55 research outputs found

    Keisari Kaarle V ja hänen aikakautensa

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    Arvosteltu teos: Puolen maailman valtias: Kaarle V:n 1500-luku ja Euroopan mahdin synty / Pekka Valtonen. Helsinki : Gaudeamus, 2015

    Refining Coarse Manual Segmentations with Stable Probability Regions

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    Most feature-based lesion detection and computer-aided diagnosis methods for medical images require representative data of each region of interest (ROI) for parameter selection. Furthermore, the spatial accuracy of the segmentation of the ROIs from the background can significantly affect certain image features extracted from the ROIs. How- ever, requiring spatially accurate manual segmentations of the ROIs to be used as the ground truth is infeasible for large image sets due to the amount of manual work involved. To relax the requirement of spatial accuracy and to enable spatial refinement of coarse manual segmentations to have more representative feature data, a method based on color information and maximally stable extremal regions of lesion likelihoods is presented. The proposed method is quantitatively compared to several segmentation approaches by using a challenging set of retinal images with spatially accurate ground truth of exudates. The experiments show that the proposed method produces good results measured as Dice coefficients between the refined segmentation and ground truth

    Comparison of image registration methods for composing spectral retinal images

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    Spectral retinal images have signficant potential for improving the early detection and visualization of subtle changes due to eye diseases and many systemic diseases. High resolution in both the spatial and the spectral domain can be achieved by capturing a set of narrowband channel images from which the spectral images are composed. With imaging techniques where the eye movement between the acquisition of the images is unavoidable, image registration is required. In this paper, the applicability of the state-of-the-art image registration methods for the composition of spectral retinal images is studied. The registration methods are quantitatively compared using synthetic channel image data of an eye phantom and semisynthetic set of retinal channel images subjected to known transformations. The experiments show that Generalized dual-bootstrap iterative closest point method outperforms the other evaluated methods in registration accuracy and the number of successful registrations

    Caffeine content in newborn hair correlates with maternal dietary intake

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    Purpose High-maternal caffeine intake during pregnancy may be harmful for perinatal outcomes and future child health, but the level of fetal cumulative exposure has been difficult to measure thus far. Here, we present maternal dietary caffeine intake during the last trimester and its correlation to caffeine content in newborn hair after birth. Methods Maternal third trimester diets and dietary caffeine intake were prospectively collected in Kuopio Birth Cohort (KuBiCo) using a 160-item food frequency questionnaire (n = 2840). Newborn hair was collected within 48 h after birth and analyzed by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) for caffeine (n = 316). Correlation between dietary caffeine intake and neonatal hair caffeine content was evaluated from 203 mother-child pairs. Results Mean dietary caffeine intake was 167 mg/days (95% CI 162-172 mg/days), of which coffee comprised 81%. Caffeine in the maternal diet and caffeine content in newborn hair correlated significantly (r = 0.50; p <0.001). Older, multiparous, overweight women, and smokers had the highest caffeine levels in the maternal diet, as well as in their newborn babies' hair. Conclusion Caffeine exposure, estimated from newborn hair samples, reflects maternal third trimester dietary caffeine intake and introduces a new method to assess fetal cumulative caffeine exposure. Further studies to evaluate the effects of caffeine exposure on both perinatal and postnatal outcomes are warranted, since over 40% of pregnant women consume caffeine more than the current suggested recommendations (European Food Safety Association, EFSA recommendations).Peer reviewe

    Vector Competence of Northern European Culex pipiens Biotype pipiens and Culex torrentium to West Nile Virus and Sindbis Virus

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    The West Nile Virus (WNV) and Sindbis virus (SINV) are avian-hosted mosquito-borne zoonotic viruses that co-circulate in some geographical areas and share vector species such as Culex pipiens and Culex torrentium. These are widespread in Europe, including northern parts and Finland, where SINV is endemic, but WNV is currently not. As WNV is spreading northwards in Europe, we wanted to assess the experimental vector competence of Finnish Culex pipiens and Culex torrentium mosquitoes to WNV and SINV in different temperature profiles. Both mosquito species were found susceptible to both viruses and got infected via infectious blood meal at a mean temperature of 18 °C. WNV-positive saliva was detected at a mean temperature of 24 °C, whereas SINV-positive saliva was detected already at a mean temperature of 18 °C. Cx. torrentium was found to be a more efficient vector for WNV and SINV over Cx. pipiens. Overall, the results were in line with the previous studies performed with more southern vector populations. The current climate does not seem optimal for WNV circulation in Finland, but temporary summertime transmission could occur in the future if all other essential factors are in place. More field data would be needed for monitoring and understanding the northward spreading of WNV in Europe

    Recent establishment of tick-borne encephalitis foci with distinct viral lineages in the Helsinki area, Finland

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    Number of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) cases has increased and new foci have emerged in Finland during the last decade. We evaluated risk for locally acquired TBE in the capital region inhabited by 1.2 million people. We screened ticks and small mammals from probable places of TBE virus (TBEV) transmission and places without reported circulation. The TBEV positive samples were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. Within the study period 2007-2017, there was a clear increase of both all TBE cases and locally acquired cases in the Helsinki area. The surveillance of ticks and small mammals for TBEV confirmed four distinct TBEV foci in the Helsinki area. All detected TBEV strains were of the European subtype. TBEV genome sequences indicated that distinct TBEV lineages circulate in each focus. Molecular clock analysis suggested that the virus lineages were introduced to these foci decades ago. In conclusion, TBE has emerged in the mainland of Helsinki area during the last decade, with at least four distinct virus lineages independently introduced into the region previously. Although the overall annual TBE incidence is below the threshold for recommending general vaccinations, the situation requires further surveillance to detect and prevent possible further emergence of local TBE clusters.Peer reviewe

    Hyötyä taseista : Ravinnetaseiden tulkinta ympäristön ja viljelyn hyödyksi

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    Hyötyä taseista -hankkeessa tuotettiin typen peltotaseiden jakaumat Suomen yleisimmille viljelykasveille yhdistämällä kaikki saatavilla oleva ja systemaattisesti kerätty ravinnetasetieto peltoviljelystä. Jakaumien perusteella viljelykasvit luokiteltiin neljään eri ryhmään: (I) säilörehunurmi, (II) kaura, ohra ja tärkkelysperuna, (III) kevätvehnä ja sokerijuurikas ja (IV) kevätrypsi, syysvehnä ja ruis. Kahden ensimmäisen ryhmän mediaanitaseet olivat samansuuruiset (kivennäismailla 13–14 kg/ha käytettäessä vain väkilannoitetyppeä), mutta säilörehunurmella typpitaseet olivat huomattavasti suuremmat jakauman yläpäässä. Kasviryhmässä III mediaanitase oli vastaavasti 32 kg/ha ja ryhmässä IV kaikkein korkein, 56 kg/ha. Typpitaseet olivat lisäksi em. kasviryhmissä eloperäisillä mailla pienempiä kuin kivennäismailla. Kotieläinlantaa käytettäessä typpitaseet laskettuna liukoisen typen mukaan olivat hieman suurempia kasviryhmässä II kun taas ryhmissä III ja IV eroa ei ollut tai tase oli pienempi (säilörehunurmi). Kasviryhmien sisällä typpitaseen suuruuteen vaikutti eniten typpilannoituksen määrä. Matalimmat taseet saavutettiin, kun satotaso oli korkea ilman että oli käytetty ympäristökorvauksen enimmäislannoitusmääriä. Korkeita typpitaseita sen sijaan esiintyi, kun satotaso oli jäänyt odotettua pienemmäksi huolimatta typpilannoituksesta. Tasejakaumiin liitettiin ympäristöinformaatio potentiaalisesta vesistökuormituksesta, jota arvioitiin koeaineistojen ja mallintamisen avulla. Kasviryhmissä I ja II noin neljännes liukoisen typen taseista oli niin korkeita (ylittävät tason 60 ja 25 kg/ha), että niistä voi aiheutua keskimääräistä selvästi korkeampi typen huuhtoutumisriski. Kasviryhmässä III puolet typpitaseista ylitti riskirajan ja ryhmässä IV yli puolet. Typpitaseita tarkasteltiin myös laskemalla op-timaalisen typpilannoituksen määrää erilaisilla hintasuhteilla. Tulosten perusteella nitraattiasetus ei rajoita taloudellisesti optimaalista typpilannoitusta kevätviljoilla, mutta rajoittaa typpilannoitusta säilörehunurmen kohdalla. Ympäristökorvauksen enimmäislannoitusmäärät johtavat kevätviljoilla typpitaseisiin (16–45 kg/ha kivennäismailla), jotka ovat keskimääräistä korkeampia verrattuna em. peltolohkojen jakaumiin, mutta eivät johda peltolohkoilla havaittuihin suurimpiin typpitaseisiin. Verrattuna rajoittamattomaan taloudelliseen optimointiin, ympäristökorvaukseen sitoutuneilla maatiloilla kasvintuotannosta saatava vuotuinen katetuotto vähenee usein vain alle 10 €/ha vil-jeltäessä viljaa kivennäismailla, kun taas säilörehun tuotannossa vastaava vähenemä on lähes 50 €/ha. Tuloksia havainnollistettiin esittämällä alustavia kriteerejä typpitaseiden arviointiin ja joillekin kasveille ehdotettiin myös liukoisen typen taseiden viitearvoja mahdollista ravinnetaseohjausta varten. Ravinnetaseisiin perustuvan ohjauksen vahvuudeksi tunnistettiin satotason huomiointi, mikä voisi kannustaa peltojen perusparannuksiin.201

    Conflicts in a Colonial Contact Zone : Violence, Coercion, and Mediation in Spanish-Indigenous Relations in the Sixteenth-Century Gobernación of Popayán

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    This article studies the conflicts between conquerors and conquered in the Gobernación (governorate) of Popayán (modern Colombia) in the second half of the sixteenth century. The conflicts were arguably part of a negotiation process between the different groups which played a significant part in shaping the colonial societies. The article also studies the attempts of the colonial bureaucracy to intervene in inter-ethnic relations, and transfer the negotiation process to the colonial institutions. The relationships were not fixed, as the interethnic dynamics constantly changed. The colonial contact zone was a place of negotiation, but also a place of struggle, where the indigenous subjects constantly challenged the conquerors' aspirations. Struggle and negotiation were not mutually exclusive as forms of interaction. Violence and threat of it were part of the negotiation process. The interethnic conflicts were a dynamic force through which the colonial society took shape. In this article, I use diverse source material from several colonial archives, including demographic, judicial, and administrative documents, looking especially for clues revealing indigenous agency in colonial society.peerReviewe

    Keisari Kaarle V ja hänen aikakautensa

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