97 research outputs found

    La planeación urbana y la política de gestión de residuos sólidos en Medellín, cuestiones preliminares para un análisis jurídico y económico

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     El artículo presenta los principales antecedentes históricos, sociales y jurídicos de la planeación urbana en Colombia, así como las referencias de la política pública de residuos y las figuras normativas a las que han dado lugar; presenta un breve análisis de la relación en la implementación de la planeación urbana y la política pública ambiental en la ciudad de Medellín.

    El servicio post venta y la atención al cliente: estrategias de fidelización

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    The services sector has been a fundamental factor in the development and growth of different countries for several decades, so that the customer is (or should be) the focal point of all decisions and actions of the service organization. And this is very well understood by companies, which develop marketing strategies to achieve customer loyalty oriented not only to maintain those they already have as exclusive and regular customers, but also to attract new customers and bring them to loyalty standards. The research methodology is a bibliographic review, using electronic means available on the web for the development of the objectives. As a general conclusion, it is confirmed the need of the company or commerce to generate studies and strategies aimed at knowing the tastes of customers, knowing what they think of the service offered by the company, correcting bad opinions if any, and adapting to the new tastes that the market generates either with its products or generating new ones.El sector de los servicios se constituyó desde hace varias décadas en factor fundamental de desarrollo y crecimiento de los diferentes países, de tal manera que el cliente es (o debe ser) el punto focal de todas las decisiones y acciones de la organización de servicio. Y esto lo entienden muy bien las empresas, las cuales desarrollan estrategias de marketing para lograr la fidelización de clientes orientados no solo en mantener los que ya tienen como clientes exclusivos y habituales, sino, captar a nuevos clientes y llevarlos a estándares de fidelización. La metodología de la investigación es una revisión bibliográfica, empleado medios electrónicos disponibles en web para el desarrollo de los objetivos. Como conclusión general es que se confirma la necesidad de la empresa o comercio de generación de estudios y estrategias orientadas a conocer los gustos de los clientes, el conocer que piensan del servicio que ofrece la empresa, corregir las malas opiniones si las hubiere, y adaptarse a los nuevos gustos que genera el mercado ya sea con sus productos o generando nuevos

    UPLC-HRMS Polyphenolic Characterization, Contents and Antioxidant Activity of Zingiber officinale Roscoe rhizomes from Costa Rica

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    Zingiber offcinale Roscoe rhizomes have been associated with multiple health benefits, such as blocking blood clotting, digestive and antinausea effects and aid in respiratory conditions. These effects have been linked with their polyphenolic main metabolites, gingerols and shogaols. Herewith, we report a detailed study on the polyphenolic profile and in the contents of main gingerols and shogaol as well as the antioxidant activity of extracts from Z. offcinale rhizomes (n = 17) produced in Costa Rica. Using UPLC-QTOF-ESI MS, a total of 34 polyphenols were identified, grouped in twelve types of structures. In addition, our findings on the main metabolites using UPLC-DAD show all rhizomes complying with total gingerols (TG) content established by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). At individual level, samples SR-1 and NR-4 show the higher contents and also exhibit the highest Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reducing capacity results as well as the best DPPH antioxidant values. In addition, Pearson correlation analysis results showed positive correlation (p < 0.05) between TG and 6-gingerol with FC results and negative correlation (p < 0.05) between 6-gingerol, TG and FC with DPPH results. In turn, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated variability in the composition associated with their region of origin and confirmed that NR-3, NR-4, and especially SR-1 stand out significatively, showing the highest PC1 because of its particularly high TG, 6-gingerol and antioxidant activities. Finally, results from controlled experimental plots of Z. officinale rhizomes (n = 6) indicated influence on metabolites content with higher values for shorter harvest time and high tunnel cultivation. Therefore, our findings indicate the value of Z. officinale in the elaboration of products with potential benefits for health, delivering extracts with higher levels of gingerols than previous reports and exhibiting high antioxidant activity.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Químic

    La planeación urbana y la política de gestión de residuos sólidos en Medellín, cuestiones preliminares para un análisis jurídico y económico

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     El artículo presenta los principales antecedentes históricos, sociales y jurídicos de la planeación urbana en Colombia, así como las referencias de la política pública de residuos y las figuras normativas a las que han dado lugar; presenta un breve análisis de la relación en la implementación de la planeación urbana y la política pública ambiental en la ciudad de Medellín.


