704 research outputs found

    Probiotics reduce anxiety-related behavior in zebrafish

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    [EN] There is increasing evidence that gut microbiome could have effects on neurological processes and on behavior. In this study we used the novel tank test (NTT) to analyze zebrafish exploring behavior after four months’ supplementation with probiotics with probed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Results showed that prolonged ingestion of Lactobacillus rhamnosus CECT8361 and Bifidobacterium longum CECT7347 significantly alters the swimming pattern and mean swimming speed in the zebrafish model. After treatment, zebrafish strongly reduced their bottom-dwelling geotactic behavior when placed in a new tank, which could be correlated to a lower state of anxiety.S

    Diet Supplemented with Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Probiotics Improves Sperm Quality after Only One Spermatogenic Cycle in Zebrafish Model

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    [EN] Infertility is a medical concern worldwide and could also have economic consequences in farmed animals. Developing an efficient diet supplement with immediate effects on sperm quality is a promising tool for human reproduction and for domesticated animal species. This study aims at elucidating the effect of a short-time probiotic supplementation consisting of a mixture of two probiotic bacteria with proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities on zebrafish sperm quality and male behavior. For this purpose, three homogeneous groups of males in terms of motility (<60%) were established. The control group was fed with a normal standard diet. The other received supplements: One group (vehicle control) was fed with maltodextrin and the other received a probiotic preparation based on a mixture (1:1) of Lactobacillus rhamnosus CECT8361 and Bifidobacterium longum CECT7347. The feeding regime was 21 days corresponding with a single spermatogenesis in zebrafish. The preparation did not modify animal weight, positively affected the number of fluent males, increased sperm concentration, total motility, progressive motility, and fast spermatozoa subpopulations. Moreover, the animals fed with the supplement showed different behavior patterns compared to control groups. Our results suggest a diet-related modulation on the exploration activity indicating a lower stress-like conduct. The studied formulation described here should be considered as advantageous in male reproductive biotechnologySIThis work was supported by project AGL2015 68330-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER)The authors acknowledge contract PTA2016-11987-I (MINECO/FEDER), Biopolis S.L. (Valencia, Spain), AQUA-CIBUS International Net 318RT0549 (CYTED), and the staff from Planta de Cultivos El Bocal (IEO

    Effect of low sperm quality on progeny: a study on zebrafish as model species

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    [EN] Nowadays a decrease tendency in human sperm quality has been reported mainly in developed countries. Reproductive technologies have been very valuable in achieving successful pregnancies with low quality sperm samples. However, considering that spermatozoa molecular contribution is increasingly important in recent studies, it is crucial to study whether fertilization with low sperm quality could leave a molecular mark on progeny. This study explores the consequences that fertilization with low sperm quality may have on progeny, using zebrafish as a model. Good and bad breeders were established attending to sperm quality analyses and were individually tracked. Significant differences in fertilization and malformation rates were obtained in progenies between high and low quality sperm samples. Moreover an altered miR profile was found in the progenies of bad zebrafish breeders (upregulation of miR-141 and miR -122 in 24 hpf embryos) and as a consequence, some of their targets involved in male sex development such as dmrt1, suffered downregulation. Our results indicate that fertilizing with high sperm quality samples becomes relevant from a new perspective: to avoid molecular alterations in the progeny that could remain masked and therefore produce unexpected consequences in it.SIThis work was supported by AGL2015 68330-C2-1-R project (MINECO/FEDER), PTA2016-11987-I contract (MINECO/FEDER) and AQUA-CIBUS international net 318RT0549 funded by CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo

    Impact of different levels of handling on Solea senegalensis culture: effects on growth and molecular markers of stress

