318 research outputs found

    Alcohol y campaniforme

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    Los recientes hallazgos de cerveza en recipientes neolíticos y campaniformes ofrecen una nueva base empírica sobre la que replantear ciertas hipótesis. El panorama que dibuja la documentación actual impide que aceptemos sin crítica planteamientos que, como los de Andrew Sherratt, suponen el marco de referencia para la interpretación del alcohol en la Prehistoria Reciente europea. Se plantea una vía indígena occidental para la elaboración de alcoholes y se pone en duda el gran valor que se ha asignado a la cerveza en momentos campaniformes

    Tratamiento de las intoxicaciones agudas. Revisión de las intoxicaciones por sustancias de abuso

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    54 páginasTrabajo de Curso de Experto Universitario en Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias (2013). Tutor: José Manuel Vergara Olivares. El consumo de sustancias de abuso en nuestro país ha modificado sus pautas de comportamiento, aumentando entre los jóvenes de nuestro país, además del consumo de los jóvenes extranjeros en sus viajes al mismo. En general, son muchas las sustancias que se pueden consumir (existen listas de hasta 300 compuestos) y dependerá mucho del área geográfica, de la edad, el tipo de consumo que éstos lleven a cabo. Las intoxicaciones por las mismas, son causa frecuente de atención en las urgencias hospitalarias y extrahospitalarias, por ello es conveniente saber qué tipo de actuación hay que llevar a cabo en cada una de ellas, conocer alguna de sus particularidades y saber tratar de forma general las intoxicaciones agudas.Substance abuse in our country has changed their behavior patterns, rising among the youth of our country, besides the consumption of young foreigners in their travels. In general, there are many substances that can be consumed (there are lists with 300 compounds) and the type of consumption depend of the geographic area, age. Poisoning by the substance abuse, are a frequent cause of hospital emergency care and outpatient, so it is useful to know what type of action should be carried out in each of them, meet some of its peculiarities and generally know how to treat the acute poisoning

    Parameter Splitting in dark energy: is dark energy the same in the background and in the cosmic structures?

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    We perform an empirical consistency test of General Relativity/dark energy by disentangling expansion history and growth of structure constraints. We replace each late-universe parameter that describes the behavior of dark energy with two meta-parameters: one describing geometrical information in cosmological probes, and the other controlling the growth of structure. If the underlying model (a standard wCDM cosmology with General Relativity) is correct, that is under the null hypothesis, the two meta-parameters coincide. If they do not, it could indicate a failure of the model or systematics in the data. We present a global analysis using state-of-the-art cosmological data sets which points in the direction that cosmic structures prefer a weaker growth than that inferred by background probes. This result could signify inconsistencies of the model, the necessity of extensions to it or the presence of systematic errors in the data. We examine all these possibilities. The fact that the result is mostly driven by a specific sub-set of galaxy clusters abundance data, points to the need of a better understanding of this probe

    The effects of corporate social responsibility on customer-based brand equity: Spanish hypermarket case

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    [EN] Hypermarkets have experienced substantial restructuring in the recent past because their situation has generated the necessity to develop new models that include different new aspects. The question under consideration here is whether the adoption of measures of corporate social responsibility (C.S.R.) by hypermarkets in Spanish markets can solve their continuing problems by establishing a fair degree of consumer-based brand equity. The purpose of the present study is twofold: (a) to investigate the effects of C.S.R. on hypermarket brand equity; and (b) to explore the dimensions of both these variables by using and testing property scales. As such, it is necessary to consider the possibility of integrating the management of C.S.R. into the global strategy of hypermarkets and to analyse its possible effects on the variables that influence consumer-based brand equity. It may be interesting to dedicate resources and efforts to strengthening hypermarkets’ links with their consumers.S

    Quaternary phase equilibrium diagrams. Representation and interpretation methods

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    [ES] Se describen los métodos de representación utilizados en el estudio de los diagramas de equilibrio de fases cuaternarios así como su interpretación. Se exponen los inconvenientes del método tradicional, o de intersección, para la interpretación y utilización de dichos diagramas. Se describe detalladamente un método alternativo, denominado método de proyección, utilizado por los autores para el estudio experimental de los diagramas de equilibrio cuaternarios, indicando simultáneamente las ventajas de dicho método sobre el de intersección. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados obtenidos, al aplicar el método de proyección, al estudio de los sistemas: MgO-CaO-SiO2-ZrO2, y Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-Fe2O3.[EN] Se describen los métodos de representación utilizados en el estudio de los diagramas de equilibrio de fases cuaternarios así como su interpretación. Se exponen los inconvenientes del método tradicional, o de intersección, para la interpretación y utilización de dichos diagramas. Se describe detalladamente un método alternativo, denominado método de proyección, utilizado por los autores para el estudio experimental de los diagramas de equilibrio cuaternarios, indicando simultáneamente las ventajas de dicho método sobre el de intersección. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados obtenidos, al aplicar el método de proyección, al estudio de los sistemas: MgO-CaO-SiO2-ZrO2, y Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2-Fe2O3.Los autores desean agradecer el soporte financiero de CICYT España bajo el proyecto MAT-2003-08331-C02-01 y a la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid CAM-07N/0038/2001MAT- 2000-0941. B. Vázquez desea agradecer a la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-México la concesión de la beca PROMEP.Peer reviewe

    A combination of supervised dimensionality reduction and learning methods to forecast solar radiation

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    Machine learning is routinely used to forecast solar radiation from inputs, which are forecasts of meteorological variables provided by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, on a spatially distributed grid. However, the number of features resulting from these grids is usually large, especially if several vertical levels are included. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is one of the simplest and most widely-used methods to extract features and reduce dimensionality in renewable energy forecasting, although this method has some limitations. First, it performs a global linear analysis, and second it is an unsupervised method. Locality Preserving Projection (LPP) overcomes the locality problem, and recently the Linear Optimal Low-Rank (LOL) method has extended Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) to be applicable when the number of features is larger than the number of samples. Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) also achieves this goal extending the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) framework to integrate the logistic regression loss function. In this article we try to overcome all these issues together by proposing a Supervised Local Maximum Variance Preserving (SLMVP) method, a supervised non-linear method for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. PCA, LPP, LOL, SNMF and SLMVP have been compared on Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) and Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) radiation data at two different Iberian locations: Seville and Lisbon. Results show that for both kinds of radiation (GHI and DNI) and the two locations, SLMVP produces smaller MAE errors than PCA, LPP, LOL, and SNMF, around 4.92% better for Seville and 3.12% for Lisbon. It has also been shown that, although SLMVP, PCA, and LPP benefit from using a non-linear regression method (Gradient Boosting in this work), this benefit is larger for PCA and LPP because SMLVP is able to perform non-linear transformations of inputs.This work has been made possible by projects funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107455RB-C22 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033). This work was also supported by the Comunidad de Madrid Excellence Program and Comunidad de Madrid-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid young investigators initiative

    SOWISP—A retrospective high spatial and temporal resolution database of the installed wind and solar PV power in Spain

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    The proposal of new energy systems based on renewable energies requires thorough research in order to derive technically reliable and economically sustainable systems. One of the key inputs of such research is constituted by reliable databases of renewable resources. Despite the great effort of the scientific community in recent years, most current databases are far from optimal. Although some databases are based on real data, they lack adequate spatial resolution and/or temporal coverage. Other databases are obtained by estimating renewable energy potential from meteorological reanalysis; however, these estimates are subject to high uncertainty. One of the main problems when building these renewable resource databases is the lack of actual values of installed capacity. In this study we present the SOlar and Wind Installed Spanish Power (SOWISP) database. SOWISP provides the actual installed capacity of wind and photovoltaic solar energy in each Spanish town, with a monthly resolution, and covering the period of 2015–2020. SOWISP has been developed and validated based on a careful and thorough compilation of different public databases. It covers the need for a publicly available database with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution suitable for the analysis of energy systems. Moreover, SOWISP, along with other freely available datasets, supports many modern applications. In addition, a Python package (available on GitHub) was developed for managing this databaseSpanish GovernmentJunta de Andalucia PID2019-107455RB-C21/AEI/92 10.13039/501100011033European CommissionUE-Junta de Andalucia PID2019-107455RB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 TEP-220 PAIDI2020-DOC_0111

    Constraints on deviations from ΛCDM within Horndeski gravity.

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    Recent anomalies found in cosmological datasets such as the low multipoles of the Cosmic Microwave Background or the low redshift amplitude and growth of clustering measured by e.g., abundance of galaxy clusters and redshift space distortions in galaxy surveys, have motivated explorations of models beyond standard ΛCDM. Of particular interest are models where general relativity (GR) is modified on large cosmological scales. Here we consider deviations from ΛCDM+GR within the context of Horndeski gravity, which is the most general theory of gravity with second derivatives in the equations of motion. We adopt a parametrization in which the four additional Horndeski functions of time αi(t) are proportional to the cosmological density of dark energy ΩDE(t). Constraints on this extended parameter space using a suite of state-of-the art cosmological observations are presented for the first time. Although the theory is able to accommodate the low multipoles of the Cosmic Microwave Background and the low amplitude of fluctuations from redshift space distortions, we find no significant tension with ΛCDM+GR when performing a global fit to recent cosmological data and thus there is no evidence against ΛCDM+GR from an analysis of the value of the Bayesian evidence ratio of the modified gravity models with respect to ΛCDM, despite introducing extra parameters. The posterior distribution of these extra parameters that we derive return strong constraints on any possible deviations from ΛCDM+GR in the context of Horndeski gravity. We illustrate how our results can be applied to a more general frameworks of modified gravity models

    Comarca de Ribera Alta del Ebro

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