2,139 research outputs found

    Digital Image Correlation for Elastic Strain Evaluation during Focused Ion Beam Ring-Core Milling

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    This paper details the utilization of the focused ion beam digital image correlation (FIB-DIC) technique for measuring in-plane displacements and the employment of the height digital image correlation (hDIC) technique as a two-step DIC method for determining displacements without an out-of-plane component within the region of interest. Consideration is given to the microscopy data’s measurement scale and resolution to confirm the capability of both techniques to conduct micro-scale correlations with nano-scale sensitivity, making them suitable for investigating the residual elastic strains formed due to processing. The sequential correlation procedure of the FIB-DIC technique has been optimized to balance accuracy and performance for correlating sequential scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. Conversely, the hDIC technique prioritizes the accurate correlation of SEM images directly with the reference state without a sequential procedure, offering optimal computational performance through advanced parallel computing tools, particularly suited for correlating profilometry data related to large-scale displacements. In this study, the algorithm of the hDIC technique is applied as a two-step DIC to evaluate the elastic strain relaxation on the surface of a ring core drilled using a focused ion beam. Both techniques are utilized to correlate the same SEM images collected during the monitoring of the ring drilling process. A comparison of the correlation results of both techniques is undertaken to quantify the near-surface residual elastic strains, with an analysis conducted to discern the accuracy of the hDIC algorithm. Furthermore, the distinctions between the two techniques are delineated and discussed

    Generic remote communication systems for the factories of the future

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    This paper reports on the benefits of the remote communication systems and presents two prototype systems for communication with microprocessor based machines and devices including household appliances. The wireless prototype version can also be used in remote and wireless programming of any device with a microprocessor or microcontroller. It is a known fact that the researchers often become too embraced with technical breakthroughs and forget about communicating with the audience for whom the findings of their research is intended. To this end, initial emphasis is on the benefits of the systems, but later in the paper the technical merits of the research work are explained. The prime aim of the project has been to develop the know-how for remote programming, control and up-dating of programs in microcontroller based devices using wired and wireless techniques. An earlier wireless communication system using laser encapsulation techniques developed for a factory of the future site [1] was revisited with a view to incorporate the latest technologies where appropriate. The earlier system adopting Code Division Multi Access with a Pseudo Random Noise Spectrum (CDMA-PRNS) incorporating wideband Spread Spectrum (SS) using Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm (HGA) was found to provide a basis for establishing a working Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) for many applications including in the manufacturing, where noise has been a problem for their use

    Comunicación corta. Efecto del momento de la recolección sobre la producción y la calidad del forraje en genotipos de colza y nabo

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    The effects of two different harvest stages (full flowering and full podding) on forage yield and quality of ten forage rape (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) and three turnip (Brassica rapa L. var. rapa) cultivars were evaluated under rainfed conditions in a Mediterranean type climate at Bursa, Turkey, during the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 growing seasons. Plant height, branches per plant, leaf length and width, plant part components, and dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) yield were measured. Significant differences were observed for the main effects cultivar and harvest stage on DM and protein yields. The CP content of the whole plant and vegetative parts of the Brassica genotypes decreased as plant maturity progressed. In general, turnip cultivars showed better performance in DM yield. Fall sown turnip produced 9.10 and 12.1 Mg/ha DM yield, with 15.1 and 9.10% CP concentrations, at full flowering and at podding stage, respectively. Significant differences were noted among cultivars for these two parameters. Protein content decreased dramatically in stem parts when maturity advanced from full flower to full pod stages. High leaf percentage and high protein content at full flowering suggest that this should be the preferred forage harvest stage for rape and turnip cultivars.Se evaluaron los efectos de dos momentos diferentes de la recolección (en flor o vaina completada) sobre la producción y calidad del forraje en 10 cultivares forrajeros de nabo (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) y tres de colza (Brassica rapa L. var. rapa) en Bursa, Turquía, una zona de clima mediterráneo con precipitaciones, durante las campañas 2002/2003 y 2003/2004. Se midió la altura de las plantas, ramas por planta, longitud y anchura de hoja, componentes de partes de las plantas, y producción de materia seca (MS) y proteínas crudas (PC). Se observaros diferencias significativas para los principales efectos cultivar y momento de la recolección sobre el rendimiento en MS y PC. El contenido en PC de la planta completa y partes vegetativas de los genotipos de Brassica estudiados disminuyeron al avanzar la maduración de la planta. En general, los cultivares de nabo dieron mejor producción de MS. Nabos sembrados en otoño produjeron 9,10 y 12,1 Mg/ha de MS, con concentraciones de PC de 15,1 y 9,10%, en los momentos de flor o vaina completas, respectivamente. Para estos dos parámetros se observaron diferencias significativas entre cultivares. El contenido en proteínas disminuyó dramáticamente en partes del tallo cuando la planta pasó del estado de flor completa a vaina completa. La detección de un alto porcentaje de hojas y de contenido en proteínas en cultivares de colza y nabo en el estadío de flores completas sugieren que éste debe ser el momento preferido para la recolección

    Estimation of nasal cavity and conchae volumes by stereological method

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    Background: Studies evaluating the mean volumes of nasal cavity and concha are very rare. Since there is little date on the mentioned topic, we aimed to carry out the presented study to obtain a volumetric index showing the relation between the nasal cavity and concha. Material and methods: The volumes of the nasal cavity and concha were measured in 30 males and 30 females (18&#8211;40 years old) on computed tomography images using stereological methods. Results: The mean volumes of nasal cavity, concha nasalis media, and concha nasalis inferior were 5.95 &#177; 0.10 cm3, 0.56 &#177; 0.22 cm3, and 1.45 &#177; 0.68 cm3; 7.01 &#177; 0.18 cm3, 0.67 &#177; 0.31 cm3 and 1.59 &#177; 0.98 cm3 in females and males, respectively. There were statistically significant differences in the volume of the nasal cavity and concha nasalis media (p < 0.05) between males and females, except for concha nasalis inferior (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Our results could provide volumetric indexes for the nasal cavity and concha, which could help the physician to manage surgical procedures related to the nasal cavity and concha

    Effects of Prolonged Intravenous Flunixin Meglumine in Healthy Dogs

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    This study was designed to evaluate possible side effects on liver and kidney functions and haematological indices, associated with long-term intravenous (IV) administration of flunixin meglumine in healthy dogs. For this purpose, 12 dogs were divided into 2 equal groups. Group 1 was intravenously given flunixin meglumine at the dose of 1.1 mg/kg/day for 5 days and g-roup 11 received 2.2 mg/kg/day IV for 5 days. Blood samples were withdrawn before treatment (day 0), 2 h post injection on each day of treatment and one day after the last injection for biochemical (glucose, sodium-Na, potassium-K, chloride-Cl, creatinine, urea, alkaline phosphatase-AP, alanine amino transferase-ALT and total protein) and haematological (bleeding time, coagulation time, red blood cell, white blood cell, platelet count, differential leukocyte count, haematocrit and haemoglobin) analyses. Faecal and urine samples were collected on the same days as blood samples for the presence of any abnormalities. The results revealed a significant increase in bleeding (P < 0.001) and coagulation time (P < 0.001) and a decrease in platelet count (P < 0.001) in both groups. There was also a significant increase in the concentration of Na and Cl in group 1 and an elevation in AP (P < 0.00 07 ALT (P < 0.001) and glucose (P < 0.001) in group II. Blood in urine and faeces was also evident in both groups. The results may suggest that the dose of 1.1 mg/kg IV for 5 d does not cause any significant side effects provided that no bleeding disorder exists. and the dose of 2.2 mg/kg IV for 5 d should not exceed 3 d as liver enzymes began to increase significantly afterwards

    Structure SNP (StSNP): a web server for mapping and modeling nsSNPs on protein structures with linkage to metabolic pathways

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    SNPs located within the open reading frame of a gene that result in an alteration in the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein [nonsynonymous SNPs (nsSNPs)] might directly or indirectly affect functionality of the protein, alone or in the interactions in a multi-protein complex, by increasing/decreasing the activity of the metabolic pathway. Understanding the functional consequences of such changes and drawing conclusions about the molecular basis of diseases, involves integrating information from multiple heterogeneous sources including sequence, structure data and pathway relations between proteins. The data from NCBI's SNP database (dbSNP), gene and protein databases from Entrez, protein structures from the PDB and pathway information from KEGG have all been cross referenced into the StSNP web server, in an effort to provide combined integrated, reports about nsSNPs. StSNP provides ‘on the fly’ comparative modeling of nsSNPs with links to metabolic pathway information, along with real-time visual comparative analysis of the modeled structures using the Friend software application. The use of metabolic pathways in StSNP allows a researcher to examine possible disease-related pathways associated with a particular nsSNP(s), and link the diseases with the current available molecular structure data. The server is publicly available at http://glinka.bio.neu.edu/StSNP/

    Lights, Camera, Action! Exploring Effects of Visual Distractions on Completion of Security Tasks

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    Human errors in performing security-critical tasks are typically blamed on the complexity of those tasks. However, such errors can also occur because of (possibly unexpected) sensory distractions. A sensory distraction that produces negative effects can be abused by the adversary that controls the environment. Meanwhile, a distraction with positive effects can be artificially introduced to improve user performance. The goal of this work is to explore the effects of visual stimuli on the performance of security-critical tasks. To this end, we experimented with a large number of subjects who were exposed to a range of unexpected visual stimuli while attempting to perform Bluetooth Pairing. Our results clearly demonstrate substantially increased task completion times and markedly lower task success rates. These negative effects are noteworthy, especially, when contrasted with prior results on audio distractions which had positive effects on performance of similar tasks. Experiments were conducted in a novel (fully automated and completely unattended) experimental environment. This yielded more uniform experiments, better scalability and significantly lower financial and logistical burdens. We discuss this experience, including benefits and limitations of the unattended automated experiment paradigm

    Allelopathic potential of macrofungi on germinating maize (Zea mays L.) grain

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    The effect of methanol extracts of 10 macrofungi was evaluated on grain germination of maize (Zea mays L.). Germination percentage, radicle and plumule length and the level of carbohydrates and fatty acids were measured. Fungal metabolites inhibited germination up to 90.96%, plumule (97.77%) and radicle (92.83%) development. Plumule and radicle lengths were stimulated 35.26 and 10.60% in some assays, respectively. The fungal metabolites decreased the glucose (97.60%), sucrose (90.34%), fructose (96.85%), maltose (95.64%), oleic acid (97.50%) and linoleic acid (98.25%) levels, whereas increasing levels of the glucose (165.14%), sucrose (166.53%), fructose (83.18%), maltose (124.73%), oleic acid (6975.00%) and linoleic acid (5233.33%) were detected in some assays. It is concluded that macrofungi metabolites have commonly inhibitory effects on physiological and morphological processes of germinating maize grain except for considerable increases in the some parameters investigated

    Efficient FPGA implementation of high-throughput mixed radix multipath delay commutator FFT processor for MIMO-OFDM

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    This article presents and evaluates pipelined architecture designs for an improved high-frequency Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) for Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM). The architecture presented is a Mixed-Radix Multipath Delay Commutator. The presented parallel architecture utilizes fewer hardware resources compared to Radix-2 architecture, while maintaining simple control and butterfly structures inherent to Radix-2 implementations. The high-frequency design presented allows enhancing system throughput without requiring additional parallel data paths common in other current approaches, the presented design can process two and four independent data streams in parallel and is suitable for scaling to any power of two FFT size N. FPGA implementation of the architecture demonstrated significant resource efficiency and high-throughput in comparison to relevant current approaches within literature. The proposed architecture designs were realized with Xilinx System Generator (XSG) and evaluated on both Virtex-5 and Virtex-7 FPGA devices. Post place and route results demonstrated maximum frequency values over 400 MHz and 470 MHz for Virtex-5 and Virtex-7 FPGA devices respectively