18 research outputs found

    Budidaya Ayam Kampung Terintegrasi untuk Mengatasi Stunting di Desa Candisari, Kecamatan Windusari, Kabupaten Magelang

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    Candisari village is one of the villages in Windusari District, Magelang which has a problem of high stunting children. Stunting is a major threat to the quality of Indonesian society. This activity aims to assist the government in overcoming stunting through integrated native chicken cultivation. The methods used are raising awareness in the community, training and making demonstration plots. The target group is mothers who have children under five years old (toddlers) who are indicated to be stunted. The training carried out was how to raise native chickens integrated with vegetable crops, making supplementary food formulas for toddlers, demonstration plots of raising chickens integrated with vegetable plants. Chicken rearing activities are carried out by providing stimulus to 30 hens and 3 roosters. The results of the assistance reduced the stunting rate from 79 toddlers at the beginning of the activity to 46 toddlers at the end of the activity. Based on observations, all native chickens (100%) have laid eggs, with 100% hatchability and an average number of chicks of 10. In the cultivation of vegetable plants in the yard, it has succeeded 90% and has started to harvest the mustard, tomato and chili plants. The conclusion from this activity is that integrated chicken farming has a positive impact on reducing stunting rates

    Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Kewirausahaan pada Siswa Kelas XI SMK Kristen 1 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

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    This research aims to know: (1) the effect of parental socio-economic status and learning motivation towards cognitive student achievement of entrepreneurship education on student grade XI of Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta, (2) the effect of parental socio-economic status towards cognitive student achievement of entrepreneurship education on student grade XI of Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta, (3) the effect of learning motivation towards cognitive student achievement of entrepreneurship education on student grade XI of Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta. The object of this research is student grade XI in Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta which is get entrepreneurhip education which amounting to 119 students. The sampling techinique used proportional random sampling which amounted to 55 students. Questionnaires and documentation are used as data collection tools. Questionnaires are used to collect data of parental socio-economic status and learning motivation, while documentation is used to collect data on results student avhievement of entrepreneurship education. Data analysis techniques used Regression test. The results of this research are (1) there is a significant effect of parental socio-economic status and learning motivation towards student achievement of entrepreneurship education on student grade XI of Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta with the result of count Fcount>Ftable (97,943 > 3,18) (2) there is a significant effect the effect of parental socio-economic status towards student achievement of entrepreneurship education on student grade XI of Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta with the result of count ttest>ttable (4,108 > 2,006) and significance 0,000 < 0,05 (3) there is a significance effect of learning motivation towards student achievement of entrepreneurship education on student grade XI of Vocational High School Kristen 1 Surakarta with the result of count ttest>ttable (7,134 >2,006) and significance 0,000 < 0,05

    Optimalisasi Daya dan Energi Listrik pada Panel Surya Polikristal Dengan Teknologi Scanning Reflektor

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    Energi surya merupakan salah satu energi yang dapat dikonversi menjadi energi listrik, yaitu panel surya (photovoltaic solar). Ada beberapa jenis sel surya masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang panel surya dengan cermin datar teknologi reflektor scanning dengan empat reflektor pada empat sisi. Teknologi scanning reflektor ini bekerja dengan mencari titik daya maksimum dalam kondisi tertentu dengan menggerakan reflektor sisi timur dan barat. Proses scanning dilakukan setiap 30 menit sekali waktu pengujian pukul 07.30 WIB hingga 14.30 WIB. Dengan penambahan cermin teknologi reflektor pemindaian datar pada panel surya menyebabkan peningkatan arus dengan rata-rata 0,7533 ampere dan peningkatan nilai daya rata-rata 10,201 watt dibandingkan dengan tanpa menggunakan reflektor. Dengan melihat nilai efisiensi, panel surya yang menggunakan reflektor dengan teknologi scanning reflektor telah meningkatkan efisiensi dengan rata-rata 6,362%. Untuk besar selisih energi yang dihasilkan teknologi scanning reflektor dalam rentang waktu tujuh jam diperoleh nilai 191,012.62 joule dibandingkan tanpa reflektor.Kata Kunci: Panel surya, reflektor, scanning, photovoltaic

    The Attitude Changes Of Local Farmers Toward The Introduction Of Artificial Insemination In The Extensive Of Cattle Raising In The Seram Bagian Barat District, Maluku Province, Indonesia

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    Special efforts for cow must be pregnant  (Upsus Siwab)  is a program for the achievement of meat adequacy in 2022 through the optimization strategy of implementing Artificial Insemination (AI) in 34 provinces including Maluku Province. One of them is Seram Bagian Barat District. The type of cattle that are kept are Bali with extensive management. Maluku Province is The AI introduction area, so there are many challenges to meet the targets set. The purpose of this paper is to know the performance of AI introductions and the effect toward farmer attitudes in the SBB District during the 3 years of assistance. The method of this research was a survey, interviews with farmers, field officers, and district officers. Data with the Ishiknas format for 3 years was collected from the Agriculture services of SBB District. Data was tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The basic problems related to the application of AI are (1) it is difficult to detect the oestrus because all cattle are released, (2) the habits of mating cattle naturally, (3) there is no interest in participating of AI, and (4) the knowledge of oestrus is very minimal. The strategy to solved the problem was introduction the hormone of Oestrus Synchronization (SE). The strategy was quite successful, in 2017, the realization of AI was 85%. Realization in 2018 and 2019 were more than 100%. The S/C score was 1.13 times indicates that the cows have very good reproductive performance. There were 15 variations in gestational age with the range of 8 months 4 days - 9 months 17 days. The most average were 9 months 10 days (16.6%) and 9 months 11 days (16.6%). The pregnancy rates of AI was 10 -311 cows/month with an average of 108.8 cows, while in natural marriages 0 - 32 cows/month with an average of 12.5 cows. The birth weights of AI with Bali bulls straw ranged from 17 to 23 kg (an average of 19.6 kg), while the natural mating was an average of 16 kg. Another results, the birth weight of AI with Ongole bulls straw on male was an average of 32.2 kg and 30 kg on female. In 2017, the implementation of the AI was all done in combination with the SE because no farmers wanted to report the oestrus of cows. In 2018 there were reports from farmers and in 2019, all AI implementations were based on normal oestrus reports. The change in attitudes of farmers regarding adoption of AI was caused by the calves had a higher birth weight and a higher selling price. Implementation of AI in the District of SBB has good prospects for increasing the quantity and quality of cattle and also increasing the income of farmer

