29 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to describe the possibilities to strive for multiple disciplinarity in research and practice. First, multiple disciplinarity and its methods i.e. blending, borrowing and combining are examined. A new concept of multiple modelling is introduced in this connection. Some empirical studies that illustrate the idea and rationale of combining, borrowing and blending as methods of multiple disciplinarity and modelling in business administration are then depicted. The empirical results based on the author’s four studies and three secondary studies show that there are some gaps between marketing practice and current theories. The results also confirm that there is a significant multidisciplinary (parallel) use of both approaches, often some kind of use of the combinations of the approaches and a strong need to find out how to combine the approaches properly. The possibilities of borrowing and blending as methods toward multiple disciplinarity and modelling are also discussed. Finally, there is a discussion about the nature and reasons of multiple disciplinarity and modelling. Some challenges to marketing researchers, educators and managers are presented. Also some generalizations and additional challenges concerning the total utilization possibilities of multiple disciplinarity are raised


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    The purpose of this article is to describe the possibilities to strive for multiple disciplinarity in research and practice. First, multiple disciplinarity and its methods i.e. blending, borrowing and combining are examined. A new concept of multiple modelling is introduced in this connection. Some empirical studies that illustrate the idea and rationale of combining, borrowing and blending as methods of multiple disciplinarity and modelling in business administration are then depicted. The empirical results based on the author’s four studies and three secondary studies show that there are some gaps between marketing practice and current theories. The results also confirm that there is a significant multidisciplinary (parallel) use of both approaches, often some kind of use of the combinations of the approaches and a strong need to find out how to combine the approaches properly. The possibilities of borrowing and blending as methods toward multiple disciplinarity and modelling are also discussed. Finally, there is a discussion about the nature and reasons of multiple disciplinarity and modelling. Some challenges to marketing researchers, educators and managers are presented. Also some generalizations and additional challenges concerning the total utilization possibilities of multiple disciplinarity are raised

    Kilpailukeino- ja suhdemarkkinointinäkemysten yhdistäminen

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    Myönteisyyden tavoitteluun

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    Kielteiset viestit ja tavoitteet uhkaavat vakavasti yhteiskunnan myönteisiä arvoja ja tavoitteita, koska viestit näyttävät tulvivan lähes kaikkialle. Medialla on epäilemättä oma vastuunsa tässä. Asiasta tekee vaikean se, että yleisen uskomuksen mukaan mediayritysten liikevaihto kasvaa, jos niiden julkaisemat artikkelit ovat negatiivisesti huomiota herättäviä

    Monitieteisyys yliopistoissa – esimerkkinä Aalto-yliopiston strategia ja toiminta

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    Monitieteisyys on entistäkin tärkeämpi aihe johtuen mm. yliopistojen yhdistymisistä, mikä lienee pisimmällä Aalto-yliopistossa. Vaikka Aalto-yliopiston monitieteisyyskehitystä käytetään kirjoituksessa esimerkkinä, johtopäätökset voi yleistää kaikkiin yliopistoihin ja erityisesti Tampere 3:n kaltaisiin yliopistojen yhdistämishankkeisiin

    Liiketoiminta- ja teknologiaosaaminen sekä yliopistojen yhteiskunnallinen rooli

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    Kirjoitus perustuu esitykseen tammikuussa Tieteen päivillä 2005 sessiossa "Liiketoiminta- ja teknologiaosaaminen suomalaisen hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan takaajina" (14.1.)

    Hällström: Mediavalinta poliittisin perustein

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