120 research outputs found


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    During the last decade, forced internal displacement in Colombia has been a growing phenomenon closely linked to the escalation of the internal armed conflict - particularly in rural areas. The displacement problem has affected nearly every region and vulnerable groups of the population. Two emerging policy questions are whether the magnitude of the response to this problem has been proportional to its size and to what extent the instruments chosen are the most adequate to address it. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, to identify the determinants of displacement behavior and to compare these findings with standard migration literature. Second, to estimate the burden or welfare losses of displacement. Empirical evidence shows that the welfare loss of displacement is considerable and amount to 37 percent of the net present value of rural lifetime aggregate consumption for the average household. This loss is estimated for each household with a method that derives welfare changes from behavioral model estimates - widely used in environmental economics. Our empirical findings also show that the level of violence at the origin site is not only the dominant factor of displacement behavior, but also that in a violent environment other migration determinants have the opposite effect, relative to the one expected by the migration literature in a non-violent context. That is, the violent environment modifies the migration incentives for risk aversion, access to information, the planning horizon, and location-specific assets - human and non-human.Forced displacement

    The mysteries of insect RNAi: A focus on dsRNA uptake and transport

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is becoming a practical tool to control insect pests. Many mysteries of how double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is transported into, within, and between cells to generate an efficient RNAi response in insects are still to be unraveled. This review provides an overview of the evidence that supports a key role of endocytosis in the uptake of dsRNA on both cellular and tissue levels. Additionally, other components of cellular membrane transport and their impact on the efficiency of RNAi in insects are explored. It is now evident that the membrane transport and potentially dsRNA release from the endosome may comprise some of the limiting factors in insects that are recalcitrant to dsRNA. This review concludes with the apparent connection between gene products that are necessary for cellular trafficking of dsRNA and highly lethal RNAi targets

    The mysteries of insect RNAi: A focus on dsRNA uptake and transport

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is becoming a practical tool to control insect pests. Many mysteries of how double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is transported into, within, and between cells to generate an efficient RNAi response in insects are still to be unraveled. This review provides an overview of the evidence that supports a key role of endocytosis in the uptake of dsRNA on both cellular and tissue levels. Additionally, other components of cellular membrane transport and their impact on the efficiency of RNAi in insects are explored. It is now evident that the membrane transport and potentially dsRNA release from the endosome may comprise some of the limiting factors in insects that are recalcitrant to dsRNA. This review concludes with the apparent connection between gene products that are necessary for cellular trafficking of dsRNA and highly lethal RNAi targets

    Parameters for Successful Parental RNAi as An Insect Pest Management Tool in Western Corn Rootworm, \u3ci\u3eDiabrotica virgifera virgifera\u3c/i\u3e

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    Parental RNAi (pRNAi) is an RNA interference response where the gene knockdown phenotype is observed in the progeny of the treated organism. pRNAi has been demonstrated in female western corn rootworms (WCR) via diet applications and has been described as a potential approach for rootworm pest management. However, it is not clear if plant-expressed pRNAi can provide effective control of next generation WCR larvae in the field. In this study, we evaluated parameters required to generate a successful pRNAi response in WCR for the genes brahma and hunchback. The parameters tested included a concentration response, duration of the dsRNA exposure, timing of the dsRNA exposure with respect to the mating status in WCR females, and the effects of pRNAi on males. Results indicate that all of the above parameters affect the strength of pRNAi phenotype in females. Results are interpreted in terms of how this technology will perform in the field and the potential role for pRNAi in pest and resistance management strategies. More broadly, the described approaches enable examination of the dynamics of RNAi response in insects beyond pRNAi and crop pests

    Parameters for Successful Parental RNAi as An Insect Pest Management Tool in Western Corn Rootworm, \u3ci\u3eDiabrotica virgifera virgifera\u3c/i\u3e

