Plasmodium relictum</it>

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    Abstract Background The control of most vectors of malaria is threatened by the spread of insecticide resistance. One factor that has been hitherto largely overlooked is the potential effects of insecticide resistance on the ability of mosquitoes to transmit malaria: are insecticide-resistant mosquitoes as good vectors of Plasmodium as susceptible ones? The drastic physiological changes that accompany the evolution of insecticide resistance may indeed alter the ability of vectors to transmit diseases, a possibility that, if confirmed, could have major epidemiological consequences. Methods Using a novel experimental system consisting of the avian malaria parasite (Plasmodium relictum) and its natural vector (the mosquito Culex pipiens), two of the most common mechanisms of insecticide resistance (esterase overproduction and acetylcholinesterase modification) were investigated for their effect on mosquito infection rate and parasite burden. For this purpose two types of experiments were carried out using (i) insecticide-resistant and susceptible laboratory isogenic lines of Cx. pipiens and (ii) wild Cx. pipiens collected from a population where insecticide resistant and susceptible mosquitoes coexist in sympatry. Results The isogenic line and wild-caught mosquito experiments were highly consistent in showing no effect of either esterase overproduction or of acetylcholinesterase modification on either the infection rate or on the oocyst burden of mosquitoes. The only determinant of these traits was blood meal size, which was similar across the different insecticide resistant categories in both experiments. Conclusions Insecticide resistance was found to have no effect on Plasmodium development within the mosquito. This is the first time this question has been addressed using a natural mosquito-Plasmodium combination, while taking care to standardize the genetic background against which the insecticide resistance genes operate. Infection rate and oocyst burden are but two of the factors that determine the vectorial capacity of mosquitoes. Other key determinants of parasite transmission, such as mosquito longevity and behaviour, or the parasite's incubation time, need to be investigated before concluding on whether insecticide resistance influences the ability of mosquitoes to transmit malaria.</p

    Data from: Plasmodium infection brings forward mosquito oviposition

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    Invertebrate hosts often bring forward their reproductive effort in response to a parasitic infection. This is widely interpreted as a host-driven response aimed at compensating for the expected losses in future fitness as a result of parasitism. Here we report that mosquitoes bring forward their oviposition schedule when they are infected with Plasmodium, a parasite known to severely curtail mosquito fecundity. This response could aim at compensating for a negative time-dependent effect of the parasite on mosquito fitness, as infected mosquitoes seem to display a strong and progressive decrease in the quality of the eggs they lay. In addition, we show that this shift in oviposition date is dependent on mosquito strain: a comparison of several isogenic mosquitoes strains, one insecticide-susceptible and two insecticide-resistant ones, reveals that only the former shift their oviposition strategy when infected. This pattern suggests the existence of a costly host-driven response to parasitism, as insecticide-resistant mosquitoes have been shown to be in generally poorer condition