92 research outputs found

    Arms tracing: perspectives on control, traffic and use of illegal weapons in Colombia

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    The publication reports on an extensive research endeavour to screen small arms stockpiles that were seized from illicit non-state actors in Colombia in the course of the past 5 years. It determines the proportion of these arms that are of European Union origin and reconstructs these arms flows 'upstream', so as to assess whether and to what extent these arms have been subject to unauthorized re-exports by states that obtained the arms legally from European Union member states

    Rastreo de Armas: Perspectivas sobre control, tráfico y uso de armas ilegales en Colombia

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    The publication reports on an extensive research endeavour to screen small arms stockpiles that were seized from illicit non-state actors in Colombia in the course of the past 5 years. It determines the proportion of these arms that are of European Union origin and reconstructs these arms flows 'upstream', so as to assess whether and to what extent these arms have been subject to unauthorized re-exports by states that obtained the arms legally from European Union member states

    Análisis de información de redes sociales (Twitter)

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    El vertiginoso desarrollo de la tecnología y con ello la globalización del conocimiento, ha generado un alto interés de las redes sociales en las organizaciones, y su presencia se ha multiplicado exponencialmente en los últimos años. Es por ello, que aquí se propone analizar los datos extraídos de redes sociales, específicamente Twitter, con la finalidad de obtener diferentes elementos que permitan la gestión y el análisis relacionado con las opiniones que los usuarios proporcionan sobre las distintas empresas que utilizan a Twitter como una herramienta social en sus páginas web. Esta información es de gran utilidad para la gestión de clientes y su preferencia a marcas u organizaciones.Eje: Bases de datos y Minería de datos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An example of vesicle layering in laminar intrusive bodies from Neuquén basin

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    The study area is north from Mt. La Bandera, in the Picún Leufú anticline which constitute a major structure in the Neuquen basin located south to the Huincul High. This structure strikes E-W from Mt. Picún Leufú to Los Molles where it turns NNE-SSW. Along this anticline the sedimentary rocks from the Cuyo, Lotena and Mendoza Groups crops out (Leanza et al. 1997; Ponce et al. 2014). These rocks host mafic sills and dykes and are also covered by volcanic lava flows. In the area there are at least three main magmatic units related to basic magmatism: 1) the Paleocene to middle Eocene Auca Pan Andesites which crops out south an d west of the study area, mostly in the North Patagonian Andes region; 2) the Lohan Mahuida olivinic basalts (Basaltos I by Lambert 1956 in Leanza et al. 1997) and their possible intrusive equivalents from the Cerro Horqueta Formation, both considered upper Miocene; 3) Zapala and Santo Tomás olivinic basalts (Basalto II by Groeber 1929 in Leanza et al. 1997) possible Miocene to Plesitocene. The laminar intrusive bodies object of this contribution have notbeen assigned to any lithostratigraphic unit yet. In this contribution we are going to describe their main characteristics, evaluate their relationship with the host rocks and stablish a possible comparison with the known units previously mention. The laminar intrusive bodies from Mt. La Bandera are hosted in different lithostratigraphic units as Molles (Cuyo Group), Quebrada del Sapo and Vaca Muerta (Mendoza Group). There are two main several crystals. The base is seriated, and its crystal size varies from fine to coarse from the margins to the center of the bodies respectively. It is composed of plagioclase, biotite and amphibole with magnetite as an accessory phase. As key characteristic, the bodies are intensely vesiculated and these vesicles are fill with zeolites (Fig. 2). The vesicles fill consists of radial fibers and occasionally shows a concentric mineral zonation. Regarding the structure of the bodies, an internalseparation in layers can be observed (Fig. 2). A highly layered zone of tens of centimeters to few meters outcrops in an E-W strike-line separated by 5 km from each other. The width of the intrusives range between 1.5 to 4 mts and the outcrops extend for 2.5 km length. The bodies are sub-concordant with thestratigraphic sedimentary planes, dipping gently to the south (Fig. 1). The contacts with the country rocks are sharp and clear, no inclusions as enclaves or xenoliths were founded. There are no evidences of thermal effects over the country rocks in the contact with the igneous bodies. The texture is lamprophyric (porphyritic where the phenocrysts are mafic), better defined (coarser) in the center than in the margins. The phenocrysts are biotite and they tend to form agglomerates of width can be individualized at the margins, in direct contact with the country rocks. In contrast, the center is coarse laminated or totally masive (as in not layered at all). There is a colour difference between light to medium grey in the center and dark to very dark grey margins. Both in the margins and in the center of the igneous body, the vesicles are elongated following the lamination. The vesicles in the center of the bodies are bigger than the ones in the margins and are less deformed. At the margins, the intense foliation is defined by the segregation of bands poor and rich in vesicles which are intensively stretched and elongated (Fig. 3). In both kinds of bands, the elongated vesicles and the phenocrysts are oriented parallel to the contact surface with the country rock.The homogeneous characteristic of igneous bodies in both trends of outcrops lead us to think that they belong to the same magmatic event. The contacts between the igneous bodies and its country rocks indicate a high rheological contrast between the magma and its country rocks at the time of the intrusion. Moreover, the absence of peperites in the country rocks and material flux from the host rock into the magmatic bodies indicate a dry condition for intrusion. The presence of vesicle shaped-preferred orientation is related to flow- related features in shallow level intrusions (Westerman et al., 2017). Moreover, vesicle layering has been mentioned by Toramaru et al., (1996) for igneous intrusions inshallow levels of the crust and involving low volumes of magma. The ?thin in width? of the bodies described from Mt. La Bandera would probably represent a minor magma injection or are satellite apophysis of a major magmatic body that has not been founded yet. Based on its primary stratigraphic relations and its composition, the bodies described in this work could be compared to the Paleocene to middle Eocene Auca Pan magmatism.Fil: Serra Varela, Samanta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: González, Santiago Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Mártinez, Macarena. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Geología y Petróleo; ArgentinaFil: Urrutia, Lucas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Geología y Petróleo; ArgentinaFil: Arreguí, Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Geología y Petróleo; ArgentinaLASI VI workshop on “The physical geology of subvolcanic systems: laccoliths, sills and dykes”MalargüeArgentinaAsociación Geológica Argentin

