107 research outputs found

    Thermo-oxidative Stability and Flammability of Three-dimensional Polymers Based on Olygocarbonate-methacrylates

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    By the irreversible condensation reaction of the mono-methacrylic ester of ethylene glycol and chlorocarbonic esters of 2,2-dimethylpropandiol- 1,3 and 2,2-dimethylene chloride-propandiol-1,3, two olygocarbonate methacrylate (OCM-I and -II, respectively) containing unsaturated ends were synthesised. The polymerization of OCM-I and OCM-II in the presence of cumene hydro.peroxide and an accelerator gave two cross-liinked polymers Ln a yield of 70-750/o. The thermal and thermo-oxidative decompositions of the prepared polymers were studied by the thermogravimetric method and by characterization of the volatile pyrolysis products and the nonvolatile polymer residue. The influence of the polymer structure on the mechanism of the decomposition reactions in vacuo as well as iin the presence of oxygen was discussed. The temperature dependence of thermostabiLity was compared with some polymer flammability parameters

    Pulmonary Hamartoma: a Single-Center Analysis of 142 Cases

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    Background. Gamartoma occupies a special place among solitary lung masses not requiring active surgical tactics: structural heterogeneity due to inclusions of fat density and calcinates presents an opportunity to identify pathognomonic computed tomographic (CT) signs. However, their absence in conjunction with CT picture inherent in malignant neoplasms can cause biopsies and surgical interventions that are not necessary according to the results of histologic examination.Objective: to perform a cohort retrospective analysis of pulmonary hamartoma CT semiotics.Маterial and methods. We analyzed 142 cases of lung hamartomas detected at the Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology from 2013 to 2023, confirmed histologically or with a follow-up period of more than 600 days, without endobronchial location and other foci/formations in the lungs, without contrast enhancement evaluation.Results. The results of data statistical analysis of patients with pulmonary hamartoma with distribution by gender and age were described. The occurrence rate was established for such hamartoma CT features as mass type, contour features, changes in the surrounding lung tissue, the largest diameter, density, calcination type with examples on CT images. Localizations of hamartomas in relation to the lung, its lobes and segments were considered. Four hamartoma clusters depending on fat and calcination combination in the structure were identified and illustrated. The size distribution of hamartomas from each cluster within the given ranges was also presented.Conclusion. Lung hamartomas are solid-type masses without preferential localization in lung segments, with the possibility of detection at any age. In a significant proportion of cases (43.7%) hamartomas did not have any structural features, which allow, according to CT data, to convincingly classify them as benign masses and avoid surgical resection. Only in 12% of cases hamartomas had structural changes considered highly pathognomonic for their classification as benign masses

    Status of “Siberia-2” SR sourse preinjector

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    Improvements made in linac systems have significantly increased the reliability of its operation. At present time the linac injects an electron beam with an energy of 75 MeV, beam current of 65 mA (DE/E=1%), with a pulse duration of 18 ns at a repetition rate of 1 pps


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    Currently, there are no doubts about the relevance of surgery as a part of integral treatment. However, minimally invasive surgeries for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis are rarely used due to post-inflammatory changes in the pleural space and lung root. And outcomes of robot-assisted lobectomies in pulmonary tuberculosis patients have never been investigated.The objective of the study: to investigate the efficiency and safety of robot-assisted surgeries in pulmonary tuberculosis patients.Subjects and methods. Since May 2013, 56 patients suffering from focal unilateral pulmonary tuberculosis were enrolled into a prospective study, after having an adequate course of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy. At the moment of surgery, bacillary excretion persisted in 32% of patients, and 90.5% of patients had cavities.Results. All patients had robot-assisted lobectomies using the surgical system of Da Vinci Si. The average time of surgery made 174 minutes (90-380 minutes), the blood loss made 82 ml (10-500 ml). In 2 (3%) patients, a robot-assisted access was converted into lateral thoracotomy. The frequency of post-operative surgical complications made 25% [6].Conclusion. High clinical efficiency and safety are associated with robot-assisted lobectomies as a part of the integral treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis patients.Актуальность использования хирургического метода в комплексном лечении в настоящее время не вызывает сомнения. Однако миниинвазивные операции при туберкулезе легких применяются редко ввиду поствоспалительных изменений в плевральной полости и корне легкого. При этом результаты робот-ассистированных лобэктомий у больных туберкулезом легких никогда не исследовали.Цель исследования: изучение эффективности и безопасности робот-ассистированных операций у больных туберкулезом легких.Материалы и методы. С мая2013 г. в проспективное исследование включено 56 пациентов с локальным односторонним туберкулезом легких, получивших адекватный курс противотуберкулезной химиотерапии. Бактериовыделение на момент операции сохранялось у 32% пациентов, полости распада – у 90,5%.Результаты. Всем пациентам были выполнены робот-ассистированные лобэктомии с использованием хирургической системы Da Vinci Si. Среднее время операции составило 174 мин (90-380 мин), кровопотеря была 82 мл (10-500 мл). У 2 (3%) пациентов робот-ассистированный доступ был конвертирован в боковую торакотомию. Частота послеоперационных хирургических осложнений составила 25% [6]. Заключение. Робот-ассистированные лобэктомии в комплексном лечении больных туберкулезом легких сопровождаются высокой клинической эффективностью и безопасностью

    Метод зондовой конфокальной лазерной эндомикроскопии в диагностике идиопатических интерстициальных пневмоний

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    The diagnosis of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) remains one of the most challenging issues in pulmonology. The article demonstrates the capabilities of the method of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) in diagnosing various forms of IIPs and provides comparisons with CT and the histological picture. According to the data obtained, it is difficult to distinguish most IIPs from each other using pCLE. Among the specific signs, a large number of alveolar cells in pCLE in a nonsmoking patient with desquamative interstitial pneumonia is not typical for other IIP in nonsmokers. Also, pCLE can be used to differentiate between IIP and other conditions, in particular, malignant lesions.Диагностика идиопатических интерстициальных пневмоний (ИИП) остается одним из сложных вопросов пульмонологии. В статье продемонстрированы возможности метода конфокальной лазерной эндомикроскопии (КЛЭМ) в диагностике различных форм ИИП, приведены сопоставления с данными компьютерной томографии и гистологической картиной. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что большинство ИИП сложно различить между собой при помощи КЛЭМ. Из специфических признаков можно отметить наличие большого количества альвеолярных клеток при КЛЭМ у некурящей пациентки с десквамативной интерстициальной пневмонией, что не характерно для других ИИП у некурящих больных. Также КЛЭМ может быть использована при дифференциальной диагностике ИИП с другими, в частности, злокачественными заболеваниями


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    Possessing valuable operational properties, the vast majority of polymer composite materials (PCM) tend to ignite and spread the flame, the emergence of dangerous fire factors, leading to loss of life and property damage. The present article is concerned with influence of chemical nature and content of mineral fillers, phosphate plasticizers, bromine-containing fire-retardant agents, and dicyclopentadienyliron (ferrocene) derivatives on thermal fastness, flammability and smoke-generating ability of polymer composite materials. It’s shown that the main parameter defining the influence of mineral fillers on flammability of polymer composite materials is the specific amount of heat absorbed by fillers. It’s proved that bromine-containing fire-retardant agents increase smoke-generating ability of materials and allow obtaining low-flammable polymer composites with smoke-developed index not exceeding 500 m2/kg and high performance factors. The rational use of mineral fillers, bromine-containing fire-retardant agents, and ferrocene derivatives makes it possible to develop PCMs with reduced fire danger and high performance indicators

    Charged particles movement in dipole magnetic field at non-keeping of magnetic moment

