38 research outputs found

    Macrophages and Adipocytes in Human Obesity: Adipose Tissue Gene Expression and Insulin Sensitivity During Calorie Restriction and Weight Stabilization

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: We investigated the regulation of adipose tissue gene expression during different phases of a dietary weight loss program and its relation with insulin sensitivity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Twenty-two obese women followed a dietary intervention program composed of an energy restriction phase with a 4-week very-low-calorie diet and a weight stabilization period composed of a 2-month low-calorie diet followed by 3-4 months of a weight maintenance diet. At each time point, a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp and subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were performed. Adipose tissue gene expression profiling was performed using a DNA microarray in a subgroup of eight women. RT-quantitative PCR was used for determination of mRNA levels of 31 adipose tissue macrophage markers (n = 22). RESULTS: Body weight, fat mass, and C-reactive protein level decreased and glucose disposal rate increased during the dietary intervention program. Transcriptome profiling revealed two main patterns of variations. The first involved 464 mostly adipocyte genes involved in metabolism that were downregulated during energy restriction, upregulated during weight stabilization, and unchanged during the dietary intervention. The second comprised 511 mainly macrophage genes involved in inflammatory pathways that were not changed or upregulated during energy restriction and downregulated during weight stabilization and dietary intervention. Accordingly, macrophage markers were upregulated during energy restriction and downregulated during weight stabilization and dietary intervention. The increase in glucose disposal rates in each dietary phase was associated with variation in expression of sets of 80-110 genes that differed among energy restriction, weight stabilization, and dietary intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Adipose tissue macrophages and adipocytes show distinct patterns of gene regulation and association with insulin sensitivity during the various phases of a dietary weight loss program

    Impacts of native and alien plant dominants at different spatial scales

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    Plant invasion science has made a substantial progress in documenting the impacts of aliens, but comparisons with the impacts of native dominants are still rare. Further, the impacts on larger spatial scales remain poorly understood. We recorded the impacts of 10 native and nine invasive dominant plants in the Czech Republic on species richness and Shannon diversity by comparing communities with high vs. low cover of the dominant species. To estimate the impacts at the (i) population level and (ii) between-population level, we compared the Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover of high- and low-dominance plots. Further, we calculated the Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover between the high- and low-dominance plots within each population to express the impacts on species composition. We tested whether (i) native and invasive dominants affect the population- and between population levels of diversity by making the vegetation more homogenous; (ii) whether these effects differ between the native and alien dominants; and (iii) whether the impacts at different spatial levels are related. At the population level, high-dominance plots (with both native and alien dominants) showed higher nestedness and lower turnover compared to the low-dominance plots. Further, all plots with native dominants, both with high- and low dominance, showed higher similarity but lower nestedness than plots with alien dominants. Most importantly, high-dominance plots with native dominants were more similar to each other but showed marginally significantly lower nestedness compared to high-dominance plots with alien dominants. At the between-population level, high-dominance plots with native dominants showed a marginally significantly lower turnover compared to high-dominance plots with alien dominants. The differences in Jaccard dissimilarity, nestedness and turnover between the low- and high-dominance plots at the population level showed strong positive relations to low- and high-dominance differences at the between-populations level. Further, compositional impacts, expressed as the dissimilarity between high- vs. low-dominance plots, positively related to the plot-level impacts on Shannon diversity. Our results show that (i) both native and invasive dominants tend to reduce the diversity over larger areas and that the effect of native dominants may be even stronger, and (ii) the effects on plot-level richness and diversity cannot be easily extrapolated to larger scales but the impacts at the population- and between-populations levels are positively related

    Companions to Kepler giant stars: A long-period eccentric substellar companion to KIC 3526061 and a stellar companion to HD 187878

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    Context. Our knowledge of populations and occurrence of planets orbiting evolved intermediate-mass stars is still incomplete. In 2010 we started a planet-search program among 95 giant stars observed by the Kepler mission to increase the sample of giant stars with planets and with reliable estimates of stellar masses and radii. Aims. We present the two systems KIC 3526061 and HD 187878 from our planet-search program for which we could characterise their companions. Methods. We used precise stellar radial velocity measurements taken with four different echelle spectrographs to derive an orbital solution. We used Gaia astrometric measurements to obtain the inclination of the HD 187878 system and Kepler photometric observations to estimate the stellar mass and radius. Results. We report the discovery of a sub-stellar and a stellar companion around two intermediate-mass red giant branch stars. KIC 3526061 b is most likely a brown dwarf with a minimum mass of 18.15 Jupiter masses in a long-period eccentric orbit, with the orbital period 3552 d and orbital eccentricity 0.85. It is the most evolved system found having a sub-stellar companion with such a large eccentricity and wide separation. HD 187878 B has a minimum mass of 78.4 Jupiter masses. Combining the spectroscopic orbital parameters with the astrometric proper motion anomaly we derived an orbital inclination 9.8 deg, which corresponds to the companion's mass in the stellar regime of 0.51 Sun mass. Conclusions. A sub-stellar companion of KIC 3526061 extends the sample of known red giant branch stars with sub-stellar companions on very eccentric wide orbits and might provide a probe of the dynamical evolution of such systems over time.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to A&

