8 research outputs found
Positive Framing: Does It Work for Promoting Healthier Food Choice?
The increase in overweight and obesity in Indonesia, along with its negative impact on individual health, such as the risk of chronic diseases and reduced life expectancy, cannot be separated from unhealthy food choices. Unhealthy food choices can negatively impact health, including increasing the risk of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study is to investigate potential differences in the impact of positive message framing on healthy eating behavior. The sample of this study involved student participants aged 18-24 years. This study used an experimental design. In this study, participants were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was given positive framing messages, while the control group did not receive any framing messages. Participants conducted a shopping simulation in a virtual supermarket using virtual reality devices. After that, the participants' food choices and shopping scores were analyzed. The results of this study show a significant difference in food choices between participants given positive health cues framing and those who were not. This means that participants in the experimental group who received positive framing messages had healthier food choices than the control group. The use of positive framing strategies, such as through posters, can be effective in promoting healthy eating behavior. The implications of this study provide insights to the community that positive framing messages can be an influential way to encourage healthy eating behavior among the publicKeywords: positive framing; food choice; positive framing messages; healthy food choices
Married and Gained Weight: The Role of Gender and Marital Life on Overweight or Obesity Status
The problem of overweight or obese people is increasing every year. This is due to overeating and reduced physical activity. Being overweight or obese has become a serious problem because currently, no country has been able to reduce the number of overweight or obese. In addition, obesity can also cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, depression, and even worse can cause death. Therefore, this study will examine overweight or obesity in the context of marriage. This study uses quantitative research with the measurement using two-way Anova and generalized linear model. This study used the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) scale using a Likert scale with a score range of 1 (never) to 5 (very often) for responses. The results of this study explained that female participants were more likely to be overweight or obese than male participants. When viewed based on marital status, both married men and women are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who are not married. It's just that when viewed based on gender and status married women are more likely to experience overweight or obesity.
Keywords: Overweight; obesity;gender; marrie
Gambaran Dinamika Kemiskinan Ditinjau dari Atribut Psikologis : Studi pada Masyarakat Miskin di Kota Semarang
Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan kompleks yang terjadi di Indonesia dan belum mampu diatasi dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran masyarakat miskin di daerah perkotaan Semarang yang ditinjau dari kondisi psikologis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Karakteristik subjek penelitian adalah penghasilan sehari kurang dari 2 dollar Amerika (kriteria miskin dari WHO), tinggal di kotamadya Semarang. Sampel dalam penelitian sejumlah 150 sampel (terdiri dari remaja, dewasa awal, dan dewasa madya). Penelitian ini mengukur sembilan variabel psikologis dengan pengambilan data menggunakan skala. Sembilan variabel psikologis yang diukur diantaranya atribusi kausal penyebab kemiskinan, value, self-esteem, self-efficacy, motivasi berprestasi, strategi coping, kepribadian, depresi dan subjective well-being. Selain itu juga ada 3 aspek yang diukur yaitu feelings toward poverty, causes of poverty dan solutions of poverty. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah variabel depresi memiliki kategori tinggi dibandingkan dengan variabel yang lain. Selain itu, pada masyarakat dewasa awal memiliki perasaan positif lebih besar yaitu 62% dibandingkan dengan remaja maupun dewasa madya. Penyebab dari kemiskinan pada remaja yaitu dikarenakan faktor malas (28%). Sedangkan pada dewasa awal, penyebab kemiskinan dikarenakan faktor kemauan diri (26%). Berbeda dengan dewasa madya, penyebab kemiskinan dikarenakan faktor pendidikan rendah (28%). Solusi yang ditawarkan oleh masyarakat miskin yaitu dengan cara bekerja, baik dari remaja (26%), dewasa awal (38%), dan dewasa madya (66%).
Kata Kunci : Atribut Psikologis, Dinamika Kemiskinan, Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaa
The sociodemographic context of observed solitary and social smoking behaviours using a behavioural ecological approach
This study used a behavioural ecological approach by observing whether solitary and social smoking varied as a function of gender and stress. In sample 1 (N = 414), the result was consistent with the Tend-and-Befriend Hypothesis in that more female smokers were observed to engage in social smoking during high stress. When the number of smokers observed by stress condition was controlled for in sample 2 (N = 587), this effect was non-significant. Effect sizes were small for both samples. Discrepancies with previous research suggests that self-reported data might over-estimate the interaction of various psychosocial factors on smoking behaviours
Positive Framing: Does It Work for Promoting Healthier Food Choice?
The increase in overweight and obesity in Indonesia, along with its negative impact on individual health, such as the risk of chronic diseases and reduced life expectancy, cannot be separated from unhealthy food choices. Unhealthy food choices can negatively impact health, including increasing the risk of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study is to investigate potential differences in the impact of positive message framing on healthy eating behavior. The sample of this study involved student participants aged 18-24 years. This study used an experimental design. In this study, participants were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was given positive framing messages, while the control group did not receive any framing messages. Participants conducted a shopping simulation in a virtual supermarket using virtual reality devices. After that, the participants' food choices and shopping scores were analyzed. The results of this study show a significant difference in food choices between participants given positive health cues framing and those who were not. This means that participants in the experimental group who received positive framing messages had healthier food choices than the control group. The use of positive framing strategies, such as through posters, can be effective in promoting healthy eating behavior. The implications of this study provide insights to the community that positive framing messages can be an influential way to encourage healthy eating behavior among the publicKeywords: positive framing; food choice; positive framing messages; healthy food choices
This research was conducted as the further study of previous research by
Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven& Tice (1998) about the causes of ego
depletion. Preleminary study by Mahabbati et al (2011) stated that external
factors had influenced ego depletion than internal. Internal factors include
psychological functions that drive human activities. The research consists of two
experiments. The first experiment was aimed for finding out the differences of
ego depletion in the individual under self�s executive function activities. Executive
function is the active, conscious self and also the center of conscious behaviors.
Using post test-only with non-equivalent control group design, the research was
held with 45 students as participants who then splitted to 3 groups (self-control
group, self-regulation group, and control group). The research utilized e-hunting
manipulation on self-control group and autobiography writing on the selfregulation
group. Ego depletion was measured using ego-depletion scale. Result
of the measurements show F-test = 15.562 with 0.000 (p<0.01) of significance. It
means that there is significant difference of ego depletion between self-control
group and self-regulation group. Second experiment was conducted to see the
difference of ego depletion on the individuals under choice-task activity. Choice is
the activity performed by individuals at any time. Using post test-only with nonequivalent
control griup design, the research was held with 45 students who then
splitted to high-choice group, low-choice group, and control group. The second
experiment utilized persuasive-speech as the manipulation. Manipulation by
choosing persuasive speech expected make cognitive dissonance that requires
energy. This experiment shows F-test = 0.211 with P = 0.811 (p>0.05). It means
that there are no differences of ego depletion between the high-choice and lowchoice