98 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información para la Empresa Super Servicios del Valle S.A.

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    El desarrollo del SGSI para la empresa Súper Servicios del Valle se propone para suplir la necesidad que presenta la empresa para realizar una adecuada gestión del riesgo. En la fase de diseño se realiza el inventario de activos de la empresa, incluyendo en el aquellos que son fundamentales para el desarrollo de los procedimientos dentro de la organización. Seguidamente se realiza la valoración de los activos bajo los criterios y dimensiones señaladas en la metodología MAGERIT, y así identificar y valor las vulnerabilidades y amenazas que pueden ser explotadas en los activos. Finalmente se evalúan los riesgos encontrados para así sobre estos resultados identificar cuáles se deben tratar con mayor prioridad, qué tipo de controles y/o políticas son necesarias para mitigar su impacto o lograr la corrección y disminuir la probabilidad de ocurrencia.The development of the ISMS for the company Super Servicios del Valle is proposed to suply the need that the company presents to carry out adequate risk management. In the design phase, an inventory of the company's assets is carried out, including those that are fundamental for the development of procedures within the organization. Subsequently, the valuation of the assets is carried out under the criteria and dimensions indicated at the MAGERIT methodology, and thus identify and value the vulnerabilities and threats that can be exploited in the assets. Finally, the risks found are evaluated so that these results can be identified to identify which should be treated with higher priority, what type of controls and / or policies are necessary to mitigate their impact or achieve correction and reduce the probability of occurrence

    Measurement of quality of life in children

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    ABSTRACT: The quality of life concept (QoL) has positioned itself as a relevant outcome both in the clinical setting, and the economy of health. Many instruments are available to measure itbased on different theories. In an effort to respond to these different approaches, the concept of Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) was introduced meaning that information is provided by patients and that they complete the instrument. The aim is to classify the available instruments according to conceptual models to facilitate proper selection and better implementation. In the field of pediatrics several instruments have been designed, either generic or aimed at children with certain chronic health problems. This article presents the PRO concept, enumerates instruments for measuring health-related QoL in children, discusses positive and negative aspects of instruments for indirect informants and describes some present applications of these instruments in the clinical setting. In Latin America, the development of instruments for measuring HRQoL in children is limited, and in Colombia the incursion in this area recent. Further development is required to find out if we can compare with other populations, or should build new tools to evaluate QoL of children from our own perspective.RESUMEN: La sepsis continúa siendo una de las principales causas de muerte alrededor del mundo a pesar de los grandes avances en su investigación. Representa un desequilibrio en los diferentes mecanismos inmunológicos responsables de neutralizar la invasión de un agente infeccioso. En este artículo se presenta una revisión sobre los conceptos fisiopatológicos de la sepsis, así como sobre las diferentes alteraciones genéticas que hacen a un individuo susceptible a desarrollarla

    Dietary inflammatory index and cardiometabolic risk parameters in overweight and sedentary subjects

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    Nutrition has been established as a relevant factor in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We aimed to investigate the relationship between the dietary inflammatory index (DII) and cardiometabolic risk parameters in a cohort of 90 overweight and sedentary adults from Bogotá, Colombia. A 24-h dietary record was used to calculate the DII. Body composition variables, flow-mediated dilation (FMD), pulse wave velocity (PWV), lipid profile, glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb1Ac), and blood pressure were measured and a cardiometabolic risk score (MetScore) was calculated. A lower DII score (anti-inflammatory diet) was significantly associated with higher high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and FMD, and lower Hb1Ac and MetScore (p less than 0.05). A lower DII score was inversely correlated with plasma triglyceride levels (r = -0.354, p less than 0.05), glucose (r = -0.422, p less than 0.05), MetScore (r = -0.228, p less than 0.05), and PWV (r = -0.437, p less than 0.05), and positively with FMD (r = 0.261, p less than 0.05). In contrast, a higher DII score (pro-inflammatory diet) showed a positive relationship with MetScore (r = 0.410, p less than 0.05) and a negative relationship with FMD (r = -0.233, p less than 0.05). An increased inflammatory potential of diet was inversely associated with an improved cardiometabolic profile, suggesting the importance of promoting anti-inflammatory diets as an effective strategy for preventing CVD. © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Cognitive and behavioral disorders in children with neurofibromatosis type 1

