233 research outputs found

    O ator e o espectador - sobre as diferentes funções da linguagem na apresentação de si mesmo no Brasil e na Alemanha

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    The article presents an analysis of different speech styles used by participants of the German speech community in contrast to the Brazilian one, based on examples of interviews made in both cultures. After the illustration of the different language uses, the article’s focus will be on the communicative functions the styles in each community. So, we find the phatic, poetic and expressive function more dominant in the Brazilian speech, whereas the use of the referential and the metalinguistic function seem to be more common in the speech of the German respondents. It is therefore possible to establish the dichotomy between the actor and the spectator in a metaphorical sense to summarize these contrasting functions. Finally, the fact in which these results can in part be explicated by their embedding in different cultural and historical backgrounds, emphasizing the Brazilian speech community as a more heterogenous and baroque, compared with the German one which tends to be more homogenous and (self)-observing will be shown.Basierend auf Interviewsausschnitten in beiden Kulturen, werden in dem Artikel unterschiedliche Redestile der deutschen und der brasilianischen Kommunikationsgemeinschaft vorgestellt. Nach einer Illustration des divergierenden Sprachgebrauchs werden die kommunikativen Funktionen fokussiert, die den Sprechweisen in der jeweiligen Gemeinschaft zukommen. In der brasilianischen Rede dominieren die phatische, die poetische und die expressive Funktion, in der deutschen dagegen finden sich häufigere Verwendungen der referentiellen und metalinguistischen Funktion. Zusammenfassen lassen sich diese gegensätzlichen Tendenzen am besten mit der metaphorischen Dichotomisierung von Akteur und Betrachter. Außerdem wird gezeigt, wie diese Resultate teilweise dadurch erklärt werden können, daß man sie in einen kulturgeschichtlichen Hintergrund einbettet, wobei die Charakterisierung der brasilianischen Kultur als im Vergleich zur deutschen eher heterogen und barock im Vordergrund steht; die deutsche Kultur hingegen erscheint im Vergleich zur brasilianischen als tendenziell homogener und (selbst)beobachtender

    Conceito de amor: comparação entre estudantes brasileiros e alemães

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    This article makes a comparative study of the views on "love" of Brasilian and German students. It turned out that the love affairs between German students were, strongly determined by the romantic ideal of love, whereas Brasilian students have a more passionate ideal of love.Das Phänomen Liebe nicht – wie im Alltagsgebrauch – als substantielle Entität, sondern als kommunikativ erzeugte Lebenswirklichkeit zu begreifen, ist Ziel der Untersuchung gewesen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine vergleichende Fallstudie zum Liebeskonzept brasilianischer und deutscher Studenten durchgeführt. Theoretische Grundlage der Untersuchung bildete ein im weitesten Sinne konstruktivistisches Verständnis von Kommunikation als wirklichkeitserzeugendem Verhaltensbereich. In einer theoretischen Einführung wurde der Wirklichkeitsbereich Liebe unter Einbeziehung des jeweiligen historisch-kulturellen Hintergrundes fokussiert. Die methodische Vorgehensweise bei der Durchführung der Studie war schließlich überwiegend qualitativ angelegt, um das Für den Einzelnen tatsächlich relevante Begriffsinventar ermitteln zu können. In der Auswertung sind dann die Unterschiede im Hinblick auf die Internationalisierung eines Liebesideals, die Strukturen der Beziehungswirklichkeit, ihre sprachliche Handhabung, die Verhaltenskoordination, die Funktion von Beziehungen sowie die Folgen für die Kommunikationspraxis herausgestellt worden. Es zeigte sich, dass Liebesbeziehungen unter deutschen Studenten stark vom romantischen Liebesideal geprägt sind, unter brasilianischen Studenten dagegen am ehesten dem passionierten Liebesideal entsprechen

