26 research outputs found

    A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effects of Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate on Neurological Outcomes and Hospital Stay in Patients Admitted for Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke

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    Introduction: Neurological stroke is the most common cause of disability and leaves nearly 65% of survivors with sensory, motor and coordinative disabilities. At present, there are no therapies to prevent long-term neurological deficits after stroke. Many neuroprotective drugs are being tested with the aim to ensure these effects. Preclinical studies have shown a modulatory effect of cerebroprotein hydrolysate on synaptic remodeling and facilitated synaptic transmission. Material and methods: This was a hospital-based, open-label pilot study conducted in a tertiary care hospital of North India. All patients admitted with a diagnosis of stroke both ischemic and hemorrhagic, were included in the study. Patients were randomized into two groups. The test group was given cerebroprotein hydrolysate, along with standard treatment for stroke, whereas the other group was kept on standard treatment for stroke as per the latest guidelines, without cerebroprotein. Results: A total of 50 patients of stroke, admitted in a tertiary care center were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 65.7 Â± 11.86 years. Twenty-six (52%) were males and 24 (48%) were females. Out of the total 50 patients, 23 (46%) had ischemic stroke and 27 (54%) had hemorrhagic stroke. Twenty (40%) had diabetes, 37 (74%) had hypertension, 8 (16%) were known cases of coronary artery disease, 28 (56%) had dyslipidemia, 22 (44%) were smokers, 7 (14%) had a history of ethanol consumption and 13 (26%) were obese. Mean Barthel score at admission was 21.2 ± 11.3 and mean Rankin score at admission was 3.6 Â± 1.37. Mean Barthel score at end of treatment was 53.9 ± 28.72 and mean Rankin score at end of treatment was 2.6 ± 1.65. The mean duration of admission was 6.8 ± 3.57 days. Conclusion: The current study highlights the role of cerebroprotein hydrolysate in improving the neurological scores and reducing hospital stay among patients hospitalized with stroke


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    Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Kota Palembang akan melakukan kegiatan Renovasi Lapangan Sepak bola Stadion Kamboja Kota Palembang menjadi salah satu bagian yang tak terpisahkan dan harus tersedia agar dapat menghasilkan atlet-atlet yang berprestasi sehingga dapat mandiri, karena olahraga yang sifatnya kompetisi / turnamen, sarana olahraga yang memenuhi standar sangat dibutuhkan. Selain itu perbaikan ini sebagai persiapan Pesta Olahraga Piala Dunia U-20 tahan 2020 di Sumatera Selatan khususnya Kota Palembang. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis untuk mendapatkan desain Resapan Lapangan Sepak bola yg memenuhi standar Internasional.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperbaiki kondisi lapangan sepakbola Stadion Hatta yang belum memiliki sistem drainase baik dan perawatan lapangan berstandar Internasional sehingga turut membantu mewujudkan pembangunan masyarakat baik secara jasmani maupun rohani. Manfaat studi ini juga memberikan masukan atau informasi kepada Dinas Pekerjaan Pemuda dan olahraga Kota Palembang dalam upaya perencanaan perbaikan kondisi Lapangan Stadion Lapangan Hatta.Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan analisis hidrologi dengan analisis frekuensi data hujan, metode distribusi terbaik adalah distribusi log person 3. Intensitas curah hujan maksimum untuk kala ulang 2 tahun adalah 97,492 mm/jam, untuk kala ulang 5 tahun sebesar 111,216 mm/jam dan untuk kala ulang 10 tahun sebesar 118,406 mm/jam. Setelah dilakukan analisis kebutuhan  pipa maka direncanakan pipa drain utama yang adalah Ø 6 inchi (16,5 cm) dan pipa sekunder Ø 4 inchi (11, 4 cm) dengan skema pemasangan pipa berbentuk sirip ikan. Selain itu untuk Lapisan Subdrain yang digunaka terdiri dari top layer (rumput,pupuk : pasir Urug 2:1), pasir urug, pasir murni,kerikil dan kerakal dengan ketebalan total 0,55 m. Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Kota Palembang akan melakukan kegiatan Renovasi Lapangan Sepak bola Stadion Kamboja Kota Palembang menjadi salah satu bagian yang tak terpisahkan dan harus tersedia agar dapat menghasilkan atlet-atlet yang berprestasi sehingga dapat mandiri, karena olahraga yang sifatnya kompetisi / turnamen, sarana olahraga yang memenuhi standar sangat dibutuhkan. Selain itu perbaikan ini sebagai persiapan Pesta Olahraga Piala Dunia U-20 tahan 2020 di Sumatera Selatan khususnya Kota Palembang. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis untuk mendapatkan desain Resapan Lapangan Sepak bola yg memenuhi standar Internasional.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperbaiki kondisi lapangan sepakbola Stadion Hatta yang belum memiliki sistem drainase baik dan perawatan lapangan berstandar Internasional sehingga turut membantu mewujudkan pembangunan masyarakat baik secara jasmani maupun rohani. Manfaat studi ini juga memberikan masukan atau informasi kepada Dinas Pekerjaan Pemuda dan olahraga Kota Palembang dalam upaya perencanaan perbaikan kondisi Lapangan Stadion Lapangan Hatta.Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan analisis hidrologi dengan analisis frekuensi data hujan, metode distribusi terbaik adalah distribusi log person 3. Intensitas curah hujan maksimum untuk kala ulang 2 tahun adalah 97,492 mm/jam, untuk kala ulang 5 tahun sebesar 111,216 mm/jam dan untuk kala ulang 10 tahun sebesar 118,406 mm/jam. Setelah dilakukan analisis kebutuhan  pipa maka direncanakan pipa drain utama yang adalah Ø 6 inchi (16,5 cm) dan pipa sekunder Ø 4 inchi (11, 4 cm) dengan skema pemasangan pipa berbentuk sirip ikan. Selain itu untuk Lapisan Subdrain yang digunaka terdiri dari top layer (rumput,pupuk : pasir Urug 2:1), pasir urug, pasir murni,kerikil dan kerakal dengan ketebalan total 0,55 m.

    A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effects of Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate on Neurological Outcomes and Hospital Stay in Patients Admitted for Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke

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    Introduction: Neurological stroke is the most common cause of disability and leaves nearly 65% of survivors with sensory, motor and coordinative disabilities. At present, there are no therapies to prevent long-term neurological deficits after stroke. Many neuroprotective drugs are being tested with the aim to ensure these effects. Preclinical studies have shown a modulatory effect of cerebroprotein hydrolysate on synaptic remodeling and facilitated synaptic transmission. Material and methods: This was a hospital-based, open-label pilot study conducted in a tertiary care hospital of North India. All patients admitted with a diagnosis of stroke both ischemic and hemorrhagic, were included in the study. Patients were randomized into two groups. The test group was given cerebroprotein hydrolysate, along with standard treatment for stroke, whereas the other group was kept on standard treatment for stroke as per the latest guidelines, without cerebroprotein. Results: A total of 50 patients of stroke, admitted in a tertiary care center were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 65.7 Â± 11.86 years. Twenty-six (52%) were males and 24 (48%) were females. Out of the total 50 patients, 23 (46%) had ischemic stroke and 27 (54%) had hemorrhagic stroke. Twenty (40%) had diabetes, 37 (74%) had hypertension, 8 (16%) were known cases of coronary artery disease, 28 (56%) had dyslipidemia, 22 (44%) were smokers, 7 (14%) had a history of ethanol consumption and 13 (26%) were obese. Mean Barthel score at admission was 21.2 ± 11.3 and mean Rankin score at admission was 3.6 Â± 1.37. Mean Barthel score at end of treatment was 53.9 ± 28.72 and mean Rankin score at end of treatment was 2.6 ± 1.65. The mean duration of admission was 6.8 ± 3.57 days. Conclusion: The current study highlights the role of cerebroprotein hydrolysate in improving the neurological scores and reducing hospital stay among patients hospitalized with stroke


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    ABSTRACTThis research was conducted for knowing how much the effect of leadership style, communication, and work environment to the performance of PT. PP. Properti, Tbk Project Begawan Malang Employees. In order to know how much the effect of independent variables toward dependent variable either partially or stimultaneously, this research was conducted with several methods in data examining. The result was that leadership style, communication, and work environment had stimultaneously a directly proportional and gave positive effect and the most significant effect of those three variables toward employees performance was communication. It can be showed from the value of two other variables which were lower. While independent variable showed a directly proportional and gave positive and significant effects, except leadership style (X1).  Keywords: Leadership Style, Communication, Work Environment, and Employee Performance