    A Case of an Epignathus with Intracranial Extension Appearing as a Persistently Open Mouth at 16 Weeks and Subsequently Diagnosed at 20 Weeks of Gestation

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    ABSTRACT: We report a rare case of oral mass (epignathus) with intracranial extension originally suspected antenatally at 16 weeks' gestation because of a persistent open mouth. Postmortem MRI and pathologic examination of the fetus confirmed an oral teratoma with bilateral ventricular dilatation, corpus callosum agenesis, and a neuroepithelial intracranial cyst. The relevant literature regarding this anomaly is reviewed

    Stakeholders' views on the global guidelines for the sustainable use of non‐native trees

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    A large number of non‐native trees (NNTs) have been introduced globally and widely planted, contributing significantly to the world's economy. Although some of these species present a limited risk of spreading beyond their planting sites, a growing number of NNTs are spreading and becoming invasive leading to diverse negative impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and human well‐being. To help minimize the negative impacts and maximize the economic benefits of NNTs, Brundu et al. developed eight guidelines for the sustainable use of NNTs globally—the Global Guidelines for the Use of NNTs (GG‐NNTs). Here, we used an online survey to assess perceptions of key stakeholders towards NNTs, and explore their knowledge of and compliance with the GG‐NNTs. Our results show that stakeholders are generally aware that NNTs can provide benefits and cause negative impacts, often simultaneously and they consider that their organization complies with existing regulations and voluntary agreements concerning NNTs. However, they are not aware of or do not apply most of the eight recommendations included in the GG‐NNTs. We conclude that effectively managing invasions linked to NNTs requires both more communication efforts using an array of channels for improving stakeholder awareness and implementation of simple measures to reduce NNT impacts (e.g. via GG‐NNTs), and a deeper understanding of the barriers and reluctance of stakeholders to manage NNT invasions. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog

    Bioavailability of Macro and Micronutrients Across Global Topsoils: Main Drivers and Global Change Impacts

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    Understanding the chemical composition of our planet\u27s crust was one of the biggest questions of the 20th century. More than 100 years later, we are still far from understanding the global patterns in the bioavailability and spatial coupling of elements in topsoils worldwide, despite their importance for the productivity and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we measured the bioavailability and coupling of thirteen macro- and micronutrients and phytotoxic elements in topsoils (3–8 cm) from a range of terrestrial ecosystems across all continents (∼10,000 observations) and in response to global change manipulations (∼5,000 observations). For this, we incubated between 1 and 4 pairs of anionic and cationic exchange membranes per site for a mean period of 53 days. The most bioavailable elements (Ca, Mg, and K) were also amongst the most abundant in the crust. Patterns of bioavailability were biome-dependent and controlled by soil properties such as pH, organic matter content and texture, plant cover, and climate. However, global change simulations resulted in important alterations in the bioavailability of elements. Elements were highly coupled, and coupling was predictable by the atomic properties of elements, particularly mass, mass to charge ratio, and second ionization energy. Deviations from the predictable coupling-atomic mass relationship were attributed to global change and agriculture. Our work illustrates the tight links between the bioavailability and coupling of topsoil elements and environmental context, human activities, and atomic properties of elements, thus deeply enhancing our integrated understanding of the biogeochemical connections that underlie the productivity and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems in a changing world

    Retraining courses from the perspective of the (previously) unemployed and graduates

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na nezaměstnanost a rekvalifikaci. Hlavním cílem práce je zjistit, jak jsou rekvalifikační kurzy vnímány dlouhodobě nezaměstnanými lidmi a absolventy rekvalifikace. Pomocí kvalitativního výzkumu a hloubkových rozhovorů jsem zjišťovala, jaká mají absolventi od rekvalifikačních kurzů očekávání a co jim bylo motivací k nastopuneí do rekvalifikace. Také jsem se zjištovala, jaké jsou rozdíly ve vnímání nezaměstnanosti a v dopadech nezaměstnanosti.Katedra sociologieObhájenoThis bachelor thesis focuses on unemployment and retraining of the unemployed people. The main goal of this work is to find out how such retraining courses are perceived by people unemployed for long time compared to those, who have accomplished such courses. Using quality research and in dept interview, I wanted to learn what these people expect from such courses, and how they had become motivated to sign up. I would also learn about the differences in their perception of unemployment and its effects in general

    Finanční diagnóza průmyslového podniku s propočtem konkrétního případu

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (156) makroekonomik

    Modelování inverzních situací v rovinatém terénu

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    Import 06/05/2008Prezenční616 - Katedra ochrany životního prostředí v průmysluNeuveden

    Designing educational module overcoming critical spot "Earth Movements" in geography education

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá odhalením a překonáním příčin kritičnosti tematického celku Pohyby Země. Součástí práce je rozbor literatury, metodika a výsledky. Zvolená metodika a výsledky jsou v práci podrobně popsány.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with detection and overcoming of the causes of criticality of the thematic unit Earth Movements. Part of the thesis is an analysis of the literature, a methodology and the results. The chosen methodology and the results are described in detail