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    [EN] Aquaculture routine practices may cause stress induction on the fish and compromise their welfare affecting the production. This experiment aimed to evaluate the potential links between handling during culture with stress responses and growth on Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). We worked with two fish cohorts in terms of initial body weight and culture stage: Trial 1 included specimens in the fattening stage (226 ± 4.96 g) and Trial 2 animals in the pre-fattening stage (27.20 ± 0.44 g). The tested culture protocol, which lasted 6 and 4 months for Trial 1 and 2, respectively, mainly reduced handling-derived stressors in the experimental tanks via lowering routine samplings to a minimum. This decrease of the handling-derived stress was reflected in both trials with lower concentration of circulating cortisol in blood plasma from the experimental fish when compared to controls. Moreover, the proposed protocol promoted higher growth in the fish cultured in the less disturbing protocol in Trial 2. Higher specific growth rates and mean body weight and length were reported. In order to further explore the potential beneficial effects of our protocol, we studied the musculoskeletal from Trial 2 gene expression of key genes regulating glucocorticoid signaling pathway and apoptosis: glucocorticoid receptors 1 and 2 (gr1, gr2), heat shock protein 90 AA (hsp90aa), and caspase 6 (casp6). In line with the cortisol reduced level in this trial, gr1, hsp90aa, and casp6 genes showed lower expression in the samples coming from the experimental group. The findings of this study provide valuable information to the aquaculture industry for the management of Solea senegalensis stress and welfare.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Complete algorithm for the calculation light patterns inside the ocular media

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    Realistic mathematical models are of great importance for studying the optical performance of the human eye. Light propagation algorithms provide robust methods to calculate field distributions inside a homogeneous medium, and thus they can be applied to the study of light patterns inside the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. Dealing with real eyes implies using very short propagation distances together with highly refractive power surfaces. Thus, the general solutions of the field equation are used instead of paraxial Fresnel solutions. Conditions of application and sampling conditions of the method are clearly stated here. Numerical evaluation of the different refractive surfaces is also analysed. The main result is that a complete algorithm to obtain light patterns at any axial distance inside the eye is proposed. The method uses real corneal measures and axial distances together with crystalline models. Statistical results and individual predictions show the validity of the model. Application of the method is illustrated with the study of a bifocal intraocular lens.This work has been partially supported by the Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esport of the Generalitat Valenciana, through project GV04A/578

    Determinación de la aberración cromática longitudinal en ojos humanos

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    En este trabajo, el Grupo de Óptica y Ciencias de la Visión de la Universidad de Alicante muestra los últimos resultados obtenidos en su línea de trabajo. Los autores calculan la aberración cromática longitudinal mediante el cálculo de patrones de luz propagados a través del ojo encontrando dichas distribuciones, tanto en amplitud como en fase, en un plano cualquiera del interior del ojo humano del cual se conocen su topografía corneal y sus medidas biométricas. Se ha modelado la dependencia de todos los medios oculares con la longitud de onda siguiendo la ecuación de Cauchy. Los autores han realizado el estudio de diez sujetos y han comparado los resultados con medidas reales de aberración cromática, mostrando la concordancia del cálculo numérico. Como muestra de la capacidad de la técnica utilizada, se ha aplicado el método al estudio de la aberración cromática de un queratocono.In this communication the authors have determined the longitudinal chromatic aberration using an algorithm for free space propagated pattern calculation. From topographical and biometric data, the algorithm is capable of provide amplitude and phase distribution of the field at any distance inside the eye. The wavelength dependence of all ocular media has been modelled through the Cauchy formula. Results from the study of ten subjects are compared with real measures of the chromatic aberration, showing a good agreement with numerical calculations. The capabilities of the technique have been demonstrated by applying the method to the study of the chromatic aberration of a keratoconus.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana, a través del proyecto GV04A/578

    A metrology-based approach for measuring the social dimension of cognitive trust in collaborative networks

