732 research outputs found

    Автоматизация расчета надежности РЭС

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    У роботі розглянуто основні характеристики показників надійності радіоелектронних засобів (РЕЗ), методи їх розрахунку та математичні моделі. Описані основні проблеми розрахунку надійності та способи їх вирішення за допомогою використання спеціально створеного програмного забезпечення "Надійність РЕЗ". Наведені вимоги для роботи даного програмного забезпечення, а також його можливості та напрямки використання.Introduction. Reliability analysis involves the development of appropriate computational models for each indicator reliability assessment and input parameters of the model in the form of reliability parameters of the system components to solve the final problem - estimates of output parameters of system reliability. Indicators of reliability of REF. The functional characteristics are important (and sometimes crucial) for REF reliability, so it is necessary to analyze the impact on them of destabilizing external factors - mechanical, temperature, humidity, ionizing radiation. Mathematical models of the REF reliability. The operational failure rate value of most groups REF is calculated by mathematical models. These indicators include: basic failure rate, the rate regime, the coefficients that take into account changes in operational failure rate depending on various factors. Calculation of reliability REF programmatically. With the automation of reliability RES may not only significantly reduce the cost of time searching for the required elements and parameters, but effectively, with high accuracy, to conduct themselves calculations. Conclusions. The software product allows you to switch from "manual" calculation reliability RECs, to a fully automated modeling components. The program is applicable for calculating the reliability and to find a more "sustainable" elements to increase the probability of failure-free operation.В работе рассмотрены основные характеристики показателей надежности радиоэлектронных средств (РЕС), методы их расчета и математические модели. Описаны основные проблемы расчета надежности и способы их решения посредством использования специально созданного программного обеспечения "Надежность РЭС". Приведены требования для работы данного программного обеспечения, а также его возможности и направления использования

    Algorithm for post-processing of tomography images to calculate the dimension-geometric features of porous structures

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    An algorithm for post-processing of the grayscale 3D computed tomography (CT) images of porous structures with the automatic selection of filtering parameters is proposed. The determination of parameters is carried out on a representative part of the image under analysis. A criterion for the search for optimal filtering parameters based on the count of "levitating stone" voxels is described. The stages of CT image filtering and its binarization are performed sequentially. Bilateral and anisotropic diffuse filtering is implemented; the Otsu method for unbalanced classes is chosen for binarization. Verification of the proposed algorithm was carried out on model data. To create model porous structures, we used our image generator, which implements the function of anisotropic porous structures generation. Results of the post-processing of real CT images containing noise and reconstruction artifacts by the proposed method are discussed.This work was partly supported by the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State assignment of the FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS (computed tomography measurements and data analysis) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) under projects Nos. 18-29-26019 and 19-01-00790 (algorithms development)