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    Aim:The last systematic review of research on the behavior of children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) was in 2012. Since then, several important findings have been published. Therefore, the study aim was to synthesize recent relevant work related to this issue. Method:We conducted a systematic review of the literature. Relevant articles were identified using the electronic databases PubMed, PsycINFO, and Scopus and a manual search of references lists. Thirty of 156 articles identified met the inclusion criteria. A quality evaluation of the articles was performed and the information was synthesized using a narrative approach. Results:Compared with controls, children and adolescents with NF1 present significant alterations in language, reading, visuospatial skills, motor function, executive function, attention, behavior, emotion, and social skills. The prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is important and can affect cognition and executive function variables. A high prevalence of autistic traits and autistic spectrum disorder were reported. The benefits of using statins to treat cognitive deficits are unclear. However, children with NF1 and ADHD seem to benefit from methylphenidate treatment. The presence of hyperintensities in brain magnetic resonance imaging data seem to be related to poor cognitive performance. Analysis of these lesions could help to predict cognitive alterations in children with NF1. interpretation:There has been important progress to evaluate cognitive characteristics of children with NF1 and to determine the physiological mechanisms of the concomitant disorders. However, discrepancies in relation to intelligence, learning disabilities, attention deficits, and treatment remain. Further investigations on this topic are recommended. © 2017 Torres Nupan, Velez Van Meerbeke, López Cabra and Herrera. Gomez

    Evaluation of knowledge with multiple-choice tests: three of four options? Experience with admission examinations to medical and surgical postgraduate studies at University of Antioquia

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la reducción del número de opciones de respuesta por pregunta sobre los indicadores sicométricos de un examen de ingreso a estudios médicos de posgrado. Metodología: aplicación de índices de evaluación sicométrica desde la perspectiva de dos teorías: la clásica de la medición y la de respuesta al ítem, a una prueba de 70 preguntas hecha a 2.539 aspirantes a ingresar a los posgrados médico-quirúrgicos de la Universidad de Antioquia en el año 2014. Se eliminó la opción de respuesta elegida con menor frecuencia y se la reemplazó por azar de entre las tres restantes. Resultados: solo 52,9% de las preguntas tuvieron tres opciones funcionales de respuesta. No se encontró diferencia en la dificultad, la discriminación, el error estándar de la medición, el alfa de Cronbach ni el coeficiente de correlación biserial (teoría clásica de la medición); tampoco en la medida de dificultad de los ítems o de habilidad de las personas (teoría de respuesta al ítem) entre las pruebas con tres y cuatro opciones de respuesta. La prueba con tres opciones conservó un buen ajuste. Conclusión: una prueba con tres opciones de respuesta se comportó tan bien como su contraparte de cuatro opciones.ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of reducing the number of response options per question on the psychometric indicators of an exam for admission to postgraduate medical studies, at University of Antioquia, in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology: Application of psychometric assessment indexes from the perspective or two theories: the classical of measurement and the item response, to a test of 70 questions, applied in 2014 to 2.539 candidates. The least frequently chosen distractor was eliminated and randomly replaced by one of the three remaining ones. Results: Only 52.9% of the questions had three functional distractors. No difference was found in the difficulty, discrimination, standard error of measurement, Cronbach's alpha and the coefficient of biserial correlation (classical measurement theory). Also, there was no difference in the extent of item difficulty or ability of people (item response theory). The test with three options retained a good fit. Conclusion: Multiple choice tests with three response options performed as well as their four options counterparts

