120 research outputs found

    Comparison of hybrid and native iOS mobile application development technologies

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    Mobile applications dedicated to iOS can be developed natively or hybrid. The subject of this paper is to compare these technologies on the example of a created mobile application. The performance of both technologies, the structure of projects, as well as resource consumption on the example of four smartphones operating under iOS, has been examined. Considering the performance analysis, the compilation time of the application, reading and writing data from the cloud database, as well as the time of sorting the read data was examined. On the test devices, it was checked how intense is the use of the system. The obtained results confirm that producing a mobile application in native technology is more perfor- mance efficient

    Ascending speleogenesis of Sokola Hill : a step towards a speleogenetic model of the Polish Jura

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    The paper deals with the origin of caves in Sokola Hill (Polish Jura). The caves abound ill solution cavities hi the walls and ceilings, many of them arranged hierarchically, some others arranged in rising sets. Blind chimneys and ceiling half-tubes are also present. These features collectively indicate that the caves originated under plireatic conditions by an ascending flow of water, probably of elevated temperature. Plireatic calcite spar, crystallized from water of elevated temperature, lines the cave walls. During the formation of die caves the Jurassic limestone aquifer was confined by impermeable cover. Three possible scenarios for the origin of the caves are suggested. The first scenario points to formation of the caves during the Palaeogene prior to the removal of the confining Cretaceous marls. The second connects the origin of the caves with regional palaeoflow driven by tectonic loading by Carpathian nappes to the south, while die diird refers to local topographically driven palaeoflow. Bodi die second and diird scenarios assume diat die Polish Jura had a cover of Miocene impermeable elastics. All die scenarios account for die origin of die caves in Sokola Hill and explain die common occurrence of ascending caves throughout die Polish Jura. hi die subsequent stages of evolution die caves were partly filled widi various deposits. Conglomerates composed of Jurassic limestone clasts, quartz sands and sandstones are preserved as erosional remnants, locally covered by or interfmgered widi calcite flowstones. The clastic deposits were laid down by surface streams diat invaded die caves earlier dian 1.2 Ma. The caves were not invaded by water from Pleistocene glaciers, which is proved by die assemblage of heavy minerals in die cave elastics

    Experimental research of concrete corbels strengthened by post-installed reinforcement and steel accessories

