390 research outputs found

    Solar panel simulator

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    This is a funny kind of power supply, not stable in voltage or in current: it simulates the comportment of a solar panel and can be very useful if you are playing around a solar powered device in a raining day. We designed it for internal use, but it may have a general value

    Application Of A Decision Support System For The SustainablePlanning Of Rio Pojuca Basin (Bahia, Brazil) Water Resources

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    The paper presents the structure and the application of a Decision Support System (DSS) to Pojuca River watershed placed in the Northeast Region of Brazil (Bahia State). It is composed of surface-water quality models (total phosphorus, BOD, dissolved oxygen concentration and thermo-tolerant coliform bacteria pollution). A model evaluates the riverine microhabitat applying autochthonous fish species habitat suitability indexes (water depth, velocity, substrate and dissolved oxygen) valuated by local ichthyologists. Surface-water quality and microhabitat models are based on a hydrologic and hydraulic model. Models have been calibrated and validated using discharge and water quality measurements collected during a 1.5-year period of monitoring. Output data are available on a spreadsheet and ready to be spatially analyzed in a GIS software. We show how DSS can help the decision-making process to achieve the sustainable development of the basin, considering population growth, economic activities, climate change, management of sewage and wastewater treatment systems. The DSS is also applied to a challenging scenario: the building of an in series reservoir for supplying the Capital (Salvador) of drinking water. The experience has been characterized also by a large involvement of local specialists, with the aim to emphasize the existing qualifications and to consider local culture

    Recovery of different waste vegetable oils for biodiesel production: a pilot experience in Bahia State, Brazil

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    In Brazil, and mainly in the State of Bahia, crude vegetable oils are widely used in the preparation of food. Street stalls, restaurants and canteens make a great use of palm oil and soybean oil. There is also some use of castor oil, which is widely cultivated in the Sert\ue3o Region (within the State of Bahia), and widely applied in industry. This massive use in food preparation leads to a huge amount of waste oil of different types, which needs either to be properly disposed of, or recovered. At the Laboratorio Energia e Gas-LEN (Energy & Gas lab.) of the Universidade Federal da Bahia, a cycle of experiments were carried out to evaluate the recovery of waste oils for biodiesel production. The experiences were carried out on a laboratory scale and, in a semi-industrial pilot plant using waste oils of different qualities. In the transesterification process, applied waste vegetable oils were reacted with methanol with the support of a basic catalyst, such as NaOH or KOH. The conversion rate settled at between 81-85% (in weight). The most suitable molar ratio of waste oils to alcohol was 1:6, and the amount of catalyst required was 0.5% (of the weight of the incoming oil), in the case of NaOH, and 1%, in case of KOH. The quality of the biodiesel produced was tested to determine the final product quality. The parameters analyzed were the acid value, kinematic viscosity, monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, free glycerine, total glycerine, clearness; the conversion yield of the process was also evaluated

    Assessment of biological kinetics in a conventional municipal WWTP by means of the oxygen uptake rate method

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    Pollution control of surface water bodies requires stringent checks on wastewater treatment plants performances. The satisfactory operation of biological treatment, commonly performed by means of activated sludge processes, requires a number of controlling and monitoring procedures. Suitable respirometric techniques for the determination of the kinetic parameters that regulate biological processes have been implemented in order to achieve this aim. This paper describes the results of an experimental research carried out in a conventional Italian municipal wastewater treatment plant. Particularly, the research has been finalized to both evaluate the biological process for the removal of biodegradable pollutants, such as carbonaceous substrates and ammonia nitrogen, and to collect data in order to evaluate a possible plant upgrade. Heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass kinetic parameters have been examined using respirometric techniques based on oxygen uptake measurements. The research performed makes a valuable contribution toward verifying the reliability of the values proposed in the literature for some kinetic parameters, which have been commonly used for a long time

    Misure RES in banda HF su ghiacciai antartici

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    Le tecniche RES (Radio Echo Sounding) sono ampiamente utilizzate in glaciologia per studiare molte delle caratteristiche dei ghiacciai, tra cui lo spessore complessivo, eventuali stratificazioni e disomogeneità, le caratteristiche dell’interfaccia tra ghiaccio e fondo roccioso, nonché quella con eventuali laghi subglaciali. L’Isituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia è da molti anni impegnato nella esecuzione di campagne di misura su ghiacciai, prevalentemente in Antartide, utilizzando strumentazione per la gran parte sviluppata internamente all’Istituto, la quale è stata aggiornata e migliorata nel tempo. In questo Rapporto Tecnico si descrivono le trasformazioni apportate al sistema in vista della campagna antartica 2015-16. La modifica principale apportata riguarda la possibilità di usare frequenze inferiori per i sondaggi. Ciò è stato fatto in vista di un più proficuo sfruttamento della strumentazione per lo studio dei ghiacciai alpini, i quali hanno caratteristiche differenti da quelli antartici, principalmente il minore spessore e la temperatura. Inoltre sono presenti molte fratturazioni che, aumentando lo scattering interno al ghiacciaio, possono abbassare notevolmente il livello del segnale ricevuto. Per diminuire l’influenza dello scattering si è allora pensato di adottare frequenze di lavoro più basse, ma ciò ha reso necessario adattare alcune delle caratteristiche dello strumento e progettare un nuovo sistema di antenne

    Multi-Temporal investigation of the Boulder Clay Glacier and Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica) by integrated surveying techniques

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    The paper aims to detect the main changes that occurred in the area surrounding the Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) through analysis of multi-temporal remote sensing integrated by geophysical measurements. Specific attention was directed at realizing an integrated geomorphological study of the Boulder Clay Glacier, a partially debris-covered glacier belonging to the Northern Foothills (Victoria Land, Antarctica). This area was recently chosen as the location for the construction of a new semi-permanent gravel runway for MZS logistical airfreight operations. Photogrammetric analysis was performed by comparing three historical aerial photogrammetric surveys (carried out in 1956, 1985, and 1993) and Very High Resolution (VHR) GeoEye-1 satellite stereo-image coverage acquired in 2012. The comparison of geo-referenced orthophoto-mosaics allowed the main changes occurring in some particular areas along the coast nearby MZS to be established. Concerning the study of the Boulder Clay Glacier, it has to be considered that glaciers and moraines are not steady-state systems by definition. Several remote sensing and geophysical investigations were carried out with the main aim of determining the general assessment of this glacier: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR); Geodetic Global Positioning System (GPS) network; multi-temporal satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry. The analysis of Boulder Clay Glacier moraine pointed out a deformation of less than 74 mm y-1 in a time span of 56 years, value that agrees with velocity and deformation data observed by GPS and InSAR methods. The presence of unexpected brine ponds at the ice/bedrock interface and the deformation pattern observed in the central part of the moraine has to be monitored and studied, especially under the long-term maintenance of the future runway

    The Impact of Precipitation and Sublimation Processes on Snow Accumulation: Preliminary Results

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    The need for climate change prediction has focused attention on the Surface Mass Balance (SMB) of the Antarctic continent and on how it influences the sea level. The SMB of the Antarctic plateau is governed by the equilibrium between precipitation and ablation processes such as sublimation and wind-borne snow redistribution. At scales of hundreds of kilometres snowfall variability dominates the snow accumulation process (Dery and Yau, 2002); at smaller scales, postdepositional process such as wind-borne redistribution, surface sublimation and snowdrift sublimation becomes more important. In recent years the sublimation phenomenon has received much attention from the glacial-meteorological community, and some theoretical studies have tried to model it (Bintanja, 1998; Dery & Yau, 2001b; Frezzotti, 2004). There are two different types of sublimation: surface sublimation and blowing snow sublimation. Surface sublimation is mostly determined by the continual exchange of water between the air (in the vapour phase) and the snow pack (in the solid phase) due to solar irradiance. Blowing snow sublimation is possibly the more effective of the two sublimation processes. It occurs when snow particles at the surface are blown by winds exceeding a certain threshold value. Particles suspended in the sub saturated Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) sublimate at a relatively fast rate, cooling air mass transported by the wind and increasing the local atmospheric moisture content. When the first few meters of the ABL are completely saturated, the process is dumped. It takes a long time to meet this condition because katabatic winds transport saturated air masses to the coast, thereby reactivating sublimation. The role of sublimation in snow accumulation and its high variability at local scales are not fully understood due to the few available measurements in Antarctica. Further study and field experiments are required

    Pegaso: an ultra-light long duration stratospheric payload for polar regions flights

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    Stratospheric balloons are powerful and affordable tools for a wide spectrum of scientific investigations that are carried out at the stratosphere level. They are less expensive compared to satellite projects and have the capability to lift payloads from a few kilograms to a couple of tons or more, well above the troposphere, for more than a month. Another interesting feature of these balloons, which is not viable in satellites, is the short turnaround time, which enables frequent flights. We introduce the PEGASO (Polar Explorer for Geomagnetism And other Scientific Observations) project, a stratospheric payload designed and developed by the INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia), Rome and La Sapienza University, Rome. The project was sponsored by the PNRA (Progetto Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide), Italy (Peterzen et al., 2003). This light payload (10 kg) was used by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Andoya Rocket Range (ARR) for five different scientific missions. PEGASO carries a 3-component flux-gate magnetometer, uses a solar cell array as the power source and has a GPS location system. The bi-directional telemetry system for data transfer and the remote control system were IRIDIUM basedINGV, PNRA, ASI, ARR, CNR, La SapienzaPublishedBeijing, China1.10. TTC - Telerilevamentoope

    Comparison of measurements from different radio-echo sounding systems and synchronization with the ice core at Dome C, Antarctica

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    We present a compilation of radio-echo sounding (RES) measurements of five radar systems (AWI, BAS, CReSIS, INGV and UTIG) around the EPICA Dome C (EDC) drill site, East Antarctica. The aim of our study is to investigate the differences of the various systems in their resolution of internal reflection horizons (IRHs) and bedrock topography, penetration depth, and quality of imaging the basal layer. We address the questions of the compatibility of existing radar data for common interpretation, and the suitability of the individual systems for Oldest Ice reconnaissance surveys. We find that the most distinct IRHs and IRH patterns can be identified and transferred between most data sets. Considerable differences between the RES systems exist in range resolution and depiction of the basal layer. Considering both aspects, which we judge as crucial factors in the search for old ice, the CReSIS and the UTIG systems are the most valuable ones. In addition to the RES data set comparison we calculate a synthetic radar trace from EDC density and conductivity profiles. We identify ten common IRHs in the measured RES data and the synthetic trace. The reflection-causing conductivity sections are determined by sensitivity studies with the synthetic trace. In this way, we accomplish an accurate two-way travel time to depth conversion for the reflectors, without having to use a precise velocity-depth function that would accumulate depth uncertainties with increasing depth. The identified IRHs are assigned with the AICC2012 time scale age. Due to the isochronous character of these conductivity-caused IRHs, they are a means to extend the Dome C age structure by tracing the IRHs along the RES profiles

    Integrated Molecular Characterization of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) Harboring the Rare D842V Mutation in PDGFRA Gene.

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) carrying the D842V activating mutation in the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRA) gene are a very rare subgroup of GIST (about 10%) known to be resistant to conventional tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and to show an indolent behavior. In this study, we performed an integrated molecular characterization of D842V mutant GIST by whole-transcriptome and whole-exome sequencing coupled with protein-ligand interaction modelling to identify the molecular signature and any additional recurrent genomic event related to their clinical course. We found a very specific gene expression profile of D842V mutant tumors showing the activation of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling and a relative downregulation of cell cycle processes. Beyond D842V, no recurrently mutated genes were found in our cohort. Nevertheless, many private, clinically relevant alterations were found in each tumor (TP53, IDH1, FBXW7, SDH-complex). Molecular modeling of PDGFRA D842V suggests that the mutant protein binds imatinib with lower affinity with respect to wild-type structure, showing higher stability during the interaction with other type I TKIs (like crenolanib). D842V mutant GIST do not show any actionable recurrent molecular events of therapeutic significance, therefore this study supports the rationale of novel TKIs development that are currently being evaluated in clinical studies for the treatment of D842V mutant GIST
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