1,396 research outputs found

    Lattice effects and current reversal in superconducting ratchets

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    Competition between the vortex lattice and a lattice of asymmetric artificial defects is shown to play a crucial role in ratchet experiments in superconducting films. We present a novel and collective mechanism for current reversal based on a reconfiguration of the vortex lattice. In contrast to previous models of vortex current reversal, the mechanism is based on the global response of the vortex lattice to external forces.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of seminal plasma on hipoosmotic swelling test in fresh alpaca spermatozoa

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    A study was designed with the objective of evaluating the effect of seminal plasma on the response to the hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST) in alpaca spermatozoa, for which three experimental groups were organized as follows: Group 1(n=15) plasma free sperm seminal (obtained from the vas deferens, aspirated in PBS), Group 2(n=15) free seminal plasma sperm reconstituted with seminal plasma (obtained from the vas deferens, aspirated in PBS, mixed in 50/50% with seminal plasma) and Group 3(n=15) whole semen (obtained by artificial vagina), The samples were incubated in a hypoosmotic solution adjusted to 100mOsmol (sodium citrate+fructose+2H2Ocsp 100mL). 0.1mL of semen+0.9mL of hypoosmotic solution was mixed, incubated for 30minutes in a water bath at 37°C and the reaction was stopped with 0.1mL of 4% formaldehyde. A count of at least 200 spermatozoa was performed per sample, using an optical microscope with immersion objective (100X), the vitality was evaluated by supravital eosin staining (0.7%)-nigrosin(1%), the results indicate that it does not exist a detrimental effect of the seminal plasma on the endosmotic response, being, on the contrary, superior in the whole semen; the vitality of the spermatozoa with and without seminal plasma is similar, however it decreases when it is reconstituted with seminal plasma, possibly due to the seminal plasma of another animal; there is no positive correlation between endosmosis and vitality, indicating that the latter would not necessarily reflect the integrity of the membrane, which is why it is recommended to perform this test routinely in alpaca semen exams

    Caracterización físico-química y microbiológica de la miel de Apis mellifera sp. del Suroeste de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Characterizations of Apis mellifera honey produced in Southwest of Antioquia, an important coffee region of Colombia, have not been published in recent years. In the present work, seven samples of honey collected in the mentioned region, were physically (refractive index, specific rotation, density), chemically (moisture content, water activity, pH, free acidity, carbohydrates) and microbiologically (Clostridium, fungi and yeast) analyzed. The results show that the analyzed honeys meet both national (Resolución 1057 of 2010) and International (Codex-Stan 12 of 1981) standards for moisture content, free acidity, sucrose content and microbiological parameters, indicating their good quality. Fructose/glucose ratio, pH and specific rotation values indicate that the samples are blossom honeys.Caracterizaciones de miel de Apis mellifera producida en el Suroeste de Antioquia, una región cafetera de Colombia, no se han publicado recientemente. En el presente trabajo, siete muestras de miel recolectadas en la región mencionada, fueron físicamente (índice de refracción, rotación específica, densidad), químicamente (contenido de humedad, actividad acuosa, pH, acidez libre, carbohidratos), y microbiológicamente (Clostridium, hongos y levaduras) analizadas. Los resultados muestran que las mieles analizadas cumplen tanto los estándares nacionales (Resolución 1057 de 2010) como internacionales (Codex-Stan 12 de 1981) para contenido de humedad, acidez libre, contenido de sacarosa y los parámetros microbiológicos, indicando su buena calidad. Los valores de relación fructosa/glucosa, pH y rotación específica indican que las muestras son mieles florales

    Caracterización físico-química y microbiológica de la miel de Apis mellifera sp. del Suroeste de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Characterizations of Apis mellifera honey produced in Southwest of Antioquia, an important coffee region of Colombia, have not been published in recent years. In the present work, seven samples of honey collected in the mentioned region, were physically (refractive index, specific rotation, density), chemically (moisture content, water activity, pH, free acidity, carbohydrates) and microbiologically (Clostridium, fungi and yeast) analyzed. The results show that the analyzed honeys meet both national (Resolución 1057 of 2010) and International (Codex-Stan 12 of 1981) standards for moisture content, free acidity, sucrose content and microbiological parameters, indicating their good quality. Fructose/glucose ratio, pH and specific rotation values indicate that the samples are blossom honeys.Las caracterizaciones de la miel de Apis mellifera producida en el suroeste de Antioquia, una importante región cafetera de Colombia, no se han publicado en los últimos años. En el presente trabajo, siete muestras de miel recolectadas en la región mencionada fueron física (índice de refracción, rotación específica, densidad), químicamente (contenido de humedad, actividad del agua, pH, acidez libre, carbohidratos) y microbiológicamente (Clostridium, hongos y levaduras ) analizado. Los resultados muestran que las mieles analizadas cumplen con los estándares nacionales (Resolución 1057 de 2010) e internacionales (Codex-Stan 12 de 1981) para el contenido de humedad, acidez libre, contenido de sacarosa y parámetros microbiológicos, lo que indica su buena calidad. La relación fructosa / glucosa, el pH y los valores de rotación específicos indican que las muestras son mieles en flor

