61 research outputs found

    Morphological and ophthalmoscopic features of epiretinal membranes after intravitreal injection of various doses of aflibercept in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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    Background: Although methods are available to treat proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), 30% of cases progress, which is an indication for vitrectomy. Purpose: To investigate the ophthalmoscopic and morphological features of epiretinal membranes (ERMs) in patients with PDR depending on the dose of preoperative intravitreal aflibercept (PIA). Material and Methods: Seventy-five patients (75 eyes) with PDR and the presence of fibrovascular ERM with a marked proliferative component were involved in the study. Patients were divided into three groups: eyes of group 1 or control group (31 eyes) received vitrectomy without PIA; group 2 (17 eyes), PIA 1.0 mg; and group 3 (27 eyes), PIA 2.0 mg. We performed a histological study on specimens of fibrovascular ERMs surgically obtained from patients to determine the microscopic features of these membranes. Results: There was ophthalmoscopic and microscopic evidence that aflibercept pretreatment in vitrectomy for PDR resulted in fibrosis of the ERM. The extent of fibrosis of the ERM and obliteration of newly formed blood vessels in the ERM depended on the dose of PIA. Complete obliteration of newly formed blood vessels in the ERM was observed as early as day 3 after 2.0-mg intravitreal aflibercept injection compared to day 5 after 1.0-mg intravitreal aflibercept injection. Pretreatment with 1.0-mg intravitreal aflibercept in vitrectomy for PDR reduced the probability of complications associated with ERM contraction, worsening of the tractional component and the development of a retinal break

    Ehlers–Danlos syndrome: a case report

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    Background: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a rare disease characterized by connective tissue dysplasia, and, consequently, structural changes in ocular tissues. To the best of our knowledge, only 3 cases of surgical treatment with vitrectomy for retinal detachment in EDS have been reported in the literature. Purpose: To review an approach to medical and surgical treatment for recurrent retinal detachment in a patient with EDS. Material and Methods: Data on the clinical condition of eyes, examination findings and outcomes of conservative and surgical treatment were reported. Results: Substantial remnants of the vitreous were found in the periphery during surgical re-examination of the vitreous cavity, and were as much as possible removed with a vitreous cutter. Trypan blue staining of the retina facilitated the removal of the epiretinal membrane covering the whole posterior pole, and the membrane was completely removed with forceps. Conclusion: We argue for a more differentiated approach to the examination and treatment of patients with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, because connective tissue dysplasia may mimic another systemic autoimmune disease. Early treatment and adequate treatment strategy enable treatment success for especially severe cases

    Dynamics of the Activity of MAP-Kinase Cascades in the Healing Process of Postoperative Musculocutaneous Wounds

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    Background. Management of the reparative process is an urgent task of modern medicine. In our opinion, the development of pathogenetically grounded approaches to optimizing the repair process for managing the interrelations of stromal cells is promising. One of the promising areas in this regard is the impact on the MAPK-cascades.Aim: to study the expression of MAP-kinase mechanisms in the regulation of repair by the example of a musculocutaneous wound.Methods. A linear muscular skin wound was modeled using Wistar rats weighing 220–250 g at the age of 9 months (n = 24). Immunofluorescence staining was performed to detect the activity of p38, JNK, and ERK MAPK cascades from 1 to 30 days.Results. It was established that specific staining in the area of connective tissue formation during staining with p38 MAPK and its phosphorylated form was first observed on the 3rd day, and its maximum severity occurred at the same time. On the 7th and 14th day, small zones in the area of scar formation were minimally stained. The phosphorylated part of the JNK-cascade in the zone of traumatic injury was detected starting from the 1st day after the injury. Bright color persisted on the 3rd day. On the 7th day, the color was minimal, and by the 14th day a second wave of expression was observed. ERK-staining was observed from the 1st to the 14th day with a peak activity on the 3rd day.Conclusion. Thus, we revealed the simultaneous involvement of p38, JNK-, and ERK-cascades in the regulation of the reparative process in the conditions of a musculoskeletal wound. At the same time, it is noteworthy that the peak activity of all cascades coincides and falls on the 3rd day

    Truncated estimating parameters of additive mixture of radio signal and kurtosis non-Gaussian noise

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    Побудовано ефективні методи статистичної обробки даних відповідного класу, які б дозволили підвищити точність результатів та швидкість обробки сигналів Синтезовано алгоритми знаходження спільної оцінки частоти радіосигналу при усіченому оцінюванні дисперсії негаусівської ексцесної завади. Запропоновані моделі та алгоритми можуть бути застосовані до різного класу сигналів і завад, а отримані результати – використані для підвищення точності оцінок параметрів сигналів в радіолокації, радіонавігації, телекомунікації та інших сферах, де точність алгоритмів обробки сигналів відіграє важливу роль.Introduction. Classical method based on the use of Gaussian random signal model has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, Maximum Likelihood Method has not found wide implementation due to the high computational complexity. Method of Moments does not have the properties of asymptotic optimality, although it leads to a relatively simple calculations. In general, the methods do not consider more complex structure of real noise. Therefore the accuracy of signal processing algorithms may be insufficient. The aims and objectives of research. The aim of the paper is to adapt Methods of Polynomial Maximization (MPM) and Truncated Stochastic Polynomial Maximization (MTSPM) for joint estimation of radiosignal and kurtosis non-Gaussian noise parameters. The Objective of research is to develop effective methods of statistical data processing, which would allow increasing the accuracy and speed of signal processing. Construction of the Polynomial algorithms for joint estimating. The systems of equations are constructed to find joint estimates. MPM is used to estimate the radiosignal frequency and the noise variance – MTSPM. Statistical properties of the radiosignal frequency estimates. The asymptotic dispersions of estimates are calculated to study the statistical properties of radiosignal parameter estimates. Comparison of the asymptotic dispersion of radiosignal frequency estimates and a graphical representation of the results. The efficiency of polynomial estimation algorithms increases with the stochastic polynomial degree and as the values of coefficients of kurtosis approach the tolerance range limit. Conclusion. The effective methods of signal processing to enhance the accuracy and speed of non-Gaussian signals processing are developed. The results can be used to improve the estimation accuracy of radiosignal parameters in radiolocation, radio navigation and other areas, where the accuracy of signal processing algorithms plays an important role.Построено методы статистической обработки данных соответствующего класса, которые бы позволили повысить точность результатов и скорость обработки сигналов. Синтезированы алгоритмы нахождения совместной оценки частоты радиосигнала при усеченном оценивании дисперсии эксцессной помехи. Предложенные модели и алгоритмы могут быть применены к разного класса сигналам и помехам, а полученные результаты – использованы для повышения точности оценок параметров сигналов в радиолокации, радионавигации, телекоммуникации и других сферах, где точность алгоритмов обработки сигналов играет важную роль

    Use of Vasavital® in patients with diabetic retinopathy

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    Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major cause of visual impairment or blindness among working-age adults worldwide. For years, researchers around the world have been trying to develop new effective pharmaceutical methods of treatment for preclinical and early DR. Purpose: To examine the effect of a one-month course of Vasavital on the function of the visual system and ocular hemodynamics (using ophthalmic rheography) in patients with non-proliferative and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR and PPDR, respectively). Material and Methods: Forty-seven type 2 diabetes patients with DR and moderate glycemic control were divided into those with NPDR (group 1 of 15 patients; 30 eyes) and those with PPDR (group 2 of 17 patients; 34 eyes). The control group was composed of 15 volunteers (30 eyes) of similar age having no systemic or eye disease. Patients received a one-month course of Vasavital-only therapy at a dose of one capsule twice a day as an outpatient treatment. They received visual acuity assessment, intraocular pressure measurement, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, perimetry, systemic blood pressure and pulse measurement, optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography, and ocular hemodynamics was assessed by ophthalmic rheography. Eleven patients (22 eyes) with NPDR and ten patients (20 eyes) with PPDR underwent electrophysiological studies of electrically evoked phosphene threshold (EEPT) and critical frequency of phosphene disappearance (CFPD), before and after a course of Vasavital treatment. Results: Patients reported that a one-month course of Vasavital was well-tolerated, with no new complaints. In addition, no side effects were observed. After treatment, the function of the photopic afferent system as assessed by light sensitivity at minutes 0 to 7 of adaptation improved by 33.3%-40% in patients with NPDR and by 27.2%-33.3% in patients with PPDR. In addition, there was a decrease in EEPT by 18% and 7.7%, respectively, and an increase in CFPD by 28.2% and 24.7%, respectively, for patients in groups 1 and 2. Moreover, ocular pulse blood filling improved by 27.7% in patients with NPDR and by 17.3% in patients with PPDR, and vascular tone in large-caliber vessels decreased by 8% in the former patients. Conclusion: A one-month Vasavital course administered to patients with DR had a positive effect on the visual system function and ocular circulation parameters, which provides grounds for the use of the Ginkgo biloba-based preparation as a monotherapy or as part of a combined treatment for initial functional changes in the visual system in DR

    Використання поліфенолкарбонового комплексу з антарктичних чорних дріжджів Nadsoniella nigra в раціон птиці та їх вплив на інкубаційні якос-ті яєць перепілок несучок

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    The results of research on the influence of the polyphenol carbon complex from the Antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra, which is additionally introduced into compound feed, are presented on the hatching qualities of quail eggs. Experimental studies were conducted in the conditions of the problematic research laboratory of feed additives of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. The material for the scientific and economic experiment was adult quail of the Pharaoh breed. Experiments were conducted using the group method. Accordingly, 192 heads of quails were selected for the experiment at 42 days, from which four groups were formed according to the principle of analogs - a control group and three experimental ones, 48 heads in each with four replications). When selecting analogs, the sex, age, and body weight of the bird were taken into account. The main period lasting 210 days, was divided into seven sub-periods, each of which lasted 30 days. The composition of the compound feed for the quails of the control and experimental groups and the set and number of ingredients in it were identical. The chemical composition of the combined feed used for feeding quails was the same and differed only in the content of PFC. During the experiment, the preservation of livestock and productivity were recorded, and feed conversion was also calculated. It was experimentally established that adding 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/kg polyphenol-carbon complex from the Antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra to compound feed positively affects the hatching properties of eggs and, at the same time, reduces the percentage of hatching waste. At the same time, in the birds of the 3rd experimental group, which were fed 0.5 mg/kg of PFC as part of the compound feed, respectively, the percentage of fertilization was 2.2%; hatchability of eggs by 3.8%; and the yield of young by 5%, compared to birds that were not given PFC compound feed.Наведено результати досліджень з установлення впливу поліфенолкарбонового комплексу з антарктичних чорних дріжджів Nadsoniella nigra, який додатково вводять у комбікорми, на інкубаційні якості яєць перепелів. Експериментальні дослідження проводилися в умовах проблемної науково-дослідної лабораторії кормових добавок Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Матеріалом для науково-господарського досліду були дорослі перепели породи фараон. Досліди проводили за методом груп. Відповідно до цього для досліду у 42-добовому віці було відібрано 192 голови перепелів, з яких за принципом аналогів сформовано 4 групи – контрольну і три дослідні, по 48 голів у кожній з чотирма реплікаціями). При підборі аналогів враховували стать, вік і масу тіла птиці. Основний період тривалістю 210 діб було поділено на 7 підперіодів, кожен із яких тривав 30 діб. Склад комбікорму для перепелів контрольної та дослідних груп, набір і кількість інгредієнтів у ньому були ідентичними. Хімічний склад комбікорму, який використовували для годівлі перепелів, був однаковим і різнився лише за вмістом ПФК. Упродовж досліду проводився облік збереженості поголів’я, продуктивності, а також розраховували конверсію корму. Експериментально встановлено, що додавання до комбікорму 0,1, 0,5 та 1,0 мг/кг поліфенолкарбонового комплексу з антарктичних чорних дріжджів Nadsoniella nigra позитивно впливає на інкубаційні властивості яєць і при цьому знижує відсоток відходів інкубації. Водночас у птиці 3-ї дослідної групи, якій у складі комбікорму згодовували 0,5 мг/кг ПФК, відповідно за відсотком запліднення на 2,2 %; виводимістю яєць на 3,8 %; та виходом молодняку на 5 %, порівняно з птицею, якій не вводили до складу комбікорму ПФК

    Використання комах у годівлі риб (огляд)

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    Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of the global food industry, signaling a paradigm shift in how we meet the growing demand for fish. The current aquaculture production system relies heavily on fishmeal, which is becoming increasingly unsustainable due to stagnant or declining fish catches, especially wild marine fish stocks. A significant percentage of fish stocks are already almost completely used. This situation, combined with the increasing demand for fish, suggests that fishmeal will become a more limiting ingredient, both from a production and price perspective. In response to these pressing issues, there has been a notable surge in research to explore potential alternatives, such as insect meal, which is one of the critical means to ensure the sustainability of aquaculture and overcome the limitations of fishmeal. Insects hold significant promise in the field of animal nutrition, and further research is needed to fully understand their nutritional value in the context of animal feed applications. Insect farming can be effectively done on human by-products or waste, allowing them to convert this rich, cheap organic waste into protein-rich animal biomass suitable for animal consumption. Analytical review found that insect meal has sufficient nutrient composition suitable for potential inclusion in fish feed as a versatile protein source to create individual nutrient profiles. It is worth noting that a wide range of insect species, their various habitats, developmental stages, feeding behavior and other characteristics can affect the nutritional value of insect meal. This diversity makes insect meal an attractive target for further research as an alternative to fish meal.Аквакультура є найбільш швидкозростаючим сектором світової харчової промисловості, що свідчить про зміну парадигми в тому, як ми задовольняємо зростаючий попит на рибу. Сучасна система виробництва продукції аквакультури значною мірою покладається на рибне борошно, яке стає все більш нестійким через стагнацію або скорочення вилову риби, особливо диких морських рибних запасів. Значний відсоток рибних запасів вже майже повністю використаний. Ця ситуація в поєднанні зі зростаючим попитом на рибу свідчить про те, що рибне борошно стане більш обмежувальним інгредієнтом як з точки зору виробництва, так і з точки зору ціни. У відповідь на ці нагальні проблеми спостерігається помітний сплеск досліджень, спрямованих на вивчення потенційних альтернатив, таких як комашине борошно, яке має одне з вирішальних значень для забезпечення сталості аквакультури та подолання обмежень рибного борошна. Комахи мають значні перспективи у сфері годівлі тварин, і для повного розуміння їхньої поживної цінності в контексті застосування в кормах для тварин необхідні подальші дослідження. Вирощування комах можна ефективно проводити на побічних продуктах або відходах життєдіяльності людини, що дозволяє їм перетворювати ці цінні, дешеві органічні відходи в багату на білок тваринну біомасу, придатну для харчування тварин. За результатами аналітичного огляду встановлено, що борошно з комах має достатній склад поживних речовин, придатний для потенційного включення в корм для риб як універсального джерелом білка для створення індивідуальних профілів поживних речовин. Варто зазначити, що широкий спектр видів комах, їх різноманітні середовища існування, стадії розвитку, харчова поведінка та інші характеристики можуть впливати на поживну цінність борошна з комах. Така різноманітність робить борошно з комах привабливим об’єктом для подальших досліджень  як альтернативи рибному борошну

