153 research outputs found

    Insilico test of functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of arterial hypertension-associated TBX2 candidate gene

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    In the course of this study, the functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of the TBX2 candidate gene associated with the development of arterial hypertension was studied. The selection of the polymorphic locus was based on the data of the catalog of genome-wide association study (GWAS) of the National Human Genome Research Institute. The functional role was evaluated using online software: HaploReg (v4.1), GTExportal, and PolyPhen-

    The quality of medical care in a round-the-clock hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Violations in the provision of medical care are detected by controlling the volume, timing, quality and conditions of medical care. The objective of the work is assessment of the activities of the round-the-clock hospital from the standpoint of the quality of medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods. A database of indicators reflecting the activity of round-the-clock hospital for four years, from 2017 to 2020 (Omsk) was formed. Analytical, statistical methods and the method of expert assessments were used to analyze the required indicators. Results. Evaluation of inpatient hospital activities during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the “pre-pandemic” years showed a 1.9-fold and 2.9-fold decrease in the total number of quality examinations performed and the number of defects detected, respectively. The number of defects that were grounds for denial or reduction of payment for medical care found in the “before-COVID-19” years was 2.1 times higher than in 2020. In 2020, the weight of the share of those defects that directly reflect the quality of medical care increased signifcantly. The quantitative composition of the inpatient hospital staff changed insignifcantly during the analyzed period – the number of physicians increased  by only 5 % over four years, with no dynamics in the qualitative characteristics of the staff. The number of medical equipment increased by 27.6 %. Due to re-profling in 2020, there was a decrease in the number of hospitalized patients, with an increase in the proportion of patients admitted by emergency care (up to 91 %) and an increase in mortality by 2.7 times. Conclusions. One of the conditions for maintaining high quality of medical care is a balance between the main components of quality: accessibility, timeliness, sufciency, efciency and safety and the speed of its achievement, which in turn depends on the amount of resources and reserves

    Agent-based modeling of the impact of advertising on the regional economic cluster lifecycle

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    The aim of the study is the development and testing of an algorithm for modeling the impact of advertising on various stages of the life cycle of economic clusters. It is assumed, that the life cycle of the cluster consists of the stages: a diffuse group, a hidden cluster, an evolving cluster, a mature cluster, a collapsing cluster. Using the agent-based simulation methods, hierarchical clustering and chaos theory, the following results were obtained: a conceptual model of the behavior of cluster members for cluster formation processes at each stage of the cluster life cycle and an imitation model of the influence of advertising on the life cycle of the economic cluster; the patterns of various stages of the life cycle of the economic cluster and the functioning of the cluster without influence and under the influence of advertising were revealed. Advertising reduces the time at the stages of the associated life cycle of the cluster, increases the stage of maturity of the cluster. Companies that do not comply with the principles of clustering are under the influence of advertising and promotional activities. Such enterprises most often arise in the cluster at the stages of its formation

    Effect of base–acid properties of the mixtures of water with methanol on the solution enthalpy of selected cyclic ethers in this mixture at 298.15 K

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    The enthalpies of solution of cyclic ethers: 1,4- dioxane, 12-crown-4 and 18-crown-6 in the mixture of water and methanol have been measured within the whole mole fraction range at T = 298.15 K. Based on the obtained data, the effect of base–acid properties of water– methanol mixtures on the solution enthalpy of cyclic ethers in these mixtures has been analyzed. The solution enthalpy of cyclic ethers depends on acid properties of water– methanol mixtures in the range of high and medium water contents in the mixture. Based on the analysis performed, it can be assumed that in the mixtures of high methanol contents, cyclic ethe

    Течение муковисцидоза у взрослого пациента с "тяжелым" генотипом

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the commonest monogenic autosomal recessive disease. CF pathogenesis is based on systemic injury of exocrine glands due to CFTR gene mutation. CF case in an adult patient with "severe" genotype and multiple complications, such as chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure, diabetes mellitus, hepatic cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, pulmonary hypertension, and an episode of bowel obstruction, is described in the article. Despite of a number of complications this case demonstrated good efficacy of home respiratory support during 2.5 years. Novel methods of respiratory support, supplemental oxygen and intensive basic therapy have allowed stabilization his clinical status.Муковисцидоз (МВ) – самое частое моногенное заболевание с аутосомно-рецессивным типом наследования, в основе патогенеза которого лежит системная экзокринопатия, вызванная мутацией и последующей дисфункцией гена и белка трансмембранного регулятора МВ. Продемонстрирован клинический случай течения МВ у пациента с "тяжелым" генотипом во взрослом возрасте и многочисленными осложнениями (хроническая гиперкапническая дыхательная недостаточность, сахарный диабет, цирроз печени, желчнокаменная болезнь, легочная гипертензия, эпизод кишечной непроходимости). Несмотря на большое число осложнений заболевания, продемонстрирована высокая эффективность амбулаторной респираторной поддержки в течение 2,5 года. С помощью современных методов респираторной поддержки и кислородотерапии, а также агрессивного подхода к базисной терапии клиническое состояние пациента стабилизировалось.

