279 research outputs found

    Deep float experiment final evaluation

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    Research Project co-funded by the European Commission Research Directorate-General 7th Framework Programme Project No. 312642This document details the experiment and analysis carried out with the Argo Deep floats in the framework of the E-AIMS project The IEO is leading task 2.2 Test of new deep float and testing one prototype of deep Argo floats designed by Ifremer that are capable of reaching depth greater than 4000 dBar. These prototypes are now commercialized by NKE who is in charge of performing the industrialization tasks. The float tested in the framework of task 2.2 was part of the first batch of prototypes and of the second generation of floats. The test were carried out in the Canary Basin.European Union, Instituto Español de Ocenografí

    Recent Mediterranean Outflow Water and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation correlations

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    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is the main contributor to the heat interchange in the North Atlantic, carrying around 1.5 PW at 25°N, which helps to regulate the climate, especially in Europe. Any slowdown of the AMOC would produce an important decrease in the temperature in the regions around the North Atlantic and also in other parts of the world. A factor that affects the strength of the AMOC is the input of water. While an input of freshwater would produce a reduction in the transport of the AMOC, a supply of salty water, such as the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW), would enhance the formation of deep water, strengthening the AMOC, and even stabilizing it. The aim of this work is to determine if the variation of the volume of the MOW is having any effect in the fluctuation of the transport of the AMOC. In order to achieve this, we developed a method to estimate the volume of MOW in the North Atlantic using the Roemmich-Gilson Argo Climatology and compared it with the observations of the AMOC from the RAPID array. Although statistically, there was a low correlation, the similarities between the MOW and RAPID time series were evident, especially for the period 2012-2017. A possible explanation of this resemblance is that the changes that occur in the AMOC also affect the interchange between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and therefore the volume of MOW in the Atlantic

    Deep – Arvor Float deployment in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, Canary Basin.

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    This document describes one of the latest contributions of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography to the ARGO international network. It’s the deployment of a Deep Arvor profiler in the Eastern Atlantic. Thanks to this device, obtaining data of temperature and salinity up to 4000 meters of depth is feasible. Technical characteristics and previous results are attached

    Report on Argo float deployments of POSEIDON cruise

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    Informe sobre los despliegues de los perfiladores WMO 6901257, 6901259, 6901268 y 6901272 en la campaña POSEIDO

    Report on Argo float deployment of RADMED0818 cruise

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    Informe sobre los despliegues de perfiladores Argo en la campaña RADMED081

    Using Argo data to investigate the MOC in the North Atlantic

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    This is a summary of the paper "Using Argo data to investigate the MOC in the North Atlantic" for the EuroArgo platform in order to show the possible uses of data from ARGO profilers by the scientific community. The original authors are contained in the review. Through the poleward transport of upper ocean waters and an equatorward transport of deeper colder waters, the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is of critical importance to the global climate system. A decline of the MOC has been one of the predictions of various IPCC reports on greenhouse gas scenarios (IPCC,2001), and a particular aspect of recent findings from a single hydrographic section at 24°N in 2004 is that more equatorward flow is found in the interior of the upper 1000 meters than previously observed. To check the robustness of this recent result, the North Atlantic MOC has been studied here (Hernandez-Guerra, 2010) through the analysis of hydrographic data along 24o and 36o N. Results confirm previous hypothesis stating no abrupt decreases in the MOC during the last decades, by comparing 1957, 1981,1992, 1998 and 2004 data. Argo float profiles and drift velocities for the period 2003-2007 in the North Atlantic are also used to estimate the total integrated mass transports in the thermocline waters at both mid-latitudes by inverse calculations. They confirm that the upper limb of the Atlantic MOC has not significantly changed since 1957

    The Canary Deep Poleward Undercurrent

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    This is a summary of the paper "The Canary Deep Poleward Undercurrent" for the EuroArgo platform in order to show the possible uses of data from ARGO profilers by the scientific community. The original authors are contained in the review. This study reports the first direct observations of the continuity of the deep poleward flow of the Canary Deep Poleward Undercurrent (CdPU) in the North-Africa sector of the Canary Current Eastern Boundary upwelling system (CanCEBS), and one of the few direct observations in the North-Africa sector of the Canary Current eastern boundary. The results from the measurements reported by Argo floats indicate that the Canary Island archipelago disrupts the deep poleward undercurrent even at depths where the flow is not blocked by the bathymetry. The deep poleward undercurrent flows west around the eastern-most islands and north east of the Conception Bank to rejoin the intermittent branch that follows the African slope in the Lanzarote Passage

    Report on Argo float deployments of BATHYPELAGIC cruise

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    Informe sobre despliegues de perfiladores Argo en la campaña BATHYPELAGI

    Report on Argo float deployment of TUNIBAL_0718 cruise

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    Informe sobre los despliegues de los perfiladores Argo realizados en la campaña TUNIBAL_071