    Présence d’une absence : l’embauche et le salaire comme facteurs occultant la discrimination envers les femmes journalistes dans les médias européens en langues minoritaires

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    Introduction : une double minorisation La plupart des recherches sur le binôme « femmes et journalisme » peuvent se répartir en trois grands domaines : les femmes dans le contenu de l’information, dans les organisations médiatiques et dans les processus de production de l’information. Dans chacun de ces domaines, des éléments importants ont été détectés, qui peuvent devenir des obstacles à l’empowerment des femmes journalistes, voire à la qualité des contenus journalistiques et de la professi..

    Technique of FBG fabrication with an arbitrary spectrum

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    An arbitrary FBG spectrum can be obtained as the addition of the contribution of some concatenated subFBGs written without phase jump using the same phase mask. An adaptive filter is used in order to obtain, from the desired spectrum, the parameters of the different subFBGs reproducing the required response

    Tunable fiber laser using concatenated non-adiabatic single-mode fiber tapers

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    An erbium doped fiber ring laser (EDFRL) that incorporates four non-adiabatic concatenated single-mode fiber tapers (acting as tunable filter in the laser cavity) is presented. These concatenated fiber tapers integrates a filter with a narrower band-pass and a higher modulation depth than a single taper. The tuning of this filter was implemented applying a controlled perturbation in the fiber taper. The proposed laser architecture was successfully demonstrated in the laboratory in which a tuning range of 20.8nm (1544.5nm-1565.3nm) were measured

    Variación del número cromosómico en parte de la flora de áreas silvestres protegidas en la Región de la Araucanía, sur de Chile

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    An analysis was made of the correspondence between species diversity and chromosome number (CN) diversity across 13 Protected Wild Areas (PWA) in the Araucanía Region of southern Chile, encompassing 84 plant species with available cytogenetic data. Our aim was to establish whether higher species diversity within a PWA entails higher CN variation as based on the index of chromosome number heterogeneity (ICNH). The CN data were extracted from databases for Chilean plants, and the ICNH for the flora of each PWA was calculated. Results showed that in nine PWA the species diversity clearly correlates with CN diversity. However, four PWA do not fit this trend. The percentage of species with CN data varied between 9.6% and 24.5% among PWA, with 11 PWA presenting percentages higher than 11%. A 27.3% of the Chilean vascular plant species with available cytogenetic data were studied here for the 13 PWA. The results obtained by studying one part of the flora with available CN data suggest that the PWA could be an important reservoir of genetic diversity at a chromosome level, thus justifying the protective role of the PWA as biodiversity conservation sites

    Mode width sensitivity with strain in index guided Photonic Crystal Fibres

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    RESUMEN: Se estudia el comportamiento de la anchura del modo fundamental en una Fibra de Cristal Fotónico (FCF) guiada por índice cuando se aplica un estiramiento en un rango de valores comprendido entre 0.5 y 2.5%ε. Se identifican las regiones de frecuencia normalizada (Λ/λ) y de la fracción de llenado de aire d/Λ en los que se observa la máxima influencia del estiramiento en la sensibilidad. Finalmente, se analiza y discute su evolución.ABSTRACT: The fundamental mode width behaviour is studied for an index guided Photonic Crystal Fibre (PCF) when strain is applied in a range of values between 0.5 and 2.5%ε. The regions of normalized frequency (Λ/λ) and of the filling air fraction d/Λ, in which maximum strain influence is observed, are identified. Finally, its evolution is analyzed and argued