12 research outputs found

    The temporal transcriptomic signature of cartilage formation.

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    Chondrogenesis is a multistep process, in which cartilage progenitor cells generate a tissue with distinct structural and functional properties. Although several approaches to cartilage regeneration rely on the differentiation of implanted progenitor cells, the temporal transcriptomic landscape of in vitro chondrogenesis in different models has not been reported. Using RNA sequencing, we examined differences in gene expression patterns during cartilage formation in micromass cultures of embryonic limb bud-derived progenitors. Principal component and trajectory analyses revealed a progressively different and distinct transcriptome during chondrogenesis. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs), based on pairwise comparisons of samples from consecutive days were classified into clusters and analysed. We confirmed the involvement of the top DEGs in chondrogenic differentiation using pathway analysis and identified several chondrogenesis-associated transcription factors and collagen subtypes that were not previously linked to cartilage formation. Transient gene silencing of ATOH8 or EBF1 on day 0 attenuated chondrogenesis by deregulating the expression of key osteochondrogenic marker genes in micromass cultures. These results provide detailed insight into the molecular mechanism of chondrogenesis in primary micromass cultures and present a comprehensive dataset of the temporal transcriptomic landscape of chondrogenesis, which may serve as a platform for new molecular approaches in cartilage tissue engineering

    A gyermekkori koronavírus-fertőzést követő sokszervi gyulladás diagnosztikája és kezelése

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    A SARS-CoV-2-fertőzés ritka gyermekkori szövődménye a sokszervi gyulladás, angol terminológiával paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS). Két vagy több szerv érintettségével járó, súlyos tünetekkel induló betegségről van szó, amelynek tünetei átfedést mutatnak a Kawasaki-betegséggel, a toxikus sokk szindrómával és a makrofágaktivációs szindrómával. A PIMS-betegek intenzív terápiás osztályon vagy intenzív terápiás háttérrel rendelkező intézményben kezelendők, ahol biztosítottak a kardiológiai ellátás feltételei is. A szükséges immunterápia a klinikai prezentációtól függ. A jelen közleményben a szerzők a releváns nemzetközi irodalom áttekintését követően ajánlást tesznek a PIMS diagnosztikai és terápiás algoritmusára. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(17): 652-667. Summary. Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS) is a rare complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. PIMS is a severe condition, involving two or more organ systems. The symptoms overlap with Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome and macrophage activation syndrome. PIMS patients should be treated in an intensive care unit or in an institution with an intensive care background, where cardiological care is also provided. The required specific immunotherapy depends on the clinical presentation. In this paper, after reviewing the relevant international literature, the authors make a recommendation for the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for PIMS. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(17): 652-667

    Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns of Epigenetic Enzymes Dnmt3a, Tet1 and Ogt in Murine Chondrogenic Models

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    We investigated the gene expression pattern of selected enzymes involved in DNA methylation and the effects of the DNA methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidine during in vitro and in vivo cartilage formation. Based on the data of a PCR array performed on chondrifying BMP2-overexpressing C3H10T1/2 cells, the relative expressions of Tet1 (tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1), Dnmt3a (DNA methyltransferase 3), and Ogt (O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase) were further examined with RT-qPCR in murine cell line-based and primary chondrifying micromass cultures. We found very strong but gradually decreasing expression of Tet1 throughout the entire course of in vitro cartilage differentiation along with strong signals in the cartilaginous embryonic skeleton using specific RNA probes for in situ hybridization on frozen sections of 15-day-old mouse embryos. Dnmt3a and Ogt expressions did not show significant changes with RT-qPCR and gave weak in situ hybridization signals. The DNA methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidine reduced cartilage-specific gene expression and cartilage formation when applied during the early stages of chondrogenesis. In contrast, it had a stimulatory effect when added to differentiated chondrocytes, and quantitative methylation-specific PCR proved that the DNA methylation pattern of key chondrogenic marker genes was altered by the treatment. Our results indicate that the DNA demethylation inducing Tet1 plays a significant role during chondrogenesis, and inhibition of DNA methylation exerts distinct effects in different phases of in vitro cartilage formation