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    Badania wykonano ze środków statutowych Katedry Budownictwa BetonowegoTłumaczenie / Translation: Krawczyk, ŁukaszSkład tekstu / DTP: Filipczak, JacekWyniki badań prezentowanych w tym Zeszycie były podstawą dysertacji doktorskiej: Wzmacnianie krótkich wsporników żelbetowych zbrojeniem wklejanym; Krawczyk, ŁukaszThe results of the research presented in this Bulletin were the basis of the doctoral dissertation: Strengthening of short corbels with embedded through-section reinforcement; author: Krawczyk, ŁukaszPrzedmiotem zeszytu jest problematyka wzmacniania istniejących krótkich wsporników żelbetowych. Postawiono tezę, że można skutecznie zwiększyć nośność wsporników za pomocą, wklejanego zbrojenia stalowego. Zasadniczą część pracy stanowi opis własnych badań eksperymentalnych. Dotyczyły one dwóch kategorii wsporników: z umiarkowaną smukłością ścinania (ac/d = 0;5÷0;6) i bardzo krępych (ac/d ≈ 0,3). Nim rozpoczęto proces wzmacniania, na każdy ze wsporników działała siła odpowiadająca około połowie obciążenia niszczącego, które ustalano na modelach referencyjnych. Wszystkie elementy były wzmacniane pod działającym obciążeniem. Jako dodatkowe zbrojenie stosowano pręty gwintowane M16 klasy 8.8. Część wsporników została zaopatrzona w stalowe akcesoria kotwione do betonu za po-mocą śrub wklejanych. W trakcie badań mierzono odkształcenia na zbrojeniu wsporników i powierzchni betonu oraz rejestrowano rysy i szerokość ich rozwarcia. W jednej z serii wykonywano pomiary za pomocą˛ systemu cyfrowej korelacji obrazu (Aramis). W sumie zbadano dziewiętnaście wsporników: sześć referencyjnych i trzynaście wzmocnionych. Uzyskano stopień wzmocnienia do 64% (przy zastosowaniu prętów wklejanych) i ponad 150% dla wzmocnienia akcesorium stalowym. W wyniku analiz obliczeniowych stwierdzono, że dla wsporników z umiarkowaną smukłością ścinania metody oparte na modelach kratownicowych bardzo dobrze korespondują z wynikami badań własnych, a zbrojenie wklejone można traktować, tak jak pręty zabetonowane. Odmienna sytuacja jest w przypadku wsporników bardzo krępych. Wykazano, że istniejące sposoby obliczeń prowadzą do wyników tym bardziej konserwatywnych im mniejszy jest mechaniczny stopień zbrojenia elementu. Ze względu na odmienny sposób niszczenia osobno analizowano zachowanie wspornika z akcesorium stalowym (C – III), gdzie o zniszczeniu zadecydowała nośność wklejenia akcesorium. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań i analiz stwierdzono, że wsporniki o umiarkowanej i dużej smukłości ścinania ac/d ≈ 0,5 i niskim stopniu zbrojenia można skutecznie wzmacniać zbrojeniem wklejanym. Taki sposób wzmacniania jest mniej skuteczny dla elementów bardzo krępych ac/d ≈ 0,3.The subject of the Bulletin is strengthening of existing reinforced concrete corbels and the proposed thesis is that it is possible to effectively increase the carrying capacity of the corbels with embedded through-section (ETS) rods. The main part of the dissertation is the author’s own experimental research. The study covers two categories of corbels: one with moderate shear slenderness (ac/d = 0;5÷0;6) and one with short span-to-depth ratios (ac/d ≈ 0,3). Prior to the start of the strengthening process, a force equivalent to about half of the ultimate load determined on the reference elements was applied to each corbel. All corbels were being strengthened under load. Threaded rods (M16, class 8.8) were used as additional reinforcement. Some of the corbels were equipped with a steel accessory anchored to the concrete with post-installed screws. During the tests deformations on the reinforcement and the concrete surface were measured and the cracks and their width were recorded. A digital image correlation system (Aramis) was used during one of the test series. On the whole, nineteen corbels were tested: six reference and thirteen strengthened ones. Increase of load capacity of up to 64% (using embedded through-section rods only) and over 150% for the steel accessory was observed. As a result of calculation analyses, it was found that the methods based on the strut-and-tie models correspond very well with the results of the author’s own tests for the moderate shear slenderness corbels and the post-installed reinforcement can be treated in the same way as the cast-in bars. The situation is different in the case of corbels with short span-to-depth ratios. It has been shown that the existing calculation methods lead to more conservative results if the mechanical reinforcement ratio of the element is smaller. Due to the different method of destruction the corbel with steel accessory (C – III) was analyzed separately. In that case the ultimate load was determined by the load capacity of anchors. As a result of the studies and analyses it was found that corbels with moderate and high shear slenderness ac/d ≈ 0,5 and low reinforcement ratio can be effectively strengthened by embedded through-section rods. Such reinforcement is less effective in corbels with short span-to-depth ratios ac/d ≈ 0,3

    Wpływ rodzaju zbrojenia poprzecznego o niepełnym zakotwieniu na nośność płyty żelbetowej przy przebiciu

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    The paper discusses the issue of load capacity of flat plates with transverse reinforcement situated between the longitudinal reinforcement. Using this types of reinforcement is much more convenient from the installation point of view, however, it does not guarantee complete embedment, as efficient as traditional stirrups that comprise longitudinal reinforcement in compression and the tension zone. The transverse rods do not comprise the main reinforcement, so their slide out of the concrete slabs or cracks parallel to the plane of the longitudinal reinforcement and delamination of the slab can occur. The different types of transverse reinforcement were presented: system consisting of  ready-made bolts, reinforcement baskets or ladders. Experimental results of plates with  these types of reinforcement are presented. The analysis of effectiveness of reinforcement anchorage indicates that transverse bolts can be used to increase the punching shear load capacity of the plates. The resulting capacity was only of about 20% lower than result elements with complete embedment Experimental results were similar to the theoretical capacity resulting from the consideration by Eurocode 2.W referacie omówiono sposoby zbrojenia płyt żelbetowych za pomocą wkładek stalowych umieszczanych pomiędzy siatkami prętów głównych. Takie rozwiązania zapewniają łatwość montażu, ale nie gwarantują skutecznego zakotwienia zbrojenia poprzecznego, które charakteryzuje strzemiona obejmujące zbrojenie podłużne strefy ściskanej i rozciąganej. Nieuzasadnione jest zatem w takich przypadkach stosowanie obliczeniowych procedur normowych. Przedstawiono kilka systemów zbrojenia poprzecznego w formie koszy bądź drabinek. Zaprezentowano dostępne w literaturze wyniki badań eksperymentalnych modeli zbrojonych za pomocą omawianych akcesoriów. Przeprowadzona analiza porównawcza efektywności zbrojenia o niepełnym zakotwieniu wykazała, iż można za jego pomocą znacząco podnieść nośność płyty na przebicie. Otrzymane wartości były jednak na ogół mniejsze od uzyskanych za pomocą procedury normowej – Eurokodu 2

    Load carrying capacity of high-strength reinforced concrete columns intersected by lower-strength reinforced concrete slabs

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    Publikacja pod patronatem Sekcji Konstrukcji Betonowych Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PANTłumaczenie / Translation: Burcan-Krawczyk, AgnieszkaTłumaczenie / Translation: Gołdyn, MichałSkład tekstu / Preparing of text: Filipczak, JacekWyniki badań prezentowanych w tym Zeszycie były podstawą dysertacji doktorskiej: Wpływ różnych betonów płyty stropowej i słupa na nośność monolitycznych połączeń płytowo-słupowych; Gołdyn, MichałThe results of the research presented in this workbook were the basis of the doctoral dissertation: The effect of different types of column and slab concrete on load carrying capacity of the monolithic column – slab connections; Gołdyn, MichałWzględy ekonomiczne jak również konstrukcyjne przemawiają za różnicowaniem wytrzymałości betonu słupów oraz płyt obiektów wielokondygnacyjnych. Powstaje jednak wówczas pytanie, na ile przewarstwienie betonem płyty może wpływać na zmniejszenie nośności słupa. Celem badań było przeanalizowanie czynników nierozważanych w dotychczasowych pracach, mogących determinować nośność słupów z betonów o wysokiej wytrzymałości, przewarstwionych słabszym betonem płyty. W ramach realizowanego projektu badawczego wykonano w skali około 1:2 i zbadano łącznie 10 elementów, zgrupowanych w czterech seriach badawczych. Podstawowe modele badawcze stanowiły słupy o przekroju 200 × 200 mm i wysokości całkowitej 1320 mm, wykonane z betonu o wysokiej wytrzymałości. Były one przewarstwione płytą o grubości 120 mm, wykonaną z betonu zwykłego lub lekkiego betonu kruszywowego. Elementom podstawowym towarzyszyły modele porównawcze, stanowiące słupy o przekroju 200 × 200 mm i wysokości 600 mm, wykonane w całości z betonu o wysokiej wytrzymałości i zbrojone w taki sam sposób jak słupy modeli podstawowych. Ich nośność stanowiła poziom odniesienia dla oceny wpływu przewarstwienia słabszym betonem płyty na nośność słupów modeli podstawowych. Pierwsza i druga seria badawcza obejmowały modele wewnętrznych słupów. Parametry zmienne stanowiły: rodzaj betonu płyty: zwykły (seria M) lub lekki kruszywowy (seria ML), jak również wielkość obciążenia płyty: 50, 100 lub 150 kN. Wyniki badań pokazały, iż nośność słupów modeli z płytami z lekkiego betonu kruszywowego była o około 20% niższa od nośności modeli odniesienia – niezależnie od wielkości obciążenia płyt, a tym samym wykorzystania ich nośności na przebicie. Stwierdzono jednocześnie wyraźne różnice w zachowaniu i nośności modelu z płytą z betonu lekkiego i elementu z płytą z betonu zwykłego, mimo jednakowego obciążenia ich płyt. Badania serii trzeciej obejmowały trzy modele krawędziowych słupów. Jedyny parametr zmienny stanowiło położenie słupa względem krawędzi płyty. Odległość ta równa była pełnej bądź połowie grubości płyty, zaś słup jednego z modeli zlicowany był z jej krawędzią. Nośność modelu z płytą zlicowaną z krawędzią słupa była o około 20% niższa od nośności słupa odniesienia. Jednocześnie stwierdzono, iż nieznaczne przewieszenie płyty poza krawędź słupa może skutkować znaczącym podniesieniem nośności elementu, tak iż o zniszczeniu będzie decydowało wyczerpanie nośności słupa z betonu o wysokiej wytrzymałości – nie zaś zmiażdżenie betonu w strefie węzłowej. Czwarta seria badawcza obejmowała trzy modele narożnych słupów. Jedyny parametr zmienny stanowiła lokalizacja słupa względem krawędzi płyty. Poczynione obserwacje były zbliżone jak w przypadku badań elementów serii trzeciej. Nośność modelu ze słupem zlicowanym z obiema krawędziami płyty była o około 25% niższa od nośności słupa odniesienia. O zniszczeniu modeli z płytami przewieszonymi zadecydowało wyczerpanie nośności słupów poza strefą węzłową. Zarysowanie dolnych powierzchni płyt modeli z płytami przewieszonymi korespondowało z obrazem zarysowania płyt modeli wewnętrznych połączeń płytowo – słupowych. Wyniki badań pokazały istotny wpływ odkształcalności betonu płyty na nośność słupów przewarstwionych, wykonanych z betonu o wysokiej wytrzymałości. Stwierdzono jednocześnie bardzo korzystny wpływ zabiegu polegającego na przewieszaniu płyty poza krawędzie słupa. W rozważanych badaniach pozwoliło to podnieść nośność o około 20 ÷ 25% względem modeli z płytami zlicowanymi z krawędziami słupów.Economic and constructional considerations favour diversification of the strength of the concrete of columns and slabs of multi-storey structures. However, this raises a question to what extent large intersection of the slab with concrete can influence the decrease in load carrying capacity of the column. The aim of the research was to analyze the factors so far unconsidered in literature, the factors which could determine the load carrying capacity of columns made from highstrength concrete, intersected with weaker concrete of a slab. Within the research project considered 10 elements made in half scale and divided into four test groups, were tested. The basic tested models were the columns with the cross section of 200 by 200 mm and the total height of 1320 mm, made from high-strength concrete. They were intersected with a 120 mm thick slab made from normal concrete or lightweight aggregate concrete. The basic elements were accompanied by benchmarking models, i.e. columns with the cross section of 200 by 200 mm and the height of 600 mm, made completely from high-strength concrete and reinforced like the columns of basic models. Their load carrying capacities was a benchmark for estimating the influence of intersection with weaker concrete of a slab on the load carrying capacity of the columns of basic models. The first and the second series of the tests concerned the models of inner columns. The variable parameters were: the type of the concrete of a slab – normal ( the M series) or light aggregate (the ML series), as well as the value of the load on the slab: 50, 100 or 150 kN. The results of the tests showed that the load carrying capacity of the columns of the models with slabs made from light aggregate concrete was about 20% lower than the load carrying capacity of the benchmark models, independently of the value of the load on slabs, and, consequently, exhaustion of their punching shear capacity. At the same time, clear differences in the performance and load carrying capacity of the model with a slab made from lightweight aggregate concrete and the element with a slab made from normal concrete, despite the same load on both slabs, was observed. The tests of the third series concerned three models of edge columns. The only variable parameter was the position of a column in relation to the edge of a slab. The distance was equal to the thickness of the slab or to half of it, and the column of one of the models was surfaced with the slab’s edge. The load carrying capacity of the model with the slab surfaced with the edge of the column was about 20 % lower than the load carrying capacity of the reference column. At the same time it was observed that slight overhanging of a slab beyond the edge of a column may result in significant increase of the load carrying capacity of the element, so, consequently, the factor deciding on the failure will be reaching the limit of the load carrying capacity of a column made from high-strength concrete, and not shredding of concrete in the joint zone. The fourth series of the tests concerned three models of corner columns. The only variable parameter was the location of a column in relation to the edge of a slab. The observations were similar to the ones made in case of the tests of the third series. The load carrying capacity of the model with a column surfaced with both edges of a slab was about 25 % lower than the load carrying capacity of the reference column. What decided on the failure of the models with overhang slabs was running out of the load carrying capacity of the columns outside the joint zone. Cracking of the lower surfaces of the slabs in the models with overhang slabs corresponded with the cracking of the slabs in the models of the internal column – slab connections. The results of the tests showed significant influence of deformability of concrete of a slab on the load carrying capacity of the intersected columns made from high-strength concrete. What was observed at the same time was very beneficial influence of overhanging a slab beyond the edges of a column. In the tests described below it made it possible to increase the load carrying capacity by about 20 to 25% in comparison with the models of slabs surfaced with the edges of columns

