104 research outputs found

    Parámetros genéticos para producción de leche de ganado Holstein en dos modalidades de control de producción

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    Variance components and genetic parameters were estimated for total milk production at first lactation (MP1), milkyield adjusted to 305 d and adult equivalent at the first lactation (MP1std), total milk production of the first fivelactations (MP5) and milk yield adjusted to 305 d and mature equivalent of the first five lactations (MP5std). Thedatabases of the Mexican Holstein Association (MHA, n= 43,668) and of the National Bank of Dairy Information(NBDI, n= 120,217) were used. Variances were estimated by REML, using a simple animal model for MP1 and MP1stdand a repeatability animal model for MP5 and MP5std. Heritability estimates ranged from low to moderate for thefirst lactation (0.17 ± 0.009 to 0.49 ± 0.019) and for the first five lactations (0.16 ± 0.006 to 0.41 ± 0.004). Therepeatabilities for MP5 and MP5std ranged from 0.32 ± 0.002 to 0.41 ± 0.004. The inclusion of information of theNBDI on the national evaluations made possible the incorporation of production data that had not been taken intoconsideration before. This inclusion not only improved the accuracy of sire breeding values   for milk production, butalso allowed the prediction of breeding values of more foreign and domestic animals with progeny in Mexico.Se estimaron componentes de varianza y parámetros genéticos para producción de leche total a la primera lactancia (PL1), producción de leche ajustada a 305 días y a equivalente adulto de la primera lactancia (PL1std), producción de leche total de las cinco primeras lactancias (PL5) y producción de leche ajustada a 305 días y a equivalente adulto de las primeras 5 lactancias (PL5std). Se utilizaron las bases de datos de la Asociación Holstein de México (AHM; n= 43,668) y del Banco Nacional de Información Lechera (BNIL; n= 120,217). Las varianzas fueron estimadas mediante REML, utilizando un modelo animal simple para PL1 y PL1std y un modelo animal de repetibilidad para PL5 y PL5std. Las heredabilidades estimadas fueron desde bajas a moderadas para la primera lactancia (0.17 ± 0.009 a 0.49 ± 0.019) y para las primeras cinco lactancias (0.16 ± 0.006 a 0.41 ± 0.004). Las repetibilidades para PL5 y PL5std tuvieron un rango de 0.32 ± 0.002 a 0.41 ± 0.004. La inclusión de la información del BNIL en las evaluaciones genéticas permitió incorporar datos de producción que no se estaban tomando en cuenta. Esto no solamente mejoró la precisión de los valores genéticos de los sementales para producción de leche, sino que también permitió la predicción de los valores genéticos de animales nacionales y extranjeros con progenies en México

    Parámetros genéticos para producción de leche de ganado Holstein en dos modalidades de control de producción

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    Variance components and genetic parameters were estimated for total milk production at first lactation (MP1), milkyield adjusted to 305 d and adult equivalent at the first lactation (MP1std), total milk production of the first fivelactations (MP5) and milk yield adjusted to 305 d and mature equivalent of the first five lactations (MP5std). Thedatabases of the Mexican Holstein Association (MHA, n= 43,668) and of the National Bank of Dairy Information(NBDI, n= 120,217) were used. Variances were estimated by REML, using a simple animal model for MP1 and MP1stdand a repeatability animal model for MP5 and MP5std. Heritability estimates ranged from low to moderate for thefirst lactation (0.17 ± 0.009 to 0.49 ± 0.019) and for the first five lactations (0.16 ± 0.006 to 0.41 ± 0.004). Therepeatabilities for MP5 and MP5std ranged from 0.32 ± 0.002 to 0.41 ± 0.004. The inclusion of information of theNBDI on the national evaluations made possible the incorporation of production data that had not been taken intoconsideration before. This inclusion not only improved the accuracy of sire breeding values   for milk production, butalso allowed the prediction of breeding values of more foreign and domestic animals with progeny in Mexico.Se estimaron componentes de varianza y parámetros genéticos para producción de leche total a la primera lactancia (PL1), producción de leche ajustada a 305 días y a equivalente adulto de la primera lactancia (PL1std), producción de leche total de las cinco primeras lactancias (PL5) y producción de leche ajustada a 305 días y a equivalente adulto de las primeras 5 lactancias (PL5std). Se utilizaron las bases de datos de la Asociación Holstein de México (AHM; n= 43,668) y del Banco Nacional de Información Lechera (BNIL; n= 120,217). Las varianzas fueron estimadas mediante REML, utilizando un modelo animal simple para PL1 y PL1std y un modelo animal de repetibilidad para PL5 y PL5std. Las heredabilidades estimadas fueron desde bajas a moderadas para la primera lactancia (0.17 ± 0.009 a 0.49 ± 0.019) y para las primeras cinco lactancias (0.16 ± 0.006 a 0.41 ± 0.004). Las repetibilidades para PL5 y PL5std tuvieron un rango de 0.32 ± 0.002 a 0.41 ± 0.004. La inclusión de la información del BNIL en las evaluaciones genéticas permitió incorporar datos de producción que no se estaban tomando en cuenta. Esto no solamente mejoró la precisión de los valores genéticos de los sementales para producción de leche, sino que también permitió la predicción de los valores genéticos de animales nacionales y extranjeros con progenies en México