    Morphological changes in chorioretinal complex of rabbit immediately after exposure of high frequency electric current (modified generator ec-300m1) compared with diode lazer coagulation

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    В результате экспериментального исследования, выполненного на 7 кроликах (14 глаз), установлено, что наиболее выраженным деструктивным действием на сетчатку и сосудистую оболочку обладает пороговая диодная эндолазерная коагуляция. Меньшее деструктивное действие отмечено при высокочастотной электросварке биологических тканей с напряжением 18–20 В. Наиболее щадящее действие оказывает высокочастотная электросварка с напряжением 14–16 В.Harmful effects minimizing of some factors, including laser, electric current on the eye tissues during various interventions is relevant area of ophthalmology. High frequency electric welding of biological tissues (HEWBT) can be considered as an alternative method of retinopexy with an ability to minimize the destructive effects of electric current on the retina and choroid. Purpose. To investigate the chorioretinal complex morphological changes in rabbit immediately after high-frequency electric current exposure (modified generator EC-300M1). Materials and methods. 7 rabbits (14 eyes) were in experimental studies. Group I: animals applied for welding applications on the retina using technology HEWBT with parameters: voltage — 14–16 V, current — 0.1 A, exposure 1–2 s, frequency 66 kHz). Group II: welding applications with a voltage of 18–20 V. Group III — chorioretinal burn formed using threshold diode endolazer coagulation. In the control group, no intervention was performed. Animal’s eyes were subjected by histological examination

    Determination of electric current threshold parameters for high-frequency electric welding of the retina in experiment and based on two-dimensional numerical simulation depending on the intraocular contents (vitreous, perftordekalin, air)

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    Мета роботи – визначити порогові параметри електричного струму при високочастотному електрозварюванні сітківки в експерименті в залежності від внутрішньоочного вмісту та обгрунтувати їх за допомогою двомірного чисельного моделювання.Introduction. High-frequency electric welding (HFEW) is used in vitreoretinal surgery for retinopexy and haemostasis. Parameters of electric current may depend on the tamponade of the vitreous cavity. Purpose. To determine threshold parameters of the electric current of HFEW of the retina in depending on the intraocular content (vitreous, perfluorodecalin) and give reasons for preference on the basis of two-dimensional numerical simulation.Цель работы – определить пороговые параметры электрического тока при высокочастотной электросварке сетчатки в эксперименте в зависимости от внутриглазного содержимого и обосновать их на основании двухмерного численного моделирования

    Romboutsia hominis sp nov., the first human gut-derived representative of the genus Romboutsia, isolated from ileostoma effluent

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    A Gram-stain-positive, motile, rod-shaped, obligately anaerobic bacterium, designated FRIFIT, was isolated from human ileostoma effluent and characterized. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, strain FRIFIT was most closely related to the species Romboutsia ilealis CRIBT (97.7 %), Romboutsia lituseburensis DSM 797(T) (97.6 %) and Romboutsia sedimentorum LAM201(T) (96.6 %). The level of DNA-DNA relatedness between strain FRIFIT and R. ilealis CRIBT was 13.9 +/- 3.3% based on DNA-DNA hybridization. Whole genome sequence-based average nucleotide identity between strain FRIFIT and closely related Romboutsia strains ranged from 78.4-79.1 %. The genomic DNA G+C content of strain FRIFIT was 27.8 mol%. The major cellular fatty acids of strain FRIFI T were saturated and unsaturated straight-chain C12-C19 fatty acids as well as cyclopropane fatty acids, with C-16:0 being the predominant fatty acid. The polar lipid profile comprised five phospholipids and six glycolipids. These results, together with differences in phenotypic features, support the proposal that strain FRIFIT represents a novel species within the genus Romboutsia, for which the name Romboutsia hominis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is FRIFIT (=DSM 28814(T) = KCTC 15553(T)).Peer reviewe