    Developing the Creative Potential of Future Engineers: Possibilities of Modern Education

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    В статье дан анализ современных представлений о развитии креативного потенциала человека. Авторы придерживаются позиции о необходимости преодоления узко технологического подхода, как в понимании креативности, так и в образовательном процессе, ориентированном на развитие креативного потенциала студентов, что становится возможным в рамках социокультурной модели креативности. Представлена структура социокультурной модели развития креативности в образовании. Опираясь на собственные исследования, а также на отечественный и зарубежный опыт, авторы делают вывод, что только в совместной креативной деятельности, завершающейся созданием креативного продукта, имеющего социальную значимость, возможно не абстрактно - академическое освоение форм креативной деятельности, но ее личностное присвоение. Особенно это значимо для будущих инженеров. В образовании для этого открываются новые возможности как в связи с вовлечением студентов в процесс развития креативных индустрий, так и с развитием конвергентной образовательной среды.The article analyzes modern ideas about the development of a person's creative potential. The authors adhere to the position on the need to overcome the narrowly technological approach, both in understanding creativity and in the educational process focused on the development of the creative potential of students, which becomes possible within the framework of the socio-cultural model of creativity. The structure of the socio-cultural model for the development of creativity in education is presented. Based on their own research, as well as on domestic and foreign experience, the authors conclude that only in joint creative activity, culminating in the creation of a creative product that has social significance, it is possible not abstractly - academic development of forms of creative activity, but its personal appropriation. This is especially important for future engineers. In education, new opportunities for this are opening up both in connection with the involvement of students in the development of creative industries, and with the development of a convergent educational environment

    Prevalence of alcohol use among student youth in Yekaterinburg

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    The purpose of the study- аssess the prevalence of alcohol use among students and factors influencing alcohol use.Цель исследования - оценить распространенность употребления алкоголя среди студентов и факторы, влияющие на употребление алкоголя

    Asc1 Supports Cell-Wall Integrity Near Bud Sites by a Pkc1 Independent Mechanism

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    Background: The yeast ribosomal protein Asc1 is a WD-protein family member. Its mammalian ortholog, RACK1 was initially discovered as a receptor for activated protein C kinase (PKC) that functions to maintain the active conformation of PKC and to support its movement to target sites. In the budding yeast though, a connection between Asc1p and the PKC signaling pathway has never been reported. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study we found that asc1-deletion mutant (asc1D) presents some of the hallmarks of PKC signaling mutants. These include an increased sensitivity to staurosporine, a specific Pkc1p inhibitor, and susceptibility to cell-wall perturbing treatments such as hypotonic- and heat shock conditions and zymolase treatment. Microscopic analysis of asc1D cells revealed cell-wall invaginations near bud sites after exposure to hypotonic conditions, and the dynamic of cells ’ survival after this stress further supports the involvement of Asc1p in maintaining the cell-wall integrity during the mid-to late stages of bud formation. Genetic interactions between asc1 and pkc1 reveal synergistic sensitivities of a double-knock out mutant (asc1D/pkc1D) to cell-wall stress conditions, and high basal level of PKC signaling in asc1D. Furthermore, Asc1p has no effect on the cellular distribution or redistribution of Pkc1p at optimal or at cell-wall stress conditions. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, our data support the idea that unlike its mammalian orthologs, Asc1p act

    Особенности муковисцидоза у пациентов, жителей Чувашской Республики

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    Summary. The paper presents an analysis of clinical, genetic, microbiological and functional findings of 51 patients with cystic fibrosis living in the Chuvash Republic. Data of neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis in this region are shown. The findings suggest a significant prevalence of the "mild" E92K mutation in the patients' genetic profile. Clinically, the "mild" genotype was related to the absence of pancreatic injury as one of the major CF signs and significantly fewer digestive complications. Several aspects of СF treatment are highlighted in the article. Early, immediately after diagnosis, administration of dornase alpha (Pulmozyme) could prevent chronic inflammation in the lungs. Regular treatment with dornase alpha could delay development of irreversible pulmonary complications, improve quality of life of the children during an intensive growth and maintain lung function. Improved adherence to treatment in adult patients could improve the prognosis and bring hope to a long active life.Резюме. В статье представлены результаты анализа клинико-генетических, микробиологических и функциональных методов исследования у 51 пациента с муковисцидозом (МВ), все – жители Чувашской Республики. Приведены показатели неонатального скрининга на МВ в данном регионе. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о значительном преобладании "мягкой" мутации E92K в генетическом профиле больных. "Мягкий" генотип в клинической картине выражен отсутствием важнейшей в диагностике МВ симптоматики поражения поджелудочной железы, значительно меньшим числом осложнений со стороны органов пищеварения. Освещены некоторые аспекты терапии заболевания. Раннее, сразу после установления диагноза, назначение препарата Пульмозим способствует профилактике развития хронического воспаления в легких. Регулярное лечение препаратом Пульмозим предупреждает раннее развитие необратимых легочных осложнений, улучшает качество жизни детей в период интенсивного роста, дает возможность сохранить легочную функцию, близкую к нормальной. Повышение приверженности лечению среди взрослых пациентов улучшает прогноз жизни, дает надежду на долгую активную взрослую жизнь