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    Durante los últimos años, con el incremento de la población que labora largas jornadas de trabajo, se ha detectado mucha incidencia de enfermedades gástricas, sobrepeso, enfermedades coronarias y otras condiciones físicas que les restan salud, bienestar y energía a las personas que laboran fuera de su casa. Por otro lado, estudios han encontrado que los peruanos a pesar de tener una cocina muy deliciosa y con muchas opciones de insumos le da mayor importancia al almuerzo, es decir la comida central del día, y no desarrolla muchas opciones para la primera comida del día, la misma que es la responsable del bienestar y energía de todo el día. El hábito de comer mejor en el desayuno condiciona a mantener un peso saludable, libre de excesos durante la mañana y el resto del día. El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la implementación de un servicio de desayunos delivery, ubicado en el distrito de San Isidro ubicado en la calle Coronel Odriozola 151 cerca del centro financiero del mismo. Para identificar la rentabilidad del proyecto se realizó un estudio de mercado para poder identificar y cuantificar al público objetivo en la zona indicada. Mediante el análisis interno y externo del negocio se ha determinado los factores que pueden tener una incidencia factible del negocio. Por lo cual se ha elaborado un plan de Marketing para poder llegar al público objetivo, asimismo, para calcular la rentabilidad, se realizó un estudio económico evaluando los diferentes indicadores.During the last years, with the increase in the population that works long hours of work, a high incidence of gastric diseases, overweight, coronary diseases and other physical conditions that reduce health, well-being and energy to people who work outside of his house. On the other hand, studies have found that Peruvians, despite having a very delicious cuisine with many options of inputs, gives more importance to lunch, that is, the central meal of the day, and does not develop many options for the first meal of the day, the same one that is responsible for the well-being and energy of the whole day. The habit of eating better at breakfast conditions to maintain a healthy weight, free of excess during the morning and the rest of the day. The objective of this project is to implement a breakfast delivery service, located in the district of San Isidro located on Coronel Odriozola Street 151 near the financial center of the same. To identify the profitability of the project, a market study was conducted to identify and quantify the target public in the indicated area. Through the internal and external analysis of the business, the factors that can have a feasible business incidence have been determined. For this reason, a marketing plan has been prepared to reach the target audience, and to calculate the profitability, an economic study was carried out evaluating the different indicators.Tesi

    Levels of physical activity and sitting time in elderly people with fragility: results of the 2016-2017 National Health Survey

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    Background: fragility is characterized by loss of biological reserves and vulnerability to adverse outcomes. An intervention with beneficial effects on the prevention and management of frailty is the regular practice of physical activity (PA). Objective: to determine the association between levels of PA, sedentary time and frailty in older Chileans by sex. Methodology: 232 people over 60 years of age from the metropolitan region participating in the National Health Survey 2016-2017 were included. Frailty was assessed based on the Fried Phenotype Scale criteria and PA level and sedentary time with the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ v2). The association between levels of PA with the different states of frailty was investigated with linear regression analysis. Results and conclusion: elderly people with frailty have less total PA (β =-292.6 min/day [95 % CI: 399.5;-185.7], p = 0.001), occupational PA (β =-5821.8 min/day [95 % CI: 8680.8,-2962.8], p = 0.001), transportation (β =-68.0 min/day [95 % CI:-105.4,-30.62], p = 0.001). A lower amount of moderate AF was also found (β =-137.7 min/day [95 % CI:-202.0,-73.5], p = 0.001); vigorous (β =-43.4 min/day [95 % CI:-81.6;-5.20], p = 0.026) and longer time seated (β = 3.55 hours/day [95 % CI:-1.97, 5.14], p = 0.001). Frail older people have lower PA levels compared to their peers without frailty. Considering that the Chilean population will experience an increase in the number of older people, it is essential to implement preventive measures to delay the onset of frailty, such as promoting the practice of PA at all levels.7 página

