6 research outputs found


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    Cleanness water is a real vital requirement for townee, to fulfill amount of water required drinks, bath, cooks, cleans and is including industrial need. In fulfilling clean amount of water required for resident Kabupaten Boalemo, one of them is is levying of cleanness water managed by Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kabupaten Boalemo. Intention of this penelitiaan to know cleanness water availability distributed by PDAM Kabupaten Boalemo in fulfilling requirement of its(the brasque. Result Of Research : Based on status category Kabupaten Boalemo as according to guidance of NSPM Kimpraswil is including medium town with number of residents 100.000-500.000 men is 150 ltr/org/hr, hence usage of water average of still be low that is 121 ltr/org/hr. Conclusion : Based on guidance of NSPM Kimpraswil cleanness water distributed by PDAM Kabupaten Boalemo to brasque still be low, this thing is caused by because capacities IPA owned only 30 l/dt, while required 54 l/dt causing is required addition of kapaistas 14 l/dt to fulfill its the brasque cleanness amount of water required


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    Terminal bukan hanya sekedar dibangun sebagai peralihan dari suatu sistim transportasi ke sistim transportasi yang lain, tetapi harus memikirkan kenyamanan yang antara lain fasilitas utama dan fasilitas penunjang yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana yang terminal Bus Pare-Pare sesuai dengan areal yang tersedia. Hasil Penelitian : 1). Untuk luas areal perparkiran dalam terminal sesuai dengan perhitungan pada jam puncak adalah 185, 64 m, dengan pembagian untuk areal kedatangan luas 92,82 m2 dan untuk areal keberangkatan luas 92,82 m2. 2). Untuk luas areal ruang tunggu penumpang adalah 703,71 m2 berkapasitas 1117 orang .3) Dari fasilitas penunjang dalam terminal masih sudah memadai, namun ada yang kurang terpakai. Kesimpulan Fasilitas utama dan penunjang dalam terminal masih sudah memadai, namun ada yang kurang terpakai akibat sedikitnya penumpang yang naik dan turun didalam terminal

    Manajemen Tehnik Pembelajaran Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kawasan Pesisir Laut Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini penting untuk diolah dalam tehnik, tahap dan langkah serta strategi manajemen pembelajaran. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah: untuk mendapatkan Model Manajemen Tehnik Pembelajaran Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Dikawasan Pesisir Laut Tomilito Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian fenomena masyarakat dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data: observasi, wawancara dan angket, dengan tehnik analisis pengolahan data; pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan model pembelajaran interaktif dan sistem pembelajaran kooperatif, dengan indikator Manajemen Tehnik Pembelajaran Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kawasan Pesisir pantai adalah: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada anak dikawasan pesisir. 2) Mengorganisir pembelajaran yang aktif dikawasan pesisir. 3) Menggerakkan pendidikan anak usia dini, melalui pengalaman langsung dengan objek dikawasan pesisir 4) mengawasi pembelajaran PAUD mempertimbangkan keseluruhan aspek pengembangan, bermakna, manarik, dan fungsional dikawasan pesisir

    Pelatihan Pembuatanan Makanan Bergizi sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting dan Budidaya Ikan Lele Dalam Ember sebagai Potensi Wirausaha Masyarakat

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    The Thematic of Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) program carried out by LPPM UNG in this period carried the theme "Independent Campus for Villages: Village KKNT Builds for the Achievement of SDGs (Suistainable Development Goals)". The implementation of the Thematic Community Service Program this time is somewhat different from previous years, where in accordance with the Term of Reference (TOR) the Work Program or program topic is not determined, but students will develop a work program based on the results of the assessment of village needs and the results of coordination with the community and village government. Therefore, the theme of the activities that become the Core Program of KKN will only be known after students conduct field observations and assessments. Based on the results of the community needs assessment, it was found that the core programs in 2 (two) villages were the locations of the KKN (Posko) namely: 1). Karya Baru Village, Asparaga sub-district, Gorontalo district, are: Training on Making Nutritious Food as an effort to prevent Stunting, and 2). Olimohulo village, Asparaga sub-district, Gorontalo district, carries the core program of Catfish Cultivation in Bucket (BUDIKDAMBER) to the community. The implementation of the Thematic Community Service Program in Developing Villages has resulted in or can form: 1). Community groups that have awareness about the dangers of stunting; 2). Community groups who have the skills to make nutritious food with raw materials from agricultural products in the village; 3). Community groups who understand and are skilled in the field of catfish farming in buckets (BUDIKDAMBER); and 4). A new group of entrepreneurs in the field of freshwater fish farmin


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    Construction projects have their own complexity, from physical and cost planning, time control and budget is the scope of construction management. In Earned Value method can know a project can occur acceleration and delay in the renovation project of BPJN Office Building. This method describes the schedule (SV) and budget (CV) variants, and also the project Performance Index, namely schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI) in a time period report. Project progress reports are processed in the form of BCWS (Bugetted Cost of work Scheduled), ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performance), and BCWP (Bugetted Cost of work performed), and can be estimated all Cost (EAC) and estimated all Scheduled (EAS). From the analysis of the method carried out only taken from Week 8 to Week 16, the project is planned to be completed within 180 days with physical costs of Rp 3,403,379,090,91 is included with the cost of addendum, in Week 16, SV = -Rp 704,574,157.00 shows delay, Cost Variance = -Rp 550,352,878.00 shows excess budget, SPI = 0.74 and CPI = 0.78 the 16th week of work performance is late from the plan. the results of the analysis of this method get the results of the Estimate of all Schedule as much as 204 days which means additional 24 working days

    Analisis Earned Value terhadap Proyek Pembangunan Renovasi Gedung Kantor Bpjn

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    Construction projects have their own complexity, from physical and cost planning, time control and budget is the scope of construction management. In Earned Value method can know a project can occur acceleration and delay in the renovation project of BPJN Office Building. This method describes the schedule (SV) and budget (CV) variants, and also the project Performance Index, namely schedule Performance Index (SPI) and Cost Performance Index (CPI) in a time period report. Project progress reports are processed in the form of BCWS (Bugetted Cost of work Scheduled), ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performance), and BCWP (Bugetted Cost of work performed), and can be estimated all Cost (EAC) and estimated all Scheduled (EAS). From the analysis of the method carried out only taken from Week 8 to Week 16, the project is planned to be completed within 180 days with physical costs of Rp 3,403,379,090,91 is included with the cost of addendum, in Week 16, SV = -Rp 704,574,157.00 shows delay, Cost Variance = -Rp 550,352,878.00 shows excess budget, SPI = 0.74 and CPI = 0.78 the 16th week of work performance is late from the plan. the results of the analysis of this method get the results of the Estimate of all Schedule as much as 204 days which means additional 24 working days