37 research outputs found

    Paper Industry in Czech Environment

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    Tato práce popisuje papírenský průmysl a jeho historii se zaměřením na české prostředí od samého začátku tvorby papíru až do dneška. Také zobrazuje situaci dnešního trhu papíru, především v oblasti poptávky a nabídky a jejich dopadů na stav trhu. Druhá část práce také popisuje trendy v oblasti výroby papíru.The aim of this work is to describe paper industry and its history with a focus on Czech territory since the early beginnings of paper making until nowadays. It also shows the situation of today’s paper trade, especially what the demand and supply is like and what the effects on the trade are. The second part also describes the trends in papermaking.121 - Katedra ekonomické žurnalistikyvýborn

    Role of Grandparent and Grandparent-Fosterparent: Grandparent's Parenting Styles and Shared Activities with Grandchildren

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    Rigorózní práce se zabývá styly výchovy prarodičů a výchovnými specifiky prarodičů, kteří mají svěřená vnoučata do pěstounské péče. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis teoretických pojetí způsobu výchovy, roli prarodiče včetně jeho podílu na výchově dítěte v rodině, a specifika pěstounské péče prarodičů s důrazem na výchovu vnoučete. Pro výzkum v empirické části bylo zvoleno extenzivně intenzivní empirické šetření. Extenzivní výzkum má kvantitativní charakter a jeho cílem bylo zmapování výchovných stylů prarodičů, sdílených aktivit prarodičů a dospívajících vnoučat včetně vzájemného vztahu mezi těmito proměnnými. Data v intenzivním výzkumu byla získána kombinací kvalitativních a kvantitativních výzkumných metod s cílem popsat výchovné a rodičovské zkušenosti prarodičů, kteří mají v pěstounské péči dospívající vnouče/vnoučata. Výstupem intenzivního výzkumu je popis výchovných specifik pěstounské péče zabezpečované prarodiči a výchovy vnoučat z pohledu prarodičů-pěstounů. Závěrečná část práce v rámci diskuze shrnuje výsledky výzkumu, včetně limitů a uplatnění získaných poznatků v praxi. Klíčová slova: způsob výchovy, prarodiče, prarodiče vychovávající vnoučata, pěstounská péče prarodičů, společné aktivityThe rigorous thesis deals with the parenting styles of grandparents and the parenting characteristics of the grandparents, who have grandchildren in foster care. The theoretical part focuses on the description of the theoretical concepts of the way of parenting, the role of the grandparent, including his part in the child's development in the family, and the specifics of the grandparent's foster care with emphasis on the raising grandchild. For the research in the empirical part was chosen intensively intensive empirical survey. Extensive research has a quantitative character and its goal was to map the grandparents' parenting styles and the shared activities of grandparents and teenage grandchildren including the relationship between these variables. Data in intensive research was obtained by a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods with goal to describe the educational and parenting experiences of grandparents who has their teenage grandchild/grandchildren. The output of intensive research is a description of the parenting specifics of foster care provided by grandparents and development of grandchildren from the grandparent-fosterparent point of view. The final part of the thesis summarizes the results of the research, including the limits and application of the acquired...Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Parenting styles of grandparents

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    The diploma thesis deals with the parenting styles of grandparents and the parenting characteristics of the grandparents, who have grandchildren in foster care. The theoretical part focuses on the description of the theoretical concepts of the way of parenting, the role of the grandparent, including his part in the child's development in the family, and the specifics of the grandparent's foster care with emphasis on the raising grandchild. For the research in the empirical part was chosen intensively intensive empirical survey. Extensive research has a quantitative character and its aim was to map the grandparents' parenting styles and the shared activities of grandparents and teenage grandchildren. Data in intensive research was obtained by a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods with goal to describe the educational and parenting experiences of grandparents who has their teenage grandchild/grandchildren. The output of intensive research is a description of the circumstances of foster care, the parenting specifics of foster care provided by grandparents and development of grandchildren from the grandparent-fosterparent point of view. The final part of the thesis summarizes the results of the research, including the limits and application of the acquired knowledge in...Diplomová práce se zabývá styly výchovy prarodičů a výchovnými specifiky prarodičů, kteří mají svěřená vnoučata do pěstounské péče. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis teoretických pojetí způsobu výchovy, roli prarodiče včetně jeho podílu na výchově dítěte v rodině, a specifika pěstounské péče prarodičů s důrazem na výchovu vnoučete. Pro výzkum v empirické části bylo zvoleno extenzivně intenzivní empirické šetření. Extenzivní výzkum má kvantitativní charakter a jeho cílem bylo zmapování výchovných stylů prarodičů a sdílených aktivit prarodičů a dospívajících vnoučat. Data v intenzivním výzkumu byla získána kombinací kvalitativních a kvantitativních výzkumných metod s cílem popsat výchovné a rodičovské zkušenosti prarodičů, kteří mají v pěstounské péči dospívající vnouče/vnoučata. Výstupem intenzivního výzkumu je popis okolností pěstounské péče o vnouče, výchovných specifik pěstounské péče zabezpečované prarodiči a výchovy vnoučat z pohledu prarodičů-pěstounů. Závěrečná část práce v rámci diskuze shrnuje výsledky výzkumu, včetně limitů a uplatnění získaných poznatků v praxi. Klíčová slova: způsob výchovy, prarodiče, prarodiče vychovávající vnoučata, pěstounská péče prarodičů, společné aktivityKatedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Customer Typology on the Book Market

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na typologii zákazníků na knižním trhu. Jejím cílem je pochopit spotřebitelské chování na trhu knih a vytvořit následnou typologii. Sběr dat proběhl pomocí elektronického dotazníku a základním souborem zde byli všichni obyvatelé České republiky nad 15 let, kteří za poslední rok přečetli alespoň jednu knihu. Po vyhodnocení dat byla provedena faktorová a shluková analýza, na jejímž základě vznikly čtyři nové segmenty – Neutrální čtenáři, Vášniví sběratelé, Konzervativní knihomolové a Pragmatičtí minimalisti. V kapitole Návrhy a doporučení byly následně specifikované charakteristiky jednotlivých shluků a stanoveny návrhy, jak k těmto typům zákazníkům přistupovat.This diploma thesis is focused on customer typology on the book market. The aim of this thesis is to understand consumer behaviour on the book market and to create customer typology. The Data were collected through online questionnaire and the population was set as the inhabitants of the Czech Republic over 15 years old, who have bought at least one book within the last year. After the data evaluation the factor analysis and cluster analysis were conducted. As a result of the analysis four new segments were created – The Neutral Readers, The Passionate Collectors, Conservative Bookworm, and Pragmatic Minimalists. In the chapter dedicated to suggestions and reccomendations the new segments were specified and also new suggestions about how to target these groups of customers were written.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř

    Centralised or decentralised public financing of clusters

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    The public funds have become a major source of finance for clusters in the last decade, also in European countries. The source of financing clusters and innovation performance of the countries is directly connected to subjects of the national/regional cluster policy, i.e. to its centralisation. The paper examines the relationship between European country attitude towards financial support provided for cluster and country innovative performance in a sample of 125 clusters from 25 European countries. The own empirical investigation is based on primary research using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney tests with Bonferroni. The investigation is focused on facts whether statistically significant differences in the amount of subsidies from national, regional, local and “European” levels between clusters in European countries influence their level of innovation performance. The finding shows that there are no statistically significant differences in the exploitation of resources from the Structural Funds and community programmes of the EU in the examined clusters in the countries with different levels of innovation performance. However, the clusters in the countries with higher levels of innovation performance receive funds in the form of central government and regional self-government subsidies more frequently than the clusters in the countries with lower levels of innovation performance

    Modelling social inclusion, self-esteem, loneliness, psychological distress, and psychological resilience of refugees : does hospitableness matter?

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    Despite a growing stream of research addressing hospitableness in destinations and hospitality settings, very little is known about the role of hospitableness in fostering favorable social outcomes for vulnerable individuals such as refugees. This omission is intriguing given the heated debate on how local communities in refugee hosting countries can contribute to tackling the refugee crisis. Drawing on data collected from Ukrainian refugees hosted by locals in Slovakia, this study proposes and tests a conceptual model linking hospitableness, social inclusion, self-esteem, loneliness, psychological distress, psychological resilience, and subjective well-being. Using SEM-PLS, the findings confirm that hospitableness can positively enhance social inclusion while mitigating loneliness. Contrary to our predication, however, our results fail to confirm the positive effect of hospitableness on subjective well-being both directly and indirectly mediated by self-esteem and social inclusion. Psychological resilience significantly moderates the relationship between hospitableness and social inclusion. The study makes significant theoretical contributions to the corpus of literature on the social outcomes of hospitableness and provides timely implications for policy makers to utilise “refugee hosting by locals” schemes and “private sponsorship of refugees” programmes as a viable solution to enhance refugees’ social inclusion and foster their overall well-being

    Stepping Out of the Shadows: Legacy of the European Capitals of Culture, Guimarães 2012 and Košice 2013

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    The following materials are available online at http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/ 11/5/1469/s1: Interview Guidelines for Guimarães and Košice.The European Capitals of Culture (ECOC) is the most ambitious cultural, collaborative programme in Europe. Up until 2000, ECOC projects were hosted by several national capitals and principal cultural cities in Europe. In the second phase, the programme also began to discover second-tier and less well-known cities hidden in the shadow of the cultural capitals. This paper focuses on assessing different ECOC strategies (traditional versus radical) and the corresponding legacies of two medium-sized cities: Guimarães (ECOC in 2012, Portugal) and Košice (ECOC in 2013, Slovakia). Cultural heritage is identified by the capacity of culture to change development trajectory and to boost the economy of cities. The strategies and legacies of Guimarães and Košice have revealed themselves to be comparatively different, especially due to their differences with respect to UNESCO cultural heritage. While Guimarães partially succeeded in enhancing its position as a tourist attraction and the visibility of its historical cultural heritage, the industrial city of Košice is an example of more radical and dynamic culture-led form of development, overcoming the provincialism of the city. Most importantly, and due to the strengthening pride of the locals, both ECOC cities have stepped out of the shadow of stronger cultural capitals in their countries. This joint research offers the possibility of a first-hand comparison of traditional and radical approaches and an in-depth interpretation of their legacies after a period of five years, explaining the mechanisms of forming different legacies in two types of ECOC cities. The results can help future ECOC cities to set their strategies in relation to their desired cultural and economic development.This research was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) under the contract No. APVV-14-0512.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Identification of Technology Platforms and Innovation Areas with High Regional Impact

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    The paper is focused on the process of identification of the technological platforms and innovation areas with high regional impact. The aim is to discover future fields of technological innovation which are having a high qualitative and quantitative demand of high potentials. The research has been undertaken within project Innovative Development of European Areas by fostering transnational Knowledge Development – IDEA/ 2CE1175P1 funded by Central Europe Programme. The aim of IDEA project is the development of an adequate strategy which enables the small and medium sized enterprises in the regions of Central Europe to face the increasing demand of high potentials with tested methods and instruments. The target group of IDEA project are so called “high potentials” in the engineering and scientific sector where future-oriented technologies are one of the main sources of innovation

    Model vnitropodnikového řízení malé a střední firmy

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (152) podnikohospodářsk