    El papel de la vitamina D en la gestación y la preeclampsia: de la biología molecular a la clínica

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    Los niveles séricos de vitamina D bajos se han asociado con un riesgo elevado de preeclampsia, una de las principales causas de mortalidad materna en Colombia y el mundo. La asociación parte del papel de la vitamina D en la inflamación y de su relación con el eje renina-angiotensina-aldosterona. El Instituto de Salud de los Estados Unidos sugiere que la vitamina D debe suplementarse de forma rutinaria durante el control prenatal; sin embargo, la Organización Mundial de la Salud, respaldada en medicina basada en la evidencia, sugiere la no suplementación de rutina de esta vitamina. En Colombia, no se conoce la prevalencia de la deficiencia o insuficiencia de vitamina D y los puntos de corte de normalidad aún son objeto de discusión. El objetivo del presente artículo es el de presentar una revisión desde la bases de la biología molecular a la clínica, dilucidando el papel de la vitamina D en la gestación y en su relación con la preeclampsia, así como el de invitar al desarrollo de programas de investigación en temas relacionados con la vitamina D en el país. Abstract The low serum levels of vitamin D have been associated with the risk of preeclampsia, a leading cause of maternal mortality in Colombia. The biological plausibility of the association is the vitamin D role in inflammation and its relationship with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis. The Institute of Medicine of the United States suggests that vitamin D should be supplemented routinely during antenatal care, however, the World Health Organization, supported by evidence-based medicine, suggests not supplement it. In Colombia, the prevalence of deficiency or insufficiency of vitamin D is not known and even normal break- points are discussed. The aim of this article is to review from the molecular biology to the clinic, elucidating the role of vitamin D during pregnancy and in the genesis of preeclampsia, and to encourage research in this field in the country

    Bacterial Toxicity of Potassium Tellurite: Unveiling an Ancient Enigma

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    Biochemical, genetic, enzymatic and molecular approaches were used to demonstrate, for the first time, that tellurite (TeO(3) (2−)) toxicity in E. coli involves superoxide formation. This radical is derived, at least in part, from enzymatic TeO(3) (2−) reduction. This conclusion is supported by the following observations made in K(2)TeO(3)-treated E. coli BW25113: i) induction of the ibpA gene encoding for the small heat shock protein IbpA, which has been associated with resistance to superoxide, ii) increase of cytoplasmic reactive oxygen species (ROS) as determined with ROS-specific probe 2′7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H(2)DCFDA), iii) increase of carbonyl content in cellular proteins, iv) increase in the generation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs), v) inactivation of oxidative stress-sensitive [Fe-S] enzymes such as aconitase, vi) increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, vii) increase of sodA, sodB and soxS mRNA transcription, and viii) generation of superoxide radical during in vitro enzymatic reduction of potassium tellurite

    Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Protects Escherichia coli from Tellurite-Mediated Oxidative Stress

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    The tellurium oxyanion tellurite induces oxidative stress in most microorganisms. In Escherichia coli, tellurite exposure results in high levels of oxidized proteins and membrane lipid peroxides, inactivation of oxidation-sensitive enzymes and reduced glutathione content. In this work, we show that tellurite-exposed E. coli exhibits transcriptional activation of the zwf gene, encoding glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), which in turn results in augmented synthesis of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). Increased zwf transcription under tellurite stress results mainly from reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and not from a depletion of cellular glutathione. In addition, the observed increase of G6PDH activity was paralleled by accumulation of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), suggesting a metabolic flux shift toward the pentose phosphate shunt. Upon zwf overexpression, bacterial cells also show increased levels of antioxidant molecules (NADPH, GSH), better-protected oxidation-sensitive enzymes and decreased amounts of oxidized proteins and membrane lipids. These results suggest that by increasing NADPH content, G6PDH plays an important role in E. coli survival under tellurite stress