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    Charged particles in a dipole magnetic field have been investigated. The purpose of the paper is to study relationships of charged particles movement in the magnetic field in the case of an evident failure of application conditions of adiabatic theory. The research methods are as follows: calculation experiment including analytical methods and numerical integration of movement equations. As a result, movable coordinate system in which a magnetic moment is kept and its irreverse changes are predicted has been revealed; a model of quasi-diabatic movement of charged particles has been offeredAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Transmission optique extraordinaire dans les nanostructures diffractives holographiques et polycrystalliques

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    The thesis is devoted to the Extraordinary Optical Transmission observed in diffractive systems. An industrial need in integration and miniaturization of optical components stimulates the development of planar grating-based devices with thicknesses comparable to operating wavelengths. The EOT effect is perspective for plasmonic applications in structure-induced colors, optical filtering, lasing, optical biosensors due to the improved signal-to-noise ratio and a simplified device design. Aimed at practically available materials and industrially-compatible surface nanotexturing methods, a systematic study of EOT through continuous aluminum films was performed. A modification of laser interference lithography allowing rapid fabrication of variable depth gratings was proposed, theoretically established and experimentally validated. The variable depth defines the efficiency of plasmonic coupling at a fixed wavelength, offering additional possibilities for light manipulations. Using this approach the existence of optimal grating depth for EOT was demonstrated experimentally and depth-resolved structure-induced colors were observed in transmission. For the first time the effect of EOT was experimentally measured in polycrystalline samples, fabricated via nanosphere photolithography. A phenomenological model of EOT in polycrystaline structures and a dimensionless coefficient of disorder are proposed to explain measured transmission curves. The grating depth and disorder concurrence was studied numerically. The systematic study of EOT in various diffraction systems presented in this thesis might pave the way towards more effective plasmonic devices and industrial applications.Cette thèse est consacrée à la transmission optique extraordinaire observée dans systèmes diffractifs. EOT est perspective pour des applications plasmoniques en raison de l’amélioration du rapport signal / bruit et pour la conception simplifiée de l’appareil. Visant des matériaux disponibles et des méthodes de nanotexturation compatibles avec l’industrie, une étude systématique de l’EOT à travers des films d’aluminium a été réalisée. D’abord, une modification de la lithographie interférentielle permettant la fabrication rapide de réseaux à profondeur variable a été proposée, théoriquement établie et validée expérimentalement. En utilisant cette approche, l’existence d’une profondeur de réseau optimale pour l’EOT a été démontrée expérimentalement et la structure résolue en profondeur a induit des changements de couleurs observés en transmission. Pour la première fois, l’effet de l’EOT a été démontré expérimentalement dans des échantillons polycristallins, fabriqués par nano-photolithographie colloïdale. La présence de désordre sub-longueur d’onde dans la disposition des nanopores affecte fortement l’efficacité de l’EOT, qui a été étudiée à la fois expérimentalement et numériquement. Un modèle phénoménologique d’EOT dans les structures polycristallines et un coefficient de désordre sans dimension sont proposés afin d’expliquer les courbes de transmission mesurées. La dépendance entre la profondeur du réseau et le désordre a été étudiée numériquement. L’étude systématique de l’EOT dans divers systèmes de diffraction présentés dans cette thèse pourrait ouvrir la voie à des dispositifs plasmoniques plus efficaces et à des applications industrielles

    Особенности формирования Совета Федерации: от первого созыва до наших дней

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    The article is viewing the history of Russian Federal Council creation, principles of it's forming at the different stages of the modern political process in Russia. The author analyses actual problems of the Russian Parliament upper chamber forming, researches premises and gives proposes of coming back to the Federal Council direct elections.В статье рассматривается история создания Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации и порядок его формирования на различных этапах современного политического процесса в России. В статье анализируются существующие проблемы формирования верхней палаты российского парламента, исследуются предпосылки и даются предложения по возвращению к прямым выборам в Совет Федерации