377 research outputs found

    Emergence of Synchronous Oscillations in Neural Networks Excited by Noise

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    The presence of noise in non linear dynamical systems can play a constructive role, increasing the degree of order and coherence or evoking improvements in the performance of the system. An example of this positive influence in a biological system is the impulse transmission in neurons and the synchronization of a neural network. Integrating numerically the Fokker-Planck equation we show a self-induced synchronized oscillation. Such an oscillatory state appears in a neural network coupled with a feedback term, when this system is excited by noise and the noise strength is within a certain range.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figure

    Long-term multidisciplinary follow-up programs in pediatric cardiac arrest survivors

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    Long-term outcome studies after pediatric cardiac arrest (CA) are few. They require a CA registry and dedicated outcome teams. Learning about the long-term outcomes is very important for developing prognostication guidelines, improving post-cardiac care, counseling caregivers about the future of their child, and creating opportunities for therapeutic intervention studies to improve outcomes. Few PICUs worldwide provide a multidisciplinary follow-up program as routine practice at an outpatient clinic with standardized measurements, using validated instruments including neuropsychological assessments by psychologists. The primary goal of such a follow-up program should be to provide excellent care to children and their caregivers, thereby resulting in a high attendance. Pediatric psychologists, neurologists and pediatricians/pediatric intensivists should ideally be involved to screen for delayed development and psychosocial problems and offer appropriate care at the same time. Preferably, outcomes should consist of evaluation of morbidity (physical and neuropsychological), functional health and Health Related Quality Of Life (QoL) of the patient and their caregivers.</p

    Long-term multidisciplinary follow-up programs in pediatric cardiac arrest survivors

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    Long-term outcome studies after pediatric cardiac arrest (CA) are few. They require a CA registry and dedicated outcome teams. Learning about the long-term outcomes is very important for developing prognostication guidelines, improving post-cardiac care, counseling caregivers about the future of their child, and creating opportunities for therapeutic intervention studies to improve outcomes. Few PICUs worldwide provide a multidisciplinary follow-up program as routine practice at an outpatient clinic with standardized measurements, using validated instruments including neuropsychological assessments by psychologists. The primary goal of such a follow-up program should be to provide excellent care to children and their caregivers, thereby resulting in a high attendance. Pediatric psychologists, neurologists and pediatricians/pediatric intensivists should ideally be involved to screen for delayed development and psychosocial problems and offer appropriate care at the same time. Preferably, outcomes should consist of evaluation of morbidity (physical and neuropsychological), functional health and Health Related Quality Of Life (QoL) of the patient and their caregivers.</p

    Model selection applied to reconstruction of the Primordial Power Spectrum

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    The preferred shape for the primordial spectrum of curvature perturbations is determined by performing a Bayesian model selection analysis of cosmological observations. We first reconstruct the spectrum modelled as piecewise linear in \log k between nodes in k-space whose amplitudes and positions are allowed to vary. The number of nodes together with their positions are chosen by the Bayesian evidence, so that we can both determine the complexity supported by the data and locate any features present in the spectrum. In addition to the node-based reconstruction, we consider a set of parameterised models for the primordial spectrum: the standard power-law parameterisation, the spectrum produced from the Lasenby & Doran (LD) model and a simple variant parameterisation. By comparing the Bayesian evidence for different classes of spectra, we find the power-law parameterisation is significantly disfavoured by current cosmological observations, which show a preference for the LD model.Comment: Minor changes to match version accepted by JCA

    Field-induced slow magnetic relaxation and luminescence thermometry in a mononuclear ytterbium complex

