108 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pembayaran SPP Berbasis Website dengan Metode Pembayaran E-payment di SMA PGRI Rancaekek

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat mendorong penggunaan sistem informasi  untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan menciptakan suatu keunggulan kompetitif instansi pendidikan baik pendidikan dasar, menengah, atas dan tinggi. Di instansi pendidikan teknologi informasi dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran maupun manajemen operasional. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam proses manajemen operasional sekolah salah satunya adalah pada proses administrasi pembayaran SPP. Proses administrasi pembayaran SPP di SMA PGRI Rancaekek masih dilakukan secara manual. yang ditulis dalam buku pembayaran SPP. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan seperti rentan terhadap kehilangan serta kerusakan data, kesulitan dalam pencarian data, membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam rekapitulasi data, inkonsistensi dan duplikasi data yang berkaitan dengan pelaporan keuangan perbulan, pelaporan pembayaran SPP dan pelaporan tunggakan pembayaran SPP yang dilaporkan ke kepala sekolah dan komite sekolah. Dibutuhkan suatu sistem informasi untuk mengelola data transaksi pembayaran SPP di SMA PGRI Rancaekek yang berbasis website dengan metode pembayaran e-payment sebagai salah satu layanan untuk mempermudah pembayaran SPP agar dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Pembangunan sistem informasi pembayaran SPP ini diharapkan  mampu menunjang kegiatan manajemen operasional pengelolaan pencatatan dan pembayaran SPP dan pelaporan keuangan agar dapat diproses dengan cepat dan tepat

    Implementasi Konseling Suryomentaram bagi Guru BK SMA/SMK di Kota Malang

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    Prokastinasi akademik yang terjadi di kalangan siswa SMA mengalami peningkatan seiring berlalunya pandemic Covid-19 dan meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi dan media sosial. Siswa lebih memilih menunda mengerjakan tugas dan mengalami kejenuhan dalam kegiatan belajar. Prokastinasi akademik menjadi masalah yang harus segera ditangani di sekolah, karena berdampak pada prestasi akademik siswa. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yaitu untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru Bimbingan Konseling (BK) dalam melaksanakan konseling dengan pendekatan Suryomentaram, sehingga dapat  meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan konseling yang dilakukan Guru BK dalam membantu menyelesaikan masalah prokastinasi akademik siswa. Metode belajar melalui tindakan (learning by doing) menjadi alternatif yang akan membantu guru BK dalam mengembangkan keterampilan konseling dengan pendekatan Suryomentaram melalui penyampaian informasi dan implementasi konseling pada siswa yang mengalami prokastinasi akademik. Hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian adalah peningkatan pengetahuan guru BK dan peningkatan keterampilan guru BK di SMA dan SMK dalam melaksanakan proses konseling dengan menggunakan pandangan Suryomentaram dalam mengatasi prokastinasi akademik siswa. Kata kunci—Konseling Suryomentaram, Guru Bimbingan Konseling, Pendampingan Guru Abstract Academic procrastination that occurs among high school students has increased along with the passing of the Covid-19 pandemic and the increasing development of technology and social media. Students prefer to postpone doing assignments and experience boredom in learning activities. Academic procastination is a problem that must be addressed immediately in schools, because it has an impact on students’ academic achievement. The aim of the service activity is to increase the competency of Counseling Guidance (BK) teachers in carrying out counseling using the Suryomentaram approach, so that they can improve the quality of counseling carried out by BK teachers in helping to solve students’ academic procrastination problems. The learning by doing method is an alternative that will help guidance and counseling teachers in developing counseling skills using the Suryomentaram approach through conveying information and implementing counseling for students who experience academic procrastination. The results of the implementation of the service are an increase in the knowledge of guidance and counseling teachers and an increase in the skills of guidance and counseling teachers in high schools and vocational schools in carrying out the counseling process using Suryomentaram’s views in overcoming students' academic procrastination. Keywords—Suryomentaram Counseling, Teacher Guidance Counseling, Teacher Mentorin

    Analisis Vegetasi di Habitat Orangutan, Stasiun Penelitian Ketambe, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Aceh Tenggara

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    Orangutans occur in both primary and ex-logged forests of Ketambe Research station, Gunung Leuser National Park, Aceh. Vegetation analysis was carried out to compare the two habitat types, as a basis to understand the ecology of orangutans in disturbed habitats. Data on 20 plots vegetation analysis 25x25 m (Juli 2010). The study recorded 275 trees from 99 species in the primary forest (67 species are food fruit trees), while the ex-logged forest contains 303 trees from 87 species (56 species are food fruit trees). Although the ex-logged forest still has pioneer species, such as Elateriospermum tapos and Macaranga sp., the two habitat types are not too dissimilar as shown by a relatively high index similarity (ISs = 59,70% for tree and 61% for liana). Diversity index (H’) of primary forest is also only slightly higher than of ex-logged forest (3,074 versus 2,961). These results indicate that natural succession during the last 8 years hasbeen going relatively well

    Orang-utans’ (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) Activity Pattern in Camp Release and Feeding Site of Lamandau Wildlife Sanctuary, Central Borneo, Indonesia

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    The Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) release process at Lamandau Wildlife Reserve applies the soft-release method. In this method, there is still provisioning additional food on the feeding site by human. The existence of camp release and feeding sites in the vicinity of release forests is assumed to have an impact on orang-utans’ activity patterns. This assumption is related to the principle of releasing them into their natural forest habitat, namely by reducing direct interaction between humans and orang-utans. The aims of this research were: (i) to measure the intensities of orang-utan presence on camp and feeding site, (ii) to analyze the correlation between phenology and orang-utan’s presence on camp and feeding site, and (iii) to assess orang-utan’s activity budgets, diet composition, and vertical used on camp, feeding site, and forest. Activity budgets of five group orang-utans with different categories based on age and sex were compared using the focal animal sampling method and instantaneous records. The analysis showed no correlation between the intensities of orang-utan presence and phenology. However, there were significant differences in activity patterns between adult and adolescent orang-utans. The findings revealed that adult orang-utans activity pattern tended to be high in resting at all observation locations while adolescents spending more their activity for feeding. Orang-utans at 0-10 m of height classes tend to do more activity. Almost all orang-utans feed on a non-forest diet (45-67%) in the camp release, feeding site, and surrounding. We assumed that the existence of a camp release and feeding site near the release point are affecting factors in a successful reintroduction of ex-rehabilitate orang-utans.  


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    Coal mining changed forest structure and composition, it caused large negative impacts on the orangutan. In order to mitigate those negative effects, it is crucial to understand their nesting behavior adaptation in mining area. We investigated 74 times nested event in coal mining rehabilition area (CMRA) in East Kutai and 123 times in the Kutai National Park (Prevab) from October 2013 to September 2014 and include only night nests. We compared both habitats. Orangutans in CMRA built the nest later than in Prevab and used 15 species of trees as nests sites intensively on Senna siamea and Gmelina arborea. In Prevab, 35 species with the higher frequencies on Eusideroxylon zwageri and Dracontomelon dao. The average diameter of nest trees in CMRA smaller than Prevab. The height of nest trees in CMRA with the highest frequency was in 10.1-15 m, while in Prevab was as in 20.1-25 m. Orangutans in CMRA nested at the height of <15 m, lower than in Prevab was >20 m. Reused nest in CMRA was higher than in Prevab. Orangutans in CMRA more often built nests at the peak and limb, while in Prevab at the limb and peak. Orangutans in CMRA had learned to utilize various species and dimensions of trees as the place to build nests

    Characteristic of Orangutan Habitat in Coal Mining Rehabilition Area in East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The majority of wild orangutans are found outside of the protected areas, including in coal mining areas which generally overlapping with orangutan habitat. Thereby, mining ensured a direct impact on orangutans. Opportunities orangutans to survive in the mining area depends on various factors, one of them is the ability of orangutan to adapt to habitat change. We investigated habitat characteristics in the coal mining area consist of land cover types, species composition, and the structure of vegetation. Data were collected from April to September 2014 in the coal mining rehabilitation area (CMRA) of PT KPC in East Kutai. Mining caused the natural habitat fragmented into smaller patches in the form of CMRA and natural forests remaining. The forest stand in CMRA compiled by the small trees of the same species and age class. It caused the canopy is not always continue. Food trees and nest trees were limited in CMRA. Exotic species dominated in CMRA, namely: Senna siamea, Falcataria moluccana, and Senna surattensis. CMRA is not the good habitat for orangutan if seen from the aspect of either structure or vegetation composition. The quality of habitat can be improved by modifying the structure and vegetation composition, build the ecosystem corridors, increase public awareness, and involve various stakeholders at the landscape level

    Enhancing ideal personal qualities of counselor candidates: Empowering through digital module and peer modelling

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    Universities aim to achieve intelligent education through innovative learning methods. Students desire models to develop their skills, and this can be achieved through peer modelling with their peers. This research aims to develop a peer modelling-based digital module to enhance students' understanding of the Personality Development Practicum course, as an effort to improve the ideal personal qualities of prospective counselors. The research design uses the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The subjects in this study are material experts (guidance and counseling lecturers), media experts (learning technology lecturers), and potential users (guidance and counseling students). The results show that the digital module is equipped with video explanations, PowerPoint, infographics, motion graphics, and peer modelling videos. Based on the validation results by material experts, media experts, and potential users, the digital module is considered valid in terms of accuracy, usefulness, attractiveness, and ease of use. Further empirical evidence is needed to support the use of the peer modelling-based digital module in developing the ideal personal qualities of prospective counselors

    Multi-year lactation and its consequences in Bornean orangutans ( Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii )

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    In most mammals, females pay for reproduction by dramatically increasing net energy intake from conception to mid- or late lactation. To do this, they time their reproductive events in relation to environmental cycles so that periods of peak food availability coincide with peak demand or are used to build energy stores. This timing is not possible in species with slow development in which lactation is prolonged over a multi-year period with fluctuating food availability. Here, mothers are expected to sustain a stable but generally lower level of nutrient transfer. In a sample of over 1,050 complete follow days of eight mother-infant pairs collected over 7years, we document maternal effort for wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) over their average 6.5-year lactation period. As predicted, maternal feeding time was independent of the age of her growing offspring, indicating a stable sustained "plateau” effort of ≤ 25% above baseline level, instead of a short peak lactation as seen in seasonal breeders. Infant orangutans started to regularly supplement milk with self-harvested food when they were 1-1.5years old, indicating milk intake was insufficient from this age onwards, even though maternal effort did not decrease. We expect the same regulation of sustained maternal effort in other large and large-brained mammals with slow infant development. We also predict that mother-infant conflict over suckling may show another peak at the onset of the milk + solid food phase, in addition to the well-known conflict around the endpoint of lactation (weaning), which is reached after a long and gradual increase in solid food intake by the infan

    Teknik Analisis Non-Invasif Mitokondria DNA (MtDNA) BILOU (Hylobates klossii, Miller 1903) Melalui Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Abstrak : Teknik analisis non-invasif untuk mitochondria DNA bilou (Hylobates klossii) dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) adalah teknik molekuler yang dapat mendukung kesejahteraan hewan. Analisis non-invasif dari sampel tinja dapat menentukan sampel DNA dari daerah kontrol pada rRNA 12S. Sampel tinja dikumpulkan dari tiga pulau yang berbeda (Sipora, Siberut dan Pagai) dengan total 39 sampel yang diekstraksi untuk DNA. Analisis dilakukan di laboratorium Genetika Zoologi LIPI, Cibinong pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2005. Hasil tes PCR yang digunakan Qiagen QIAamp ® DNA stool mini kit dan elektroforesis dapat menunjukkan bahwa sampel DNA dapat ditampilkan bahkan dalam konsentrasi terendah dari pengukuran spektrofotometer. Dengan demikian, hal itu dapat menjadi referensi baru di penelitian masa depan sebagai indikator konservasi manajemen yang sesuai dengan peraturan kesejahteraan hewan yang baik. Polaroid foto dari rRNA 12S (L = 1.091, H = 1478) yang diambil dengan transluminator UV dan kamera Polaroid MP4 dari produk PCR dengan annealing digunakan pada suhu 50oC dalam 30 detik, menunjukkan hasil dari pita penanda elektroforesis DNA berukuran antara 750 sampai 815 pb DNA ladder.Abstract: Polymerase Chain Reaction is a non invasive molecular technique that can support animal welfare.  Non-invasie analysis from fecal sample can determine DNA samples from the control region on 12S rRNA.  Fecal samples were collected from three different islands (Sipora, Siberut and Pagai) with a total of 39 samples were extracted for DNA.  The analyses were done at the laboratory of Genetic Zoology LIPI, Cibinong in July until August 2005. The results of the PCR test which used Qiagen QIAamp® DNA stool mini kit and electrophoresis can show that the sample displays the quality DNA from the fecal sample even in the lowest concentration of the spectrophotometer measurements.  Thus, it has become a new reference in future research as an indicator of good management conservation in line with excellent animal welfare rules. The polaroid photos of the 12S rRNA (L=1091, H=1478) taken with UV transluminator and MP4 polaroid camera from the PCR products with annealing used at 50oC in 30 seconds, shows the results of this running process of electrophoresis DNA sized marker band processes between 750 until 815 pb DNA ladder.Key words: Hylobates klossii, bilou, mtDNA, PCR, 12S rRNA, non-invasive technique
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