156 research outputs found

    Diseases in useful plants cultivated in polyculture systems.

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    Poda fitossanitária no controle da vassoura-de-bruxa do cupuaçuzeiro.

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    Informacoes tecnicas de como realizar a poda fitossanitaria no controle da vassoura-de-bruxa do cupuaçuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum) no Estado do Amazonas.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/2731/1/Com_Tec_12.pd

    Potencial antifúngico de substâncias vegetais à Moniliophthora perniciosa.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação da fungitoxicidade in vitro de substâncias de origem vegetal a M. perniciosa

    Moko ou murcha bacteriana da bananeira.

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    Informacoes sobre a murcha bacteriana da bananeira, ocorrencia, sintomas, medidas preventivas e de controle para o Estado do Amazonas.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/2727/1/IT_11_98.pd

    Murcha abiótica da bananeira.

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    Informacoes sobre a murcha abiotica da bananeira, ocorrencia, sintomas e medidas de controle para o Estado do Amazonas.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/2726/1/IT_10_98.pd

    Mal do Panamá ou fusariose da bananeira.

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    Informacoes sobre a fusariose da bananeira, ocorrencia, sintomas, controle e medidas preventivas, para o Estado do Amazonas.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/2725/1/IT_9_98.pd

    Bolivianos em São Paulo: territórios e alteridade

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    This article approaches the sociability relations and the production of the otherness of the Bolivian immigrants in São Paulo currently. The districts of Brás and Grajaú have been chosen because they have different living conditions. Due to the nature of the issues dealt with in this article, the qualitative method was chosen. The Bolivians as well as their Brazilian neighbors were interviewed. Some of the research results show a meaningful correlation between the presence of Bolivians in Grajaú and their attempt to dissociate themselves from the stigmas imputed to Bolivians in Brás. Moreover, the Bolivians in Grajaú mention they are seen more by their singularity than by stereotypes, while Bolivians in Brás say the contraryEste artigo aborda as relações de sociabilidade e a produção da alteridade dos imigrantes bolivianos em São Paulo na atualidade, tendo sido selecionados os bairros do Brás e Grajaú, por apresentarem condições de vida diferenciadas a partir das distintas localizações. Em função da natureza dos temas tratados, utilizou-se o método qualitativo, sendo entrevistados tanto bolivianos como seus vizinhos brasileiros. Alguns resultados indicaram correlação significativa entre a presença de bolivianos no Grajaú e a tentativa de se dissociar dos estigmas a eles atribuídos no bairro do Brás, pois relatam que são vistos mais por sua singularidade do que pelos estereótipos, enquanto os imigrantes do Brás afirmam o contrário


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a questão da moradia entre imigrantes bolivianos em São Paulo, buscando investigar até que ponto existe uma correlação entre a “ilusão do provisório” – inerente à condição do imigrante (Sayad, 1998) – e as formas precárias de habitar na cidade. Tais formas podem ser definidas como moradias da pobreza e (ou) “nomadismo urbano” (Véras, 2003b; 2016a). A pesquisa, utilizando-se da combinação de método qualitativo, pelas entrevistas com bolivianos (nos bairros do Brás e Grajaú), e o quantitativo, por meio de levantamento dos dados de Censos Demográficos do IBGE, indica uma interdependência entre as formas precárias de habitar dos bolivianos e a ideia de provisoriedade que eles têm de sua permanência no país. TEMPORARY HOUSING AMONG BOLIVIANS IN SÃO PAULO: ambiguity and contingencyThis article approaches the housing conditions of Bolivian immigrants in São Paulo, inquiring to what extent there is a correlation between the “illusion of the provisional” – which is inherent to the immigrant’s condition (Sayad, 1998) – and the precarious housing solutions of these immigrants in the city, which can be defined as home of poverty and (or) “urban nomadism” (Véras, 2003b; 2016a). Both qualitative methods (mainly composed by interviews conducted with Bolivians in the districts of Brás and Grajaú) and quantitative methods (mainly composed by the study of the Demographic Census of IBGE) were used. The research findings show interdependence between the precarious housing solutions of these immigrants and the idea that they will only stay provisionally in this country.Keywords: Immigration. Bolivians. City. Housing. Provisional. LOGEMENT PROVISOIRE PARMIS LES BOLIVIENS À SÃO PAULO: ambiguité et contingenceCet article vise à refléchir sur la question du logement parmi les immigrés boliviens à São Paulo, cherchant à déterminer dans quelle mesure il existe une corrélation entre “l’illusion du provisoire” inhérente à la condition de l’immigré (Sayad, 1998) et les formes précaires du logement dans la ville – des formes qui peuvent être définies comme des habitations de pauvreté et (ou) “ nomadisme urbain” (Véras, 2003b, 2016a). La recherche, en utilisant la combinaison de la méthode qualitative, des entretiens avec des Boliviens (dans les quartiers de Brás et Grajaú), et l’enquête quantitative des données du recensement démographique de l’IBGE, indique une interdépendance entre les formes précaires d’habiter des Boliviens et l’idée de leur présence provisoire ou temporaire dans le pays.Mots Clés: Immigration. Boliviens. Ville. Logement. Provisoire

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of lambs fed high levels of spineless cactus in the diet

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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of increasing the dietary inclusion of spineless cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck) on the carcass characteristics and meat quality of confined lambs. Thirty-two male Santa Inês lambs with an average age of 140 days and an initial body weight of 20.4 ± 2.60 kg were used in this study. The lambs were housed in individual stalls for 70 days and individually fed a ration with spineless cactus included at 0, 241, 519, or 753 g/kg of dry matter (DM). The lambs were slaughtered, and characteristics of the carcass and meat were recorded and analysed. Inclusion of spineless cactus had a quadratic effect on the bodyweight at slaughter and on the empty bodyweight of the lambs. The inclusion of 500 g/kg of spineless cactus provided the highest predicted cold carcass weight (16.03 kg). There was a quadratic effect of the inclusion of spineless cactus on the weight of meat cuts and leg composition of lambs. The inclusion of spineless cactus did not influence pH, tenderness, and water-retention capacity of the meat. However, the intramuscular fat content increased 1 mg for every 10 g/kg inclusion of spineless cactus in the diet. Quadratic effects were observed of the inclusion of spineless cactus on the weights of the liver, heart, rumen, blood, skin and internal fat of the lambs. Up to 500 g/kg of spineless cactus could be included in the diet of confined lambs

    Avaliação da resistência de cultivares de bananeira ao Moko (Ralstonia solanacearum Raça 2).

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