484 research outputs found

    Financial Cycles Nature and its Role in the Crisis Processes Development

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    The essence of financial cycles and features of their display: a longer period in comparison with the economic cycles, following the phase of the crisis after the cycle peak, more severe recession. Identified key indicators of the financial cycle: credit composes (the ratio of loans to GDP, the growth rate of credit resources, the ratio of credit to the assets of the banking system) and the dynamics of real estate prices. The dynamics of these manifestations in Ukraine indicators and directions to minimize the impact of the financial cycle.Розглянуто сутність фінансових циклів і особливості їх прояву: більш тривалий період порівняно з економічними циклами, проходження фази кризи слідом за піком циклу, більш важкий характер рецесії. Виявлено ключові індикатори фінансового циклу: кредитна складова (відношення кредитів до ВВП, темп зростання кредитних ресурсів, відношення обсягу кредитних ресурсів до активів банківської системи) і динаміка цін на нерухомість. Проаналізовано динаміку прояви даних індикаторів в Україні та запропоновано напрями мінімізації впливу фінансової циклу.Рассмотрены сущность финансовых циклов и особенности их проявления: более длительный период в сравнении с экономическими циклами, следование фазы кризиса вслед за пиком цикла, более тяжелый характер рецессии. Выявлены ключевые индикаторы финансового цикла: кредитная составляющая (отношение кредитов к ВВП, темп роста кредитных ресурсов, отношение объема кредитных ресурсов к активам банковской системы) и динамика цен на недвижимость. Проанализирована динамика проявления данных индикаторов в Украине и предложены направления минимизации влияния финансового цикла

    Non-ideal cloaking based on Fabry-Perot resonances in single-layer high-index dielectric shells

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Strong reduction of the scattering cross section is obtained for subwavelength dielectric and conducting cylinders without any magnetism for both TE and TM polarizations. The suggested approach is based on the use of Fabry-Perot type radial resonances, which can appear in single-layer, high-ε, isotropic, and homogeneous shells with the properly chosen parameters. Frequencies of the minima of the scattering cross section, which are associated with the cloaking, typically depend on whether TE or TM polarization is considered. In some cases, large-positive-ε and largenegative-e objects can be cloaked. In other cases, non-ideal multifrequency cloaking can be realized. ©2009 Optical Society of America

    Spatial and spatial-frequency filtering using one-dimensional graded-index lattices with defects

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The potential of one-dimensional, periodic, graded-index, isotropic dielectric lattices with defects in multiband spatial and spatial-frequency filtering is studied. It is shown that both narrow- and wide-bandpass filters can be obtained at a proper choice of the number, location, and parameters of the defects placed inside the relatively thin slabs. The peculiarities of achieving multibandness for narrow- and wide-bandpass filters are discussed. Multiband narrow-bandpass filtering is closely related to the transmission features that are associated with Fabry-Perot resonators with semitransparent planar mirrors. Correspondingly, the observed transmission can be interpreted in terms of the equivalent parameters of such resonators. In particular, it is shown that the resonators filled with an ultralow-index medium can be mimicked, so that defect-mode angle-domain spectrum can be rarefied at large angles of incidence. The obtained results are also expected to be applicable for prediction of the angle-domain behavior of transmission in case of piecewise-homogeneous multilayers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    The article describes an analysis of non-contact optical methods for monitoring linear wear and the working surface condition of the grinding wheel during dry grinding. The presented methods are based on computer processing of photo and video materials, 3D models surface construction of the grinding wheel, the machine vision and using of the optical equipment. The advantages and disadvantages of this methods were analyzed. As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that the usable area of the considered methods depends on the circle material, cutting parameters, control objectives, including the requirement for on-line control, and also the available material and technical equipment

    Tarptautinių baudžiamosios justicijos standartų realizavimo aspektai vykdant laisvės atėmimą

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    In this article, an attempt is made to reveal the problem of the compliance of criminal and penitentiary policies with international standards of criminal justice in the execution of the imprisonment sentence. It reveals the importance of international standards for the national penal system as well as the legal and institutional preconditions and opportunities for the improvement of the effectiveness of custody and sentences related to imprisonment. As Lithuania cannot copy the social policies, models and law (as well as the criminal justice system) of other countries, international standards for the development of criminal justice is one of the most important and innovative ideas in the area in question, because they are based on generally accepted contemporary thinking and internationally accepted ideas. In the context of international standards for the treatment of convicts, the aim of this article is to analyse the political, legal and organizational conditions and to reveal the opportunities for the realization of these relevant standards in Lithuania. The analysis of some of the European Union (EU) best practices revealed inconsistencies of the Lithuanian law and custodial practice with international standards for the treatment of convicts. The author of the article reviews the development of the policy of imprisonment in Lithuania, laws and development prospects of criminal justice as well as the practice of institutions responsible for criminal justice. Also, the author examines the reasons for the unfavourable solutions and evaluations of the European Committee against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) as well as the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights on the ill-treatment of detainees, convicts’ living conditions, health services, etc. The analysis of the practice of imprisonment in the context of international standards and the application of these standards in EU countries indicates that there is a need to review the criminal policies, laws and the implementation of the laws regarding custody and imprisonment in Lithuania. International standards for the treatment of prisoners and the good practice of some European countries calls for an effective practical implementation of some approved methods of successful integration of convicts into society together with the removal of unnecessary restrictions on certain categories of convicts’ contact with the outside world and the use of different types of leave for offenders.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami Lietuvos baudžiamosios, bausmių vykdymo politikos ir penitencinės veiklos bei teisės leidybos šioje srityje atitiktis tarptautiniams baudžiamosios justicijos standartams dėl sankcijų ir priemonių, susijusių su laisvės atėmimo taikymu. Atskleidžiamos šių tarptautinių standartų reikšmė nacionalinei bausmių vykdymo sistemai ir teisinės bei organizacinės prielaidos ir galimybės tobulinti suėmimo ir bausmių, susijusių su laisvės atėmimu, efektyvumą. Šiandien galiojantys Lietuvos teisės aktai baudžiamosios justicijos srityje, orientuoti į tarptautinės bendruomenės rekomendacijų dvasią, ne visuomet atspindi jų principus bei raidę. Dėl to nacionalinė baudžiamosios justicijos sistema ne visada vertinama kaip pažangi ir atitinkanti tarptautinius standartus. Straipsnyje analizuojama kai kurių Europos Sąjungos valstybių pažangi patirtis, atskleidžiami nacionalinės teisės normų bei jų įgyvendinimo praktikos neatitiktis tarptautinių elgesio su asmenimis, iš kurių atimta laisvė, standartų, tiriamos valstybės baudžiamosios justicijos politikos, šios srities teisės aktų bei baudžiamosios justicijos institucijų praktinės veiklos tobulinimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje, pateikiami galimi šių neatitikimų pašalinimo arba švelninimo būdai

    The relationship between technology and the environment

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    Our planet is in danger and if we want to continue living on this planet comfortably we must help it. With the coming of technology our lives have changed a lot, but resources have begun to decline, the environment has become deteriorated, and the climate has changed. Over time, people begun to use technology to preserve the environment. One of the most important environment problem is pollution

    Effects of Delamination on Guided Waves in a Symmetric Laminated Composite Beam

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    For successful structural health monitoring and structural integrity evaluation of a laminated composite structure, it is important to study the effects of delamination on the propagations of the guided waves in a delaminated composite beam by using an accurate and computationally efficient method. Thus, we developed a “frequency-domain” spectral element model for the symmetric composite beams. First-order-shear-deformation-theory (FSDT) based Timoshenko beam theory and Mindlin-Herrmann rod theory are adopted for the flexural (bending) waves and axial (extensional) waves, respectively. A spectral element model is derived from the governing equations of motion by using the variation method in the frequency domain. After validating the accuracy of the proposed spectral element model, the model is used to investigate the effects of delamination on the propagation of guided waves in examples of composite beams