18 research outputs found

    Scenario of Scleractinian Larva Dispersal in Sulawesi Waters From A Hydrodynamic Modeling Perspective

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    Scleractinian coral such as Lobophyllia corymbosa that reproduce by external fertilization have an extended planktonic phase in their life cycle during which they "drift" in the water column. This life cycle phase is an advantage in itself because it increases the capacity of propagules to disperse far from their place of origin. In this hydrodynamic model study, secondary data on bathymetry and tides for the western monsoon period (represented by November 2017) were input into the Surface Water Modelling System SMS 8.1 to simulate the surface current circulation model. In running this program there are 2 important stages, namely GFGEN (Geometry File Generation) and RMA2 (Resources Management Associates-2). The simulation of surface current direction during the west monsoon, which is the reproductive period of L. corymbosa in Indonesia, shows the complexity and distraction of current vectors that occur in the coastal waters around Sulawesi Island. The model results indicate the possibility of spatial and temporal biological networks forming in waters around Sulawesi. The current patterns forming in Sulawesi waters during the west monsoon tend to circulate from north to south due to the higher volume of water mass originating from the Pacific Ocean flowing to the southern part of Sulawesi which is also the entry point for the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). The larval dispersion model scenario produced for each location (Manado, Toli-Toli, Palu, Mamuju, Spermonde, Sinjai, Wakatobi, and Luwuk Banggai) tended to follow the water movement patterns, with most propagules leaving the location where they were spawned

    Kerapatan Clathria reinwardti dan Spheciospongia inconstans di Reef Flat Pulau Barranglompo, Kepulauan Spermonde, Makassar

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    This study aims to determine the density of the sponges Clathria reinwardti and Spheciospongia inconstans in the reef flat of Barranglompo Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Makassar. The method used is belt transect using a roll meter as a reference for distance. The starting point of the roll meter ± 50 m from the shoreline is drawn perpendicularly to the end of the reef reef by 3 transects with a distance of ± 50m between the roll meters. At each 25m interval the observations were made using a belt transect size of 15m × 5m as the limit of the observation. In each quadrant transect, were done first is documenting of each sponge then count the number of species present in each quadrant. The results showed that the density of Clathria reinwardti at stations I and II were 0.13 and 0.14 m-2 respectively and were not significantly different, while those at stations III and IV were 0.25 and 0.31 m-2 respectively and not significantly different. Station I and II are significantly different from stations III and IV. The density of Spheciospongia inconstans at station I 0.02 m-2, station II 0.14 m-2, station III 0.67 m-2, and station IV 0.44 m-2. The sponge density of S. inconstans between stations was significantly different. The density of C. reinwardti at stations III and IV was higher and significantly different than stations I and II, while the highest density of S. inconstans was found at station III followed by station IV, station II, and station 1, and was significantly different among the four stations.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerapatan spons Clathria reinwardti dan Spheciospongia inconstans di reef flat Pulau Barranglompo, Kepulauan Spermonde, Kota Makassar. Metode yang digunakan adalah belt transect dengan menggunakan roll meter sebagai acuan jarak. Titik awal roll meter ±50 m dari garis pantai secara tegak lurus ditarik sampai batas akhir reef reef sebanyak 3 transek dengan jarak ±50m antar roll meter. Pada setiap interval 25m pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan belt transect ukuran 15m × 5m sebagai batasan pengamatan. Pada setiap transek kuadran, pertama-tama yang dilakukan adalah mengambil gambar setiap spons kemudian menghitung jumlah jenis yang terdapat pada setiap kuadran. Hasil penelitian, kerapatan spons Clathria reinwardti di stasiun I dan II masing-masing 0.13 dan 0.14 m-2 dan tidak berbeda nyata, sedangkan di stasiun III dan IV masing-masing 0.25 dan 0.31 m-2 dan tidak berbeda nyata. Stasiun I dan II berbeda nyata dengan stasiun III dan IV. Kerapatan spons Spheciospongia inconstans  pada stasiun I 0.02 m-2, stasiun II 0.14 m-2, stasiun III 0.67 m-2, dan stasiun IV 0.44 m-2. Kerapatan spons Spheciospongia inconstans antar stasiun berbeda nyata. Kerapatan Clathria reinwardti pada stasiun III dan IV lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata daripada stasiun I dan II, sedangkan kerapatan Spheciospongia inconstans tertinggi didapatkan pada stasiun III disusul kemudian stasiun IV, stasiun II, dan stasiun 1, serta berbeda nyata di antara keempat stasiun tersebut

    Dasar Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Pekalongan Convention Center dengan Konsep Arsitektur Vernakular

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    Exhibition and conference activities are one of the activities that are useful to improve the level of the economy and the progress of a region. The convention building is one of the things that must exist to facilitate exhibition and conference activities so that it can be facilitated properly. Pekalongan or often called the city of batik is one of the cities in Central Java, known as a city of culture. In addition to locations that are in close contact with the pantura, Pekalongan Regency will host the opening and closing of the International Sufi Ulema Conference or 'Al-Muntada as-Sufy al-Alamy'. The conference is planned to be opened by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, General of the Armed Forces (Ret.) Ryamizard Ryacudu. The conference will be attended by 85 Sufi scholars from abroad and 1,500 from within the country. This area will host the opening of an international Sufi multaqo. This is a gathering of world Sufism scholars. From abroad came 85 Sufi scholars and 1,500 from within the country. This area will host the opening of an international Sufi multaqo. This is a gathering of world Sufism scholars. From abroad came 85 Sufi scholars and 1,500 from within the country. The broad aim of holding this project is to accommodate events that are often or will be held in the city of Pekalongan. Through the comparative descriptive method with two variables as the object of reference, writing and summarizing this concept is expected to produce good planning results


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    This study aims to determine the distribution and relationship between the concentration of cadmium metal (Cd) and total organic matter (TOM) in sediments in the Tallo estuary, Makassar City. The study collected sediment samples from 12 points, distance of 500m between points sampling. Furthermore, 12 sediment samples were analyzed for Cd and TOM concentrations in the laboratory. The results of measurements of Cd metal in sediments showed concentrations ranging from 0.001 - 0.037 mg/kg. The concentration of Cd metal found was still in the low category. While the concentration of TOM in sediment ranges from 6.7 -30.3%, indicating a low concentration. The distribution of Cd and TOM showed that the farther from the estuary, the lower the concentration. Based on the results of the regression test, the relationship between Cd and TOM concentrations was 80.1%. This shows that the accumulation of Cd metal in Tallo River sediments is strongly influenced by the concentration of organic matter

    Sampul dan Daftar Isi SimnasKP IX (2022)

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    Kumpulan artikel yang telah dipresentasikan dalam Simposium Nasional IX Kelautan dan Perikanan 202

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sains Melalui Pembelajaran Interaktif Siswa Kelas IV SDN 15 AmpanaMeningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sains Melalui Pembelajaran Interaktif Siswa Kelas IV SDN 15 Ampana

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA di kelas IV SDN 15 Ampana Kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA melalui pembelajaran interaktif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 15 Ampana, dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang. Untuk hasil belajarnya terjadi peningkatan seiring dengan diterapkannya tindakan pembelajaran melalui pembelajrn interaktif dari siklus I ke siklus II. Hasil belajar siklus I ketuntasan belajar klasikal yakni 75,00 % dengan jumlah yang tuntas sebanyak 22 orang siswa dan yang belum tuntas 10 orang siswa, aktivitas siswa 78,75% dan aktivitas guru 81,25%.  Pada siklus II ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebanyak  87,50 %  dengan rincian 28 orang siswa tuntas dan 4 orang siswa yang masih belum tuntas, aktivitas siswa 82,50% dan aktivitas guru 93,37%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa dengan pembelajaran interaktif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi penggolongan hewan berdasarkan jenis makanannya. Kata Kunci:   Pembelajaran Interaktif, Hasil   Belajar IP

    Sampul dan Daftar Isi Prosiding SimnasKP X (2023)

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    Kumpulan artikel yang telah dipresentasikan dalam Simposium Nasional X Kelautan dan Perikanan 202

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sains Melalui Pembelajaran Interaktif Siswa Kelas IV SDN 15 AmpanaMeningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sains Melalui Pembelajaran Interaktif Siswa Kelas IV SDN 15 Ampana

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA di kelas IV SDN 15 Ampana Kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA melalui pembelajaran interaktif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 15 Ampana, dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang. Untuk hasil belajarnya terjadi peningkatan seiring dengan diterapkannya tindakan pembelajaran melalui pembelajrn interaktif dari siklus I ke siklus II. Hasil belajar siklus I ketuntasan belajar klasikal yakni 75,00 % dengan jumlah yang tuntas sebanyak 22 orang siswa dan yang belum tuntas 10 orang siswa, aktivitas siswa 78,75% dan aktivitas guru 81,25%. Pada siklus II ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebanyak 87,50 % dengan rincian 28 orang siswa tuntas dan 4 orang siswa yang masih belum tuntas, aktivitas siswa 82,50% dan aktivitas guru 93,37%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa dengan pembelajaran interaktif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi penggolongan hewan berdasarkan jenis makanannya

    Modelling coral larval dispersal for Marine Protected Area design in the Wakatobi islands (Indonesia)

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    Understanding the connectivity between reefs is the key to effective marine conservation and management. Relations between MPAs and other reefs improve the territorial resilience for the areas around MPA. Potential connectivity of coral larvae, together with other criteria (reef size, quality, productivity) ought to be considered when planning spatial management policies to ensure the persistence of coral reef systems. Here we modelled Acropora millepora dispersal in the Wakatobi islands, South East of Sulawesi, Indonesia, by using the high-resolution ocean model SLIM. We used then a Lagrangian particle tracker to model the coral larval dispersal. We also analyzed the connectivity by using graph theory to explore the spatial connections and to determine the importance of each site to local and regional connectivity. In particular, we used Google's PageRank algorithm to identify the main source and sink reefs, as well as the reefs best suited for protection and restoration. The results presented here (the connectivity indices) can be used to indicate regional patterns of coral larvae connectivity and suggest areas that should be protected or restored for marine conservation purposes. We recognized regions with a high PageRank Protection index yet excluded from the marine protected area. This information would be valuable for the researcher as a stepping stone to do field observation. It is also helpful for marine managers to plan science-based MPAs and better arrangement of the reclamation program