12 research outputs found

    Invasive earthworms modulate native plant trait expression and competition

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    Biological invasions have major impacts on a variety of ecosystems and threaten native biodiversity. Earthworms have been absent from northern parts of North America since the last ice age, but non-native earthworms were recently introduced there and are now being spread by human activities. While past work has shown that plant communities in earthworm-invaded areas change towards a lower diversity mainly dominated by grasses, the underlying mechanisms related to changes in the biotic interactions of the plants are not well understood. Here, we used a trait-based approach to study the effect of earthworms on interspecific plant competition and aboveground herbivory. We conducted a microcosm experiment in a growth chamber with a full-factorial design using three plant species native to northern North American deciduous forests, Poa palustris (grass), Symphyotrichum laeve (herb) and Vicia americana (legume), either growing in monoculture or in a mixture of three. These plant community treatments were crossed with earthworm (presence or absence) and herbivore (presence or absence) treatments. Eight out of the fourteen above- and belowground plant functional traits studied were significantly affected by earthworms, either by a general effect or in interaction with plant species identity, plant diversity level and/or herbivore presence. Earthworms increased the aboveground productivity and the number of inflorescences of the grass P. palustris. Further, earthworms and herbivores together affected root tissue density of P. palustris and the specific leaf area of V. americana. In this study, earthworm presence gave a competitive advantage to the grass species P. palustris by inducing changes in plant functional traits. Our results suggest that invasive earthworms can alter competitive and multitrophic interactions of plants, shedding light on some of the mechanisms behind invasive earthworm-induced plant community changes in northern North America forests.NE, LT and RS acknowledge funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG Ei 862/18-1). Authors also acknowledge the support of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG–FZT 118, 202548816). Moreover, NE acknowledges funding by DFG (Ei 862/29-1 and Ei 862/31-1) as well as by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 677232)

    Branch-Localized Induction Promotes Efficacy of Volatile Defences and Herbivore Predation in Trees

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    Induction of plant defences can show various levels of localization, which can optimize their efficiency. Locally induced responses may be particularly important in large plants, such as trees, that show high variability in traits and herbivory rates across their canopies. We studied the branch-localized induction of polyphenols, volatiles (VOCs), and changes in leaf protein content in Carpinus betulus L., Quercus robur L., and Tilia cordata L. in a common garden experiment. To induce the trees, we treated ten individuals per species on one branch with methyl jasmonate. Five other individuals per species served as controls. We measured the traits in the treated branches, in control branches on treated trees, and in control trees. Additionally, we ran predation assays and caterpillar food-choice trials to assess the effects of our treatment on other trophic levels. Induced VOCs included mainly mono- and sesquiterpenes. Their production was strongly localized to the treated branches in all three tree species studied. Treated trees showed more predation events than control trees. The polyphenol levels and total protein content showed a limited response to the treatment. Yet, winter moth caterpillars preferred leaves from control branches over leaves from treated branches within C. betulus individuals and leaves from control Q. robur individuals over leaves from treated Q. robur individuals. Our results suggest that there is a significant level of localization in induction of VOCs and probably also in unknown traits with direct effects on herbivores. Such localization allows trees to upregulate defences wherever and whenever they are needed.</p

    Proteomic Analysis of the Mediator Complex Interactome and it´s posttranslational Modifications in SaccharomycesSaccharomyces CerevisaeCerevisae

