13 research outputs found

    Growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens as affected by a novel protease

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    Two experiments evaluated the addition of an exogenous sfericase protease in broiler diets. Experiments were run (Exp1 and Exp2) with 1,848 and 2,100 one-dayold male chicks being allocated into 84 floor pens with 14 replicates of 22 and 25 birds each, respectively. The studies were conducted in completely randomized designs. In Exp1, Standard diets were formulated with energy and AA at marginally lower levels than usual by the Brazilian integration such that broilers were expected to grow at comparatively reduced rates to the industry whereas in Exp2, the Standard diets were formulated using energy and AA as usual by the Brazilian integrations such that broilers were expected to grow comparable to industry rates. Standard diets had ideally balanced amino acids (AA). Matrix diets, in contrast, had reductions of 6% digestible lysine and of 20 kcal AME/kg compared to the Standard. Matrix diets were supplemented with an sfericase protease at 0, 10,000, and 30,000 New Feed Protease units (NFP)/kg. Outcomes showed no interaction between diet and protease in any of the experiments. However, broilers fed Standard diets had higher cumulative body weight gain (BWG) to 35 and 42 d when compared to Matrix fed birds whereas FCR were worse for birds fed the Matrix diets at 35 d in EXP1 and at 35 and 42 d in EXP2. Improvements in FCR were observed when the sfericase protease was added throughout all ages in EXP1 with a beneficial trend (P<0.067) observed in the cumulative FCR at 42 d in EXP2. The ileal digestible crude protein (IDCP) was significantly higher for birds fed Standard feeds in EXP1 with no other differences in digestibility found in any of the experiments. Protease addition led to improvements in ileal digestibility of dry matter (IDM) and IDCP (P < 0.05) compared to no protease addition in EXP1 as well as in ileal digestibility of energy (IDE) when 30,000 protease units were added. The present report demonstrates that the novel sfericase protease was successful in compensate broiler performance when reductions of 6% digestible Lys and 20 kcal/kg AME were imposed. This compensation, however, seemed more notable when birds were fed diets formulated to support moderate rather than maximum growth and having animal protein in the feed formula

    Evaluation ot the impact of loose-mix and sequential feeding using locally available feed ingredients on the performance of layer hen

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    L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’impact de deux systèmes d’alimentation (mélange et séquentiel) sur les performances de production chez la poule pondeuse en France et au Nigéria. En France avec 50% de blé entier, l’alimentation séquentielle provoque une baisse significative de l’ingestion comparée au mélange et témoin. Le nombre et la masse d’oeufs restent identiques entre les trois modes, conduisant ainsi à une amélioration importante de l’indice de consommation en alimentation séquentielle par rapport au mélange (-10%) ou au témoin (-5%). Au Nigéria avec 33% du millet, l’ingestion en séquentielle a été aussi plus faible que pour le mélange et témoin. Le nombre et le poids de l’oeuf ont été supérieurs en mode séquentiel, conduisant à une amélioration de l’indice de consommation par rapport au mélange (-20%) ou au témoin (-10%). L’alimentation séquentielle permet d’utiliser des graines entières avec une amélioration de l’efficacité alimentaire. Le modèle se présent donc comme une innovation importante pour améliorer la durabilité de la production d’oeufs en France et au Nigeria, contribuant dans ce dernier cas à une amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire.The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of sequential and loose-mix feeding of whole cereal grain on the production performance in laying hens in France and in Nigeria. Using 50% whole wheat in France, sequential feeding resulted to a significant decrease in feed intake compared to loose-mix and control.Egg number and mass were however, identical between the three systems, thus, leading to a significant improvement in the efficiency of feed utilisation in sequential compared to loose-mix (-10%) and control (-5%). Using 33% millet in Nigeria, sequential feeding also reduced feed intake compared to the two other systems. Egg number and egg weight were higher in sequential feeding system. This largely improved feedefficiency compared to loose-mix (-20%) and control (-10%). Sequential feeding allows the use of whole cereal grains with improved feed efficiency. It is therefore an innovation that can be used to sustain durable egg production in France and in Nigeria. It is also a solution to further food security in Nigeria

    Evaluation ot the impact of loose-mix and sequential feeding using locally available feed ingredients on the performance of layer hen

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    L objectif de cette thèse est d évaluer l impact de deux systèmes d alimentation (mélange et séquentiel) sur les performances de production chez la poule pondeuse en France et au Nigéria. En France avec 50% de blé entier, l alimentation séquentielle provoque une baisse significative de l ingestion comparée au mélange et témoin. Le nombre et la masse d oeufs restent identiques entre les trois modes, conduisant ainsi à une amélioration importante de l indice de consommation en alimentation séquentielle par rapport au mélange (-10%) ou au témoin (-5%). Au Nigéria avec 33% du millet, l ingestion en séquentielle a été aussi plus faible que pour le mélange et témoin. Le nombre et le poids de l oeuf ont été supérieurs en mode séquentiel, conduisant à une amélioration de l indice de consommation par rapport au mélange (-20%) ou au témoin (-10%). L alimentation séquentielle permet d utiliser des graines entières avec une amélioration de l efficacité alimentaire. Le modèle se présent donc comme une innovation importante pour améliorer la durabilité de la production d oeufs en France et au Nigeria, contribuant dans ce dernier cas à une amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire.The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of sequential and loose-mix feeding of whole cereal grain on the production performance in laying hens in France and in Nigeria. Using 50% whole wheat in France, sequential feeding resulted to a significant decrease in feed intake compared to loose-mix and control.Egg number and mass were however, identical between the three systems, thus, leading to a significant improvement in the efficiency of feed utilisation in sequential compared to loose-mix (-10%) and control (-5%). Using 33% millet in Nigeria, sequential feeding also reduced feed intake compared to the two other systems. Egg number and egg weight were higher in sequential feeding system. This largely improved feedefficiency compared to loose-mix (-20%) and control (-10%). Sequential feeding allows the use of whole cereal grains with improved feed efficiency. It is therefore an innovation that can be used to sustain durable egg production in France and in Nigeria. It is also a solution to further food security in Nigeria.TOURS-Bibl.électronique (372610011) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Inclusion of sorghum, millet and cottonseed meal in broiler diets: a meta-analysis of effects on performance

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    A meta-analysis was conducted (i) to evaluate broiler response to partial or total substitution of corn by sorghum and millet and (ii) to determine the effect of soybean meal replacement by cottonseed meal in broiler diet. The database included 190 treatments from 29 experiments published from 1990 to 2013. Bird responses to an experimental diet were calculated relative to the control (Experimental - Control), and were submitted to mixed-effect models. Results showed that diets containing millet led to similar performance as the corn-based ones for all parameters, whereas sorghum-based diets decreased growth performance. No major effect of the level of substitution was observed with millet or cottonseed meal. No effect of the level of substitution of sorghum on feed intake was found; however, growth performance decreased when the level of substitution of corn by sorghum increased. Cottonseed meal was substituted to soybean meal up to 40% and found to increase feed intake while reducing growth performance. Young birds were not more sensitive to these ingredients than older birds since there was no negative effect of these ingredients on performance in the starter phase. Results obtained for sorghum pointed out the necessity to find technological improvements that will increase the utilization of these feedstuffs in broiler diet. An additional work is scheduled to validate these statistical results in vivo and to evaluate the interactions induced with the simultaneous inclusions of sorghum, millet and cottonseed meal in broiler feeding

    A meta-analysis on the potential utilization of millet, sorghum and cottonseed meal in broiler feeding

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    A meta-analysis was performed to investigate bird’s response on some selected alternative feed ingredients: millet, sorghum and cottonseed meal. The database used contained 186 treatments from 25 different experiments published from 1990 to 2013. A 1-way ANOVA was performed todetermine the difference induced by each ingredient on average daily feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio, compared to control diets. Besides, mixed effects models were developed to test the impact of the level of substitution on all parameters during starter and growing phases. Results indicated an effect of the type of feed ingredient on feed intake and growth performance with better efficiency obtained in millet. No linear relationship was established between level of substitution and variables of interest for all ingredients ( ). Additionally, the root mean square error (RMSE) determined for each subset of data demonstrated that observations of this study are practically predictable. Therefore, it is in perspective of this work to predict bird’s response to those ingredients nutrients supply. This meta-analytic approach provides significant quantitative knowledge to utilize those ingredients at different levels without any detrimental effect in broilers. Regarding the anti-nutritional factorscontent of some of these ingredients, it would be interesting to further suggest improvementsleading to an increasing utilization of these alternative feedstuffs in poultry

    The influence of sequential feeding on behaviour, feed intake and feather condition in laying hens

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     Feeding of whole-wheat grains and a protein-mineral concentrate in sequence had been shown to modify behaviour in broilers and performance in laying hens. The objective of this study was to test whether sequential feeding with wheat would induce changes in laying hen's behaviour, feed intake, feather condition, and egg production. These parameters were measured on 320 non-beak-trimmed ISA Brown laying hens from 30 to 37 week of age. The birds were placed in 64 standard cages (five birds/cage) and allotted to one of four treatments. The control (C) was fed a complete conventional diet. Three treatments were fed sequentially with whole wheat (SWW), ground wheat (SGW) or ground wheat with added vitamin premix + phosphorus + 2% oil (SGWI). In sequential treatments, 50% of the ration was fed as wheat and the remaining 50% as a protein-mineral concentrate (balancer diet). All treatments received their daily ration in two distributions: 09:00(4 h after light on) and 16:00 h (5 h before light off). During weeks 30,32 and 34, hens' behaviour was recorded using scan sampling method (once per week during the light period), while focal sampling was used between the 32 and 34 weeks (2 halter each feeding, and 2 h in between). Feather condition of individual hen was scored at 30 and 37 weeks, number of eggs and feed intake were recorded weekly. Sequential feeding delayed the oviposition for almost 1 h. When fed wheat-based diet (09:00-16:00 h) SWW birds spent less time feeding and stood still longer compared to birds in other treatments. Four hours after distribution of wheat diets, the occurrence of feather peaking was the highest in SWW and the lowest in the SGW treatment. The poorest feather condition was recorded in the SWW treatment. Total feed intake was the highest in the C treatment, while the intake of wheat diet and the ratio wheat diet intake/total feed intake was the highest in the SGWI treatment. We concluded that sequential feeding with whole wheat had detrimental effect on behaviour of laying hens probably due to long period of access to wheat used in this work. It is therefore suggested that wheat should be used either ground or presented on shorter time sequence. The time access should be reduced when whole wheat is used