321 research outputs found

    Heat Roadmap Europe:Heat distribution costs

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    Alternativa skötselmetoder för ängs- och betesmarker och användning av skördat växtmaterial

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    Ängs- och betesmarker utgör unika livsmiljöer och är mycket värdefulla för den biologiska mångfalden. I dagsläget är utmaningarna stora i Sverige för att kunna hävda ängs- och betesmarkerna med hög kvalitet, till stor del beroende på det minskande antalet betesdjur och minskat behov av fodermarker. Denna rapport sammanställer aktuell kunskap kring möjliga nya skötselmetoder för våra ängs- och betesmarker samt hur skördat material kan användas som en resurs i samhället. Sammanställningen bygger på vetenskaplig och populärvetenskaplig litteratur, författarnas erfarenheter inom området, samt information om pågående teknikutveckling och praktisk tillämpning. Utmaningarna för att utveckla hävden av ängs- och betesmarker består i huvudsak i att hitta rationella system, dels för hantering av betesdjur och dels för effektiv insamling och användning av biomassa. Vi har identifierat följande skötselmetoder och användningsområden som särskilt intressanta för vidare analyser: 1. Flexibel hävd genom till exempel extensivt bete, varierad hävd genom olika skötselmetoder olika år (hävdföljd), kombination av olika metoder genom till exempel maskinell skörd och bränning eller slåtter i kombination med bete. 2. Maskinanpassad hävd av skogsbeten och lövängar – kombinationen av ängsväxter och träd för såväl biologisk mångfald som kolinlagring och produktion av biomassa (både gräs och träd). 3. Småskalig och situationsanpassad teknik – slåtter och borttransport av biomassa från små och hinderrika fält genom en kombination av motormanuella och rationella lösningar. Detta kräver viss metodutveckling och logistik lämpad för avslagning, uppsamling och transport. 4. Samordning och utveckling av avsättning för biomassan för bioenergiändamål. Användning av ängsbiomassa som biogassubstrat har särskilt stor miljönytta och möjliggör effektivt resursutnyttjande genom att man både utvinner energi och en växtnäringsrik rötrest (biogödsel) samtidigt som markerna hävdas. Flera nya studier visar på små eller inga skillnader när slåtter genomförs med skärande eller klippande redskap (lie och knivslåtterbalk) jämfört med roterande redskap (rotorslåttermaskiner med vassa knivar eller röjsnöre). Denna kunskap öppnar upp för maskinell skötsel av slåtterängar som annars hotas av utebliven hävd

    HHV-8 seroprevalence: a global view

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    BACKGROUND: Human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8) is the underlying infectious cause of Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and other proliferative diseases; that is, primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric Castleman disease. In regions with high HHV-8 seroprevalence in the general population, KS accounts for a major burden of disease. Outside these endemic regions, HHV-8 prevalence is high in men who have sex with men (MSM) and in migrants from endemic regions. We aim to conduct a systematic literature review and meta-analysis in order 1) to define the global distribution of HHV-8 seroprevalence (primary objective) and 2) to identify risk factors for HHV-8 infection, with a focus on HIV status (secondary objective).METHODS/DESIGN:We will include observational studies reporting data on seroprevalence of HHV-8 in children and/or adults from any region in the world. Case reports and case series as well as any studies with fewer than 50 participants will be excluded. We will search MEDLINE, EMBASE, and relevant conference proceedings without language restriction. Two reviewers will independently screen the identified studies and extract data on study characteristics and quality, study population, risk factors, and reported outcomes, using a standardized form. For the primary objective we will pool the data using a fully bayesian approach for meta-analysis, with random effects at the study level. For the secondary objective (association of HIV and HHV-8) we aim to pool odds ratios for the association of HIV and HHV-8 using a fully bayesian approach for meta-analysis, with random effects at the study level. Sub-group analyses and meta-regression analyses will be used to explore sources of heterogeneity, including factors such as geographical region, calendar years of recruitment, age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, different risk groups for sexually and parenterally transmitted infections (MSM, sex workers, hemophiliacs, intravenous drug users), comorbidities such as organ transplantation and malaria, test(s) used to measure HHV-8 infection, study design, and study quality.DISCUSSION:Using the proposed systematic review and meta-analysis, we aim to better define the global seroprevalence of HHV-8 and its associated risk factors. This will improve the current understanding of HHV-8 epidemiology, and could suggest measures to prevent HHV-8 infection and to reduce its associated cancer burden

    Outcome of a psychosocial health promotion intervention aimed at improving physical health and reducing alcohol use in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders (MINT)

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    Background: Life expectancy is reduced by 19 years in men and 17 in women with psychosis in Sweden, largely due to cardiovascular disease. Aim: Assess whether a psychosocial health promotion intervention improves cardiometabolic risk factors, quality of life, and severity of illness in patients with psychotic disorders more than treatment as usual. Methods: A pragmatic intervention trial testing a manual-based multi-component health promotion intervention targeting patients with psychosis. The Swedish intervention was adapted from IMPaCT therapy, a health-promotion program based on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy, designed to be incorporated into routine care. The intervention group consisted of 119 patients and a control group of 570 patients from specialized psychosis departments. Outcome variables were assessed 6 months before intervention during the run-in period, again at the start of intervention, and 12 months after the intervention began. The control group received treatment as usual. Results: The intervention had no significant effect on any of the outcome variables. However, BMI, waist circumference, systolic BP, heart rate, HbA1c, general health, and Clinical Global Impressions Scale score improved significantly during the run-in period before the start of the active intervention (observer effect). The multi-component design meant that treatment effects could only be calculated for the intervention as a whole. Conclusion: The results of the intervention are similar to those of the U.K. IMPaCT study, in which the modular health-promotion intervention had little effect on cardiovascular risk indicators. However, in the current study, the run-in period had a positive effect on cardiometabolic risk factors

    The Aquaporin Splice Variant NbXIP1;1α Is Permeable to Boric Acid and Is Phosphorylated in the N-terminal Domain

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane channel proteins that transport water and uncharged solutes across different membranes in organisms in all kingdoms of life. In plants, the AQPs can be divided into seven different subfamilies and five of these are present in higher plants. The most recently characterized of these subfamilies is the XIP subfamily, which is found in most dicots but not in monocots. In this article, we present data on two different splice variants (α and β) of NbXIP1;1 from Nicotiana benthamiana. We describe the heterologous expression of NbXIP1;1α and β in the yeast Pichia pastoris, the subcellular localization of the protein in this system and the purification of the NbXIP1;1α protein. Furthermore, we investigated the functionality and the substrate specificity of the protein by stopped-flow spectrometry in P. pastoris spheroplasts and with the protein reconstituted in proteoliposomes. The phosphorylation status of the protein and localization of the phosphorylated amino acids were verified by mass spectrometry. Our results show that NbXIP1;1α is located in the plasma membrane when expressed in P. pastoris, that it is not permeable to water but to boric acid and that the protein is phosphorylated at several amino acids in the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the protein. A growth assay showed that the yeast cells expressing the N-terminally His-tagged NbXIP1;1α were more sensitive to boric acid as compared to the cells expressing the C-terminally His-tagged isoform. This might suggest that the N-terminal His-tag functionally mimics the phosphorylation of the N-terminal domain and that the N-terminal domain is involved in gating of the channel

    High temperatures and low soil moisture synergistically reduce switchgrass yields from marginal field sites and inhibit fermentation

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    ‘Marginal lands’ are low productivity sites abandoned from agriculture for reasons such as low or high soil water content, challenging topography, or nutrient deficiency. To avoid competition with crop production, cellulosic bioenergy crops have been proposed for cultivation on marginal lands, however on these sites they may be more strongly affected by environmental stresses such as low soil water content. In this study we used rainout shelters to induce low soil moisture on marginal lands and determine the effect of soil water stress on switchgrass growth and the subsequent production of bioethanol. Five marginal land sites that span a latitudinal gradient in Michigan and Wisconsin were planted to switchgrass in 2013 and during the 2018–2021 growing seasons were exposed to reduced precipitation under rainout shelters in comparison to ambient precipitation. The effect of reduced precipitation was related to the environmental conditions at each site and biofuel production metrics (switchgrass biomass yields and composition and ethanol production). During the first year (2018), the rainout shelters were designed with 60% rain exclusion, which did not affect biomass yields compared to ambient conditions at any of the field sites, but decreased switchgrass fermentability at the Wisconsin Central–Hancock site. In subsequent years, the shelters were redesigned to fully exclude rainfall, which led to reduced biomass yields and inhibited fermentation for three sites. When switchgrass was grown in soils with large reductions in moisture and increases in temperature, the potential for biofuel production was significantly reduced, exposing some of the challenges associated with producing biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass grown under drought conditions