10 research outputs found

    Two \u3cem\u3eProsƍpa,\u3c/em\u3e one \u3cem\u3eProsƍpon;\u3c/em\u3e the Christology of Nestorius of Constantinople

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    This paper will outline the controversy of Nestorius versus Cyril concerning the enumeration of persons in the Incarnate Christ. Key terms of the debate will be identified with the aim of establishing their meaning according to Nestorius. It will then be argued that Nestorius of the Bazaar remained committed to the basic tenets of orthodox Christianity as his commitment to true and complete natures (fully God, fully man), a single unified subject (a single Person in Christ), and a mutual use of attributes formed the basis of his Christology, even if their theological reconciliation came short of a complete and perfect synthesis


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    In this paper, we will explore the link between the Mariology and ecclesiology of Polish-German theologian Erich Przywara, paying special attention to his designation of Mary as the “inner form of the Church.” Following a brief introduction to his doctrine of analogy, we will examine Przywara’s understanding of Mary’s formal-causal role in shaping the Church. To this end, we will consider three specific sites of his Mary-Church link, namely, Christ’s passion, Mary’s motherhood, and her nuptiality. We will then explore the implications of this three-fold link, and what it means for Przywara’s understanding of the Church. Finally, we will conclude with some reflections on the trends in contemporary ecclesial life, and what the retrieval of a Marian form might offer the Church today

    Genetic parameters for litter size in Black Slavonian pigs

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    Hur stress bland sjuksköterskor pÄverkar patientsÀkerheten : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie

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    Bakgrund: Negativ arbetsrelaterad stress har en negativ inverkan pÄ sjuksköterskor och deras förmÄga att utföra arbetsuppgifter, vilket leder till att bristfÀlliga beslut fattas. Syfte: Att beskriva hur stress bland sjuksköterskor pÄverkar patientsÀkerheten.  Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie med induktiv ansats som baseras pÄ 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Datamaterialet analyserades utifrÄn Evans kvalitativa analysmetod. Resultat: Efter analysen framkom tvÄ teman och fem subteman. Första temat Brister i omvÄrdnaden beskriver att stress ökade risken för misstag, vilket ledde till brister i kommunikation och informationsöverföring. Viktig information förbisÄgs och sjuksköterskor fick inte en  fullstÀndig bild av patientens hÀlsotillstÄnd. Sjuksköterskor upplevde tidspress som ett hinder för att kunna ge en god vÄrd till patienter. Andra teman Medicinska konsekvenser och risker beskriver att en stressad situation ledde till att patientsÀkerheten minskades, som resulterade i negativa konsekvenser för patienter sÄsom felaktig administrering av lÀkemedel och att det uppstod brister i rapportering mellan vÄrdpersonal. Slutsats:  Arbetsrelaterad stress bland sjuksköterskor Àventyrar patientsÀkerheten och medför brister i vÄrden. Stressiga arbetssituationer orsakas av mÄnga olika faktorer sÄsom tidsbrist, hög arbetsbelastning och bristande kommunikation.Sjuksköterskor som utsÀtts för negativ arbetsrelaterad stress kan inte ge en god vÄrd till patienter, vilket Àventyrar patientsÀkerheten.  Mer fokus behöver lÀggas pÄ hur sjuksköterskor hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress, eftersom i lÀngden kan det leda till förödande konsekvenser som kan pÄverka patientsÀkerheten

    Identification of entrepreneurial opportunities : a conceptual model of cognitive-motivational mechanisms

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    The identification of entrepreneurial opportunities is a fundamental process in entrepreneurship. This process starts with creative cognition, where individuals identify an opportunity to start a business that they find attractive. Two cognitive mechanisms—divergent thinking and convergent thinking—are central to the identification of novel and commercially viable opportunities, yet neither the interplay of both mechanisms during the opportunity-identification process nor the individual cognitive flexibility that drives that process have been explained. How these cognitive mechanisms are linked to other factors, such as entrepreneurial motivation, also remains unclear. We investigate the literature on underlying cognitive mechanisms and related factors and, based on theoretical conclusions, we develop a conceptual model with cognitive mechanisms and motivational factors

    Specification of a Service Management Architecture to Run Distributed and Networked Systems

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    Due to the complexity of running distributed and networked systems, we can recognise a trend of virtual re-centralisation of distributed systems