    Wiederfund eines in Sachsen-Anhalt verschollenen Torfmooses

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    Im FFH-Gebiet „Lausiger Teiche und Ausreißer-Teich östlich Bad Schmiedeberg“ wurde das in Sachsen-Anhalt als verschollen geltende Torfmoos Sphagnum obtusum (Warnst.) im Rahmen der FFH-Erfassung 2006 gefunden und bestimmt. Sphagnum obtusum ist die kräftigste Art der Sektion cuspidata der Gattung Sphagnum, vom ebenfalls kräftigen Sphagnum flexuosum nur durch winzige Poren in den Hyalinzellen der Astblätter unterschieden. Die Art besiedelt mesotrophe bis eutrophe Sümpfe, oft teilweise untergetaucht in Tümpeln oder an Fluss- und Seeufern. An den zwei aktuellen Fundstellen in Sachsen wächst die Art in Teichverlandungsmooren – genau wie am neuen Fundort in Sachsen-Anhalt

    Comunicação intercultural: uma desconstrução e reconstrução de um termo inflacionário.

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    Although the term intercultural communication becomes more and more important in scientific discussion originated in distinct areas which are interested in intercultural research, a theoretical and epistemological foundation conceptualizing the term in an appropriate way and considering an analysis of its constitutes rarely can be found. Therefore, first, the term in question is deconstructed by asking for a reasonable understanding of culture and communication. Subsequently, the term will be reconstructed according to the conclusions made, focusing on the question to what extent it might be really possible to talk about a strict delimitation between intracultural and intercultural communication.Although the term intercultural communication becomes more and more important in scientific discussion originated in distinct areas which are interested in intercultural research, a theoretical and epistemological foundation conceptualizing the term in an appropriate way and considering an analysis of its constitutes rarely can be found. Therefore, first, the term in question is deconstructed by asking for a reasonable understanding of culture and communication. Subsequently, the term will be reconstructed according to the conclusions made, focusing on the question to what extent it might be really possible to talk about a strict delimitation between intracultural and intercultural communication

    Holistische und integrative tendenzen in der zweitspracherwerbsforschung

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    Un corto análisis de los principales acercamientos a la adquisición de una segunda lengua revela que existe una diversidad de teorías provenientes de diferentes asignaturas. Sin embargo puede apreciarse una tendencia de ideas que parte de una visión centrada en un sistema para llegar a una centrada en el individuo. Consecuentemente este artículo enfoca inicialmente las dos teorías fundamentales del área: el behaviorismo y el nativismo para proceder a ilustrar la serie de teorías dedicadas a los aspectos individuales, sociales e interactivos de SLA, que son desdeñados en las ideas mencionadas en primer lugar. Finalmente se discutirán dos esquemas corrientes que pretenden sintetizar e integrar elementos de las otras teorías, superando con ello la rígida dicotomía entre los procesos internos y los externos: el punto de vista construccionista y la teoría de los culturemas

    Falando sobre experiências interculturais: o 'salto' cognitivo para o universo do outro

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    Based on the analyses of different videotaped sequences in which exchange students talk about their intercultural experiences abroad, I will show how they conceptualize those experiences on the verbal, vocal, and visual plane. The empirical data originates from the project Intercultural Communication in Interaction (). By taking up the theoretical framwork of interactional linguistics, as well as recent research in cognitive metaphor and gesture I will show how the co-occurrence of lexical, syntactic, prosodic, and suprasegmental-phonological as well as gestural and mimic elements form specific stylized features as contextualization cues through which participants in talk-in-interaction co-construct and frame their experiences in creative ways. Thus, the experience of ‘otherness’, as well as gaps between the cultures and the ‘leap’ into the new unknown universe, is displayed on the facial level by widened and fluttering eyes, accompanied by verbal expressions of bewilderment and astonishment, and marked prosodically by pitch jumps, lengthenings, or glides endowed with a strong emotional charge. Those examples also illustrate the use of nonverbal hints such as facial expressions and gestural devices which metonymically reflect underlying cultural models.Com base em análises de sequências filmadas nas quais intercambistas falam sobre suas experiências no exterior, mostraremos como eles conceitualizam tais vivências no plano verbal, vocal e visual-corporal. Os dados provêm do projeto desenvolvido pelo Núcleo Estudos de Comunicação (Inter-)Cultural em Interação – NUCOI que iniciou suas atividades na UFMG em 2012 (). O objetivo deste projeto contínuo é a criação de um corpus de vídeos e suas transcrições, que se baseiam em interações eliciadas entre participantes de culturas diferentes, bem como entre participantes que tenham o mesmo pano de fundo linguístico e cultural, para fins de comparação. No centro das conversas eliciadas, estão tópicos cotidianos e interculturais. Ao tomar como referencial teórico a Linguística Interacional e a abordagem sobre a metáfora cognitiva na sua expressão multimodal-gestual, ilustraremos como a coocorrência de meios lexicais, prosódicos, gestuais e mímicos formam características estilísticas como pistas de contextualização por meio das quais os participantes da fala-em-interação coconstroem suas experiências de forma criativa. Sendo assim, a experiência do 'outro' (otherness), bem como os 'abismos' entre as culturas e o momento do 'salto' para o outro universo incógnito são exibidos metaforicamente por elementos como olhos vastamente esbugalhados, pulos entonacionais, alongamentos, inspirações audíveis, acentos focais extra fortes, expressões lexicais e interjeições de constrangimento e estupefação, bem como gestos que metonimicamente refletem modelos culturais

    O conceito sócio-filosófico de Alfredo Schütz e suas implicações epistemológicas para o campo da Comunicação

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    No seu conceito de uma sociologia interpretativa, o sociólogo Alfred Schütz procura realizar uma análise profunda do nosso "mundo da vida" (s), partindo da convicção de que este mundo de sentido não representa uma realidade objetiva, mas sim, uma realidade interpretada e válida intersubjetivamente. Por isso, também não vivemos simplesmente em um uni-verso fixo, mas sim, em multi-versos, cada um marcado por um outro estilo epistemológico. O artigo apresenta as características essenciais da teoria de Schütz, focalizando a atualidade do seu conceito, que indica possibilidades de tornar este fundamento teórico base para estudos empíricos no campo da comunicação hoje em dia.With his concept of an Interpretative Sociology, the sociologist and philosopher Alfred Schütz strives for a basic analysis of our lifeworld proceeding on the assumption that this world of means does not represent an objective reality, but always a reality already interpreted and intersubjectively valid. Therefore, we do not simply live in one persistent universe, but in multiple realities, and every single uni verse is·characterized by its own epistemological style. The following artide devotes to a presentation of the essential characteristics of Schütz' theory focussing on the actuality of his concept by indicating opportunities to turn this basic matrix of social world into a foundation for empírica! studies in the field of communication today

    Zwischen den Welten: zur kognitiven und kommunikativen Ko-Konstruktion von Alteritätserfahrung

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    It is still hard to find the examination of real interaction from a cognitive, “embodied” and multimodal perspective in empirical practice, concurrently maintaining the operational framework of conversation analysis. The following article aims at showing how co-participants in talk-in-interaction co-construct intercultural experience multimodally, that is, on verbal, prosodic and gestural-corporal levels. Based on five sequences taken from the ICMI corpus of the research group Intercultural Communication in Multimodal Interactions, founded at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in 2010, it will be revealed how interactants narrate their intercultural experience based on reenactments, how (inter)cultural conceptualizations are (co-)built by means of iconic, metaphorical and beat gestures, by gaze, posture and body movements, as well as by prosodic cues such as pitch jumps and contours, accents, volume and tempo. Concurrently, all those means serve as contextualization cues to express the interlocutors’ involvement, stance, alignment as well as affiliation, and can be conceived as “points of access” to deeper entrenched schemata related to the participant’s (inter)cultural experiences. In this sense, the study aims to bridge the gap between conversational and interactional linguistics, on the one hand, and cognitive and cultural linguistics, on the other