181 research outputs found

    Effect of agro-climatic conditions on near infrared spectra of extra virgin olive oils

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    Authentication of extra virgin olive oil requires fast and cost-effective analytical procedures, such as near infrared spectroscopy. Multivariate analysis and chemometrics have been successfully applied in several papers to gather qualitative and quantitative information of extra virgin olive oils from near infrared spectra. Moreover, there are many examples in the literature analysing the effect of agro-climatic conditions on food content, in general, and in olive oil components, in particular. But the majority of these studies considered a factor, a non-numerical variable, containing this meteorological information. The present work uses all the agro-climatic data with the aim of highlighting the linear relationships between them and the near infrared spectra. The study begins with a graphical motivation, continues with a bivariate analysis and, finally, applies redundancy analysis to extend and confirm the previous conclusions.Peer Reviewe

    Personality Prototypes in People with Type 1 Diabetes and Their Relationship with Adherence

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    Type 1 diabetes (Dm1) is a chronic endocrine and metabolic disease that affects the whole person and requires active, decisive treatment. However, personality traits may influence a patient’s adherence to treatment guidelines. The objective of this work is firstly to identify the 3 Asendorpf personality prototypes (resilient, undercontrolled and overcontrolled) in a sample of Dm1 individuals and determine whether there are any differences in comparison with a control sample; and, secondly, to study their association with adherence to self-care guidelines using both physiological indicators (HbA1C) and self-report measures. To achieve these objectives, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample comprised 294 participants, of whom 104 were people with Dm1 and 190 were controls. The participants, aged between 14 and 34 years, were classified by their scores in NEO-FFI-R, according to the personality characteristics inherent to Asendorpf’s prototypes. Asendorpf’s 3 prototypical personality patterns were found both in the group of people with Dm1 and in the control sample. These patterns showed different degrees of association with adherence to self-care guidelines for this disease and with psychological health factors. Importance should therefore be attached to the personality traits and Asendorpf prototypes of people with Dm1 when proposing interventions to address medical, psychological, and behavioral aspects

    New approaches in the chemometric analysis of infrared spectra of extra-virgin olive oils

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    The aim of this paper is to apply new chemometric approaches to obtain quantitative information from near and mid infrared spectra of Andalusian extra-virgin olive oils, using gas chromatography as a classical reference analytical technique. Estimations of the content in saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are given using partial least squares regression from the near and mid infrared data matrices as well as their concatenated matrix. The different estimations are evaluated in terms of goodness of fit (calibration) and prediction (validation), as a function of the number of partial least squares factors in the regression model and the used matrix of data. Furthermore, the nature, systematic or random, of the prediction errors is studied by a decomposition of their mean squared error. Finally, procedures of cross-validation are implemented in order to generalize the previous results

    Guia per a l’elaboració de projectes en un centre educatiu. Exemples d´indicadors d’avaluació

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    Els centres educatius, en el marc de l’autonomia de centre, disposen d’unes eines organitzatives i de gestió que han de permetre posar en pràctica el Projecte Educatiu del Centre (PEC) per tal de contribuir als objectius marcats en el sistema educatiu català, que són l’èxit escolar i l’excel·lència educativa en un marc d’escola inclusiva. Per desenvolupar les línies del PEC, els centres dissenyen diferents projectes concebuts com un conjunt d’activitats, planificades com un procés, interrelacionades i coordinades entre si que es porten a terme per satisfer una necessitat o un problem

    Control de Sagina procumbens en viveros de arándano

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    Sagina procumbens es una mala hierba problemática en los viveros de arándano de la costa suroeste de España. Además de la falta de herbicidas autorizados, existe carencia de información sobre eficacia y selectividad de posibles candidatos para su inclusión en el registro. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer la eficacia y selectividad de una serie de herbicidas. Se han realizado ensayos de campo en tres ambientes y con tres momentos o formas de aplicación. El diseño experimental ha sido completamente al azar, con 3 ambientes x 3 momentos x 11 tratamientos x 6 repeticiones. Los resultados muestran unos buenos resultados de eficacia y selectividad de aclonifen, diflufenican y linurón. Los tratamientos con metribuzina, clopiralida y flazasulfurón causaron severos daños al cultivo. Oxifluorfen, pendimetalina y prosulfocarb tambien presentan riesgo de fitotoxicidad, y oxadiazon no mostró eficacia en el control de S. procumbens