    Estimation OF Os, Ir, Sc, In isotope production at electron linear accelerators

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    Preliminary data on the production of medical radionuclides ⁴⁷Sc, ¹¹⁴In, ¹⁹²Ir and ¹⁹¹Os, ¹⁹¹mOs by the photonuclear method are reported. The targets were irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam of the NSC KIPT accelerator LU-20 at an accelerated electron energy of 29 MeV and a beam current of 10 μA. The required isotopes were produced in the following channels of nuclear reactions: ⁵¹V(γ,α) ⁴⁷Sc; ⁴⁸Ti(γ,p)⁴⁷Sc; ¹⁹³Ir(γ,n) ¹⁹²Ir; ¹⁹²Os(γ,n) ¹⁹¹Os, ¹⁹¹mOs; 115In(γ ,n)¹¹⁴In. The useful product yields (specific activities) at the end of irradiation, normalized to 1 hour of target irradiation at an average beam current of 1 μA, were obtained.Представлены предварительные экспериментальные результаты по наработке медицинских радионуклидов ⁴⁷Sc, ¹¹⁴ In, ¹⁹²Ir и ¹⁹¹Os, ¹⁹¹mOs фотоядерным методом. Облучение мишеней проводилось на пучке тормозного излучения ускорителя ЛУ-20 ННЦ ХФТИ при энергии ускоренных электронов 29 МэВ и токе пучка 10 мкА. Необходимые изотопы образуются по следующим каналам ядерных реакций ⁵¹V(γ,α) ⁴⁷Sc; ⁴⁸Ti(γ ,p)⁴⁷Sc; ¹⁹³Ir(γ,n) ¹⁹²Ir; ¹⁹²Os(γ,n) ¹⁹¹Os, ¹⁹¹mOs; 115In(γ,n) ¹¹⁴In. Измерены значения выхода (удельной активности) полезного продукта на момент окончания облучения, нормированные на 1 час облучения мишеней при величине среднего тока пучка 1 мкА.Надано попередні експериментальні результати по напрацюванню медичних радіонуклідів ⁴⁷Sc, ¹¹⁴In, ¹⁹²Ir та ¹⁹¹Os, ¹⁹¹mOs фотоядерним методом. Опромінення мішеней проводилось на пучку гальмівного випромінювання прискорювача ЛП-20 ННЦ ХФТІ при енергії прискорених електронів 29 МeВ та струмі пучка 10 мкА. Необхідні ізотопи утворюються за наступними каналами ядерних реакцій ⁵¹V(γ,α) ⁴⁷Sc; ⁴⁸Ti(γ ,p)⁴⁷Sc; ¹⁹³Ir(γ,n) ¹⁹²Ir; ¹⁹²Os(γ,n) ¹⁹¹Os, ¹⁹¹mOs; 115In(γ,n) ¹¹⁴In. Виміряні виходи (питомої активності) корисного продукту на момент закінчення опромінення, що нормовано на 1 годину опромінення мішеней при середньому струмі пучка 1 мкА

    Application of CdTe (CdZnTe) detectors for radioactive waste characterization

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    The radiation detectors based on wide-zone semiconductor CdTe (CdZnTe) monocrystals have promising advantages for their application in investigation (characterization) of radioactive waste. Among these advantages there are the wide range of photons flux and energy, high registration efficiency and satisfactory energy resolution without deep cooling of the detector. This report discusses the obtained data concerning radiation stability of detectors, influence of different conditions (filters, collimators, registration channel fill etc.) on their energy resolution in spectrometric regime, as well as a dependence of radionuclide identification accuracy on detector size

    Extraction of Kaon Formfactors from K^- -> mu^- nu_mu gamma Decay at ISTRA+ Setup

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    The radiative decay K->mu nu gamma has been studied at ISTRA+ setup in a new kinematical region. About 22K events of K^- -> mu^- nu_mu gamma have been observed. The sign and value of Fv-Fa have been measured for the first time. The result is Fv-Fa=0.21(4)(4).Comment: 11 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Search for light pseudoscalar sgoldstino in K- decays

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    A search for the light pseudoscalar sgoldstino production in the three body K- decay K-->pipi0P has been performed with the ISTRA+ detector exposed to the 25 GeV negative secondary beam of the U70 proton synchrotron. No signal is seen. An upper limit for the branching ratio Br(K->pipi0P), at 90% confidence level, is found to be around 9*10**-6 in the effective mass m(P) range from 0 till 200 MeV, excluding the region near m(pi0) where it degrades to 3.5*10**-5.Comment: 10 pages, LATEX, 8 EPS figures, revised version, to be published in Phys.Lett.

    High statistic measurement of the K- -> pi0 e- nu decay form-factors

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    The decay K- -> pi0 e- nu is studied using in-flight decays detected with the ISTRA+ spectrometer. About 920K events are collected for the analysis. The lambda+ slope parameter of the decay form-factor f+(t) in the linear approximation (average slope) is measured: lambda+(lin)= 0.02774 +- 0.00047(stat) +- 0.00032(syst). The quadratic contribution to the form-factor was estimated to be lambda'+ = 0.00084 +- 0.00027(stat) +- 0.00031(syst). The linear slope, which has a meaning of df+(t)/dt|_{t=0} for this fit, is lambda+ = 0.02324 +- 0.00152(stat) +- 0.00032(syst). The limits on possible tensor and scalar couplings are derived: f_{T}/f_{+}(0)=-0.012 +- 0.021(stat) +- 0.011$(syst), f_{S}/f_{+}(0)=-0.0037^{+0.0066}_{-0.0056}(stat) +- 0.0041(syst).Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by Phys.Lett.

    Search for Heavy Neutrino in K->mu nu_h(nu_h-> nu gamma) Decay at ISTRA+ Setup

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    Heavy neutrino nu_h with m_h < 300MeV/c^2 can be effectively searched for in kaon decays. We put upper limits on mixing matrix element |U_mu_h}|^2 for radiatively decaying nu_h from K->mu nu_h (nu_h -> nu gamma) decay chain in the following parameter region: 30MeV/c^2 < m_h < 80MeV/c^2; 10^{-11}sec < tau_h < 10^{-9}sec. For the whole region |U_{mu h}|^2 < 5 x 10^{-5} for Majorana type of nu_h and | U_{\mu h}|^2 < 8 x 10^{-5} for the Dirac case.Comment: Published in Phys. Lett.

    Estimation of radiation risks under photonuclear production of 67Cu and 99Mo isotopes

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    The activated bremsstrahlung converter and isotopic target are the main sources of radiation hazard in the isotope production at electron accelerators. In experiments at the NSC KIPT accelerators KUT-30 and LU-40m, intended to produce 99Mo and 67Cu isotopes in the targets based on natural Mo and Zn, the output devices were exposed to radiation. Induced activities of the tantalum converter, of targets and cooling water were measured. The exposure dose rates provided by each element and the activity decrease after the exposure were determined.Основными источниками радиационной опасности при производстве изотопов на ускорителе электронов являются активированные конвертер тормозного излучения и изотопная мишень. На ускорителях КУТ-30 и ЛУ-40М ННЦ ХФТИ проведено облучение экспериментальных выходных устройств для получения изотопов 99Мо и 67Сu в мишенях на основе природных Мо и Zn. Исследована наведенная активность конвертера из тантала, мишеней и охлаждающей воды. Определена мощность экспозиционной дозы, создаваемая каждым элементом, а также скорость ее снижения после облучения.Основними джерелами радіаційної небезпеки при виробництві ізотопів на прискорювачі електронів є активовані конвертер гальмівного випромінювання та ізотопна мішень. На прискорювачах КУТ-30 і ЛУ-40M ННЦ ХФТІ проведено опромінювання експериментальних вихідних пристроїв для отримання ізотопів 99Мо і 67Сu в мішенях на основі природних Мо і Zn. Досліджена наведена активність конвертера з танталу, мішеней і води, що охолоджує. Визначена потужність експозиційної дози, що створюється кожним елементом, а також швидкість її зниження після опромінення

    Measurement of the Dalitz plot slope parameters for K- -> pi0 pi0 pi- decay using ISTRA+ detector

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    The Dalitz plot slope parameters g, h and k for the K- -> pi0 pi0 pi- decay have been measured using in-flight decays detected with the ISTRA+ setup operating in the 25 GeV negative secondary beam of the U-70 PS. About 252 K events with four-momenta measured for the pi- and four involved photons were used for the analysis. The values obtained g=0.627+/-0.004(stat)+/-0.010(syst), h=0.046+/-0.004(stat)+/-0.012(syst), k=0.001+/-0.001(stat)+/-0.002(syst) are consistent with the world averages dominated by K+ data, but have significantly smaller errors.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 8 eps-figures, update of IHEP 2002-1