    Proyecto jabones artesanales ECOSAN

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    Jabones artesanales ECO-SAN, es un proyecto de emprendimiento con enfoque social; esta idea de negocio surgió con la búsqueda de una solución a los problemas de contaminación que se generan a diario debido la mala disposición de los aceites usados de cocina en hogares, locales comerciales, industrias, instituciones entre otros y que lastimosamente están afectado de forma dramática todos nuestros ecosistemas y además causan taponamientos en las redes de alcantarillado, obstaculizando los drenajes de aguas negras y provocando inundaciones en los recintos en temporadas de invierno. Decidimos elegir estos aceites usados como, nuestra principal fuente de mataría prima para producir jabones artesanales, y con el complemento de algunos productos de origen natural que puedan aportar aroma, color y cuidado para la piel, lograr lanzar al mercado un producto con las características necesarias para ser usado en diversas aplicaciones. Este proyecto está estructurado para operar desde el municipio de Rio Negro Antioquia y desde allí busca competir a nivel nacional con la fabricación de un producto de alta calidad y excelente precio, que pueda garantizar su fácil adquisición a todo tipo de público. ECO-SAN, es un proyecto con grandes retos, al iniciar desde ceros y buscar cambiar de forma masiva, la cultura de compra de los clientes que por mucho tiempo han utilizado estos productos para la limpieza fabricados a base de componentes químicos, pero, gracias a los análisis y estudios de mercado realizados, tiene una excelente proyección de crecimiento en el mercado generación de utilidades y por su puesto un gran aporte al cuidado medioambiental.ECO-SAN handmade soaps, is an entrepreneurship project with a social focus; This business idea arose with the search for a solution to the pollution problems that are generated daily due to the poor disposal of used cooking oils in homes, commercial premises, industries, institutions, among others, and which are unfortunately dramatically affected. all our ecosystems and also cause clogging in the sewage networks, hindering sewage drainage and causing flooding in the enclosures in winter seasons. We decided to choose these used oils as our main source of raw slaughter to produce handmade soaps, and with the complement of some products of natural origin that can provide aroma, color and care for the skin, to launch a product with the necessary characteristics on the market. to be used in various applications. This project is structured to operate from the municipality of Rio Negro Antioquia and from there it seeks to compete at the national level with the manufacture of a high quality product at an excellent price, which can guarantee its easy acquisition for all types of public. ECO-SAN is a project with great challenges, starting from scratch and looking to massively change the buying culture of customers who have used these cleaning products made from chemical components for a long time, but thanks Due to the analyzes and market studies carried out, it has an excellent projection of growth in the market, generation of profits and, of course, a great contribution to environmental care

    How did European countries set health priorities in response to the COVID-19 threat?:A comparative document analysis of 24 pandemic preparedness plans across the EURO region

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced governments across the world to consider how to prioritise the allocation of scarce resources. There are many tools and frameworks that have been designed to assist with the challenges of priority setting in health care. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which formal priority setting was evident in the pandemic plans produced by countries in the World Health Organisation's EURO region, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This compliments analysis of similar plans produced in other regions of the world. Twenty four pandemic preparedness plans were obtained that had been published between March and September 2020. For data extraction, we applied a framework for identifying and assessing the elements of good priority setting to each plan, before conducting comparative analysis across the sample. Our findings suggest that while some pre-requisites for effective priority setting were present in many cases - including political commitment and a recognition of the need for allocation decisions - many other hallmarks were less evident, such as explicit ethical criteria, decision making frameworks, and engagement processes. This study provides a unique insight into the role of priority setting in the European response to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.</p

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento Boyacá y Antioquia

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    Se determinaron las afectaciones e impactos psicosociales del relato denominado como Modesto Pacaya, teniendo en cuenta la identificación del posicionamiento subjetivo desde el lugar de víctimas o sobreviviente con sus aspectos dominantes de la violencia y sus impactos naturalizados en el contexto del conflicto armando que revelaron una emancipación discursiva, frente a los hallazgos de los eventos de violencia que se han desencadenado en las desmovilizaciones de algunos integrantes de los grupos ilegales. Para el caso denominado como Cacarica se analizaron y se describieron los impactos que ha generado la estigmatizada sobre el presunto cómplice de un actor armado y sus consecuencias en el contexto del conflicto. Para este caso se propusieron acciones de apoyo en los hechos de crisis por violencia, causa por punibles como la tortura y el homicidio de pobladores y sus líderes comunitarios con el propósito de resolver la problemática identificada con la premisa de la propuesta de tres estrategias para la comunidad de Cacarica, para potencializar sus habilidades y los recursos disponibles para facilitar el afrontamiento, mediante acciones de resiliencia y estrategias psicosociales. Como parte final se presenta un informe analítico sobre la experiencia de la foto voz realizada en diferentes contextos evocando la memoria y la descripción metafórica como una estrategia de reflexión psicosocial, bajo la óptica de la imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia de los departamentos de Boyacá y Antioquia.The effects and psychosocial impacts of the story called Modesto Pacaya were determined by taking into account the identification of the subjective position from the place of victims or survivors. It focused on the dominant aspect of violence and its naturalized impacts in the context of the armed conflict. It revealed emancipation discourse against the findings of the events of violence that have been unleashed in the demobilizations of some members of the illegal groups. For the case known as Cacarica, the impacts of the stigma on the alleged accomplice of an armed actor and their consequences in the context of the conflict were analyzed and described. In this case, support actions were proposed in the events of crises due to violence, caused by punishable persons such as torture and homicide of residents and their community leaders in order to solve the problem identified with the premise of the proposal of three strategies for community of Cacaricas. These strategies were to potentiate their skills and the resources available to facilitate coping, through actions of resilience and psychosocial strategies. As a final part, an analytical report on the experience of the photo voice carried out in different contexts is presented which evoke memory and metaphorical description as a strategy of psychosocial reflection under the optics of image and narrative as tools for the psychosocial approach in scenarios of violence of the Departments of Boyacá and Antioquia