    Multisectoral interventions for urban health in Africa: a mixed-methods systematic review

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    Increasing evidence suggests that urban health objectives are best achieved through a multisectoral approach. This approach requires multiple sectors to consider health and well-being as a central aspect of their policy development and implementation, recognising that numerous determinants of health lie outside (or beyond the confines of) the health sector. However, collaboration across sectors remains scarce and multisectoral interventions to support health are lacking in Africa. To address this gap in research, we conducted a mixed-method systematic review of multisectoral interventions aimed at enhancing health, with a particular focus on non-communicable diseases in urban African settings. Africa is the world’s fastest urbanising region, making it a critical context in which to examine the impact of multisectoral approaches to improve health. This systematic review provides a valuable overview of current knowledge on multisectoral urban health interventions and enables the identification of existing knowledge gaps, and consequently, avenues for future research. We searched four academic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Global Health) for evidence dated 1989–2019 and identified grey literature from expert input. We identified 53 articles (17 quantitative, 20 qualitative, 12 mixed methods) involving collaborations across 22 sectors and 16 African countries. The principle guiding the majority of the multisectoral interventions was community health equity (39.6%), followed by healthy cities and healthy urban governance principles (32.1%). Targeted health outcomes were diverse, spanning behaviour, environmental and active participation from communities. With only 2% of all studies focusing on health equity as an outcome and with 47% of studies published by first authors located outside Africa, this review underlines the need for future research to prioritise equity both in terms of research outcomes and processes. A synthesised framework of seven interconnected components showcases an ecosystem on multisectoral interventions for urban health that can be examined in the future research in African urban settings that can benefit the health of people and the planet. Paper ContextMain findings: Multisectoral interventions were identified in 27.8% of African countries in the African Union, targeted at major cities with five sectors present at all intervention stages: academia or research, agriculture, government, health, and non-governmental. Added knowledge: We propose a synthesised framework showcasing an ecosystem on multisectoral interventions for urban health that can guide future research in African urban settings. Global health impact for policy and action: This study reveals a crucial gap in evidence on evaluating the long-term impact of multisectoral interventions and calls for partnerships involving various sectors and robust community engagement to effectively deliver and sustain health-promoting policies and actions

    A Study of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of nosocomial infections including pneumonia, postoperative wound infection, bacteremia and other infections. A major cause of concern in the treatment of S. aureus infections is the emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which was reported just 1 year after the launch of methicilin. The current study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of infection caused by S. aureus in hospitalized and outdoor patients and to determine the prevalence of MRSA isolated from different clinical samples as well as to characterize the patients with MRSA on the basis of risk factors. Material and methods: The present study was conducted in the Dept. of Microbiology of a tertiary care hospital, from August 2009 to August 2011. Various clinical specimens such as pus, blood, urine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, ascitic fluid, bile, cervical swab, semen, conjunctival swabs and ear swabs received in the Microbiology laboratory were studied. Culture was done on 4% NaCI Mueller-Hinton agar. Carriers showing MRSA were prescribed mupirocin/chlorhexidine for treatment. Further culture was done on 5-10% sheep blood agar, Mc-Conkey Agar, Mannitol salt agar and Robertson cooked meat broth. Subcultures from cooked meat broth were performed if there was no growth on primary culture plates. Results: The present study comprised of 262 S. aureus isolates from various clinical specimens. All isolates were identified as S. aureus on the basis of morphology, culture and biochemical characteristics. The current study shows that nearly 80% of the isolates were from the patients up to the age of 40 years and thereafter isolation rate decreased with age. Out of total 262 isolates included in the study, 154 (58.78%) isolates were from male patients and 108 (41.22%) were from female patients. Out of the 262 isolates, 204 (77.87%) were from pus. Isolates from urine samples comprised 22 (8.39%) followed by CSF 8 (3.05%), endocervical swab 7 (2.67%) and ear swab 7 (2.67%). Other samples included were seminal fluid 4(1.53%), sputum and throat swab 3 (1.15%), conjunctival swab 2 (0.76%). Foley\u27s tip 1 (0.38%) and umbilical tip 1 (0.38%). It was observed that in 217 (82.83%) patients infection was hospital-acquired and 45 (17.17%) patients had community-acquired infection. Conclusion: In the present study, MRSA isolation rates from ICU and wards were higher than that seen among outpatients. The most common risk factor present in most of the patients with MRSA was prolonged stay in the hospital

