68 research outputs found


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    Pembahasan dari makalah bagaimana mencegah deadlock dalam masalah filsuf makan. Deadlock adalah keadaan yang tidak diinginkan dari sistem konkuren, ditandai dengan serangkaian proses dalam keadaan menunggu melingkar, di mana setiap proses diblokir mencoba untuk mendapatkan akses ke sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh yang berikutnya dalam rantai. Pencegahan deadlock umumnya digunakan dalam didistribusikan real-time dan sistem operasi, tetapi, karena konkurensi sangat terbatas, sebuah sistem didistribusikan untuk menghindari deadlock secara efisien. Makalah ini menyajikan sebuah teknik untuk menghindari deadlock menggunakan algoritma lock dan release yang dapat mencegah thread lain dalam rantai untuk membuat race condition


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    Kunci  enkripsi Hill  Cipher   dapat menetukan  apakah  enkripsi   dan  dekripsi berhasil  dilakukan. Hal   ini   disebabkan   tidak  sembarang   kunci   yang   dapat   diberikan   pada matriks   yang   digunakan   untuk proses   tersebut.   Kunci   yang   memiliki   determinan   yang   tidak   sesuai   tidak   dapat   dimanfaatkan   dalam proses karena dapat mengakibatkan pesan yang terenkripsi tidak dapat dikembalikan ke pesan aslinya. Algoritma   genetika   dapat   menentukan   kunci   yang   digunakan   untuk   enkripsi   dan   dekripsi   pada  Hill Cipher. Dengan menentukan fungsi evaluasi dalam algoritma genetika, kunci yang memiliki komposisi yang   benar  akan   diperoleh.   Untuk   menerapkan   algoritma   ini, pencarian   kunci pada  Hill   Cipher   akan mudah dilakukan tanpa menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu. Kata Kunci - Cryptography, Algoritma Genetika, Hill Ciphe


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    Huffman adalah salah satu algoritma kompresi. Ini adalah algoritma paling terkenal untuk kompres teks. Ada empat fase dalam algoritma Huffman untuk kompres teks. Yang pertama adalah kelompok karakter. Yang kedua adalah untuk membangun pohon Huffman. Yang ketiga adalah encoding, dan yang terakhir adalah pembangunan bit kode. Prinsip algoritma Huffman adalah karakter yang sering muncul di encoding dengan rangkaian bit yang pendek dan karakter yang jarang muncul di bit-encoding dengan seri lagi. teknik kompresi Huffman dapat memberikan penghematan dari 30% dari bit asli. Ia bekerja berdasarkan frekuensi karakter. Semakin banyak karakter yang sama mencapai, semakin tinggi tingkat kompresi yang diperoleh. Kata Kunci — Huffman, Compression, Algorithm, Securit

    Haversine method in looking for the nearest masjid

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    Effect of Fiscal Independence and Local Revenue Against Human Development Index

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    Local revenue is intended to finance infrastructure and basic public services that have not reached a certain standard to accelerate regional development. Capital expenditure is to increase public facilities. No part of the Capital Expenditure used for operational costs such as the construction of travel expenses and so on. Human Development Index is a measure of comparison of life expectancy, education and standard of living for all countries around the world. Human Development Index is used to classify whether a country is a developed country, developing or underdeveloped countries and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. If a public facility can be met, then people feel comfortable and be able to run their business efficiently and effectively so that in the end will create a healthy life and a longer life expectancy as well as partially and simultaneously improve the quality of education and standard of life of the community. Data were collected from 33 District Municipality (25 districts and eight cities) in the district/cities of North Sumatera. The sample used in this study were 22 district/cities (15 District and 7 Cities), from 2005 to 2009. Moreover, the fiscal independence level affects indirectly to the Human Development Index