    Modeling crosstalk and afterpulsing in silicon photomultipliers

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    An experimental method to characterize the crosstalk and afterpulsing in silicon photomultipliers has been developed and applied to two detectors fabricated by Hamamatsu. An analytical model of optical crosstalk that we presented in a previous publication has been compared with new measurements, confirming our results. Progresses on a statistical model to describe afterpulsing and delayed crosstalk are also shown and compared with preliminary experimental data. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Quantum hypercomputation based on the dynamical algebra su(1,1)

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    An adaptation of Kieu's hypercomputational quantum algorithm (KHQA) is presented. The method that was used was to replace the Weyl-Heisenberg algebra by other dynamical algebra of low dimension that admits infinite-dimensional irreducible representations with naturally defined generalized coherent states. We have selected the Lie algebra su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1), due to that this algebra posses the necessary characteristics for to realize the hypercomputation and also due to that such algebra has been identified as the dynamical algebra associated to many relatively simple quantum systems. In addition to an algebraic adaptation of KHQA over the algebra su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1), we presented an adaptations of KHQA over some concrete physical referents: the infinite square well, the infinite cylindrical well, the perturbed infinite cylindrical well, the P{\"o}sch-Teller potentials, the Holstein-Primakoff system, and the Laguerre oscillator. We conclude that it is possible to have many physical systems within condensed matter and quantum optics on which it is possible to consider an implementation of KHQA.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, conclusions rewritten, typing and language errors corrected and latex format changed minor changes elsewhere and

    Crossed-ratchet effects and domain wall geometrical pinning

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    The motion of a domain wall in a two dimensional medium is studied taking into account the internal elastic degrees of freedom of the wall and geometrical pinning produced both by holes and sample boundaries. This study is used to analyze the geometrical conditions needed for optimizing crossed ratchet effects in periodic rectangular arrays of asymmetric holes, recently observed experimentally in patterned ferromagnetic films. Geometrical calculations and numerical simulations have been used to obtain the anisotropic critical fields for depinning flat and kinked walls in rectangular arrays of triangles. The aim is to show with a generic elastic model for interfaces how to build a rectifier able to display crossed ratchet effects or effective potential landscapes for controlling the motion of interfaces or invasion fronts.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Flux flow resistivity and vortex viscosity of high-Tc films

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    The flux flow regime of high-Tc_{\rm c} samples of different normal state resistivities is studied in the temperature range where the sign of the Hall effect is reversed. The scaling of the vortex viscosity with normal state resistivity is consistent with the Bardeen-Stephen theory. Estimates of the influence of possible mechanisms suggested for the sign reversal of the Hall effect are also given.Comment: 3 pages. 4 figures upon reques

    Order in driven vortex lattices in superconducting Nb films with nanostructured pinning potentials

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    Driven vortex lattices have been studied in a material with strong pinning, such as Nb films. Samples in which natural random pinning coexists with artificial ordered arrays of defects (submicrometric Ni dots) have been fabricated with different geometries (square, triangular and rectangular). Three different dynamic regimes are found: for low vortex velocities, there is a plastic regime in which random defects frustrate the effect of the ordered array; then, for vortex velocities in the range 1-100 m/s, there is a sudden increase in the interaction between the vortex lattice and the ordered dot array, independent on the geometry. This effect is associated to the onset of quasi long range order in the vortex lattice leading to an increase in the overlap between the vortex lattice and the magnetic dots array. Finally, at larger velocities the ordered array-vortex lattice interaction is suppresed again, in agreement with the behavior found in numerical simulations.Comment: 8 text pages + 4 figure