1,427 research outputs found

    Interactions between Silica Particles in the Presence of Multivalent Coions

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    Forces between charged silica particles in solutions of multivalent coions are measured with colloidal probe technique based on atomic force microscopy. The concentration of 1:z electrolytes is systematically varied to understand the behavior of electrostatic interactions and double-layer properties in these systems. Although the coions are multivalent the Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and Overbeek (DLVO) theory perfectly describes the measured force profiles. The diffuse-layer potentials and regulation properties are extracted from the forces profiles by using the DLVO theory. The dependencies of the diffuse-layer potential and regulation parameter shift to lower concentration with increasing coion valence when plotted as a function of concentration of 1:z salt. Interestingly, these profiles collapse to a master curve if plotted as a function of monovalent counterion concentration

    Croatian Accession to the European Union: Institutional Challenges

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    An efficient system for the protection of civil and human rights is essential for the achievement of the ideals that are a precondition for joining the European Union (EU). This paper analyses the origins of the crisis of the Croatian judicial system and the factors that have brought the length of court proceedings into the centre of professional and political debates. Strategies for accelerating civil proceedings featured in current attempts at reform are presented, with an emphasis on the ongoing procedural reforms in litigation, enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings. At the end doubts are expressed about whether it is possible to make any important advances with the operations planned. Without an efficient judiciary, however, it is impossible to have a complete transition to the model of the democratic liberal state, and a dysfunctional judicial system can bring the implementation of economic reforms into question as well. To this extent, then, a thoroughgoing reform is of first-rate importance for the creation of the preconditions necessary for EU membership.justice, length of court proceedings, Croatia, accession, European Union

    A new game with Quark Matter Cards: The Eightfold path

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    This paper introduces an educational card game designed to elucidate fundamental particle physics concepts, specifically emphasizing the classification of hadrons through the "Eightfold Path." Derived from the Quark Matter Card Games series, the game entails arranging elementary particle cards to construct baryons and mesons on designated game boards. Detailed rules for beginner and intermediate levels are provided. The game aims to enhance understanding of particle properties, color neutrality, and symmetry principles, integral to the quark model and the Standard Model of particle physics. The paper explores the game's physical background, delving into the historical significance of the Eightfold Way and its contributions to quark theory. Adaptable for various age groups, the game serves as a dynamic and engaging tool for learning intricate physics concepts in an entertaining manner. The conclusion expresses gratitude to mentors and pioneers in the realm of card games featuring elementary particles.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, Contribution to ISMD 202

    Dirac oscillator and quantum Hall effect

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    Ideja ovog diplomskog rada je ukratko proći put od Hallovog eksperimenta, pa do necjelobrojnog kvantnog Hallovog efekta. U prvom poglavlju se objašnjava pojava i koji su uopće bili motivi E. Halla da započne svoja mjerenja. Zatim slijedi poglavlje u kojem se tumači kako se iz Hallovog otkrića može odrediti predznak pokretljivih nosilaca naboja (Hallov efekt je otkriven prije otkrića elektrona) što se odredi prilično jednostavnim razmatranjem, koje se može koristiti u predavanjima za srednju školu. Treće poglavlje se bavi Drudeovim modelom. Navode se osnovne pretpostavke i neki rezultati dobiveni tim modelom, a najvažniji je izraz za električnu vodljivost σ = ne^2τ / m koji je bitan za objašnjavanje cjelobrojnog kvantnog Hallovog efekta.Slijedi Sommerfeldov model u vrlo kratkim crtama, tek koliko je bilo potrebno za daljnju obradu glavnog problema ovog rada. Predzadnja dva poglavlja (6,7) bave se postavljanjem i rješavanjem Schroedingerove jednadžbe za elektrone u magnetskom polju u svrhu nalaženja vezanih stanja elektrona, tzv Landauovih nivoa. Zadnja dva poglavlja bave se pojavama iz naslova diplomskog rada. Svrha ovog rada bila je da naučim neke nove stvari iz fizike koje nisam naučio prije tijekom studija, a i prilika da ponovim mnoge stvari koje sam znao ali kojima se nisam koristio te da neke stvari promotrim iz nekog drugog kuta