    Tsunami generation potential of a strike slip fault tip in the westernmost Mediterranean

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    Tsunamis are triggered by sudden seafloor displacements, and usually originate from seismic activity at faults. Nevertheless, strike-slip faults are usually disregarded as major triggers, as they are thought to be capable of generating only moderate seafloor deformation; accordingly, the tsunamigenic potential of the vertical throw at the tips of strike-slip faults is not thought to be significant. We found the active dextral NW–SE Averroes Fault in the central Alboran Sea (westernmost Mediterranean) has a historical vertical throw of up to 5.4 m at its northwestern tip corresponding to an earthquake of Mw 7.0. We modelled the tsunamigenic potential of this seafloor deformation by Tsunami-HySEA software using the Coulomb 3.3 code. Waves propagating on two main branches reach highly populated sectors of the Iberian coast with maximum arrival heights of 6 m within 21 and 35 min, which is too quick for current early-warning systems to operate successfully. These findings suggest that the tsunamigenic potential of strike-slip faults is more important than previously thought, and should be taken into account for the re-evaluation of tsunami early-warning systems.Versión del edito

    NOX4-dependent Hydrogen peroxide promotes shear stress-induced SHP2 sulfenylation and eNOS activation

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved. Laminar shear stress (LSS) triggers signals that ultimately result in atheroprotection and vasodilatation. Early responses are related to the activation of specific signaling cascades. We investigated the participation of redox-mediated modifications and in particular the role of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the sulfenylation of redox-sensitive phosphatases. Exposure of vascular endothelial cells to short periods of LSS (12 dyn/cm2) resulted in the generation of superoxide radical anion as detected by the formation of 2-hydroxyethidium by HPLC and its subsequent conversion to H2O2, which was corroborated by the increase in the fluorescence of the specific peroxide sensor HyPer. By using biotinylated dimedone we detected increased total protein sulfenylation in the bovine proteome, which was dependent on NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4)-mediated generation of peroxide. Mass spectrometry analysis allowed us to identify the phosphatase SHP2 as a protein susceptible to sulfenylation under LSS. Given the dependence of FAK activity on SHP2 function, we explored the role of FAK under LSS conditions. FAK activation and subsequent endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation were promoted by LSS and both processes were dependent on NOX4, as demonstrated in lung endothelial cells isolated from NOX4-null mice. These results support the idea that LSS elicits redox-sensitive signal transduction responses involving NOX4-dependent generation of hydrogen peroxide, SHP2 sulfenylation, and ulterior FAK-mediated eNOS activation.Ministerio deEconomía y Competitividad, SAF2012-31338(S.L.),CSD2007-00020(S. L.), SAF2010-37926(J.V.); Instituto de Salud CarlosIII, REDinREN RD12/0021/0009(S.L.), ProteoRed-PT13/0001/0017(J.V.), RETIC-RD12/0042/0056(J.V.); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB815/TP1toK.S.andR.P.B.andSCHR1241/1-1toK.S.); German Center for Cardiovascular Research; ComunidaddeMadrid “Fi-broteam” S2010/BMD-2321(S.L.);and Fundación Renal “Iñigo Alvarez deToledo” (S.L.). This work was also supported by European Cooperationin Science and Technology actionsBM-1203(EU-ROS) and BM-1005(ENOGAS) (S.L.).A.M.S.is supported by the British Heart Foundation.TheCBMSO receives institutional support from Fundación Ramón ArecesPeer Reviewe

