233 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this paper is to unfold Issues and challenges in reconstructing Islamic Architecture in Nusantara. Based on the authors experience in discussing and explaining the ideas of Islamic Architecture in Nusantara which in this paper is representing by Indonesia and Malaysia. The discussion will consist of general scenario of Islamic Architecture in the world and Nusantara, problems of physical and non physical documentations of Islamic Architecture artifacts, Issues and problems in defining Islamic Architecture in Nusantara and values and frameworks in reconstructing Islamic Architecture in Nusantara. It is expected that this paper can start and provide a basis and framework for further discussion in redefining Islamic Architecture in this region

    Motif-motif ukiran pada rumah tiang dua belas di Kelantan dan Terengganu

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    Kelantan dan Terengganu sememangnya kaya dengan motif ukiran yang cantik dan tersendiri. Lazimnya, motif berbentuk flora, geometri dan kaligrafi paling banyak sekali digunakan berbanding motif-motif yang lain sekaligus digunakan sebagai penanda aras identiti senibina tempatan di Semenanjung Malaysia. Penulisan ini akan membentangkan kajian analisa rekabentuk ukiran dan motif yang digunakan pada Rumah Tiang Dua Belas di Kelantan dan Terengganu. Ukiran pada dua belas buah rumah di Kelantan dan Terengganu adalah merujuk kepada lukisan terukur di Pusat Kajian Alam Melayu (KALAM) UTM, Skudai.Kajian yang dilakukan adalah tertumpu kepada beberapa komponen bahagian rumah yang mempunyai banyak motif ukiran seperti pada daun pintu dan tingkap, susur tangan, dinding, lubang pengudaraan dan tangga. Perletakan motif-motif ukiran tersebut dikaji akan kepentingannya disamping untuk nilai estetika sesebuah rumah tersebut mahupun mencerminkan sifat kedaerahan setempat bagi kedua dua buah negeri ini

    Analisis Hadits Dalam Permasalahan Perancangan Masjid Modern Di Malaysia

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    This paper tries to make a documentation and analysis based on the second source of Islam which is Prophetic traditions in providing an alternative approach for the design of modern mosques in Malaysia. This research is done by gathering traditions from the compilation of al-Bukhari and Muslim which are then being interpreted and used as a framework to answer different type of problem, issue, crisis in mosque design in Malaysia. The study is divided into two main sections. The first section contains issues and problems in mosque design in Malaysia while the second section try to analyze the compilation of hadith in attempt to view issue and problems in mosque design in Malaysia. It is expected that through this paper we can understand the use of Prophetic traditions as one of the main foundations and framework for the present and the future modern mosque designs in Malaysia

    Greywater treatment system in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Mosque: utilizing filter wells as an alternative sustainable innovation

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    Water is one of the natural resources that support entire creature’s needs in earth. It was also a key element of sustainable living. The important of water is proved by fact that human body were consists of 80% water which makes daily water needs is definitely important. Same thing was happen on earth which also consists of 71 % water. Unfortunately, nowadays qualities as well as quantities of water is getting poor caused many environmental decline. Those situation is feel quite irony, first is because in one side human are depending on water badly, and in another side, qualities and quantities water have been decreasing because of their own. This environmental issue, especially water was realized by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) by starting to be a first pioneer in Green & Sustainability Campus in Malaysia. Although UKM is located in water-rich country, still UKM try to commit to save environment as well as manage its environment aspect. The usage of water in UKM itself is categorized in high level. UKM have around 20.000 students and most of them are dwelling in campus. For big campus like this, UKM had one main Mosque which accommodates some daily worship of Moslem as the majority one. For activities like ablution, washing and bathing, UKM Mosque had produce quite big amount of grey water. Grey water itself is residual water that still fresh and can be recycled for some purposes such as landscape irrigation and cleaning service. One alternative method to treats the grey water is by the usage of filter wells. This paper is trying to analysis and proposes some design of grey water system in UKM mosque in order to save environment. With proper grey water treatment, UKM Mosque will contribute to save water and UKM’s environment. This successful water treatment is also can be an alternative model to apply in another building

    Decisive success factors in executing prefabrication system in Malaysia

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    Although Malaysian Government has promote prefabrication system systematically for several years starting from 2003 when the IBS Roadmap has been introduced, however the level of prefabrication system implementation is still consider as low compared to other country. There are many factors which affect the adoption of prefabrication system among practitioners which are demand and market factors, government initiatives and availability of expertise in prefabrication system.Some of other factors have been identified by researches especially by CIDB. CIDB is a main researcher responsible to make sure Malaysian Construction Industry become more competitive.This paper will discuss some critical success factors in implementing prefabrication system in Malaysi