112 research outputs found

    The Use of Social Networking among Senior Secondary School Students in Abuja Municipal Area of Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria

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    The present study examined the use of social networking among senior secondary school students in Abuja Municipal Area Council of FCT. The study employed quantitative method for data collection involving questionnaire administration. Fifteen questions with Likert model and ten yes/no responses in a questionnaire were personally administered to 400 randomly selected students. The obtained data were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that many students used social networking in high magnitude especially Facebook and that they spend increasing amount of quality time on these networks. This study will be of immense benefit to the Federal Capital Territory Administration as it has shown the potent dangers of uncontrolled use of these social networking by students and therefore the need to put in place measures to forestall its alluded negative effects becomes imperative. Keywords: Federal Capital Territory, Use, Social Networking, Students

    Writing Error Analysis in Exposition Text of the EFL Junior High School Students

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    The objective of this research was to understand the writing error of eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 4 Samarinda. The descriptive qualitative method was used to examine the written exposition text made by 15 students. The data was collected from the participants’ writing on exposition text and analyzed based on the errors’ categorization. The result showed that there are 16 categories of errors found in the data. They were punctuation, missing word, capitalization, subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, spelling, singular or plural, unnecessary word, wrong word form, wrong word, wrong order, fragment, preposition, conjunction, article, and need-further support error. The error factors were intralingua transfer, interlingua transfer, and students’ lack of knowledge about writing

    Memahami Dimensi Ketidakpastian dari Layanan Perdagangan Saham Online di Indonesia

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    "AbstraksiPesatnya perkembangan teknologi membuat sebagian masyarakat beralih dari jual beli tradisional menjadi perdagangan online, termasuk dalam perdagangan saham. Terdapat beberapa ketidakpastian dalam perdagangan saham secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek dari berbagai ketidakpastian terhadap niat adopsi perdagangan saham secara online di Indonesia. Penelitian juga menjelaskan pengaruh kepercayaan dan manfaat yang diterima sebagai moderasi antara berbagai dimensi ketidakpastian dengan niat adopsi perdagangan saham online. Sampel penelitian didapatkan melalui kuesioner terhadap 170 responden. Responden adalah pelaku perdagangan saham. Studi menemukan efek negatif yang signifikan dari ketidakpastian teknologi yang dirasakan, ketidakpastian peraturan yang dirasakan, dan layanan tidak berwujud yang dirasakan terhadap niat adopsi perdagangan saham online. Asimetris informasi yang dirasakan tidak memiliki efek yang signifikan terhadap niat adopsi perdagangan saham online. Variabel kepercayaan dan manfaat yang dirasakan, masing-masing secara signifikan memoderasi hubungan antara niat adopsi perdagangan saham online dengan ketidakpastian teknologi yang dirasakan, ketidakpastian peraturan yang dirasakan, dan layanan tidak berwujud.AbstractThe rapid development of technology has made some people switch from traditional trading to online trading, including in stock trading. There are some uncertainties in online stock trading. This study aims to determine the effect of various uncer- tainties on the intentions to adopt online stock trading in Indonesia. The study also explains the effect of trust and perceived benefits as a moderator between various dimensions of uncertainty with the intentions to adopt online stock trading. The research sample was obtained through a questionnaire to 170 respondents. Re- spondents are stock traders. The study found a significant negative effect of per- ceived technology uncertainty, perceived regulatory uncertainty, and perceived service intangibility on intentions to adopt online stock trading. Perceived infor- mation asymmetry does not have a significant effect on intentions to adopt online stock trading. Trust and perceived benefits, significantly moderated the relation- ship between intentions to adopt online stock trading with perceived technologyuncertainty, perceived regulatory uncertainty, and perceived service intangibility.

    E-teaching of Arabic to non-native speakers in pandemic

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    The article discusses modern media used during teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, especially e-learning which has become required in the new world, especially in the spread of infectious diseases. This situation urges the teaching system to switch to E-learning, which helps in studies, particularly during the lockdown period in the pandemic. It benefits the teaching by modern technologies and media in transmitting the language to learners. Learning Arabic has increased in recent times, and learners as a modern generation are using modern technologies to learn. This research on E-teaching of Arabic to non-native speakers in a pandemic is urgent, especially in the pandemic era. It must use media in teaching, especially in teaching Arabic. With the emergence of the Corona pandemic that has spread throughout the world, the demand raises high. The results were as following: use of media in education makes teaching more effective and integrated, give effective results, raises the competence of the teacher and the recipient of the language, increases attention and excitement among students, and develops the ability to teach with communication, and the media facilitate the education process even in the spread of diseases and does not interrupt the chain of education between the learner and the teacher. We arrived with results that the necessity of acquaintance with modern methods and technical means and using them will give fruitful results

    Phosphorus Fertilizer Response to Onion (Allium cepa L.) Yield in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Background: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most essential plants in food with high nutritional value. However, application of right dose of phosphorous (P) is one of the constraints to the profitable onion yields in soils deficient in P.Methods: A systematic study to confirm the best dose of P was conducted for six years in the P deficient soil in farmers’ fields. Based on the findings obtained from 2008-09 to 2010-11, the research was undertaken to determine the effect of different phosphorus levels on the yield of onion in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with a total of 114 replicates  in 2011-12 to 2012-13. Four treatments (160, 210, 260 and 310 kg P2O5 ha-1) were tested with N and K at 100 kg ha-1.Results: From the results of this investigation, the variance analysis showed the substantial P impact. The maximum marketable bulb yield (19.03 t ha-1) was obtained from the fertilizer combination NPK @ 100-310-100 kg ha-1 and was shown to be statistically higher than all other treatments.Conclusion: Nonetheless, the nutshell of the overall economic study is that poor farmers (Land holders >12 acres) may have options to select the NPK fertilizer combination @ 100:210:100 kg ha-1 and the average farmer may have options to select the NPK fertilizer combination @ 100:260:100 kg ha-1. But rich farmers (Land holders >25 acres) who can spend more money on fertilizers and are interested in the higher gross margin should follow the combination of NPK fertilizers @ 100:310:100 kg ha-1 to profitably increase their gross margin and maintain soil fertility for onion cultivation in Punjab, Pakistan.   Keywords: Onion; NPK; Plant nutrition; Phosphorus; Pungency

    DNA methylation of human choline kinase alpha gene

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    Increased level of choline kinase (CK) is a common feature in cancers and inhibition of this enzyme has been applied as anticancer strategy. DNA methylation of gene promoter especially at CpG island is associated with suppression of gene expression. Despite the importance of CK especially the alpha isoform in cancer pathogenesis, epigenetic regulation of ckα expression has not been investigated. Hence, this study aimed to determine the effect of DNA methylation on ckα promoter activity and gene expression by using hypomethylating (5-aza) and methylating (budesonide) agents. The level of DNA methylation in the second CpG island of ckα promoter was determined by PCR-based method. 5-aza and budesonide increased the methylation of the selected CpG island compared to untreated control. Treatment with the drugs produced opposite effect, with 5-aza induced ckα promoter activity and gene expression while budesonide suppressed the promoter activity and mRNA level of this gene. Deletion of a region containing the second CpG island on ckα promoter resulted in significantly lower promoter activity. In conclusion, this study showed that DNA methylation could be one of the mechanisms that regulate the expression of ckα gene

    Causal Link between Financial Globalisation Uncertainty, Economic Growth, Environmental Degradation and Energy Consumption in ASEAN+3 Countries

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    This paper aims to examine the causal linkage of financial globalisation uncertainty, Environmental Degradation, economic growth and energy consumption for ASEAN+3 countries using second-generation approach for the period between 1970–2019. The results of second-generation unit root test revealed that economic growth and financial globalisation uncertainty were stationary at level, while energy consumption and environmental degradation were stationary at first difference. In addition, the Larson cointegration test showed that long-run cointegration exists between the variables. Similarly, we found that economic growth and environmental degradation have significant positive influence on energy consumption. However, financial globalisation uncertainty has insignificant influence on energy consumption. The results of causal relationship indicated a bidirectional causal relationship between financial globalisation uncertainty and energy consumption; environmental degradation and energy consumption; and economic growth and energy consumption

    The Muslim headscarf and face perception: "they all look the same, don't they?"

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    YesThe headscarf conceals hair and other external features of a head (such as the ears). It therefore may have implications for the way in which such faces are perceived. Images of faces with hair (H) or alternatively, covered by a headscarf (HS) were used in three experiments. In Experiment 1 participants saw both H and HS faces in a yes/no recognition task in which the external features either remained the same between learning and test (Same) or switched (Switch). Performance was similar for H and HS faces in both the Same and Switch condition, but in the Switch condition it dropped substantially compared to the Same condition. This implies that the mere presence of the headscarf does not reduce performance, rather, the change between the type of external feature (hair or headscarf) causes the drop in performance. In Experiment 2, which used eye-tracking methodology, it was found that almost all fixations were to internal regions, and that there was no difference in the proportion of fixations to external features between the Same and Switch conditions, implying that the headscarf influenced processing by virtue of extrafoveal viewing. In Experiment 3, similarity ratings of the internal features of pairs of HS faces were higher than pairs of H faces, confirming that the internal and external features of a face are perceived as a whole rather than as separate components.The Educational Charity of the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians