281 research outputs found

    Issues on E-Marketing

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    E-Marketing is a function of marketing, It is enevitable for marketing to use technology to carry out its function.   We need to manage the marketing function not with the aid of technology but through technological advances.  Technological advances are double-edged swords: they create and destroy opportunities (Diola, Z. et al 2008).   Quirk resources defines E-Marketing or electronic marketing as the application of marketing principles  and techniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet.   The terms  e-marketing, internet marketing and online marketing, are  frequently  interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous.  E-marketing is the process  of marketing a brand using the  internet.  It includes  both direct  response marketing and indirect  marketing elements  and uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers.  By such a definition,  eMarketing encompasses all the activities a business conducts via the worldwide web with the aim of attracting new business, retaining current business and developing its brand identity.  The present paper hoped to study and understand the concept of E-marketing and identify the types of E-marketing.

    Solid Waste Management Practices of Households in the University of Eastern Philippines

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    The University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) campus is located 3 kilometers east of the capital towm of Catarman and occupies an area of 419 hectares. A total of 63.8 hectares is its residential area, where its faculty, employees & students mostly reside with an estimated population of 7,000. Considered  a University town, it consists  of three distinct barangays, namely:  Barangay Zone I, Zone II, and Zone III.  The population in the university campus is growing and it does not have a sanitary landfill to dispose the garbage properly.  Thus, residents has to resort to dumping their wastes in an open dumpsite, which is located in Catarman, Northren Samar.   The current situation of the solid waste management system in the three barangays of the University of Eastern Philippines is at a critical stage.  At present, available equipment is not enough to collect all the wastes from the source to the disposal sites.  There are areas where the garbage trucks cannot be accessed and the waste materials are merely dumped, spread, and left exposed to the environment.  The main problem in solid waste management in the three barangays of the University of Eastern Philippines is the lack of ample attention posed by the local government in addressing the waste management problem.  The study  presented the solid waste management practices of households in the University of Eastern Philippines and identified the problems and solutions  related to solid waste management

    Economic Variables Affecting the Bids of Households for an Improved Environmental Quality In The University Of Eastern Philippines

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    The  University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) campus is located  three kilometers east of the capital town of Catarman, Northern Samar and occupies an mm,mmhl[[[[llarea of  419 hectares.  A total of 63.8 hectares is its residential area, where its faculty, employees and students mostly reside with an estimated population of 7,000.  Considered a University town, it consists of three distinct barangays, namely: Barangay Zone 1, Zone II, and Zone III.  The populaton in the universty campus is growing and it does not have a sanitary landfill to dispose the garbage properly.  Thus, residents has to resort to dumping their wastes in an open dumpsite, which is located in Catarman, Northern Samar. The present solid waste management system of the University  of Eastern Philippines needs an immediate solution to its pollution.  Based on economist’s point of view, pollution is a kind of externality that the polluter should have to take with responsibility.  It should not be solved using only the biophysical components, but it should consider the economic aspect so the polluter should have to pay the cost of abatement if pollution is to be eliminated.  Because pollution is an economic problem, it has to be priced so that the polluter has to take responsibility for it.  Hence, this study analyzed  the economic factors affecting the bids of households for an improved environmental sanitation in the University of Eastern Philippines

    Willingness to pay bid of households for improvement in solid waste collection and disposal services in the University of Eastern Philippines

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    This paper determined the willingness to pay bid of households for improvement in solid waste collection and disposal services in the University of Eastern Philippines.  The study made use of primary data gathered from sample households through household survey. Majority (88.9%) of the  63 sample respondents from the three barangays were willing to pay for an improvement in solid waste collection and disposal services through a solid waste      management program.   The modal WTP bids in all barangays ranged from P91 to P120. Currently, no garbage collection fee is charged from households in all the sample barangays. Based on the foregoing results of the study, the following recommendations are suggested: 1) Due to limited government budget, the Local Government Unit should collect a user charge   from households  in  order to improve the    present solid waste collection and disposal services   of the three barangays in the University of    Eastern Philippines; 2)  The government should allocate funds for the purchase of new garbage  trucks for solid waste      collection and disposal services;  3)  The role of the LGUs not only in the collection of wastes but also in waste disposal should be   strengthened

    Validitas LKPD Elektronik Berbasis Masalah Terintegrasi Nilai Karakter Percaya Diri untuk Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika SD Di Era Digital

