587 research outputs found

    Entanglement Dynamics in a Dispersively Coupled Qubit-Oscillator System

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    We study entanglement dynamics in a system consisting of a qubit dispersively coupled to a finite-temperature, dissipative, driven oscillator. We show that there are two generic ways to generate entanglement: one can entangle the qubit either with the phase or the amplitude of the oscillator's motion. Using an exact solution of the relevant quantum master equation, we study the robustness of both these kinds of entanglement against the effects of dissipation and temperature; in the limit of zero temperature (but finite damping), a simple analytic expression is derived for the logarithmic negativity. We also discuss how the generated entanglement may be detected via dephasing revivals, being mindful that revivals can occur even in the absence of any useful entanglement. Our results have relevance to quantum electromechanics, as well as to circuit QED systems.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Bayesian Clustering Of Indonesian Rice Germplasm

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    Model-based clustering where the inference on the parameters follow the Bayesian principle has been used to cluster 467 accessions of Indonesian rice germplasm which consist of released varieties, landraces, introduction lines, improved lines and wild species. A model-based Bayesian cluster analysis of genotype data can be used to evaluate the genetic backgrounds of rice populations of interest. Such analyses can be used to infer population structure, assign individuals to sub populations, and to study hybrid populations. Thus, the goal of this research was to examine the genotype data of numerous accession of rice germplasm using the model bayesian cluster analysis. The 1536 SNP-chip design was performed for genome scanning of the accession using the high throughput genotyping platform, the data of which were used for clustering. The result indicated that the germplasm can be clustered into five cluster based on similarities on genetic profile, i.e. similarities in gene frequencies across genome among individuals. Each cluster can be identified by reference lines, i.e. the lines or varieties that their genetic profile uniquely belong to one cluster and do not have or very rare introgression from lines or varieties of other clusters. Many introgressions have been identified among lines in all clusters which indicated that most of Indonesia rice germplasm, including local and introduced varieties were the results of crosses that occurred either in naturally fixation or breeding program activities that crossed one line/varieties to the others. There is also cluster in which no reference line and almost all lines/varieties in that cluster are known to have same common specific phenotype, e.g. aromatic

    Respon Pemberian Hormon Tumbuh Dan Mikoriza Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus (Miq.) Kurz)

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of growth hormones and mycorhyza application on the growth of ramin cuttings. A Completely Randomized Design with 5 replicates was used in this study. The experiment consisted of two stages i.e hormon treatments (control, Rapid root, Root Up, IBA 250 mg/l, IBA 500 mg/l, IBA 1000 mg/l), Fusarium and mycorhyza applications. The result showed that the highest number of root was obtained from Root Up (12,83 cm), while the lowest was from Fusarium treatments (4,67 cm). IBA 250 mg/l enhanced the number of roots and the length of root significantly but not stimulate the development of new leaf. While mycorhyza application improving the growth of the new leaf and the root development of ramin

    Upaya Komunikasi Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB) Dalam Resolusi Konfl Ik Ahmadiyah

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    : The Ahmadiyah confl icts in Indonesia often ended up tragically. However, in Tasikmalaya, some confl icts could be immediately diminished. This research tries to fi nd communication effort conducted by FKUB of Tasikmalaya district in diminishing Ahmadiyah confl ict during 2012-2014. Using qualitative descriptive research with in-depth interview and observation as the methods, this research reveals that FKUB's communication efforts include listening the aspirations fromboth parties, conducting survey, and research to approach Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) and concluding that confl ict could be diminished through economic empowerment

    Segmentasi dan Analisis Perilaku Konsumen Kopi Bubuk

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    The purpose of this study was to know the consumer segmentation of β€˜555' Ground Coffee in Capital city of Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, to know the variables which influence the consumer behaviour from buying β€˜555' Ground Coffee and also knowing the marketing prospect of β€˜555' Ground Coffee based on sales trend. The data were analyzed from 99 respondents in Mataram and also from secondary data series of sales over three years in recent. Chi Squared analysis, Linear Regression and least squared Trend Method was also used to analyze the data. The result of Chi Squared analysis showed that there was a differ segmentation of β€˜555' Ground Coffee consumer. The segmentation of β€˜555' Ground Coffee was divided into three segments which is: low income level, middle income level and high income level. Linear Regression Analysis found that variables of customs, education, price, income, promotion and profession were significant toward consumer buying decision. In other side, variable of quality, age and ethnic were not significantly related. Moreover, income was the highly significant variable which affect on consumer buying decision. Least square trend analysis on sales showed that β€˜555' Ground Coffee marketing have a good prospect in the future. The study suggested that company have to responds to consumer wants in order to make them become loyal, reaching more consumer and also taking more positive movements toward β€˜555' Ground Coffee future. Government is suggested to play roles by developing and promoting β€˜555' Ground Coffee in order to make them more famous, instead that it was one of their region assets. Moreover, central government is suggested to inventory the potential of each region, so that it can be used to increase country's devisa. Keyword: Segmentation, Consumer Behaviour, Ground Coffe

    Metode Talking Stick Dengan Media Audio Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Stenografi

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    Stenography learning in class X Office Administration 3 at SMK Negeri 1Pemalang indicated the low learning motivation. The purpose of this research was toknow the students' learning motivation improvement after using talking stick methodwith audio media at Stenography subject in class X Office Administration at SMK N 1Pemalang. It was a classroom action research conducted in three cycles which eachcycle was consisted of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The datawere collected by observation and test. Then, the data were analyzed by percentagedescriptive. The results showed that talking stick method with audio media can improvestudents' motivation at Stenography subject in class X Office Administration 3 at SMKN 1 Pemalang. The average of students' motivation on the first cycle was 63.08%, thenincreased up to 72.08% on the second cycle and finally, it went up to 85.08% on thethird cycle
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