505 research outputs found

    'Word from the street' : when non-electoral representative claims meet electoral representation in the United Kingdom

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    Taking the specific case of street protests in the UK – the ‘word from the street’– this article examines recent (re)conceptualizations of political representation, most particularly Saward’s notion of ‘representative claim’. The specific example of nonelectoral claims articulated by protestors and demonstrators in the UK is used to illustrate: the processes of making, constituting, evaluating and accepting claims for and by constituencies and audiences; and the continuing distinctiveness of claims based upon electoral representation. Two basic questions structure the analysis: first, why would the political representative claims of elected representatives trump the nonelectoral claims of mass demonstrators and, second, in what ways does the ‘perceived legitimacy’ of the former differ from the latter

    Cryopreservation of hazelnut (Corylus avellana l.) axillary buds from in vitro shoots using the droplet vitrification method

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    Cryopreservation by droplet vitrification was applied to hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). axillary buds of the Italian cultivated variety Tonda Gentile Romana, which were collected from in vitro growing shoots, immersed in ice cooled PVS2 or PVS3 for 60 or 90 min, then transferred to a droplet of vitrification solution, placed on a strip of aluminium foil, and plunged into liquid nitrogen (LN). Additionally, the effect on the recovery of the mother plant after cryopreservation was evaluated, following a cold pre-treatment at 4◦C for 3 months. The highest regrowth percentage (56.7%) was obtained after applying PVS3 for 60 min, while the application of PVS2 for the same amount of time reduced regrowth to 41.5%. Increasing the exposure to vitrification solutions to 90 min reduced regrowth to 43.3% when PVS3 was applied, and 35.6% if PVS2 was used. The cold pre-treatment on the mother plant did not significantly improve overall regrowth. The cryopreservation process did not decline the rooting ability of the recovered shoot


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman, penerimaan, dan sikap orang tua terhadap hambatan yang dihadapi anak. Hal ini berdampak pada kemampuan keluarga dalam memberikan layanan intervensi dini di rumah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan program intervensi dini bersumber daya keluarga yang akan menjadi pedoman orang tua dalam melaksanakan intervensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah satu keluarga yang memiliki anak Cerebral Palsy dengan hambatan komunikasi di Ciamis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) anak memiliki hambatan komunikasi yang pencapaian perkembangan komunikasi verbalnya setara dengan anak usia 2-3 tahun dan usia kalender saat ini 5 tahun. 2) rendahnya tingkat pemahaman orangtua terhadap hambatan anak. 3). Rumusan program intervensi dini bersumber daya keluarga ini berdasarkan kondisi objektif serta kebutuhan keluarga dan anak. 4). tingkat pemahaman orang tua mengenai hambatan anak meningkat serta terjadi perubahan sikap dan perilaku orang tua kepada anak;--- The study was motivated by the lack of understanding, acceptance as well as the attitude of the parents toward their child’s obstacles. It somehow has an impact on family’s capacity to give early intervention support at home. This study was aimed at formulating an early intervention program to the child. The study used descriptive qualitative method involving a single family having a child suffering from Cerebral Palsy causing communication barrier at Ciamis. The techniques used in collecting the data were observations, interviews, and document analysis. The study revealed several findings as follows: 1) the child had communication barrier which made her communication verbal developmental stage was equal to 2-3 years old children. 2) The lack of understanding, acceptance and attitude of the parents toward their child’s communication barrier as well as the support in delivering early intervention at home. 3) The early intervention family-based program’s formulation was based on the objective condition as well as the needs’ of both the child and the parents. 4) The level understanding parents of the barriers to child increase and a change in attitudes and behavior of parents to child

    What proportion of patients with chronic heart failure are eligible for sacubitril-valsartan?

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    AIMS: The PARADIGM-HF trial showed that sacubitril-valsartan, an ARB-neprilysin inhibitor, is more effective than enalapril for some patients with heart failure (HF). It is uncertain what proportion of patients with HF would be eligible for sacubitril-valsartan in clinical practice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Between 2001 and 2014, 6131 patients consecutively referred to a community HF clinic with suspected HF were assessed. The criteria required to enter the randomized phase of PARADIGM-HF, including symptoms, NT-proBNP, and current treatment with or without target doses of ACE inhibitors or ARBs, were applied to identify the proportion of patients eligible for sacubitril-valsartan. Recognizing the diversity of clinical opinion and guideline recommendations concerning this issue, entry criteria were applied singly and in combination. Of 1396 patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (≤40%, HFrEF) and contemporary measurement of NT-proBNP, 379 were on target doses of an ACE inhibitor or ARB at their initial visit and, of these, 172 (45%) fulfilled the key entry criteria for the PARADIGM-HF trial. Lack of symptoms (32%) and NT-proBNP <600 ng/L (49%) were common reasons for failure to fulfil criteria. A further 122 patients became eligible during follow-up (n = 294, 21%). However, if background medication and doses were ignored, then 701 (50%) were eligible initially and a further 137 became eligible during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Of patients with HFrEF referred to a clinic such as ours, only 21% fulfilled the PARADIGM-HF randomization criteria, on which the ESC Guidelines are based; this proportion rises to 60% if background medication is ignored

    Machine-Learning Based Microwave Sensing: A Case Study for the Food Industry

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    Despite the meticulous attention of food industries to prevent hazards in packaged goods, some contaminants may still elude the controls. Indeed, standard methods, like X-rays, metal detectors and near-infrared imaging, cannot detect lowdensity materials. Microwave sensing is an alternative method that, combined with machine learning classifiers, can tackle these deficiencies. In this paper we present a design methodology applied to a case study in the food sector. Specifically, we offer a complete flow from microwave dataset acquisition to deployment of the classifiers on real-time hardware and we show the effectiveness of this method in terms of detection accuracy. In the case study, we apply the machine-learning based microwave sensing approach to the case of food jars flowing at high speed on a conveyor belt. First, we collected a dataset from hazelnutcocoa spread jars which were uncontaminated or contaminated with various intrusions, including low-density plastics. Then, we performed a design space exploration to choose the best MLPs as binary classifiers, which resulted to be exceptionally accurate. Finally, we selected the two most light-weight models for implementation on both an ARM-based CPU and an FPGA SoC, to cover a wide range of possible latency requirements, from loose to strict, to detect contaminants in real-time. The proposed design flow facilitates the design of the FPGA accelerator that might be required to meet the timing requirements by using a high-level approach, which might be suited for the microwave domain experts without specific digital hardware skills

    Acute stroke-like deficits associated with nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state: an illustrative case and systematic review of literature

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    INTRODUCTION: Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (NKHHS) is associated with a wide spectrum of neurological syndromes including acute stroke-like deficits. Clinical features and etiology have not been established yet. METHODS: Here we provide a case illustration and systematic review on non-epileptic acute neurological deficits in NKHSS. The systematic literature search followed PRISMA guidelines and a predefined protocol, including cases of NKHSS with acute stroke-like presentation. RESULTS: The database search yielded 18 cases. Hemianopia was the most common clinical presentation (73%), followed by partial or total anterior circulation syndrome (26%). Patients with symptoms of acute anterior circulation infarct were significantly older (69.5 ± 5.1 vs. 52.2 ± 13.9 years; p = 0.03) and showed higher mean glucose levels at the admission vs. those with hemianopia (674.8 ± 197.2 vs. 529.4 ± 190.8 mg/dL; p = 0.16). Brain MRI was performed in 89% of patients, resulting abnormal in 71% of them, especially hemianopic (91%). Subcortical hypointensities in T2-FLAIR MR sequences were present in all the analyzed cases. Cortical DWI hyperintensities were also common (64%). EEG showed diffuse or focal slow wave activity in 68% of patients, especially with visual hallucinations (85%). Neurological symptoms completely resolved in 78% of patients within 6 (IQR 3-10) days, following aggressive treatment and glucose normalization. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest neuronal dysfunction on a metabolic basis as the leading cause of acute neurological deficits in NKHHS. Despite the generally favorable prognosis, prompt identification and aggressive treatment are crucial to avoid irreversible damage. Larger cohort studies are needed to confirm our findings

    Genetically designed L3 photonic crystal nanocavities with measured quality factor exceeding one million

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    We report on the experimental realization of ultra-high quality factor (Q) designs of the L3-type photonic crystal nanocavity. Based on genetic optimization of the positions of few nearby holes, our design drastically improves the performance of the conventional L3 as experimentally confirmed by direct measurement of Q similar or equal to 2 x 10(6) in a silicon-based photonic crystal membrane. Our devices rank among the highest Q/V ratios ever reported in photonic crystal cavities, holding great promise for the realization of integrated photonic platforms based on ultra-high-Q resonators. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC