214 research outputs found

    A Generalized Control Method for Constant Switching Frequency Three Phase PWM Boost Rectifier Under Extreme Unbalanced Operation Condition

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    This thesis presents a generalized control method for constant switching frequency PWM Boost Type Rectifier under extremely unbalanced operating conditions in the power system. The proposed analytical method is verified by using MATLAB/ Simulink model developed under severe unbalanced conditions of input source voltages and input impedances. The closed loop control method for controlling the output DC voltage is also presented and verified by using MATLAB/Simulink model. An experimental model is built to prove the feasibility of the proposed constant switching frequency operation of the PWM Boost Type Rectifier under extreme unbalanced operation conditions by using DSPACE RT1104 digital control syste

    A Generalized Control Method for Constant Switching Frequency Three Phase PWM Boost Rectifier Under Extreme Unbalanced Operation Condition

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    This thesis presents a generalized control method for constant switching frequency PWM Boost Type Rectifier under extremely unbalanced operating conditions in the power system. The proposed analytical method is verified by using MATLAB/ Simulink model developed under severe unbalanced conditions of input source voltages and input impedances. The closed loop control method for controlling the output DC voltage is also presented and verified by using MATLAB/Simulink model. An experimental model is built to prove the feasibility of the proposed constant switching frequency operation of the PWM Boost Type Rectifier under extreme unbalanced operation conditions by using DSPACE RT1104 digital control syste

    A Generalized Control Method for Constant Switching Frequency Three Phase PWM Boost Rectifier Under Extreme Unbalanced Operation Condition

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    This thesis presents a generalized control method for constant switching frequency PWM Boost Type Rectifier under extremely unbalanced operating conditions in the power system. The proposed analytical method is verified by using MATLAB/ Simulink model developed under severe unbalanced conditions of input source voltages and input impedances. The closed loop control method for controlling the output DC voltage is also presented and verified by using MATLAB/Simulink model. An experimental model is built to prove the feasibility of the proposed constant switching frequency operation of the PWM Boost Type Rectifier under extreme unbalanced operation conditions by using DSPACE RT1104 digital control syste

    An Inactivation Switch Enables Rhythms in a Neurospora Clock Model

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    Autonomous endogenous time-keeping is ubiquitous across many living organisms, known as the circadian clock when it has a period of about 24 h. Interestingly, the fundamental design principle with a network of interconnected negative and positive feedback loops is conserved through evolution, although the molecular components differ. Filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is a well-established chrono-genetics model organism to investigate the underlying mechanisms. The core negative feedback loop of the clock of Neurospora is composed of the transcription activator White Collar Complex (WCC) (heterodimer of WC1 and WC2) and the inhibitory element called FFC complex, which is made of FRQ (Frequency protein), FRH (Frequency interacting RNA Helicase) and CK1a (Casein kinase 1a). While exploring their temporal dynamics, we investigate how limit cycle oscillations arise and how molecular switches support self-sustained rhythms. We develop a mathematical model of 10 variables with 26 parameters to understand the interactions and feedback among WC1 and FFC elements in nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. We performed control and bifurcation analysis to show that our novel model produces robust oscillations with a wild-type period of 22.5 h. Our model reveals a switch between WC1-induced transcription and FFC-assisted inactivation of WC1. Using the new model, we also study the possible mechanisms of glucose compensation. A fairly simple model with just three nonlinearities helps to elucidate clock dynamics, revealing a mechanism of rhythms' production. The model can further be utilized to study entrainment and temperature compensation

    Explorando la eficacia del biocontrol de Trichoderma spp. contra Fusarium sacchari, el agente causal de la marchitez de la caña de azúcar

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    Wilt caused by Fusarium sacchari, is one of the major diseases of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) causing considerable economic loss. Trichoderma spp. are important biocontrol agents which have been exploited effectively for the management of several plant diseases including wilt in various crops. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antagonistic potential of Trichoderma spp. against sugarcane wilt pathogen. A total of 103 Trichoderma isolates comprising of 43 isolates established from sugarcane rhizosphere soils as well as 60 endophytic isolates established from root, leaf and stalk tissue of sugarcane were assessed for their antagonistic activity against F. sacchari by dual culture technique. We observed considerable variability in the inhibitory activity of the 103 isolates against the pathogen with inhibition ranging from 1.4% to 27.2% (SER42). In general, the endophytic Trichoderma isolates were more effective in inhibiting F. sacchari as compared to rhizospheric isolates in dual culture studies. Twelve most promising endophytic isolates were selected and assessed further for production of soluble inhibitory metabolites against F. sacchari by poison food technique. Variability was observed among the Trichoderma isolates in inhibition of F. sacchari growth with inhibition ranging between 1.4% (SER 43) to 44.2% (SER10). Overall, based on the in vitro assays, Trichoderma isolate SER 10, isolated from root tissue of sugarcane, was found most promising showing 44.2% inhibition of F. sacchari growth in poison food and 26.3% inhibition in dual culture studies. This is the first study reporting biocontrol potential of endophytic Trichoderma spp. against F. sacchari, a causative agent of wilt in sugarcane.La marchitez causada por Fusarium sacchari, es una de las principales enfermedades de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) que causa considerables pérdidas económicas. Trichoderma spp. es un importante agente de biocontrol que se ha explotado eficazmente para el manejo de varias enfermedades de las plantas, incluida la marchitez en varios cultivos. El presente estudio se realizó para evaluar el potencial antagonista de Trichoderma spp. contra el patógeno de la marchitez de la caña de azúcar. Un total de 103 aislamientos de Trichoderma que comprenden 43 aislamientos establecidos a partir de suelos de la rizosfera de la caña de azúcar, así como 60 aislamientos endofíticos establecidos a partir del tejido de las raíces, hojas y tallos de la caña de azúcar, fueron evaluados por su actividad antagonista contra F. sacchari mediante la técnica de cultivo dual. Se observó una considerable variabilidad en la actividad inhibidora de los 103 aislamientos contra el organismo patógeno con una inhibición que osciló entre 1.4% y el 27.2% (SER42). En general, los aislados endofíticos de Trichoderma fueron más efectivos en la inhibición de F. sacchari en comparación con los aislados rizosféricos en estudios de cultivo dual y se seleccionaron 12 aislados endofíticos prometedores que se evaluaron más a fondo para la producción de metabolitos inhibidores solubles contra F. sacchari mediante la técnica de medios de cultivo envenenados. Se observó variabilidad entre los aislados de Trichoderma en la inhibición del crecimiento de F. sacchari con valores que oscilaban entre el 1.4% (SER 43) y el 44.2% (SER10). En general, según los ensayos in vitro, Trichoderma SER 10, aislado del tejido de la raíz de la caña de azúcar, resultó ser el más prometedor que mostró una inhibición del 44.2% del crecimiento de F. sacchari en el método de medio de cultivo envenenado y un 26.3% de inhibición en los estudios de cultivo dual. Este es el primer estudio informa sobre el potencial de control biológico de Trichoderma spp. contra F. sacchari, agente causal de la marchitez en la caña de azúcar

    Smart Home using Internet

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    This paper presents a lowcost, flexible home devices control and monitoring system using an embedded arduino micro-web server, with real IP connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances remotely using Android based Smart phone app running on android platform. The proposed system does not require a dedicated server PC with respect to similar systems and offers a novel communication protocol to monitor and control the home environment with real time graphical interface. Devices such as light switches, temperature sensors, smoke/gas sensors and sirens can been integrated in the system to increase the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed smart home system. However every load of the home can be controlled using SENSOR SWITCH. Sensor switch is integrated with the Ethernet system. Therefore in proposed system real time interface is possible


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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disorders characterised by hyperglycaemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. It is characterised by polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, rapid weight loss, fatigue etc. Based on similarities in signs and symptoms DM can be correlated with Prameha/Madhumeha in Ayurveda. Rasausadhies (metallic formulations) have been used in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus with its excellence for centuries but their scientific evaluation has not systematically established with modern tools. Rasausadhies have been popularly used since the period of great alchemist Nagarjuna, i.e. 8th century AD. In this time, invention of special processing techniques as Sodhana (purification), Marana (incineration), Sanskara (which increases the potency), Murchhana (triturating up to fine disintrigation) etc, have been established which are being used to convert the minerals and metals into easily consumable form and immediate showing the desirable effect. The present study deals with review of Rasausadhies from all the classics of Ayurveda which are mentioned in the treatment of Prameha