    Is there the gap in public health literature in Europe?

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    Introduction and objective: The growing expectations for the effectiveness of public health increase the demand for scientific literature, concerning research, reviews and other forms of information. The bibliographic databases are of crucial importance for researchers and policy makers. The objective of this study is to estimate the supply of scientific literature related to public health in selected European countries, which are available to a wide range of users. Material and Methods: Analysis of the number of bibliographic records on topics related to public health was based on searches in Ovid MEDLINE ( R) in May and June 2011. According to MeSH terms, 11 keywords and names of 13 European countries were used in the search. Publications from the years 2001–2010 were analyzed. A number of publications indexed under ‘public health’, and related to selected countries were compared with the size of the population of those countries, GDP, total expenditure on health and burden of disease (DALYS’s). Results: The most popular topic was ‘health policy’, whereas the topics ‘occupational health’ and ‘environmental health’ were less prevalent. There were no significant changes in the number of publications in 2001–2010. The number of articles indexed under ‘public health’ had significant positive correlation with national GDP, expenditure on health and population size, and negative with DALY’s. Conclusions: According to the criteria accepted in this study, the Nordic countries – Finland, Sweden and Norway – were very productive in this respect. Poland and other Central European Countries were less productive

    Prioritization of Candidate Genes in QTL Regions for Physiological and Biochemical Traits Underlying Drought Response in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Drought is one of the most adverse abiotic factors limiting growth and productivity of crops. Among them is barley, ranked fourth cereal worldwide in terms of harvested acreage and production. Plants have evolved various mechanisms to cope with water deficit at different biological levels, but there is an enormous challenge to decipher genes responsible for particular complex phenotypic traits, in order to develop drought tolerant crops. This work presents a comprehensive approach for elucidation of molecular mechanisms of drought tolerance in barley at the seedling stage of development. The study includes mapping of QTLs for physiological and biochemical traits associated with drought tolerance on a high-density function map, projection of QTL confidence intervals on barley physical map, and the retrievement of positional candidate genes (CGs), followed by their prioritization based on Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis. A total of 64 QTLs for 25 physiological and biochemical traits that describe plant water status, photosynthetic efficiency, osmoprotectant and hormone content, as well as antioxidant activity, were positioned on a consensus map, constructed using RIL populations developed from the crosses between European and Syrian genotypes. The map contained a total of 875 SNP, SSR and CGs, spanning 941.86 cM with resolution of 1.1 cM. For the first time, QTLs for ethylene, glucose, sucrose, maltose, raffinose, α-tocopherol, γ-tocotrienol content, and catalase activity, have been mapped in barley. Based on overlapping confidence intervals of QTLs, 11 hotspots were identified that enclosed more than 60% of mapped QTLs. Genetic and physical map integration allowed the identification of 1,101 positional CGs within the confidence intervals of drought response-specific QTLs. Prioritization resulted in the designation of 143 CGs, among them were genes encoding antioxidants, carboxylic acid biosynthesis enzymes, heat shock proteins, small auxin up-regulated RNAs, nitric oxide synthase, ATP sulfurylases, and proteins involved in regulation of flowering time. This global approach may be proposed for identification of new CGs that underlies QTLs responsible for complex traits

    Real-life data of abiraterone acetate and enzalutamide treatment in post-chemotherapy metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in Poland

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    BackgroundAbiraterone acetate (ABI) and Enzalutamide (ENZA) are second-generation hormone drugs that show breakthrough activity in post-chemotherapy, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). The leading oncological and urological guidelines indicate both drugs with the same strong recommendation. There is a lack of randomized trials which compare the efficacy of ABI and ENZA. The current study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the drugs with an analysis of prognostic factors related to those drugs.Patients and methodsThe study included 420 patients with docetaxel (DXL) pretreated mCRPC from seven Polish cancer centers. Patients were treated according to inclusion and exclusion criteria in the Polish national drug program (1000 mg ABI and 10 mg prednisone, n=76.2%; ENZA, 160 mg; n=23.8%). The study retrospectively analyzed the overall survival (OS), time to treatment failure (TTF), PSA 50% decline rate (PSA 50%) and selected clinic-pathological data.ResultsIn the study group, the median OS was 17 months (95% CI: 15.6-18.3). The median OS (26.1 vs. 15.7 mo.; p<0.001), TTF (14.2 vs. 7.6 mo.; p<0.001) and PSA 50% (87.5 vs. 56%; p<0.001) were higher in ENZA than in ABI treatment. Multivariate analysis shows that ENZA treatment and PSA nadir <17.35 ng/mL during or after DXL treatment were related to longer TTF. ENZA treatment, DXL dose ≥750 mg, PSA nadir <17.35 ng/mL during or after DXL treatment was related to longer OS.ConclusionsENZA treatment may be related to more favorable oncological outcomes than ABI treatment in the studied Polish population of patients. A 50% decline in PSA is an indicator of longer TTF and OS. Due to the non-randomized and retrospective nature of the analysis, the current results require prospective validation

    Radon intercomparison tests – Katowice, 2016

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    At the beginning of the year 2016, the representatives of the Polish Radon Centre decided to organize profi ciency tests (PTs) for measurements of radon gas and radon decay products in the air, involving radon monitors and laboratory passive techniques. The Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity of the Central Mining Institute (GIG), Katowice, became responsible for the organization of the PT exercises. The main reason to choose that location was the radon chamber in GIG with a volume of 17 m3, the biggest one in Poland. Accordingly, 13 participants from Poland plus one participant from Germany expressed their interest. The participants were invited to inform the organizers about what types of monitors and methods they would like to check during the tests. On this basis, the GIG team prepared the proposal for the schedule of exercises, such as the required level(s) of radon concentrations, the number and periods of tests, proposed potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC) levels and also the overall period of PT. The PT activity was performed between 6th and 17th June 2016. After assessment of the results, the agreement between radon monitors and other measurement methods was confi rmed. In the case of PAEC monitors and methods of measurements, the results of PT exercises were consistent and confi rmed the accuracy of the calibration procedures used by the participants. The results of the PAEC PTs will be published elsewhere; in this paper, only the results of radon intercomparison are described