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    Eukaryotic messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis catalyzed by the RNA Polymerase II is the central and critical process for the regulation of gene expression. Several decades of research unearthed many details about this essential process of high complexity and dynamic. The mediator complex turned out to be crucial for the regulation of Pol II mediated transcription, especially the process of initiation. It functions as an interface between the general transcription machinery and multiple DNA binding transcriptional regulators. Binding these regulators via its tail module and binding the polymerase II via its head module, the mediator forms a bridge between upstream activating sequences and the core promotor and initiates the assembling of the Pre-Initiation complex consisting of the polymerase II and the general transcription factors. However, particularly the last years of research suggest the mediator complex within many other functions including transcription elongation, gene looping and chromatin remodeling. Considering the facts, that the mediator (a) consist of 25 subunits, which are partially flexible associated, (b) shows a flexible intrinsic structure and (c) is highly and dynamically phosphorylated it becomes easy to imagineplausible that the mediator complex meets all this functions, by serving as a transcriptional platform. In context of this thesis, and it was possible to “illustrate” the mediator within its versatile tasks and functions by presenting the most comprehensive analysis of the Mediator complex interactome to date. By optimizing the conditions of cell lysis and co-immunoprecipitation it was possible to preserve even transient and labile protein-protein interactions. The use of metabolic labeling (15N) in the control experiment, allowed us to distinguish between specific and non-specific captured proteins. In combination with high performance mass spectrometry, more than 400 proteins and even complete protein complexes interacting with the mediator complex could be identified, naming RNA-Polymerase II, all general transcription factors the SAGA complex, chromatin remodeling complexes and highly acetylated histones. Furthermore, many candidates where identified playing a role in co-transcriptional processes of mRNA, such as splicing, mRNA-decapping, mRNA transport and decay. This analysis not only confirmed several interactions , already can be found in the literature, but furthermore provide clear evidence, that mediator complex interacts not only with the RNA-Polymerase II, but also with the RNA Polymerase I and III. Next to the high numbers of potential known and unknown interacting proteins, it could be shown, that the interactome is highly dynamic and sensitive to detergent.Die Synthese der mRNA durch die RNA-Polymerase II ist der zentrale und kritische Prozess im Rahmen der Transkriptionsregulation Protein-kodierender Gene. Viele Jahrzehnte der intensiven Erforschung brachten viele Details über diesen Mechanismus zu Tage, der von einer unglaublichen Komplexität und Dynamik geprägt ist. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass der Mediatorkomplex eine zentrale Rolle bei der Regulation der Polymerase II-abhängigen Transkription spielt, im Besonderen der Initiation. In der Funktion einer Schnittstelle verknüpft er die allgemeine Transkriptionsmaschinerie mit den Gen- spezifischen Transkriptionsregulatoren. Durch die Interaktion des Schwanzmoduls mit diesen Regulatoren und der Interaktion des Kopfmoduls mit der Polymerase II verbindet er wie eine Brücke die oberhalb des Promotors liegenden Aktivatorsequenzen mit dem Kernpromotor und initiiert so die Ausbildung des Pre-Initiationskomplexes. Darüber hinaus mehren sich gerade in den letzten Jahren die Hinweise darauf, dass der Mediator auch noch an anderen Prozessen der Transkription beteiligt ist. Zu diesen gehören z.B. die Elongation, die Ausbildung von Genschlaufen oder auch der Umbau der Chromatinstruktur. In Anbetracht der Tatsachen, dass der Mediator (a) aus bis zu 25 Untereinheiten mit flexibler Zusammensetzung besteht, (b) eine flexible Struktur besitzt und (c) umfassend und dynamisch über posttranslationale Modifikationen modifiziert ist, erscheint es durchaus möglich, dass der Mediator all diese Funktionen ausfüllt und die Rolle einer allgemeinen Transkriptionsplattform einnimmt. Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Dissertationsschrift ist es gelungen, den Mediator innerhalb all dieser Funktionen „abzubilden“ und die bisher umfassendste Interaktomanalyse dieses Komplexes zu präsentieren. Durch die optimierten Bedingungen der Zelllyse und Co-Immunopräzipitation, gelang es auch transiente Interaktionspartner zu isolieren. Durch das metabolische Markieren der Wildtypkontrolle konnten außerdem unspezifische und spezifische Interaktionen eindeutig voneinander unterschieden werden. Über 400 Proteine wurden als signifikante Interaktionspartner des Mediators identifiziert. Viele dieser Proteine konnten als vollständige Komplexe zusammengefasst werden, z.B die RNA-Polymerase II, alle allgemeinen Transkriptionsfaktoren, der SAGA-Komplex, viele Komplexe des Chromatin Remodelings und stark acetylierte Histone. Viele weitere Interaktionspartner spielen zudem eine Rolle bei der co-transkriptionalen Prozessierung der mRNA, wie z.B dem Splicing, dem mRNA-decapping oder Abbau. Darüber hinaus gibt es starke Hinweise darauf, dass der Mediator auch mit der Polymerase I und III interagiert und an der ribosomalen Biogenese beteiligt ist. Weitere Analysen zeigten, dass das Interaktom zudem hochdynamisch is

    Analyse des Interaktoms des Mediatorkomplexes und Seiner Posttranslationalen Modifikationen in Saccharomyces cerevisae mittels Massenspektrometrie

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    Eukaryotic messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis catalyzed by the RNA Polymerase II is the central and critical process for the regulation of gene expression. Several decades of research unearthed many details about this essential process of high complexity and dynamic. The mediator complex turned out to be crucial for the regulation of Pol II mediated transcription, especially the process of initiation. It functions as an interface between the general transcription machinery and multiple DNA binding transcriptional regulators. Binding these regulators via its tail module and binding the polymerase II via its head module, the mediator forms a bridge between upstream activating sequences and the core promotor and initiates the assembling of the Pre-Initiation complex consisting of the polymerase II and the general transcription factors. However, particularly the last years of research suggest the mediator complex within many other functions including transcription elongation, gene looping and chromatin remodeling. Considering the facts, that the mediator (a) consist of 25 subunits, which are partially flexible associated, (b) shows a flexible intrinsic structure and (c) is highly and dynamically phosphorylated it becomes easy to imagineplausible that the mediator complex meets all this functions, by serving as a transcriptional platform. In context of this thesis, and it was possible to “illustrate” the mediator within its versatile tasks and functions by presenting the most comprehensive analysis of the Mediator complex interactome to date. By optimizing the conditions of cell lysis and co-immunoprecipitation it was possible to preserve even transient and labile protein-protein interactions. The use of metabolic labeling (15N) in the control experiment, allowed us to distinguish between specific and non-specific captured proteins. In combination with high performance mass spectrometry, more than 400 proteins and even complete protein complexes interacting with the mediator complex could be identified, naming RNA-Polymerase II, all general transcription factors the SAGA complex, chromatin remodeling complexes and highly acetylated histones. Furthermore, many candidates where identified playing a role in co-transcriptional processes of mRNA, such as splicing, mRNA-decapping, mRNA transport and decay. This analysis not only confirmed several interactions , already can be found in the literature, but furthermore provide clear evidence, that mediator complex interacts not only with the RNA-Polymerase II, but also with the RNA Polymerase I and III. Next to the high numbers of potential known and unknown interacting proteins, it could be shown, that the interactome is highly dynamic and sensitive to detergent

    Water dipping of auxin coated chrysanthemum cuttings confers protection against insect herbivores

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    Auxins are commonly used for commercial propagation of chrysanthemums by stem cuttings. Recent studies imply that these root-promoting hormones also affect plant defense responses. The underlying motive of this study stems from the serendipitous observation that water dipping of auxin-coated cuttings beneficially affected thrips herbivory. Therefore, the primary objective of this investigation was to explore the role of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) in relation to herbivore susceptibility in chrysanthemum. We observed contrasting findings concerning the physical presence of IBA and it’s role in promoting susceptibility of cuttings to thrips, which may in part be explained by the phenotypical variations of cuttings generated from mother plants. Nonetheless, we repeatedly demonstrated considerable protection, in some experiments up to 37%, against thrips and leaf miner upon water dipping of IBA-coated cuttings. Assessment of polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO), 14 days after dipping treatment, suggests that neither direct induction nor priming of plant defenses are involved. Future experiments aimed at understanding the early signaling events may help to explain the underlying mechanisms involved in conferring herbivore protection. We propose a dual role for auxins in early integrated pest management strategies to maximize plant development and minimize herbivory through feasible, cost-effective water dipping treatments.</p

    Great tits (Parus major) flexibly learn that herbivore-induced plant volatiles indicate prey location : an experimental evidence with two tree species

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    When searching for food, great tits (Parus major) can use herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) as an indicator of arthropod presence. Their ability to detect HIPVs was shown to be learned, and not innate, yet the flexibility and generalization of learning remain unclear. We studied if, and if so how, naïve and trained great tits (Parus major) discriminate between herbivore-induced and noninduced saplings of Scotch elm (Ulmus glabra) and cattley guava (Psidium cattleyanum). We chemically analyzed the used plants and showed that their HIPVs differed significantly and overlapped only in a few compounds. Birds trained to discriminate between herbivore-induced and noninduced saplings preferred the herbivore-induced saplings of the plant species they were trained to. Naïve birds did not show any preferences. Our results indicate that the attraction of great tits to herbivore-induced plants is not innate, rather it is a skill that can be acquired through learning, one tree species at a time. We demonstrate that the ability to learn to associate HIPVs with food reward is flexible, expressed to both tested plant species, even if the plant species has not coevolved with the bird species (i.e., guava). Our results imply that the birds are not capable of generalizing HIPVs among tree species but suggest that they either learn to detect individual compounds or associate whole bouquets with food rewards.Published versionKS acknowledges Grant Agency of Czech Replublic project 18-23794Y and European Research Council project BABE 805189. HU and AW gratefully ackowledge the German Research Foundation for funding the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Reasearch (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig (DFG-FZT 118,202548816)

    Unravelling Plant Responses to Stress—The Importance of Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics

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    Climate change and an increasing population, present a massive global challenge with respect to environmentally sustainable nutritious food production. Crop yield enhancements, through breeding, are decreasing, whilst agricultural intensification is constrained by emerging, re-emerging, and endemic pests and pathogens, accounting for ~30% of global crop losses, as well as mounting abiotic stress pressures, due to climate change. Metabolomics approaches have previously contributed to our knowledge within the fields of molecular plant pathology and plant-insect interactions. However, these remain incredibly challenging targets, due to the vast diversity in metabolite volatility and polarity, heterogeneous mixtures of pathogen and plant cells, as well as rapid rates of metabolite turn-over. Unravelling the systematic biochemical responses of plants to various individual and combined stresses, involves monitoring signaling compounds, secondary messengers, phytohormones, and defensive and protective chemicals. This demands both targeted and untargeted metabolomics approaches, as well as a range of enzymatic assays, protein assays, and proteomic and transcriptomic technologies. In this review, we focus upon the technical and biological challenges of measuring the metabolome associated with plant stress. We illustrate the challenges, with relevant examples from bacterial and fungal molecular pathologies, plant-insect interactions, and abiotic and combined stress in the environment. We also discuss future prospects from both the perspective of key innovative metabolomic technologies and their deployment in breeding for stress resistance

    The mycorrhizal symbiosis alters the plant defence strategy in a model legume plant

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    17 páginas, 9 figurasArbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis modulates plant-herbivore interactions. Still, how it shapes the overall plant defence strategy and the mechanisms involved remain unclear. We investigated how AM symbiosis simultaneously modulates plant resistance and tolerance to a shoot herbivore, and explored the underlying mechanisms. Bioassays with Medicago truncatula plants were used to study the effect of the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis on plant resistance and tolerance to Spodoptera exigua herbivory. By performing molecular and chemical analyses, we assessed the impact of AM symbiosis on herbivore-triggered phosphate (Pi)- and jasmonate (JA)-related responses. Upon herbivory, AM symbiosis led to an increased leaf Pi content by boosting the mycorrhizal Pi-uptake pathway. This enhanced both plant tolerance and herbivore performance. AM symbiosis counteracted the herbivore-triggered JA burst, reducing plant resistance. To disentangle the role of the mycorrhizal Pi-uptake pathway in the plant's response to herbivory, we used the mutant line ha1-2, impaired in the H+ -ATPase gene HA1, which is essential for Pi-uptake via the mycorrhizal pathway. We found that mycorrhiza-triggered enhancement of herbivore performance was compromised in ha1-2 plants. AM symbiosis thus affects the defence pattern of M. truncatula by altering resistance and tolerance simultaneously. We propose that the mycorrhizal Pi-uptake pathway is involved in the modulation of the plant defence strategy.This research was supported by a Flexpool project of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐Leipzig funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG–FZT 118, 202548816), and by the EcoMetEoR platform at iDiv for data collection and analysis. AMM acknowledges support from Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes and Ayuntamiento de Salamanca (GrantOTR04036), Junta de Castilla y León and European Union (FEDER“Europe drives our growth”; CLU‐2019‐05—IRNASA/CSIC Unit ofExcellence); the programme for strengthening research structures “Stairway to excellence”internationalisation aid, co‐funded bythe European Regional Development Fund; and the researchnetwork RED2018‐102407‐T from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Feder funds.Peer reviewe

    Root exudates and rhizosphere microbiomes jointly determine temporal shifts in plant-soil feedbacks.

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    Plants influence numerous soil biotic factors that can alter the performance of later growing plants - defined as plant-soil feedback (PSF). Here, we investigate whether PSF effects are linked with the temporal changes in root exudate diversity and the rhizosphere microbiome of two common grassland species (Holcus lanatus and Jacobaea vulgaris). Both plant species were grown separately establishing conspecific and heterospecific soils. In the feedback phase, we determined plant biomass, measured root exudate composition, and characterized rhizosphere microbial communities weekly (eight time points). Over time, we found a strong negative conspecific PSF on J. vulgaris in its early growth phase which changed into a neutral PSF, whereas H. lanatus exhibited a more persistent negative PSF. Root exudate diversity increased considerably over time for both plant species. Rhizosphere microbial communities were distinct in conspecific and heterospecific soils and showed strong temporal patterns. Bacterial communities converged over time. Using path-models, PSF effects could be linked to the temporal dynamics of root exudate diversity, whereby shifts in rhizosphere microbial diversity contributed to temporal variation in PSF to a lesser extent. Our results highlight the importance of root exudates and rhizosphere microbial communities in driving temporal changes in the strength of PSF effects. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved