175 research outputs found

    Short-time dynamics in the 1D long-range Potts model

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    We present numerical investigations of the short-time dynamics at criticality in the 1D Potts model with power-law decaying interactions of the form 1/r^{1+sigma}. The scaling properties of the magnetization, autocorrelation function and time correlations of the magnetization are studied. The dynamical critical exponents theta' and z are derived in the cases q=2 and q=3 for several values of the parameter σ\sigma belonging to the nontrivial critical regime.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, minor changes - several typos fixed, one reference change

    Fazni prijelaz drugog reda izazvan zamrznutim nasumičnim razrjeđenjem u 3D

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    The effect of the quenched random dilution on the ferromagnetic transitions, in particular, the conversion from the first- to second-order transition is discussed. The new results are presented for the diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model. The critical exponents of the disorder-induced second-order phase transition are derived by the finite-size scaling analysis of the moments of the energy and the largest cluster, obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations.Raspravlja se učinak nasumičnog, zamrznutog razrjeđenja na feromagnetske prijelaze, posebice na promjenu iz prijelaza prvog u onaj drugog reda. Prikazani su novi rezultati za razrijeđeni trodimenzijski Pottsov model s tri stanja. Kritični eksponenti faznog prijelaza drugog reda izazvanog neredom izvedeni su ljestvičnom analizom momenata energije i najvećeg grozda, dobivenih Monte Carlo simulacijama

    Characterisation of bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria and mechanisms of action on sensitive cells

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    Bakteriocini bakterija mlečne kiseline predstavljaju antimikrobne komponente proteinske prirode koje se primenjuju u prehrambenoj industriji (kao konzervansi), a takođe imaju potencijalnu primenu u veterini i medicini (kao alternativa ili dodatak antibiotskoj terapiji). Takođe, ove antimikrobne komponente danas se izučavaju i sa fundamentalnog aspekta, pre svega se izučava njihova struktura i mehanizam delovanja na senzitivne ćelije. Za bakteriocine klase I (nizin), pokazano je da koristi lipid II (prekursor sinteze ćelijskog zida) kao ciljni vezujući molekul za svoje delovanje. Do nedavno je definisano samo nekoliko membranskih proteina kao bakteriocinski receptori za bakteriocine klase II. Okarakterisane membranske komponente koje imaju ulogu receptora uključene su u transport šećera (komponente man-PTS sistema i maltoza-ABC transporter), takođe je nedavno okarakterisan UppP protein, receptor za dvokomponentni bakteriocin, laktokokcin G. LsbB bakteriocin je jedan od bakteriocina koje produkuje prirodni izolat Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGMN1-5. U cilju identifikacije receptora za LsbB bakteriocin, urađena je nasumična mutageneza Lc. lactis BGMN1-596, soja senzitivnog na LsbB, nakon čega su selekcijom na šoljama koje su sadržale LsbB bakteriocin dobijene dve kategorije mutanata (BGMN1-596R2 i BGMN1-596R3), dok su analizom stepena tolerancije polaznog soja BGMN1-596 na hemijski sintetisanom LsbB bakteriocinu dobijeni spontano rezistentni mutanti kategorije BGMN1-596SR. U cilju komplementiranja senzitivnosti mutanata na LsbB konstruisana je kozmidna biblioteka soja BGMN1-596, gde je dobijeno 148 kozmidnih klonova, od kojih je svaki nosio fragmente EcoRI parcijalo isečene hromozomalne DNK veličine oko 40 kb. Kozmidna DNK je izolovana iz svakog klona i njom su transformisani mutanti. Kozmid pAZILcos/MN2 je komplementirao LsbB rezistentne mutante sve tri kategorije, odnosno vratio senzitivnost mutanata na LsbB bakteriocin...Bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria are antimicrobial peptides used in food industry as preservatives, but also they could be used in veterinary and medicine (as alternatives to antibiotics). These antimicrobial components are also studied from a fundamental aspect, with a primarily focus on structure and mechanisms of action. The class I bacteriocin, nisin and some closely related lantibiotics have all been shown to employ lipid II, a cell wall precursor molecule, as a docking site. Until recently, only a few membrane proteins were defined as receptors for class II bacteriocins. Membrane receptors for these bacteriocins are involved in sugar transport (man-PTS system and maltose-ABC transporter). Another recently characterized protein, UppP protein was identified as receptor for two component bacteriocin, lactococcin G. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGMN1-5 among others produces a leaderless class II bacteriocin called LsbB. In order to identify the receptor for LsbB, MNNG was used for random mutagenesis of the LsbB sensitive strain Lc. lactis BGMN1-596. Two categories of resistant mutants were obtained (BGMN1-596R2 and BGMN1-596R3) by selection on LsbB bacteriocin contining plates, whereas spontaneously resistant mutants (BGMN1-596SR) were obtained by selection on plates containing synthesized LsbB bacteriocin. In order to complement sensitivity in mutants cosmid library of the LsbB-sensitive strain BGMN1-596 was constructed in E. coli, and 148 cosmid clones (EcoRI partially digested chromosomal DNA, each clone contain about 40 kb of genomic DNA) were obtained. Cosmid DNA was individually isolated and transferred to LsbB-resistant mutants of BGMN1-596. Cosmid pAZILcos/MN2, carrying a 40-kb insert, was found to be able to restore LsbB sensitivity in LsbB-resistant mutants. In order to identify the minimal genetic unit on the cosmid pAZILcos/MN2, which could transfer sensitivity to LsbB, pAZILcos/MN2 was digested with different restriction enzymes and subcloned into pAZIL vector..


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    In the history of human civilization, there has always been the problem of over-indebtedness and personal bankruptcy, as well as the tendency to protect such persons to some extent from excessive sanctions or the consequences of their insolvency. Benevolence towards the debtor is limited by the existence of conditions of conscientiousness and honesty of the debtor in all legal systems, while the amount of debt forgiveness is different. Debt relief and providing a new chance to the entrepreneur is a kind of systemic social measure that should ensure the employment of the individual and his family, but also to ensure the continuity of the capitalist system. It is noticeable that benevolence towards the debtor through debt relief was a characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions, while the regulations of the states of legal systems based on Roman law were traditionally oriented in the opposite direction. Although the Republic of Serbia has regulated the matter of bankruptcy and reorganization, in many parts under the EU Directive on reorganization and bankruptcy from June 2019, it has not been the case with the area of the second chance for the entrepreneur and the possibility of debt release, so it will be necessary to adjust national regulations of bankruptcy. In this paper, the authors analyze the origin of debt forgiveness in case of entrepreneur bankruptcy through history and theories, and select the comparative law and provisions of the EU Directive on reorganization and bankruptcy which regulate the second chance for entrepreneurs, as well as the purpose and measures that preceded the adoption of this Directive. Another important possibility for insolvent entrepreneurs is their personal administration with bankruptcy estate during the process of reorganization. Entrepreneurs' personal administration is regulated by bankruptcy legislation in various ways in comparative legal systems, and in Serbian law, it had been regulated for the first time by the Bankruptcy Procedure Act of 2004, but repealed by the Bankruptcy Act in 2009. Taking into account its importance for the national bankruptcy law, Serbian legal theory has already given the reasons due to which it is necessary to reintroduce the institute of personal administration of debtors into domestic bankruptcy law. On the other hand, sole debt release in Serbian law comes into effect at the moment when the creditor declares to the debtor that he will not ask for the fulfillment of the debt and the debtor agrees with that, and such an agreement is made in writing. Debt release is a possibility provided in the Agreed Financial Restructuring Act 2015 that creditor and debtor may use during the process of reorganization, provided they reach an agreement to that end.Iako je Republika Srbija regulisala materiju stečaja i restrukturiranja, u mnogim delovima u skladu sa Direktivom EU o restrukturiranju i stečaju iz juna 2019. godine, oblast druge šanse za preduzetnika i mogućnost otpusta njegovih dugova nije uređena, pa će u tom delu biti neophodno prilagođavanje nacionalnih propisa o stečaju. U ovom radu autori analiziraju poreklo oprosta duga u slučaju bankrota preduzetnika u Direktivi EU o restrukturiranju i stečaju, kao i svrhu i mere koje su prethodile njenom donošenju. Autori takođe analiziraju poreklo oprosta dugova fizičkim licima kroz pravnu istoriju i teorijske stavove koji opravdavaju otpust duga za preduzetnike

    First-order transition in the one-dimensional three-state Potts model with long-range interactions

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    The first-order phase transition in the three-state Potts model with long-range interactions decaying as 1/r1+σ1/r^{1+\sigma} has been examined by numerical simulations using recently proposed Luijten-Bl\"ote algorithm. By applying scaling arguments to the interface free energy, the Binder's fourth-order cumulant, and the specific heat maximum, the change in the character of the transition through variation of parameter σ\sigma was studied.Comment: 6 pages (containing 5 figures), to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Synthesis of Electrophiles Derived from Dimeric Aminoboranes and Assessing Their Utility in the Borylation of π Nucleophiles

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    Dimeric aminoboranes, [H2BNR2]2 (R = Me or CH2CH2) containing B2N2 cores, can be activated by I2, HNTf2 (NTf2 = [N(SO2CF3)2]), or [Ph3C][B(C6F5)4] to form isolable H2B(μ-NR2)2BHX (for X = I or NTf2). For X = [B(C6F5)4]− further reactivity, presumably between [H2B(μ-NMe2)2BH][B(C6F5)4] and aminoborane, forms a B3N3-based monocation containing a three-center two electron B-(μ-H)-B moiety. The structures of H2B(μ-NMe2)2BH(I) and [(μ-NMe2)BH(NTf2)]2 indicated a sterically crowded environment around boron, and this leads to the less common O-bound mode of NTf2 binding. While the iodide congener reacted very slowly with alkynes, the NTf2 analogues were more reactive, with hydroboration of internal alkynes forming (vinyl)2BNR2 species and R2NBH(NTf2) as the major products. Further studies indicated that the B2N2 core is maintained during the first hydroboration, and that it is during subsequent steps that B2N2 dissociation occurs. In the mono-boron systems, for example, iPr2NBH(NTf2), NTf2 is N-bound; thus, they have less steric crowding around boron relative to the B2N2 systems. Notably, the monoboron systems are much less reactive in alkyne hydroboration than the B2N2-based bis-boranes, despite the former being three coordinate at boron while the latter are four coordinate at boron. Finally, these B2N2 electrophiles are much more prone to dissociate into mono-borane species than pyrazabole [H2B(μ-N2C3H3)]2 analogues, making them less useful for the directed diborylation of a single substrate

    Making SENSE--Sustained Effort Network for treatment of Status Epilepticus as a multicenter prospective registry.

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence regarding the different treatment options of status epilepticus (SE) in adults is scarce. Large randomized trials cover only one treatment at early stage and suggest the superiority of benzodiazepines over placebo, of intravenous lorazepam over intravenous diazepam or over intravenous phenytoin alone, and of intramuscular midazolam over intravenous lorazepam. However, many patients will not be treated successfully with the first treatment step. A large randomized trial covering the treatment of established status (ESETT) has just been funded recently by the NIH and will not start before 2015, with expected results in 2018; a trial on the treatment of refractory status with general anesthetics was terminated early due to insufficient recruitment. Therefore, a prospective multicenter observational registry was set up; this may help in clinical decision-making until results from randomized trials are available. METHODS/DESIGN: SENSE is a prospective, multicenter registry for patients treated for SE. The primary objective is to document patient characteristics, treatment modalities and in-house outcome of consecutive adults admitted for SE treatment in each of the participating centres and to identify predictors of outcome. Pre-treatment, treatment-related and outcome variables are documented systematically. To allow for meaningful multivariate analysis in the patient subgroups with refractory SE, a cohort size of 1000 patients is targeted. DISCUSSION: The results of the study will provide information about risks and benefits of specific treatment steps in different patient groups with SE at different points of time. Thus, it will support clinical decision-making and, furthermore, it will be helpful in the planning of treatment trials. TRIAL REGISTRATION: DRKS00000725