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-018-0483-1[Abstract]: This paper addresses the measurement of the social dimension of cognitive trust in collaborative networks. Trust indicators are typically measured and combined in literature in order to calculate partners’ trustworthiness. When expressing the result of a measurement, some quantitative indication of the quality of the result—the uncertainty of measurement—should be given. However, currently this is not taken into account for the measurement of the social dimension of cognitive trust in collaborative networks. In view of this, an innovative metrology-based approach for the measurement of social cognitive trust indicators in collaborative networks is presented. Thus, a measurement result is always accompanied by its uncertainty of measurement, as well as by information traditionally used to properly interpret the results: the sample size, and the standard deviation of the sample

    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as a tool to reduce human-animal interaction improves Senegalese sole production

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    El artículo pertenece al special issue Big Data Analysis in Biomolecular Research, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology with Complex Networks and Multi-Label Machine Learning Models[EN] Manipulation is usually required for biomass calculation and food estimation for optimal fish growth in production facilities. However, the advances in computer-based systems have opened a new range of applied possibilities. In this study we used image analysis and a neural network algorithm that allowed us to successfully provide highly accurate biomass data. This developed system allowed us to compare the effects of reduced levels of human-animal interaction on the culture of adult Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) in terms of body weight gain. For this purpose, 30 adult fish were split into two homogeneous groups formed by three replicates (n = 5) each: a control group (CTRL), which was standard manipulated and an experimental group (EXP), which was maintained under a lower human-animal interaction culture using our system for biomass calculation. Visible implant elastomer was, for the first time, applied as tagging technology for tracking soles during the experiment (four months). The experimental group achieved a statistically significant weight gain (p < 0.0100) while CTRL animals did not report a statistical before-after weight increase. Individual body weight increment was lower (p < 0.0100) in standard-handled animals. In conclusion, our experimental approach provides evidence that our developed system for biomass calculation, which implies lower human-animal interaction, improves biomass gain in Senegalese sole individuals in a short period of time.S

    IV Edición. Colaboración con centros de secundaria para la formación experimental de alumnos de bachillerato

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    La “Red para la colaboración con centros de secundaria para la formación experimental de alumnos de bachillerato” ha llevado a cabo este año su quinta edición. La línea de actuación prioritaria se mantiene siendo el fomento del intercambio de experiencias en diferentes campos del conocimiento científico dirigidas al alumnado que cursa Bachillerato o estudios de Secundaria. En la edición de este curso hemos recibido en nuestros laboratorios a 233 alumnos procedentes de 11 centros de la provincia de Alicante para la realización de diferentes prácticas. El periodo elegido, como viene siendo habitual han sido los meses de Enero y Febrero, durante el periodo de elaboración de exámenes, no lectivo que tiene la Universidad de Alicante para los alumnos de todas las titulaciones de grado. en las que los alumnos han sido los verdaderos protagonistas. Esto significaría que en las 5 ediciones de nuestra red hemos recibido en nuestros laboratorios en total a 858 alumnos de Bachiller y de de 4º año de educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO). Estudiantes que han realizado bajo nuestra supervisión las prácticas de laboratorio que previamente habían sido ofertadas a sus centros. En todas las ediciones, los resultados obtenidos han sido plenamente satisfactorios tanto para los alumnos como para todos los profesores integrantes de la Red. Pensamos que es tiempo de reunir y reflexionar sobre todo el trabajo realizado

    Contribución de la electrónica y fotónica a la tecnología de la rehabilitación

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    Alrededor de un 15% de la población está afectada en cierto grado por una discapacidad. En la sociedad del bienestar y a las puertas de un nuevo milenio, existe una indudable preocupación por proporcionar a estas personas con discapacidad acceso a servicios similares, y a un mismo grado de independencia que sus conciudadanos. En este sentido, la Tecnología de la Rehabilitación será la encargada de ofrecerles soluciones, productos y servicios que les permitan equipararse con el resto de la sociedad y acceder de forma igualitaria a las mismas tareas, actividades y puestos de trabajo. El soporte tecnológico sobre el que se basarán los citados productos o servicios puede ser variado, aunque disciplinas tradicionales como la electrónica y la fotónica seguirán jugando un papel preponderante.Publicad