    Dengue 3 Epidemic, Havana, 2001

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    In June 2001, dengue transmission was detected in Havana, Cuba; 12,889 cases were reported. Dengue 3, the etiologic agent of the epidemic, caused the dengue hemorrhagic fever only in adults, with 78 cases and 3 deaths. After intensive vector control efforts, no new cases have been detected

    Seafloor Morphology and Processes in the Alboran Sea

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    The seafloor of the Alboran Sea reflects its complex tectonic, sedimentary, and oceanography dynamics as a consequence of the geological context, involving interaction between the Eurasian and African plates, and oceanographic context, as it is where the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters meet. Their physiography has a semi-enclosed configuration characterized by two margins (the Spanish Iberian and North Africa—mostly Moroccan margins) enclosing deep basins. Tectonic activity is mainly attested by folds and faults that predominantly affect the central and eastern seafloor sectors, as well as numerous seamounts and fluid-flow features (pockmarks, mud volcanoes, and diapirs) that dot the seafloor. The sedimentary and oceanographic processes allow us to distinctly define two principal environments in the Alboran Sea: the shallow proximal margin (continental shelf); and the deep distal margin (continental slope and base of the slope) with the adjacent sub-basins. The shelf mostly comprises prodeltaic and infralittoral prograding wedges, with local bedform fields, submarine valleys, and wave-cut terraces. Coastal and fluvio-marine sedimentary processes, acting since the last glacial period, are responsible for these features. The deep marine environment is characterised by the ubiquity of contourites, whose continuity is interrupted by turbidite systems, canyons, and landslides. The alongslope action of the Mediterranean waters and their interfaces with the Atlantic water has been the main process governing transport, seafloor reworking, and sedimentation of contourites. Mass-movement processes are responsible for the formation of: (1) turbidite systems—turbidity flows and mass flows were dominant during the last glacial sea-level lowstand, evolving to dilute gravity flows during present interglacial high stand; and (2) landslides—the main triggering factors comprising over-steepening, seismicity, under consolidation due to overpressure by interstitial fluids, stratigraphy, and high sedimentation rates. Locally, still-undetermined biological activity in the Spanish and coral activity in the Moroccan margin generated fields of mounded bioconstructions. The seafloor morphology of the Alboran Sea offers interesting clues for assessing the main potential geological hazards, with tectonic seismicity and landslides (as well as their related tsunamis) being some of the most important potential hazards affecting coastal populations. In addition, the seafloor morphology in combination with assemblages of habitat-forming species enables habitat identification and mapping.En prens

    Triggering Mechanisms of Tsunamis in the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea: An Overview

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    The Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea are characterized by tectonic activity due to oblique convergence at the boundary between the Eurasian and Nubian plates. This activity has favoured a variety of tsunamigenic sources: basically, seismogenic faults and submarine landslides. The main tsunamigenic faults in the Gulf of Cadiz would comprise the thrust systems of Gorringe Ridge, Marquês de Pombal, São Vicente Canyon, and Horseshoe faults with a high susceptibility; meanwhile in the Alboran Sea would be the thrust system of the northern Alboran Ridge with high susceptibility, and the thrust systems of north Xauen and Adra margin, the transpressive segment of Al Idrissi fault, and the Yusuf-Habibas and Averroes faults, with moderate to high susceptibility. The areas with the greatest potential to generate tsunamigenic submarine landslides are in the Gulf of Cadiz, the São Vicente Canyon, Hirondelle Seamount, and Gorringe Ridge; and in the Alboran Sea are the southern and northern flanks of Alboran Ridge. Both sources are likely to generate destructive tsunamis in the Gulf of Cadiz, given its history of bigger earthquakes (>7 Mw) and larger landslides. To fully assess tsunamigenic sources, further work needs to be performed. In the case of seismogenic faults, research focuses on geometry, offsets, timing, paleoearthquakes, and recurrence, and in landslides on early post-failure evolution, age, events, and recurrence. In situ measurements, paleotsunami records, and long-term monitoring, in addition to major modelling developments, will be also necessary.Versión del edito