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    The mononuclear complex [Yb(H3L1,1,4)]·2MeOH (1·2MeOH), with a new heptadentate N4O3 ligand, was isolated and structurally characterised. The opto-magnetic properties of 1·2MeOH were investigated, showing that this complex is a bifunctional compound. Accordingly, 1·2MeOH reveals two coexisting functionalities: field-induced single molecule magnet behaviour, and Yb3+-centred NIR fluorescence dependent on temperature (25–300 K). The magnetic relaxation in this pentagonal bipyramidal complex does not seem to be of the Orbach type, and this is supported by the discrepancy between the anisotropic energy barrier found by fitting the magnetic data to an Orbach model and by spectroscopic studies. Ab initio calculations further validate the magnetic relaxation mechanisms and spectroscopic results.Spanish Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Universidades (PGC2018 102052-B-C21)S

    GuíaSalud, el organismo del Sistema Nacional de Salud para impulsar la práctica basada en la evidencia

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    VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Nutrición. ¿Nutrición basada en la videncia o en la evidencia? ¿Qué es GuíaSalud? GuíaSalud es un organismo del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) creado en el 2002 por iniciativa de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón y la Fundación Salud Innovación y Sociedad, y adoptado en 2003 por el Consejo Interterritorial como instrumento para mejorar la calidad de la atención sanitaria en el SNS. A nivel organizativo, consta de un Consejo Ejecutivo en el que participan los Departamentos y Consejerías de Salud de las 17 Comunidades Autónomas y el Ministerio de Sanidad, un Comité Científico conformado por 13 profesionales de reconocido prestigio por su labor científicotécnica en relación con las Guías de Práctica Clínica, la Secretaría ostentada por el Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, y una Red de Colaboradores/as que sirve de apoyo para llevar a cabo las diferentes líneas de actuación. GuíaSalud tiene por misión general potenciar la oferta de recursos, servicios y productos basados en la evidencia científica para apoyar la toma de decisión de los profesionales y de los pacientes en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS), así como impulsar la creación de redes de colaboradores y la cooperación entre entidades relacionadas con las GPC y la Medicina Basada en la Evidencia (MBE). ..

    Comparative study of ornamental granite cleaning using femtosecond and nanosecond pulsed lasers

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    Granite has been widely used as a structural and ornamental element in public works and buildings. In damp climates it is almost permanently humid and its exterior surfaces are consequently biologically colonized and blackened We describe a comparative analysis of the performance of two different laser sources in removing biological crusts from granite surfaces: nanosecond Nd:YVO4 laser (355 nm) and femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser at its fundamental wavelength (790 nm) and second harmonic (395 nm). The granite surface was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, attenuated total reflection – Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and profilometry, in order to assess the degree of cleaning and to characterize possible morphological and chemical changes caused by the laser sources.This work is supported by the CTM2010-19584, FIS2009-09522 and CSD2007-00013 research projects (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spanish Government) and by SA086A12-2 project (Junta de Castilla y León, Spain). FTIR, profilometry and SEM analyses were conducted at the University of Vigo's research centre (CACTI)

    Reconstruction of the Dark Energy equation of state

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    One of the main challenges of modern cosmology is to investigate the nature of dark energy in our Universe. The properties of such a component are normally summarised as a perfect fluid with a (potentially) time-dependent equation-of-state parameter w(z)w(z). We investigate the evolution of this parameter with redshift by performing a Bayesian analysis of current cosmological observations. We model the temporal evolution as piecewise linear in redshift between `nodes', whose ww-values and redshifts are allowed to vary. The optimal number of nodes is chosen by the Bayesian evidence. In this way, we can both determine the complexity supported by current data and locate any features present in w(z)w(z). We compare this node-based reconstruction with some previously well-studied parameterisations: the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL), the Jassal-Bagla-Padmanabhan (JBP) and the Felice-Nesseris-Tsujikawa (FNT). By comparing the Bayesian evidence for all of these models we find an indication towards possible time-dependence in the dark energy equation-of-state. It is also worth noting that the CPL and JBP models are strongly disfavoured, whilst the FNT is just significantly disfavoured, when compared to a simple cosmological constant w=1w=-1. We find that our node-based reconstruction model is slightly disfavoured with respect to the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, minor correction