    Technical and clinical evaluation of a closed loop TIVA system with SEDLineTM spectral density monitoring: Multicentric prospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Closed loop total intravenous anesthesia is a technique in which the patient’s hemodynamic and anesthetic depth variables are monitored, and based on this information, a computer controls the infusion rate of drugs to keep them within pre-established clinical parameters. Objective: To describe the technical and clinical performance of a closed loop system for total intravenous anesthesia with propofol and remifentanil, using the SEDLineTM monitor Design: Multicentric prospective cohort study Setting: Surgery room Patients: ASA I-II undergoing elective surgery Measurements: The authors designed a closed loop system that implements a control algorithm based on anesthetic depth monitoring and the Patient State Index (PSITM) of the SEDLine monitor for propofol, and on hemodynamic variables for remifentanil. The measurement of clinical performance was made based on the percentage of PSITM maintenance time in the range 20–50. Precision analysis was evaluated by measuring median performance error (MDPE) can be defined as the median difference between actual and desired values, which refers to the degree of precision in which the controller is able to maintain the control variable within the objective set by the anesthesiologist; it represents the direction (over-prediction or underprediction) of performance error (PE) rather than size of errors, which is represented by MDAPE, median absolute percentage error, Wobble index, which is used for measuring the intrasubject variability in performance error. Results: Data were obtained from 93 patients in three healthcare centers. The percentage of PSITM maintenance time in the 20–50 range was 92% (80.7–97.0). MDPE was 10.7 (− 11.0–18.0), MDAPE 21.0 (14.2– 26.8) and wobble 10.7 (7.0–16.9). No adverse surgical or anesthetic events were found

    Influencia del desarrollo urbano sobre el legado sostenible de los eventos deportivos internacionales

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the urban development legacy on the sustainable legacy (economic, sociocultural, environmental and sports) of international sports events. 292 surveys were applied to the direct stakeholders of the sporting events in Santiago de Cali- Colombia, using a questionnaire structured in five constructs and 28 items. Goodness of fit, composite reliability, discriminant validity and the proposed structural model were examined using the partial least squares (PLS-SEM) path modeling method in ADANCO software. The results indicate that the legacy of urban development has a significant influence on the economic (p=<.001), sociocultural (p=<.001), environmental (p=<.001) and sports (p=<.001) legacies. This article contributes to the existing literature providing knowledge from a quantitative approach on the factors that influence the sustainable legacy of international sports events.Este estudio tiene como propósito identificar los efectos del legado de desarrollo urbano sobre el lega-do sostenible (económico, sociocultural, ambiental y deportivo) de los eventos deportivos internacionales. Se aplicaron 292 encuestas a los stakeholders directos de los eventos deportivos en Santiago de Cali- Colombia, utilizando un cuestionario estructurado en cinco constructos y 28 ítems. Se examinó la bondad de ajuste, la fiabilidad compuesta, la validez discriminante y el modelo estructural propuesto utilizando el método de modelado de ruta de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) en el software ADANCO. Los resultados indican que el legado de desarrollo urbano tiene una influencia significativa sobre los legados económico (p=<.001), sociocultural (p=<.001), ambiental (p=<.001) y deportivo (p=<.001). Este artículo contribuye a la literatura existente proporcionado conocimiento desde un enfoque cuantitativo sobre los factores que influyen en el legado sostenible de los eventos deportivos internacionales.Actividad Física y Deport