107 research outputs found

    The interrelation between the electronic parameters of nitrogen atom and intramolecular interactions in ammonia derivatives

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    The electronic parameters and intramolecular interactions in the ground and transition states of inversion of the amines H₂NXHn (XHn=CH₃, NH₂, OH, F, SiH₃, PH₂, SH, Cl) were calculated using DFT (PBE96/def2-tzvpp) method. It was established that the electronacceptor properties of the XHn substituents has a prevailing influence on the change of the electronic parameters of nitrogen atom. Its increase leads to both a decrease of the charge on the nitrogen atom and an increase of the s-character and population of nitrogen lone pair (LP). All parameters under consideration correlate with the χ- and σᵢ-constants of the XHn substituents. The correlation coefficients increase when amines that contain X atoms only from one period are considered separately. It was found that the ρ values for amines containing X atoms from the second or third period are substantially different. The changes of the donor-acceptor interaction energies, s-character and LP population cannot be probable causes for different sensitivity of the electronic parameters of amines containing X atoms from different periods to the change of electron-acceptor properties of the XHn substituents. It was established that the mentioned parameters has only a subordinated influence in comparison with the influence of electron-acceptor ability of the XHn substituents. The negative charge on the nitrogen atom decreases with the increase of s-character and LP population and also with the decrease of energies of donor-acceptor interactions which lead to the withdrawal of electron density from the nitrogen atom. The s-character and LP population increase with the decrease of energies of donor-acceptor interactions which result in the reduction of electron density on the nitrogen atom. The total positive charges of the XHn groups and hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom decrease with increasing the electron-acceptor ability of the XHn substituents. The representation of the electron-acceptor properties of the substituents was shown to be more valid by using the χ-constants than by using the σᵢ-constants. The chlorine atom is a weak electron acceptor in comparison with an amino group

    Routine laboratory parameters to support decision on parenteral nutrition in palliative care

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    IntroductionParenteral nutrition (PN) is widely used in palliative care (PC), but there is limited evidence to support its use at the end of life (EOL). This aim of this was to investigate the relationship between routine laboratory parameters and survival in patients receiving PN, and to develop a decision tree model to support clinicians decide whether to start or forgo PN.MethodsThe laboratory parameters of 113 patients with advanced diseases who were admitted to a specialized palliative care unit (PCU) were analyzed at two points in time: T0 = before PN, T1 = two weeks after initiation of PN. Univariate Mann-Whitney U-tests and multivariate linear regression models, as well as a decision tree analysis were computed; all in relation to survival time.ResultsThe final regression model was significant with p = 0.001 (adjusted R2 = 0.15) and included two predictors for survival time after PN initiation: the CRP/albumin ratio and urea at T1 (ps = 0.019). Decision tree analysis revealed three important predictors for classification of survival time after PN initiation: CRP, urea, and LDH (all at T0).DiscussionThe decision tree model may help to identify patients likely to benefit from PN, thus supporting the clinical decision whether or not to start PN

    Особенности формирования структуры ЗТВ и зон оплавления покрытия на основе стали 10Р6М5 электронным лучом в вакууме

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    Особенности формирования структуры в зоне оплавления и зоне термического влияния композиционного покрытия на основе стали 10Р6М5 в ходе вакуумного импульсного электронного воздействияEigenschaften der Strukturbildung in der Schmelzzone und die Warmeeinflu?zone, auf der Grundlage der Warme einflus sverbundbeschichtung 10Р6M5 Stahl wahrend der Vakuumbelichtungsgepulster Elektronenstrah

    Distant sequences determine 5′ end formation of cox3 transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype C24

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    The genomic environments and the transcripts of the mitochondrial cox3 gene are investigated in three Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes. While the proximate 5′ sequences up to nucleotide position −584, the coding regions and the 3′ flanking regions are identical in Columbia (Col), C24 and Landsberg erecta (Ler), genomic variation is detected in regions further upstream. In the mitochondrial DNA of Col, a 1790 bp fragment flanked by a nonanucleotide direct repeat is present beyond position −584 with respect to the ATG. While in Ler only part of this insertion is conserved, this sequence is completely absent in C24, except for a single copy of the nonanucleotide direct repeat. Northern hybridization reveals identical major transcripts in the three ecotypes, but identifies an additional abundant 60 nt larger mRNA species in C24. The extremities of the most abundant mRNA species are identical in the three ecotypes. In C24, an extra major 5′ end is abundant. This terminus and the other major 5′ ends are located in identical sequence regions. Inspection of Atcox3 transcripts in C24/Col hybrids revealed a female inheritance of the mRNA species with the extra 5′ terminus. Thus, a mitochondrially encoded factor determines the generation of an extra 5′ mRNA end

    Sequence Analysis of the Genome of an Oil-Bearing Tree, Jatropha curcas L.

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    The whole genome of Jatropha curcas was sequenced, using a combination of the conventional Sanger method and new-generation multiplex sequencing methods. Total length of the non-redundant sequences thus obtained was 285 858 490 bp consisting of 120 586 contigs and 29 831 singlets. They accounted for ∼95% of the gene-containing regions with the average G + C content was 34.3%. A total of 40 929 complete and partial structures of protein encoding genes have been deduced. Comparison with genes of other plant species indicated that 1529 (4%) of the putative protein-encoding genes are specific to the Euphorbiaceae family. A high degree of microsynteny was observed with the genome of castor bean and, to a lesser extent, with those of soybean and Arabidopsis thaliana. In parallel with genome sequencing, cDNAs derived from leaf and callus tissues were subjected to pyrosequencing, and a total of 21 225 unigene data have been generated. Polymorphism analysis using microsatellite markers developed from the genomic sequence data obtained was performed with 12 J. curcas lines collected from various parts of the world to estimate their genetic diversity. The genomic sequence and accompanying information presented here are expected to serve as valuable resources for the acceleration of fundamental and applied research with J. curcas, especially in the fields of environment-related research such as biofuel production. Further information on the genomic sequences and DNA markers is available at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/jatropha/

    Complete Sequences of the Mitochondrial DNA of the Wild Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis and Two Mutagenic Cultivated Breeds (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta)

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    The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis was sequenced (25883 bp) and mapped to a circular model. The A+T composition was 72.5%. Forty six genes and two potentially functional open reading frames were identified. They include 24 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, 20 tRNA genes and 2 ORFs (orf60, orf142). There is considerable sequence synteny across the five red algal mtDNAs falling into Florideophyceae including Gr. lemaneiformis in this study and previously sequenced species. A long stem-loop and a hairpin structure were identified in intergenic regions of mt genome of Gr. lemaneiformis, which are believed to be involved with transcription and replication. In addition, the mtDNAs of two mutagenic cultivated breeds (“981” and “07-2”) were also sequenced. Compared with the mtDNA of wild Gr. lemaneiformis, the genome size and gene length and order of three strains were completely identical except nine base mutations including eight in the protein-coding genes and one in the tRNA gene. None of the base mutations caused frameshift or a premature stop codon in the mtDNA genes. Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial protein-coding genes and rRNA genes demonstrated Gracilariopsis andersonii had closer phylogenetic relationship with its parasite Gracilariophila oryzoides than Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis which was from the same genus of Gracilariopsis

    The Complete Chloroplast and Mitochondrial Genome Sequences of Boea hygrometrica: Insights into the Evolution of Plant Organellar Genomes

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    The complete nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) genomes of resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica (Bh, Gesneriaceae) have been determined with the lengths of 153,493 bp and 510,519 bp, respectively. The smaller chloroplast genome contains more genes (147) with a 72% coding sequence, and the larger mitochondrial genome have less genes (65) with a coding faction of 12%. Similar to other seed plants, the Bh cp genome has a typical quadripartite organization with a conserved gene in each region. The Bh mt genome has three recombinant sequence repeats of 222 bp, 843 bp, and 1474 bp in length, which divide the genome into a single master circle (MC) and four isomeric molecules. Compared to other angiosperms, one remarkable feature of the Bh mt genome is the frequent transfer of genetic material from the cp genome during recent Bh evolution. We also analyzed organellar genome evolution in general regarding genome features as well as compositional dynamics of sequence and gene structure/organization, providing clues for the understanding of the evolution of organellar genomes in plants. The cp-derived sequences including tRNAs found in angiosperm mt genomes support the conclusion that frequent gene transfer events may have begun early in the land plant lineage

    The Mitochondrial Genome of the Lycophyte Huperzia squarrosa: The Most Archaic Form in Vascular Plants

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    Mitochondrial genomes have maintained some bacterial features despite their residence within eukaryotic cells for approximately two billion years. One of these features is the frequent presence of polycistronic operons. In land plants, however, it has been shown that all sequenced vascular plant chondromes lack large polycistronic operons while bryophyte chondromes have many of them. In this study, we provide the completely sequenced mitochondrial genome of a lycophyte, from Huperzia squarrosa, which is a member of the sister group to all other vascular plants. The genome, at a size of 413,530 base pairs, contains 66 genes and 32 group II introns. In addition, it has 69 pseudogene fragments for 24 of the 40 protein- and rRNA-coding genes. It represents the most archaic form of mitochondrial genomes of all vascular plants. In particular, it has one large conserved gene cluster containing up to 10 ribosomal protein genes, which likely represents a polycistronic operon but has been disrupted and greatly reduced in the chondromes of other vascular plants. It also has the least rearranged gene order in comparison to the chondromes of other vascular plants. The genome is ancestral in vascular plants in several other aspects: the gene content resembling those of charophytes and most bryophytes, all introns being cis-spliced, a low level of RNA editing, and lack of foreign DNA of chloroplast or nuclear origin

    Integrative Identification of Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Proteome and Its Function Exploitation through Protein Interaction Network

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    Mitochondria are major players on the production of energy, and host several key reactions involved in basic metabolism and biosynthesis of essential molecules. Currently, the majority of nucleus-encoded mitochondrial proteins are unknown even for model plant Arabidopsis. We reported a computational framework for predicting Arabidopsis mitochondrial proteins based on a probabilistic model, called Naive Bayesian Network, which integrates disparate genomic data generated from eight bioinformatics tools, multiple orthologous mappings, protein domain properties and co-expression patterns using 1,027 microarray profiles. Through this approach, we predicted 2,311 candidate mitochondrial proteins with 84.67% accuracy and 2.53% FPR performances. Together with those experimental confirmed proteins, 2,585 mitochondria proteins (named CoreMitoP) were identified, we explored those proteins with unknown functions based on protein-protein interaction network (PIN) and annotated novel functions for 26.65% CoreMitoP proteins. Moreover, we found newly predicted mitochondrial proteins embedded in particular subnetworks of the PIN, mainly functioning in response to diverse environmental stresses, like salt, draught, cold, and wound etc. Candidate mitochondrial proteins involved in those physiological acitivites provide useful targets for further investigation. Assigned functions also provide comprehensive information for Arabidopsis mitochondrial proteome