    Desain sistem pemesanan tiket pesawat terbang melalui aplikasi Mobile Handphone menggunakan Java (J2ME)

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    Dibuatnya suatu aplikasi mobile ticket (m-ticket) berbasis Java dan berkomunikasi dengan server menggunakan jaringan GPRS yang menggabungkan antara e-ticket & aplikasi mobile yang menggunakan JAVA, dimana user bisa melakukan transaksi dimana saja dan kapan saja. kata kunci: Java (J2ME


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    ABSTRAK Musik merupakan media komunikasi berisi pesan yang dituangkan dalam teks lirik lagu. Salah satu pesan dituangkan dalam lirik lagu biasanya adalah pesan dakwah. Lagu kembalilah ciptaan K.H. Hasan Abdullah Sahal pimpinan Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor adalah salah satu lagu yang populer dimasa pandemi covid-19. Lagu ini diciptakan untuk mengajak masyarakat bertaubat kembali pada Allah SWT ditengah wabah covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe interpretif (penafsiran) dengan menganalisis lirik lagu kembalilah, yang terdiri dari empat bait. Menggunakan pendekatan semiotik Ferdinand de Sausure lirik lagu dianalisi dari aspek signifier (tanda) dan signified (petanda). Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lagu kembalilah bermuatan pesan dakwah tentang informasi nikmat dari Allah SWT yang tidak terhitung, peringatan tentang kufur nikmat, ajakan kembali bertaubat dari kufur nikmat dan peringatan tentang azab dari kufur nikmat. Artikel ini memberikan kontribusi bahwa pesan dakwah dalam karya seni (lirik lagu) kembalilah merupakan pesan dakwah yang bersumber dari Al-qur’an

    Organization Communicational In Islamic Boarding School

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    Organizational climate is a situation in an organization, where each member interacts with each other, limits themselves, or interacts with each other so as to improve the quality of cooperation and organizational satisfaction. Organizational satisfaction is the satisfaction of members of the organization regarding their work, supervision, wages and profits, assessment of achievements, and peers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the organizational communication climate and organizational satisfaction in the dormitory of Al Azhar Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Kampus 2 Madusari, Siman, Ponorogo. This research uses a survey method with an explanative type of research. The population of this study was new students in the dormitory of Al Azhar Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Campus 2 with a total sample of 115 students. The sampling technique is carried out by cluster random sampling. The results showed a correlation relationship with the degree of "quite strong" relationship with the form of a positive relationship between the organizational communication climate and organizational satisfaction. This is evidenced by the value of the correlation coefficient value of 0.558 or 55.8%. The variables of the organizational communication climate have a significant influence on organizational satisfaction, while the magnitude of the influence of the organizational communication climate on organizational satisfaction is 31.1% while the other 68.9% is influenced by other factors. This study recommends to the administrators of the Al Azhar Dormitory Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Campus 2 to further improve the organizational climate on indicators of joint decision making and organizational satisfaction on satisfaction indicators of achievement assessment, promotion, and job opportunities

    Perilaku Mendengarkan Radio Masyarakat Ponorogo Di Era New Media

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    AbstrakPesatnya perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi dewasa ini menyebabkan menjadikan informasi sebagai kebutuhan primer masyarakat di negara-negara maju dan berkembang, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Hadirnya teknologi internet tidak membuat radio kehilanggan penggemar dan tetap eksis saat ini. Dengan teori uses and gratifications penelelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku mendengarkan radio masyarakat Ponorogo di era media baru. Survei online digunakan sebagai metode untuk memperoleh data penelitian. Ada 200 responden yang memenuhi kriteria dalam penelitian ini. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Ponorogo masih akrab dengan radio dalam keseharianya. Mereka kebanyakan mengakes radio secara konvesional meskipun sudah ada layanan radio streaming. Alasan utama mendengarkan radio adalah untuk mencari informasi. Musik menjadi acara dan konten yang paling disukai masyarakat Ponorogo ketika mendengarkan radio.AbstractToday the rapid development of communication and information technology has made information a primary need for people in growing and developing countries, including in Indonesia. The presence of internet technology has not made radio fans lose and still exists today. With the uses and gratifications theory, this study aims to explore the Ponorogo Societys’ listening behavior of radio in new media era. Online surveys are used as a method for obtaining research data. There were 200 respondents who met the criteria in this study. The findings of the study indicate that the Ponorogo societys’ still familiar with radio in their daily lives. They mostly access radio on a conventional basis even though there are already streaming radio services. The main reason to listen the radio is to find information. Music is the program and contents that Ponorogo scoietys’ most likelye when they listen to the radio