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    Keterampilan pemecahan masalah matematika peserta didik Indonesia masih rendah.. Peserta didik Indonesia mengalami kesulitan dalam memodelkan situasi atau masalah kompleks secara matematika dan kesulitan dalam memilih, membandingkan serta mengevaluasi strategi pemecahan masalah matematika. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini maka dibutuhkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik yang bisa menumbuhkan keterampilan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dan mendeskripsikan validitas LKPD elektronik berbasis masalah terintegrasi nilai karakter percaya diri untuk keterampilan pemecahan masalah matematika peserta didik Sekolah Dasar. Jenis Penelitian Research and Development dengan model pengembangan 4D. Data penelitian yang berbentuk kuantitatif diperoleh dari penilaian validator ahli, segi isi, bahasa dan design. Teknik analisis data menggunakan skala likert. Validitas mendapatkan rerata skor 3,4 pada aspek isi, 3,53 pada aspek bahasa dan 3,37 pada aspek design. Berdasarkan validitas tersebut e-LKPD yang dikembangkan dinyatakan Sangat valid digunakan untuk melatih keterampilan pemecahan masalah Matematika SD kelas V pada materi penjumlahan pecahan dengan penyebut berbed


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    Real Analysis is a compulsory subject for students in the 5th semester of the Mathematics education study program at STKIP Adzkia. This study aims to determine the learning difficulties experienced by students of STKIP Adzkia in riil number courses. This research was qualitative research. The research subjects were students of Mathematics STKIP Adzkia 5th semester study program. Data were obtained from observations and tests. The steps of ata analysis techniques were  data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Difficulties experienced by students could be seen from the mistakes made by students when solving riil number problems. The results of this study indicated that the difficulties experienced by students in the material of riil numbers were (1) difficulties in applying the concept; (2) Difficulties in developing concepts that have already been learned; (3) difficulty in performing arithmetic operations; (4) difficulty in using certain procedures; (5) difficulty in constructing ideas or ideas to prove a Mathematical statement.This indicates that there are many difficulties in learning real analysis

    Forex Trading for Beginner With Using Simple Moving Average as Main Indicator and Bollinger Bands as Support and Resistance in GBP/USD TF H1 Period July 2012 - December 2012

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    Main goal of this thesis is, how to make the beginner trader can achieve a profit quickly and easily while investing in forex, just using basic technical analysis published by master forex on the internet namely is Kang_Gun or familiarly called KG_Forex and without using a broker.  In this paper the author will use the basic theory published by KG_forex there are 4 types of Simple Moving Average as the main indicator and Bollinger Bands as a line of support or resistance. SMA 24 is useful to look at the price movement in the past period of 1 day, SMA 120 is useful to see movement in a past period of 1week, SMA 480 is useful to look at the price movement in a past period of 1 month and SMA 4 is useful to look at the price movement in past 4 hours . A cross between SMA 24 and SMA 4 and when prices have bounced back from the upper / lower Bollinger Bands. This is would be a signal for the beginning trader to perform open position. This basic method is compared with a more advanced method. This comparative method using 5 different types of Linear Weighted Moving Average as the main indicator and uses two types of Bollinger Bands as a line of support / resistance. After doing all the calculation in GBP / USD TF H1. Apparently comparative method will provide more profit than the first method. However the comparison method will give more ambiguous signal to the beginner traders. The results obtained by the first method is very adequate for beginner traders. When you do all these things in the first method with discipline they can get up to 11400 USD profit. For traders who are pretty experienced the authors suggest to propagate the information by increasing the number of indicators used and do not forget to always look for fundamental information. This thesis only focus only on GBP/USD in TF H1 using forex trading software namely Meta Trader 4. In period July 2012 – Desember 2012. The outcome of this thesis the beginner trader can investing in forex future trading without using broker and they can get enough profit at he beginning. This research can prove the efficiency of KG basic method and its easy to use it. Keywords: forex, SMA, BB, LWMA, KG_forex, investing, trading, derivative, Category:Finance; derivative, fore