    Exploring the Potential Role of Herbal Ayurveda Formulation Vasadi Kashaya in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - A Review

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease of respiratory system having chronic nature which is characterised by airway inflammation and airflow obstruction that is not fully reversible. It includes two clinical conditions, chronic bronchitis and emphysema which generally overlap in patients. It is a preventable and treatable disease that is caused by significant exposure to harmful gases or organic matter. The common clinical symptoms include dyspnoea, cough, sputum production, chest tightness. According to the global burden of disease study reports published in 2018, COPD is the second leading cause of death due to non-communicable diseases in India. COPD in Ayurveda is can be dealt in Ayurvedic clinical practice using treatment principles of Shwasa and Kasa. Vasadi Kashaya, a herbal Ayurveda medicine is commonly used in the treatment of respiratory disorders by Ayurveda practitioners. Aim: In this article, possible mode of action of Vasadi Kashaya in the treatment of COPD have been explored based on available Ayurvedic and scientific literature. Methodology: Information from Ayurveda text books and available full text articles on different medical online sources was collected using relevant keywords and are summarised in this article. Conclusion: Available scientific evidence supports the anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, anti-allergic, anti-oxidant and immune-modulator properties of Vasadi Kashaya making it a potential herbal formulation for Ayurvedic management of COPD

    A randomized controlled trial on comparison of phenobarbitone and levetiracetam for the treatment of neonatal seizures: pilot study

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    Background: Phenobarbitone is the most commonly used drug for treatment of neonatal seizures, irrespective of the cause of the seizures. However, there is concern about its adverse effects on brain, resulting in impairment of cognition and behaviour, and liver. So there is an urgent need for an alternative antiepileptic drug for treatment of neonatal seizures. Levetiracetam is a relatively new anticonvulsant. There are no randomized controlled trials about its use in neonates. This trial was designed with the objective to compare the efficacy of levetiracetam and phenobarbitone in the treatment of clinically apparent neonatal seizures in term and late preterm neonates.Methods: The study was designed as an open label randomized controlled trial. Study population included babies of >2 kg admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit within 48 hours of birth with neonatal seizures due to perinatal asphyxia. If seizures persisted even after correction of hypoglycemia and hypocalcaemia, babies were randomized for intervention to either levetiracetam or phenobarbitone.Results: Clinically apparent seizures were controlled in only 23.3% neonates assigned to receive levetiracetam  as compared to 86.7% neonates assigned to receive phenobarbitone  (p<0.001).Conclusions: Present study demonstrated that levetiracetam is not as good as phenobarbitone in controlling neonatal seizures due to perinatal asphyxia in term and near term neonates. Also, it takes longer time than phenobarbitone in controlling clinical seizures. Superiority of phenobarbitone was observed both when given as a first line drug and after cross over.


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    According to AcharyaSushruta, in the presence of the Etiological factors the dosha get vitiated and provoked all the three Doshas spread out of their place and vitiate the RasaDhatu in the heart. Vitiate Rasa Dhatu (body lymph /chyle) manifestation of various types of pain is being produced, which is called ‘Hridbadha’ or Hridroga. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most important cause of global death, accounting for 17.3 million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than 23.6 million by 2030. Aim and objectives-Diagnosis and treatment of Hridroga through Ayurveda and its modern correlation.Mode ofAction of Hridyadrugs promoting heart’s health.Improper diet (excessive intake of Kshar, Lavana Rasa, Virudahbhojana) and Vegadharna, Chinta,Krodhaetc. are few among the many causes of Hridroga. In understanding symptomology of cardiovasculardisorder, it should be noted thatVaivarnya (Panduta /Shweta/Shyava) can be correlated to pallor and cyanosis, Murcchato Syncope, Kasato cough with or without Hemoptysis, Shwasato breathlessness or dyspnea, Ruja to Chest pain or discomfort. Drugs used in various formulations in Hridrogahaveproperties like Pachana, Deepana, Hridya, Anulomana,Rasayana and Krimihara.So, in present article an effort has been made to explain the heart disease and its management through Ayurveda as well as modern medicine