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    Parental RNAi (pRNAi) is an RNA interference response where the gene knockdown phenotype is observed in the progeny of the treated organism. pRNAi has been demonstrated in female western corn rootworms (WCR) via diet applications and has been described as a potential approach for rootworm pest management. However, it is not clear if plant-expressed pRNAi can provide effective control of next generation WCR larvae in the field. In this study, we evaluated parameters required to generate a successful pRNAi response in WCR for the genes brahma and hunchback. The parameters tested included a concentration response, duration of the dsRNA exposure, timing of the dsRNA exposure with respect to the mating status in WCR females, and the effects of pRNAi on males. Results indicate that all of the above parameters affect the strength of pRNAi phenotype in females. Results are interpreted in terms of how this technology will perform in the field and the potential role for pRNAi in pest and resistance management strategies. More broadly, the described approaches enable examination of the dynamics of RNAi response in insects beyond pRNAi and crop pests

    Automated design of balanced wideband bandpass filters based on mirrored stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) and interdigital capacitors

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    This paper presents small balanced bandpass filters exhibiting wide differential-mode pass bands and high common-mode suppression. The filters are implemented in microstrip technology and their topology consists of multisection mirrored stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) alternating with mirrored interdigital capacitors. The mirrored SIRs provide the required common-mode transmission zeros to achieve effective rejection of that mode in the region of interest, i.e. the differential-mode pass band. An automated design method for such filters, based on aggressive space mapping, is reported. The method uses the equivalent circuit model of both the mirrored SIRs and the interdigital capacitors, and filter synthesis is based on a quasi-Newton iterative algorithm where parameter extraction is the key aspect. The automated design approach is illustrated through an order-3 filter, where it is demonstrated that the filter topology is generated from the specifications. As compared with previous balanced filters based on mirrored SIRs coupled through admittance inverters, the proposed filters of this work are smaller and the design method is simplified, since bandwidth compensation due to the narrowband functionality of the inverters is avoided.This work was supported by MINECO-Spain (projects no. TEC2013-47037-C5-1-R, TEC2013-40600-R, and TEC2013-49221-EXP), Generalitat de Catalunya (project no. 2014SGR-157), and Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats (who has awarded Ferran Martin).Sans, M.; Selga, J.; Vélez, P.; Rodriguez Perez, AM.; Bonache, J.; Boria Esbert, VE.; Martin, F. (2016). Automated design of balanced wideband bandpass filters based on mirrored stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) and interdigital capacitors. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. 8(4-5):731-740. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1759078716000672S73174084-

    ¿Cómo hacer más coeducativos los patios de recreo? Una propuesta de aprendizaje-servicio

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    El reconeixement de la igualtat de drets de totes les persones legislativament és un fet, però, a la llum de les investigacions, encara queda molt de camí per recórrer per arribar a la igualtat real entre noies i nois. L'escola hauria de garantir aquesta igualtat de drets, però, tanmateix, als patis de les escoles hi ha una gran asimetria en el seu ús. L'objectiu d'aquest treball va ser dissenyar una nova organització del pati, des d'una perspectiva de gènere, duta a terme mitjançant una experiència d'aprenentatge servei (ApS). El projecte parteix d'una necessitat detectada al centre escolar i per dur-lo a terme ha estat imprescindible la col·laboració de l'alumnat, del professorat i de la direcció del centre. La proposta de servei va ser dissenyada per una alumna universitària per a l'alumnat de 5è i 6è d'Educació Primària, 36 nois i 28 noies, i l'espai del pati es va dividir en 6 zones amb diferents propostes d'utilització. Per a la recollida d’informació es van utilitzar observacions, fulls d’avaluació de l’alumnat, diaris i autoavaluacions. El canvi proposat ha deixat palès el fet que les nenes i els nens juguen de manera conjunta quan les propostes ofertes estan pensades tenint en compte la perspectiva de gènere. Les persones del centre educatiu implicades van mostrar satisfacció amb la proposta realitzada i van continuar fent-la servir després de finalitzar el període del servei.The recognition of equal rights for all people in legislation is a fact, but according to research, there is still a long way to go to achieve real equality between girls and boys. The school should guarantee this equality of rights, but we see that in school playgrounds there is a great asymmetry in their use. The main goal of this work was to design a playground organization, from a gender perspective, developed through a service-learning (S-L) experience. The SL project is based on a need detected in the school and in order to carry it out it has been essential to have the collaboration of the center, the students, the teaching staff and the management team. The service proposal was designed for a university and the playground space was divided into 6 areas. For the collection of information, different instruments were used (observations, students' evaluation tables, diaries and tools for self-evaluations). The proposed change has made clear that girls and boys play together when the proposals offered are designed taking into account the gender perspective. The members of the school involved were satisfied with the proposal and continued to use it after the end of the service period.El reconocimiento de la igualdad de derechos de todas las personas legislativamente es un hecho, pero, a la luz de las investigaciones, aún queda mucho camino por recorrer para llegar a la igualdad real entre chicas y chicos. La escuela debería garantizar esta igualdad de derechos, y, sin embargo, en los patios de las escuelas existe una gran asimetría en su uso. El objetivo de este trabajo fue diseñar una nueva organización del patio, desde una perspectiva de género, llevada a cabo a través de una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio (ApS). El proyecto parte de una necesidad detectada en el centro escolar y para llevarlo a cabo ha sido imprescindible la colaboración del alumnado, del profesorado y de la dirección del centro. La propuesta de servicio fue diseñada por una alumna universitaria para el alumnado de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria, 36 chicos y 28 chicas, en la que el espacio del patio se dividió en 6 zonas con diferentes propuestas de utilización. Para la recogida de información se utilizaron observaciones, hojas de evaluación del alumnado, diarios y autoevaluaciones. El cambio propuesto ha dejado patente el hecho de que las niñas y los niños juegan de manera conjunta cuando las propuestas ofrecidas están pensadas teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de género. Las personas del centro educativo implicadas mostraron satisfacción con la propuesta realizada y siguieron utilizándola tras finalizar el período del servicio

    Visceral Larva Migrans in Immigrants from Latin America

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    To determine whether increased migration is associated with an increase in incidence of toxocariasis (visceral larva migrans), we analyzed clinical data obtained from immigrants from Latin America. Although infection with Toxocara sp. roundworm larvae is distributed worldwide, seroprevalence is highest in tropical and subtropical areas

    RNAi as a management tool for the western corn rootworm, \u3ci\u3eDiabrotica virgifera virgifera\u3c/i\u3e

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    The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, is the most important pest of corn in the US Corn Belt. Economic estimates indicate that costs of control and yield loss associated with WCR damage exceed $US 1 billion annually. Historically, corn rootworm management has been extremely difficult because of its ability to evolve resistance to both chemical insecticides and cultural control practices. Since 2003, the only novel commercialized developments in rootworm management have been transgenic plants expressing Bt insecticidal proteins. Four transgenic insecticidal proteins are currently registered for rootworm management, and field resistance to proteins from the Cry3 family highlights the importance of developing traits with new modes of action. One of the newest approaches for controlling rootworm pests involves RNA interference (RNAi). This review describes the current understanding of the RNAi mechanisms in WCR and the use of this technology for WCR management. Further, the review addresses ecological risk assessment of RNAi and insect resistance management of RNAi for corn rootworm

    RNAi as a management tool for the western corn rootworm, \u3ci\u3eDiabrotica virgifera virgifera\u3c/i\u3e

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    The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, is the most important pest of corn in the US Corn Belt. Economic estimates indicate that costs of control and yield loss associated with WCR damage exceed $US 1 billion annually. Historically, corn rootworm management has been extremely difficult because of its ability to evolve resistance to both chemical insecticides and cultural control practices. Since 2003, the only novel commercialized developments in rootworm management have been transgenic plants expressing Bt insecticidal proteins. Four transgenic insecticidal proteins are currently registered for rootworm management, and field resistance to proteins from the Cry3 family highlights the importance of developing traits with new modes of action. One of the newest approaches for controlling rootworm pests involves RNA interference (RNAi). This review describes the current understanding of the RNAi mechanisms in WCR and the use of this technology for WCR management. Further, the review addresses ecological risk assessment of RNAi and insect resistance management of RNAi for corn rootworm