453 research outputs found

    Simulation and management of on-demand irrigation systems: a combined agrohydrological and remote sensing approach

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    Rational use of water resources in agriculture requires improvements in the efficiency of irrigation. Many irrigation systems, particularly in Mediterranean regions, have been enhanced by replacing open channel conveyance systems with pressurised pipelines. This allows to provide water on-demand. Increased demand of water for civil and industrial uses and a progressive reduction of available water resources compel a more efficient use of irrigation water. To achieve this goal irrigation managers need to understand and to monitor the processes which determine the operation of an irrigation system.In this thesis a procedure integrating the agrohydrological aspects of irrigation with hydraulic and management aspects has been developed. The procedure named SIMODIS (SImulation and Management of On-Demand Irrigation Systems) is based on the integration of different tools such as agrohydrological and hydraulic simulation models, remote sensing and GIS techniques.An irrigation system is described as a set of elementary (e.g. individual fields) connected by the pressurised conveyance system. The spatial distribution of soil water deficit in each elementary unit is computed daily by combining the soil water model SWAP with occasional satellite-based estimates of crop water requirements. A methodology has been developed to obtain spatially distributed input data for the soil water model SWAP i.e. the soil hydraulic properties and the upper and lower boundary conditions.Multispectral satellite images are used to map the crop coefficients needed for the definition of the SWAP upper boundary condition in each elementary unit of the irrigation district. Two different approaches have been proposed. The first is based on classification techniques, where clustering algorithms are applied to derive the spectral classes corresponding to different crop coefficient values. In the second approach, the crop coefficient is analytically related to the canopy variables determining the potential evapotranspiration i.e. leaf area index, surface albedo and crop height. At-surface directional spectral reflectance are used to estimate these canopy variables from which the value of crop coefficient is calculated.The spatial distribution of farmers' water demand is derived on a daily basis from the soil water deficit according to predefined irrigation scheduling criteria. Before applying this farmers' water demand distribution for the given day, the SIMODIS procedure assess whether water demand is consistent with the available amount of water resources and with the structural and operational constraints imposed by the conveyance and distribution system. For this purpose a steady-state simulation model of pipeline hydraulics is used in SIMODIS. The final distribution of farmers' water demand is then resulting from a three-tiered adaptation of irrigation schedule considering: i) the limitation of flow rate at delivery outlets, ii) the limitation of available water resources, iii) the required minimum hydraulic head at the delivery outlets.The procedure SIMODIS has been applied in the Gromola irrigation district of approximately 3000 ha in southern Italy. Measurements of irrigation volumes were used to identify the parameters driving irrigation scheduling. Irrigation efficiency indicators were calculated from the spatial distribution of actual transpiration rates and of the corresponding irrigation volumes applied. To illustrate the use of SIMODIS in support of irrigation decision making, alternative scenarios of water management were simulated and compared.The development of SIMODIS demonstrated that agrohydrological simulation models and remote sensing can be effectively combined to describe the operation of an irrigation system. These techniques have reached a sufficient degree of reliability to be transferred to practical applications. The estimation of crop coefficients by means of remote sensing techniques is of general usefulness in the definition of the upper boundary condition of distributed hydrological simulation models and it can be applied to evaluate with satisfactory accuracy the crop water requirements at regional scale. In the future new types of satellite sensors will probably allow for a more precise determination of the canopy variables, thus providing novel opportunities in the integration between agrohydrological simulation models and remote sensing techniques.</p

    Mechanical rotational thrombectomy in long femoropopliteal artery and stent occlusion in COVID-19 patient: Case report

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    Introduction: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) has been increasingly associated with thromboembolic complications. COVID-19 infection has a thrombogenic potential for stents. Herein, we report a case of stent thrombosis in diabetic obese patient COVID-19 positive where was previously released a Multilayer Flow Modulator stent (MFM) for large popliteal aneurysm. Case report: A 78-year-old male was referred to our hospital for fever and acute pain in the left leg. At history, the same patient had endovascular procedure for a large symptomatic popliteal aneurysm, treated through release of three MFM. The pulmonary CT scan showed COVID-19 infection with confirm of rhino-laryngeal swab. Duplex ultrasound and CT-angiography showed complete thrombosis of stents. The treatment consisted of mechanical thrombectomy using an 8Fr catheter Rotarex plus release of Vibahn stent-graft. Discussion: COVID-19 patients can present arterial occlusion. In literature are not reported cases about thrombosis peripheral stent. Minimally invasive approaches in redo-procedure reduce risk of infection. Rotarex device was used in revascularization of acute and subacute iliac and femoropopliteal arteries. The goal is to have a debulking, to avoid an incomplete deployment of stent-graft. In our precedent experience, MFM and stent-graft to treatment of popliteal aneurism were safe. It is important to monitor these patients for early identification of failure and rapprochement. In this case, the COVID-19 infection was determinant in promoting thrombosis. Conclusions: COVID-19 increases risk of thrombosis stent. In our experience debulking through Rotarex and stenting, were decisive factors for revascularization and limb salvage

    genetic diversity and relationship among the three autochthonous sicilian donkey populations assessed by microsatellite markers

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    AbstractIn the developed countries donkey has lost its main function as draft animal because of the mechanization in agri-culture; as a consequence donkey population was greatly reduced. According to SAVE monitoring institute, three of the eight Italian endangered donkey breeds are native of Sicily (Ragusano, Pantesco, Grigio Siciliano). Urgent safeguard plans are required. The aim of this work is to investigate the distribution of genetic diversity and the relationships among the three Sicilian autochthonous donkey breeds using a set of microsatellite markers. A total of 116 blood samples (61 Ragusano, 39 Pantesco, 16 Grigio Siciliano) were collected in 9 herds all over Sicily. Representative samples of Ragusano and Grigio donkey populations consist of unrelated individuals, whereas the sample of Pantesco represents nearly the entire studbook-registered population managed by "Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Erice (TP)" in the "Azienda S. Matteo". Genomic DNA was amplified at 11 microsatellite..

    Mitochondrial DNA control region variation in Sanfratellano horse and two other Sicilian autochthonous breeds

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    Mitochondrial D-loop hypervariable region was analysed in 20 Sanfratellano and two other Sicilian autochthonous horse breeds (20 Sicilian Oriental Purebred and 20 Sicilian Indigenous) in order to investigate matrilineal genetic diversity. A total of 20 different haplotypes were identified sequencing a fragment of 397 bp; overall, haplotypes showed 31 polymorphic sites (7.8%). High diversity was detected in Sanfratellano (11 haplotypes) and Sicilian Indigenous (13 haplotypes), whereas only one haplotype was found in Sicilian Oriental Purebred. Sanfratellano sequences were compared with those belonging to the other Sicilian autochthonous horses and 118 sequences selected from the GenBank database in order to calculate the statistics of molecular diversity. Six haplotypes were exclusive of Sanfratellano which shares haplotype C, D, H, and O with the Sicilian Indigenous and haplotype U with the Sicilian Oriental Purebred; not significant differentiation was found between Sanfratellano and Sicilian Indigenous. BLAST search showed Sicilian haplotypes overlap with the database sequences but for three. Phylogenetic analysis did not show monophyletic group for Sanfratellano samples or the other breeds included in this analysis

    The Role of Early Revascularization and Biomarkers in the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Single Center Experience

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    Diabetic neuropathy and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) are the main etiological factors in foot ulceration. Herein, we report our experience of diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) management, with an analysis of the relationship between the rate of lower extremity amputation, in persons with infected DFU, after revascularization procedures performed to prevent major amputation. This study highlights the role of different biomarkers, showing their usefulness and potentiality in diabetic foot ulcer management, especially for the early diagnosis and therapy effectiveness monitoring. A retrospective analysis, from September 2016 to January 2021, of diabetic patients presenting diabetic foot with DFU, was performed. All patients were treated with at least one vascular procedure (endovascular, open, hybrid procedures) targeting PAD lesions. Outcomes measured were perioperative mortality and morbidity. Freedom from occlusion, primary and secondary patency, and amputation rate were registered. A total of 267 patients, with a mean age of 72.5 years, were included in the study. The major amputation rate was 6.2%, minor amputation rate was 17%. In our experience, extreme revascularization to obtain direct flow reduced the rate of amputations, with an increase in ulcer healing

    Ion irradiation triggers the formation of the precursors of complex organics in space - The case of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde

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    Context. Cosmic rays and solar energetic particles induce changes in the composition of compounds frozen onto dust grains in the interstellar medium (ISM), in comets, and on the surfaces of atmosphere-less small bodies in the outer Solar System. This induces the destruction of pristine compounds and triggers the formation of various species, including the precursors of complex organics. Aims. We investigate the role of energetic ions in the formation of formaldehyde (H2CO) and acetaldehyde (CH3CHO), which are observed in the ISM and in comets, and which are thought to be the precursors of more complex compounds such as hexamethylenete-tramine (HMT), which is found in carbonaceous chondrites and in laboratory samples produced after the irradiation and warm-up of astrophysical ices. Methods. We performed ion irradiation of water, methanol, and ammonia mixtures at 14–18 K. We bombarded frozen films with 40–200 keV H+ that simulate solar energetic particles and low-energy cosmic rays. Samples were analysed by infrared transmission spectroscopy. Results. Among other molecules, we observe the formation of H2CO and CH3CHO, and we find that their abundance depends on the dose and on the stoichiometry of the mixtures. We find that the H2CO abundance reaches the highest value after a dose of 10 eV/16u and then it decreases as the dose increases. Conclusions. The data suggest that surfaces exposed to high doses are depleted in H2CO. This explains why the amount of HMT in organic residues and that formed after irradiation of ices depends on the dose deposited in the ice. Because the H2CO abundance decreases at doses higher than 10 eV/16u, a lower quantity of H2CO is available to form HMT during the subsequent warm-up. The H2CO abundances caused by ion bombardment are insufficient to explain the ISM abundances, but ion bombardment can account for the abundance of CH3CHO towards the ISM and comets

    Mechanical behavior of a sandwich with corrugated GRP core: numerical modeling and experimental validation

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    In this work the mechanical behaviour of a core reinforced composite sandwich structure isstudied. The sandwich employs a Glass Reinforced Polymer (GRP) orthotropic material for both the twoexternal skins and the inner core web. In particular, the core is designed in order to cooperate with the GRPskins in membrane and flexural properties by means of the addition of a corrugated laminate into the foamcore. An analytical model has been developed to replace a unit cell of this structure with an orthotropicequivalent thick plate that reproduces the in plane and out of plane behaviour of the original geometry.Different validation procedures have been implemented to verify the quality of the proposed method. At first acomparison has been performed between the analytical model and the original unit cell modelled with a FiniteElement mesh. Elementary loading conditions are reproduced and results are compared. Once the reliability ofthe analytical model was assessed, this homogenised model was implemented within the formulation of a shellfinite element. The goal of this step is to simplify the FE analysis of complex structures made of corrugatedcore sandwiches; in fact, by using the homogenised element, the global response of a real structure can beinvestigated only with the discretization of its mid-surface. Advantages are mainly in terms of time to solutionsaving and CAD modelling simplification. Last step is then the comparison between this FE model andexperiments made on sandwich beams and panels whose skins and corrugated cores are made of orthotropiccross-ply GRP laminates. Good agreement between experimental and numerical results confirms the validity ofthe proposed model

    Prognostic impact of in-hospital hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients with acute heart failure: Results of the IN-HF (Italian Network on Heart Failure) Outcome registry

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    Objectives: Although diabetes mellitus is frequently associated with heart failure (HF), the association between elevated admission glucose levels and adverse outcomes has not been well established in hospitalized patients with acute HF. Methods: We prospectively evaluated in-hospital mortality, post-discharge 1-year mortality and 1-year re-hospitalization rates in the Italian Network on Heart Failure (IN-HF) Outcome registry cohort of 1776 patients hospitalized with acute HF and stratified by their admission glucose levels (i.e., known diabetes, newly diagnosed hyperglycemia, no diabetes). Results: Compared with those without diabetes (n = 586), patients with either known diabetes (n = 749) (unadjusted-odds ratio [OR] 1.64, 95%CI 0.99\u20132.70) or newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (n = 441) (unadjusted-OR 2.34, 95%CI 1.39\u20133.94) had higher in-hospital mortality, but comparable post-discharge 1-year mortality rates. After adjustment for age, sex, systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, HF etiology and HF worsening/de novo presentation, the results remained unchanged in patients with known diabetes (adjusted-OR 1.86, 95%CI 1.01\u20133.42), while achieved borderline significance in those with newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (adjusted-OR 1.81, 95%CI 0.95\u20133.45). One-year re-hospitalization rates were lower in patients with newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (adjusted-hazard ratio 0.74, 95%CI 0.56\u20130.96) than in other groups. Conclusions: Elevated admission blood glucose levels are associated with poorer in-hospital survival outcomes in patients with acute HF, especially in those with previously known diabetes. This finding further highlights the importance of tight glycemic control during hospital stay and address the need of dedicated intervention studies to identify customized clinical protocols to improve in-hospital survival of these high-risk patients
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