    Analisis Resapan Lapangan Sepakbola (Studi Kasus : Stadion Lapangan Hatta, Kota Palembang) (35-44)

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    Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Kota Palembang akan melakukan kegiatan Renovasi Lapangan Sepak bola Stadion Kamboja Kota Palembang menjadi salah satu bagian yang tak terpisahkan dan harus tersedia agar dapat menghasilkan atlet-atlet yang berprestasi sehingga dapat mandiri, karena olahraga yang sifatnya kompetisi / turnamen, sarana olahraga yang memenuhi standar sangat dibutuhkan. Selain itu perbaikan ini sebagai persiapan Pesta Olahraga Piala Dunia U-20 tahan 2020 di Sumatera Selatan khususnya Kota Palembang. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis untuk mendapatkan desain Resapan Lapangan Sepak bola yg memenuhi standar Internasional.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperbaiki kondisi lapangan sepakbola Stadion Hatta yang belum memiliki sistem drainase baik dan perawatan lapangan berstandar Internasional sehingga turut membantu mewujudkan pembangunan masyarakat baik secara jasmani maupun rohani. Manfaat studi ini juga memberikan masukan atau informasi kepada Dinas Pekerjaan Pemuda dan olahraga Kota Palembang dalam upaya perencanaan perbaikan kondisi Lapangan Stadion Lapangan Hatta.Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan analisis hidrologi dengan analisis frekuensi data hujan, metode distribusi terbaik adalah distribusi log person 3. Intensitas curah hujan maksimum untuk kala ulang 2 tahun adalah 97,492 mm/jam, untuk kala ulang 5 tahun sebesar 111,216 mm/jam dan untuk kala ulang 10 tahun sebesar 118,406 mm/jam. Setelah dilakukan analisis kebutuhan pipa maka direncanakan pipa drain utama yang adalah Ø 6 inchi (16,5 cm) dan pipa sekunder Ø 4 inchi (11, 4 cm) dengan skema pemasangan pipa berbentuk sirip ikan. Selain itu untuk Lapisan Subdrain yang digunaka terdiri dari top layer (rumput,pupuk : pasir Urug 2:1), pasir urug, pasir murni,kerikil dan kerakal dengan ketebalan total 0,55 m

    Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Presenting with a Left Flank Mass

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    We present a case of a patient with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) presenting with a large (18 × 12 cm) left-sided flank mass with worsening left flank pain. CT abdomen/pelvis demonstrated a left kidney with parenchyma replaced by multiple large hypodense collections containing fluid and gas, a left staghorn calculus, and a communication between the kidney and large flank collection. About 4.5 weeks after initial presentation, the patient underwent operative intervention. Pathology revealed an end-stage kidney with scar consistent with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis

    Acquired male urethral diverticula: presentation, diagnosis and management.

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    PurposeWe describe the etiology, presentation, treatment and outcomes of men diagnosed with an acquired urethral diverticulum.Materials and methodsWe retrospectively analyzed the records of men with an acquired urethral diverticulum in an 11-year period (2000 to 2011) at a tertiary care reconstructive practice. Patient demographics, history, presentation, anatomical details such as diverticulum size and location, management and outcomes were recorded. Technical success was defined as unobstructed urination without urinary tract infection.ResultsA total of 22 men with an acquired urethral diverticulum were included in analysis. Median age at presentation was 48.5 years (range 18 to 86). Most commonly, patients presented with recurrent urinary tract infection, urinary dribbling, incontinence or a weak urinary stream. Of the 22 men 12 (54.5%) underwent urethral diverticulectomy and urethroplasty, 3 (13.5%) underwent ileal conduit urinary diversion and 7 (32%) were treated nonoperatively. Select cases were managed conservatively when the urethral diverticulum was confirmed in a nonobstructed urethra, it was small or asymptomatic and it could be manually emptied after voiding. At a mean followup of 2.3 years there was a 91% urethral diverticulum recurrence-free rate.ConclusionsAcquired male urethral diverticula are rare but should be considered when there is recurrent urinary tract infection, obstructive voiding symptoms, a history of hypospadias, urethral stricture or trauma, or prolonged urethral catheterization. Treatment options may include surgical excision of the urethral diverticulum or urinary diversion. Some patients may be adequately treated nonoperatively with post-void manual decompression