    Violations of Cybercrime and the Strength of Jurisdiction in Indonesia

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    Cybercrime is a digital crime committed to reaping profits through the Internet as a medium. Any criminal activity that occurs in the digital world or through the internet network is referred to as internet crime. Cybercrime also refers to criminal activity on computers and computer networks. This activity can be done in a certain location or even done between countries. These crimes include credit card forgery, confidence fraud, the dissemination of personal information, pornography, and so on. In ancient times there was no strong law to combat cybercrime. Since there are electronic information laws and transactions, legal jurisdiction of computer crime has been applied. Computer networks are not only installed in one particular local area but can be applied to a worldwide network. It is what makes cybercrime can occur between countries freely. This issue requires universal jurisdiction. A country has the authority to combat crimes that threaten the international community. This jurisdiction is applied without determining where the crime was committed and the citizen who committed the cybercrime. This jurisdiction is created in the absence of an international judicial body specifically to try individual crimes. Cybercrime cannot be totally eradicated. Implementing international jurisdiction at least reduces the number of cybercrimes in the world

    Rabin-Karp Elaboration in Comparing Pattern Based on Hash Data

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    The Rabin-Karp algorithm is known as the algorithm used to analyze a document based on a hash value. This algorithm is not for testing the image pattern. However, hash value can be occupied to compare the images patterns. K-Gram is a hash value-forming component. It determines the relationship between adjacent pixels in each image. Adjustment of base and modulo values affects the image similarity level. The samples used are flower images consisting of train and test data. Each sample will be analyzed by this method and compared with the test image. The image tested is the grayscale image. This analysis uses gram = 2. The lower the value used, the higher the accuracy is generated. Modulo adjustment also affects the hash value. The combination of the three values is the important factor in image testing. The creation of a feature value against the resulting hash values aims to compare the proximity between two images. The feature extraction function will calculate the distance between the two hashes using Euclidean. The comparison applies to two similar-sized images. The smaller the feature value, the more similar the two images are. This approach produces similar levels according to the processed parameters

    Impact of Cybercrime on Technological and Financial Developments

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    The more sophisticated the technology, the higher the level of criminal activity. Before there was digital data, the world only had physical threats. However, the emergence of the internet and the global network creates cybercrime everywhere. The emergence of this crime is because many companies or organizations are involved in the internet network. For example, purchasing with a credit card requires a manual swipe tool, while now the credit card itself can be transacted online. Cyber attack is one of the crimes that can be experienced by anyone, especially with the increasing number of organizations connected to the Internet to make way for hackers to be able to work on an organization. Large developing markets are not spared from the cybercriminals. The higher their role in the global supply chain increases their attractiveness to attack through cyberspace. Attackers will use it if their site's security management is weak. Cybercrime is too easy to do. Many technology users are failing to perform the most basic protection measures. Many companies only think about their economic circulation without having adequate defense products, while cybercriminals use sophisticated and straightforward technology to identify targets, automate the creation and delivery of software, and easy monetization of what they steal. Cybercrime affects technology and finances a lot in the present. Many individuals, companies or banks suffer huge losses. Cybercrime can be anticipated by increasing security in the corporate network when communicating to the outside world

    Image Similarity Test Using Eigenface Calculation

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    An image is a medium for conveying information. The information contained therein may be a particular event, experience or moment. Not infrequently many images that have similarities. However, this level of similarity is not easily detected by the human eye. Eigenface is one technique to calculate the resemblance of an object. This technique calculates based on the intensity of the colors that exist in the two images compared. The stages used are normalization, eigenface, training, and testing. Eigenface is used to calculate pixel proximity between images. This calculation yields the feature value used for comparison. The smallest value of the feature value is an image very close to the original image. Application of this method is very helpful for analysts to predict the likeness of digital images. Also, it can be used in the field of steganography, digital forensic, face recognition and so forth

    Comparison Between WEKA and Salford System in Data Mining Software

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    Processing of the data generated from transactions that occur every day which resulted in nearly thousands of data per day requires software capable of enabling users to conduct a search of the necessary data. Data mining becomes a solution for the problem. To that end, many large industries began creating software that can perform data processing. Due to the high cost to obtain data mining software that comes from the big industry, then eventually some communities such as universities eventually provide convenience for users who want just to learn or to deepen the data mining to create software based on open source. Meanwhile, many commercial vendors market their products respectively. WEKA and Salford System are both of data mining software. They have the advantages and the disadvantages. This study is to compare them by using several attributes. The users can select which software is more suitable for their daily activities