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    Pembelahan buah pala yang dilakukan petani pada saat ini umumnya masih menggunakan cara manual dengan pisau satu per satu, sehingga diperlukan sebuah alat pembelah semi mekanis yang dapat meningkatkan kapasitas kerja, dan mengurangi resiko kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melakukan rancang bangun alat pembelah buah pala semi mekanis. Proses penelitian ini meliputi pembuatan alat pembelah buah pala serta melakukan uji fungsional. Penelitian ini menghasilkan alat pembelah buah pala yang bekerja dengan menggunakan sistem tekan, dimana pembelah dapat menekan buah pala sampai terbelah. Proses pengujian dilakukan sepuluh kali ulangan, dengan sekali tekan dapat membelah empat buah pala. Hasil dari pengujian alat ini menghasilkan kapasitas kerja efektif 610 ± 150,233 buah/jam, kerusakan hasil 12,5 ± 13,176 %, dan rendemen 87,5 ± 13,176 %. Alat ini lebih efisien karena alat ini lebih mudah dalam penggunaannya dan tidak menggunakan tenaga motor. Kapasitas kerja alat pembelah semi mekanis ini meningkat menjadi dua kali lipat bila dibandingkan dengan pembelahan manual. Kata Kunci - alat pembelah, buah pala, rancang bangun


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    The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world had an impact on the world of education where schools carried out the Teaching and Learning Process by online , one of which was the Adzkia Integrated Islamic school at the TK and SD levels. Since PBM is conducted online, the teachers only give assignments via group WhatsApp to students such as reading books, practice questions, etc. This makes learning monotonous and students get bored, so it is necessary to increase teacher qualifications in making interesting learning media such as instructional videos. Therefore, community service is carried out in the form of training in making interesting learning videos using smartphone. The training method is in the form of a demonstration of making a good learning video, direct practice methods with assistance in terms of making video and video editing using the kinemaster application, and assignment methods and competitions for making learning videos. This service aims to make Adzkia Integrated Islamic Kindergarten and SD teachers make interesting learning videos so that students are still excited about learning at home even though by online. The result of this service activity is that teachers can understand how to make learning videos and are skilled at using the kinemaster android application to edit videos to make them more interesting. In addition, since the training was held until now, teachers have applied the knowledge of making learning videos in PBM by online which are also shared on YouTube


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    Logam merupakan material yang mudah terkorosi oleh oksigen sehingga memiliki umur yang terbatas. Untuk mengurangi sifat korosif biasanya logam diberikan lapisan tipis pada permukaan sehingga menghambat laju korosi. Salah satu cara yang biasa digunakan adalah memberikan lapisan pada permukaan dengan proses electroplating. Adapun tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh waktu celup dan temperatur larutan terhadap nilai kekerasan dan ketebalan permukaan lapisan kuningan pada baja hasil electroplating. Bahan pelapis yang digunakan adalah kuningan, karena memiliki harga yang relatif murah dan tampak rupa yang menarik. Proses electroplating yang dilakukan menggunakan material kuningan pada baja karbon rendah ST-37 dengan memberikan variasi waktu 10 menit, 15 menit, 20 menit dan 25 menit dengan temperatur larutan 40oC, 45oC, 50oC dan 55oC. Untuk mengetahui kualitas lapisan perlu dilakukan pengujian ketebalan lapisan menggunakan mikroskop stereo dan pengujian kekerasan permukaan dengan menggunakan alat uji keras vicker. Hasil yang didapat dari pengujian yaitu kenaikan waktu dan temperatur yang diberikan berbanding lurus dengan ketebalan dan sifat mekanik kekerasan. Nilai ketebalan dan kekerasan rata-rata paling rendah terdapat pada temperatur 40oC dengan waktu pencelupan selama 10 menit adalah sebesar 11,323 µm 182,4 VHN sedangkan nilai rata-rata ketebalan dan kekerasan tertinggi sama-sama diperoleh pada waktu 25 menit dengan temperatur larutan 55oC sebesar 29,333 µm dan 218,8 VHN. Kekerasan dan ketebalan yang terlihat jelas kenaikannya adalah pada variasi waktu lebih dari 20 menit dan temperatur 50oC. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan kenaikan waktu dan temperatur yang diberikan berbanding lurus dengan ketebalan dan sifat mekanik kekerasan. Nilai ketebalan dan kekerasan tertinggi diperoleh pada waktu 25 menit dengan temperatur larutan 55oC. Pada variasi temperatur larutan, kenaikan nilai ketebalan dan kekerasan terlihat meningkat signifikan setelah waktu lebih dari 20 menit. Kata kunci : Electroplating, kuningan (Cu-Zn), temperatur, waktu, ketebalan, kekerasan