    Most worrysome weeds in Spain

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    Se presentan los resultados de una encuesta realizada durante el periodo de junio a octubre de 2014, y en la que participaron 315 técnicos de campo de toda España. Los datos están disponibles en Internet y su análisis permite concluir que a) las malas hierbas preocupan tanto como las plagas y enfermedades; b) respecto a los métodos de control, el control químico con herbicidas es el más usado y el considerado más eficaz; se han detectado las malas hierbas más preocupantes en una serie de cultivos, incluyendo el motivo de la preocupación. En cultivos leñosos, destaca “Conyza” por su dificultad de control, en arroz destacan “Echinochloa” y “Cyperus”; en algodón y maíz preocupan “Abutilon”, “Chenopodium”, “Cyperus”, Echinochloa y Sorghum; en cultivos extensivos de secano, la preocupación no está tan concentrada en pocas especies, destacando malas hierbas gramíneas en trigo y cebada junto con Centaurea, que es considerada preocupante adicionalmente en el cultivo del girasol. Finalmente, se seleccionan arvenses de preocupación creciente, entre las que destacan “Abutilon”, “Centaurea”, “Chenopodium” y “Sorghum”.Since June to October 2014, 315 Spanish field advisors participated in a survey. Data is available on internet and results show that a) weeds are as worrying as other pests and diseases; b) chemical control is the most used weed control method and is considered to be the most efficient one; c) knowledge transfer in weed management is largely dependant on herbicide industry; d) most worrying weeds have been identified for several crops, as well as the reasons why they are considered worrysome. In permanent crops, “Conyza” is refered to be by far the worst weed, mainly because it is difficult to control; in rice, the worst weeds are “Echinochloa” and “Cyperus”; in corn and cotton “Abutilon”, “Chenopodium”, “Cyperus”, “Echinochloa” and “Sorghum”; in annual dryland crops weed problems are less focused, being the most worrying weeds annual grasses in wheat and barley, besides “Centaurea”, which is also considered to be a problem in sunflower. Finally, there are weeds of increasing threat like “Abutilon”, “Centaurea”, “Chenopodium” and “Sorghum”

    Olive Leaves as Biotemplates for Enhanced Solar-Light Harvesting by a Titania-Based Solid

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    Olive leaves (by-product from olive oil production in olive mills) were used as biotemplates to synthesize a titania-based artificial olive leaf (AOL). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of AOL showed the successful replication of trichomes and internal structure channels present in olive leaves. The BET surface area of AOL was 52 m2·g−1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectra revealed that the resulting solid was in the predominantly-anatase crystalline form (7.5 nm average particle size). Moreover, the synthesis led to a red-shift in light absorption as compared to reference anatase (gap energies of 2.98 and 3.2 eV, respectively). The presence of surface defects (as evidenced by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, EPR) and doping elements (e.g., 1% nitrogen, observed by elemental analysis and XPS) could account for that. AOL was preliminarily tested as a catalyst for hydrogen production through glycerol photoreforming and exhibited an activity 64% higher than reference material Evonik P25 under solar irradiation and 144% greater under ultraviolet radiation, (under voltage) UV

    Aplastic anemia and severe pancytopenia during treatment with peg-interferon, ribavirin and telaprevir for chronic hepatitis C

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    Telaprevir and Boceprevir are the first direct acting antivirals approved for chronic hepatitis C in combination with peg-interferon alfa and ribavirin. Pancytopenia due to myelotoxicity caused by these drugs may occur, but severe hematological abnormalities or aplastic anemia (AA) have not been described. We collected all cases of severe pancytopenia observed during triple therapy with telaprevir in four Spanish centers since approval of the drug in 2011. Among 142 cirrhotic patients receiving treatment, 7 cases of severe pancytopenia (5%) were identified and three were consistent with the diagnosis of AA. Mean age was 59 years, five patients had compensated cirrhosis and two patients had severe hepatitis C recurrence after liver transplantation. Severe pancytopenia was diagnosed a median of 10 wk after the initiation of therapy. Three patients had pre-treatment hematological abnormalities related to splenomegaly. In six patients, antiviral treatment was interrupted at the onset of hematological abnormalities. Two patients died due to septic complications and one patient due to acute alveolar hemorrhage. The remaining patients recovered. Severe pancytopenia and especially AA, are not rare during triple therapy with telaprevir in patients with advanced liver disease. Close monitoring is imperative in this setting to promptly detect serious hematological disorders and to prevent further complications